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Created October 13, 2017 23:48
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//array of two objects [{name, time}, {name, time}, {name, time}]
//# pageViews=> how many times a page is viewed
//# of users => have many different users have used the web
//# sessions => how many have viewed the page with half an hour time break in between
function main(){
//example array
var pageView = [{'name':'Sara', 'time': 1}, {'name': 'John', 'time':2},{'name':'Sara', 'time': 1}, {'name': 'Hadis', 'time':2},{'name':'Sara', 'time': 1}, {'name': 'Hadis', 'time':33}]
// var pageView = [{name: 'sara', 'time': 1}]
//output object
var output={'pageViews': 0, 'users': 0, 'sessions': 0}
//get the # of pageViews => easy. It is the length of the array
output.pageViews = pageView.length;
// # of different/unique users
//loop through the array
//make a new array to put the unique names in there
var count = 0;
var uniqueNames = {}
for(var i = 0; i <pageView.length; i++) {
//loop through uniqueNames and see if the current name is already in the uniqueNames array
// console.log(uniqueNames)
output.users = count;
return output;
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