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Last active April 3, 2019 18:50
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* HW 2 - Recursion
'use strict';
* Problem: Powerset
* Prompt: Given a set S, return the powerset P(S), which is
* a set of all subsets of S.
* Input: A String
* Output: An Array of Strings representing the power set of the input
* Example: S = "abc", P(S) = ['', 'a', 'b','c','ab','ac','bc','abc']
* Note: The input string will not contain duplicate characters
* The letters in the subset string must be in the same order
* as the original input.
function powerset(str) {
* Problem: Lattice Paths
* Prompt: Count the number of unique paths to travel from the top left
* corder to the bottom right corner of a lattice of M x N squares.
* When moving through the lattice, one can only travel to the adjacent
* corner on the right or down.
* Input: m {Integer} - rows of squares
* Input: n {Integer} - column of squares
* Output: {Integer}
* Example: input: (2, 3)
* (2 x 3 lattice of squares)
* __ __ __
* |__|__|__|
* |__|__|__|
* output: 10 (number of unique paths from top left corner to bottom right)
* Resource:
// Time Complexity: O(2^(M+N))
// Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(M+N)
// Time Complexity:
// Auxiliary Space Complexity:
function latticePaths(m, n) {
/////////////// DO NOT TOUCH TEST BELOW!!! ///////////////
console.log('Powerset Tests');
var testCount = [0, 0];
assert(testCount, 'should work on example input', function(){
var example = powerset('abc');
return arraysMatching(example, ['','a','b','c','ab','bc','ac','abc']);
assert(testCount, 'should work on empty input', function(){
var example = powerset('');
return arraysMatching(example, ['']);
assert(testCount, 'should work on two-letter input', function(){
var example = powerset('ab');
return arraysMatching(example, ['','a','b','ab']);
assert(testCount, 'should work on longer input', function(){
var example = powerset('abcdefg');
return arraysMatching(example, [ '','g','f','fg','e','eg','ef','efg','d',
console.log('PASSED: ' + testCount[0] + ' / ' + testCount[1], '\n\n');
console.log('Lattice Paths Tests');
testCount = [0, 0];
assert(testCount, 'should work on example case', function(){
let example = latticePaths(2, 3);
return example === 10;
assert(testCount, 'should return 1 for 0 x 0 lattice', function(){
let example = latticePaths(0, 0);
return example === 1;
assert(testCount, 'should return 2496144 for 13 x 11 lattice', function(){
let example = latticePaths(11, 13);
return example === 2496144;
console.log('PASSED: ' + testCount[0] + ' / ' + testCount[1], '\n\n');
// function for checking if arrays contain same elements
// (do not need to be in the same order)
function arraysMatching(arr1, arr2) {
if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) { return false; }
let cache = {};
for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
if (cache[arr1[i]] === undefined) {
cache[arr1[i]] = 1;
} else {
for (let j = 0; j < arr2.length; j++) {
if (cache[arr2[j]] === undefined || cache[arr2[j]] === 0) { return false; }
return true;
// custom assert function to handle tests
// input: count {Array} - keeps track out how many tests pass and how many total
// in the form of a two item array i.e., [0, 0]
// input: name {String} - describes the test
// input: test {Function} - performs a set of operations and returns a boolean
// indicating if test passed
// output: {undefined}
function assert(count, name, test) {
if (!count || !Array.isArray(count) || count.length !== 2) {
count = [0, '*'];
} else {
let pass = 'false';
let errMsg = null;
try {
if (test()) {
pass = ' true';
} catch(e) {
errMsg = e;
console.log(' ' + (count[1] + ') ').slice(0,5) + pass + ' : ' + name);
if (errMsg !== null) {
console.log(' ' + errMsg + '\n');
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