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Created September 29, 2020 20:12
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# for inline plots in jupyter
%matplotlib inline
# import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import seaborn
import seaborn as sns
# settings for seaborn plotting style
# settings for seaborn plot sizes
# import uniform distribution
from scipy.stats import uniform
# random numbers from uniform distribution
n = 10000
start = 10
width = 20
data_uniform = uniform.rvs(size=n, loc = start, scale=width)
ax = sns.distplot(data_uniform,
hist_kws={"linewidth": 15,'alpha':1})
ax.set(xlabel='Uniform Distribution ', ylabel='Frequency')
[Text(0,0.5,u'Frequency'), Text(0.5,0,u'Uniform Distribution ')]
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