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Last active March 7, 2024 03:55
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import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
IMG_SIZE = (250, 250)
def compare_tobytes_runtimes(img1, name1, img2, name2):
t0 = time.perf_counter()
for _ in range(NUM_ITERS):
img1_t = time.perf_counter() - t0
t0 = time.perf_counter()
for _ in range(NUM_ITERS):
img2_t = time.perf_counter() - t0
print(f"Ratio of {name1}:{name2} = {(img1_t / img2_t):0.5f}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Random image
img_rand = np.random.randint(0, 256, IMG_SIZE, dtype=np.uint8)
# Save it, turning it into a "real" image and making this script self sufficient.
cv2.imwrite("real_image.png", img_rand)
# Real image
img_real = cv2.imread("real_image.png")
img_real = img_real[:, :, 0]
compare_tobytes_runtimes(img_real, "Real", img_rand, "Random")
# Why the near 100x difference?
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