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Created June 8, 2023 07:21
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Flutter ThemeExtension for custom text styles.
/// `ThemeExtension` template for custom text styles.
/// If your goal is to only change the text color for light/dark mode, I don't see a big benefit from this extension.
/// For the default text style in the Text widget, you can set `textTheme.bodyMedium` in `ThemeData` (example: lib/app_theme.dart).
/// And to set text color for specific widgets, you can use `style: TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).appColors.error)` or
/// `style: AppTypography.h1.copyWith(color: context.theme.appColors.error)`.
class AppTextThemeExtension extends ThemeExtension<AppTextThemeExtension> {
const AppTextThemeExtension({
required this.displayLarge,
required this.displayMedium,
required this.displaySmall,
required this.headlineLarge,
required this.headlineMedium,
required this.headlineSmall,
required this.titleLarge,
required this.titleMedium,
required this.titleSmall,
required this.bodyLarge,
required this.bodyMedium,
required this.bodySmall,
required this.labelLarge,
final TextStyle displayLarge;
final TextStyle displayMedium;
final TextStyle displaySmall;
final TextStyle headlineLarge;
final TextStyle headlineMedium;
final TextStyle headlineSmall;
final TextStyle titleLarge;
final TextStyle titleMedium;
final TextStyle titleSmall;
final TextStyle bodyLarge;
final TextStyle bodyMedium;
final TextStyle bodySmall;
final TextStyle labelLarge;
ThemeExtension<AppTextThemeExtension> copyWith({
TextStyle? displayLarge,
TextStyle? displayMedium,
TextStyle? displaySmall,
TextStyle? headlineLarge,
TextStyle? headlineMedium,
TextStyle? headlineSmall,
TextStyle? titleLarge,
TextStyle? titleMedium,
TextStyle? titleSmall,
TextStyle? bodyLarge,
TextStyle? bodyMedium,
TextStyle? bodySmall,
TextStyle? labelLarge,
}) {
return AppTextThemeExtension(
displayLarge: displayLarge ?? this.displayLarge,
displayMedium: displayMedium ?? this.displayMedium,
displaySmall: displaySmall ?? this.displaySmall,
headlineLarge: headlineLarge ?? this.headlineLarge,
headlineMedium: headlineMedium ?? this.headlineMedium,
headlineSmall: headlineSmall ?? this.headlineSmall,
titleLarge: titleLarge ?? this.titleLarge,
titleMedium: titleMedium ?? this.titleMedium,
titleSmall: titleSmall ?? this.titleSmall,
bodyLarge: bodyLarge ?? this.bodyLarge,
bodyMedium: bodyMedium ?? this.bodyMedium,
bodySmall: bodySmall ?? this.bodySmall,
labelLarge: labelLarge ?? this.labelLarge,
ThemeExtension<AppTextThemeExtension> lerp(
covariant ThemeExtension<AppTextThemeExtension>? other,
double t,
) {
if (other is! AppTextThemeExtension) {
return this;
return AppTextThemeExtension(
displayLarge: TextStyle.lerp(displayLarge, other.displayLarge, t)!,
displayMedium: TextStyle.lerp(displayMedium, other.displayMedium, t)!,
displaySmall: TextStyle.lerp(displaySmall, other.displaySmall, t)!,
headlineLarge: TextStyle.lerp(headlineLarge, other.headlineLarge, t)!,
headlineMedium: TextStyle.lerp(headlineMedium, other.headlineMedium, t)!,
headlineSmall: TextStyle.lerp(headlineSmall, other.headlineSmall, t)!,
titleLarge: TextStyle.lerp(titleLarge, other.titleLarge, t)!,
titleMedium: TextStyle.lerp(titleMedium, other.titleMedium, t)!,
titleSmall: TextStyle.lerp(titleSmall, other.titleSmall, t)!,
bodyLarge: TextStyle.lerp(bodyLarge, other.bodyLarge, t)!,
bodyMedium: TextStyle.lerp(bodyMedium, other.bodyMedium, t)!,
bodySmall: TextStyle.lerp(bodySmall, other.bodySmall, t)!,
labelLarge: TextStyle.lerp(labelLarge, other.labelLarge, t)!,
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