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Created February 13, 2022 16:51
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Userscript GM_* Polyfill Functions

Because some userscript managers keep using the old GM_* functions and some insist on the new async functions, there is an issue when building scripts for both of these. This helper script fixes that by adding a polyfill for the asynchronous functions.

How to use

const GM = require('./gm_functions.js');

GM.setValue('username', 'My name!')
	.then(e => GM.getValue('username'))
	.then(e => console.log(e)); // My name!


Originally I wanted to use to provide compatibility between the new async greasemonkey functions and the old GM_* functions. But in order to keep this project purely public domain, I could not use their MIT licensed code.

This is an attempt at providing the same functionality, while being separate from that work. I understand how the old version functions but this will be my own unique creation, free from their license.


All code in this repository is licensed under the Unlicense and is in the Public Domain.

let gm_object = null;
try {
if (window.GM) {
// We are not in a sandbox
gm_object = window.GM;
} else {
// We are in a sandbox
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
gm_object = GM;
} catch (e) { // e should be a ReferenceError
// We have no access to the GM object. Something is wrong
// Attempt to recover and hope we can make something out of it
gm_object = {};
const transitions = [
// Values
['GM_getValue', 'getValue'],
['GM_setValue', 'setValue'],
['GM_listValues', 'listValues'],
['GM_deleteValue', 'deleteValue'],
// GM_getResourceText and GM_getResourceURL
// are not supported in this version because of the
// incompatibility between the GM_* functions and GM 4
// Other
['GM_notification', 'notification'],
['GM_openInTab', 'openInTab'],
['GM_setClipboard', 'setClipboard'],
['GM_xmlhttpRequest', 'xmlHttpRequest'],
['GM_addStyle', 'addStyle']
transitions.forEach(([old_id, new_id]) => {
// If this is ever true, we are not in a sandbox. I do not think
// there is a userscript manager that uses both the old GM_* functions
// and sandboxes the code. The day I am wrong is the day this breaks.
const old_function = window[old_id];
if (old_function === undefined) {
// Why would we overwrite the new function with a worse old one
if (gm_object[new_id] !== undefined) {
// Again, there should not be a time when we get here that the
gm_object[new_id] = (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
function add_style (css) {
const node = document.createElement('style');
node.type = 'text/css';
node.textContent = css;
const head = document.head;
const body = document.body;
head ? head.appendChild(node) : body.appendChild(node);
// If its not present, overwrite with our own function
if (gm_object.addStyle === undefined) {
gm_object.addStyle = add_style;
module.exports = gm_object;
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