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Created August 10, 2019 04:26
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  • Save Sasquire/7b5745d2caece26772e05fc14e98d67f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sasquire/7b5745d2caece26772e05fc14e98d67f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a quick little program that will add a box and two fields so you can easily merge the tags, sources, description, and flag one as inferior to the other.
// ==UserScript==
// @name e621 post merger
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match*
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// ==/UserScript==
const e621_api = {};
e621_api.user_agent = 'Set this to a more meaningful useragent';
e621_api.credentials = async () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const username = await GM.getValue('username');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const api_key = await GM.getValue('api_key');
if(!username || !api_key){
throw new Error('Username or API key is not set');
return {
username: username,
api_key: api_key
}; = async (url, options) => {
options = options || {};
options['User-Agent'] = options['User-Agent'] || e621_api.user_agent;
options.method = options.method || 'GET';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
return fetch(new Request(url), options)
.then(async res => {
if(res.status != 200){
const text = await res.text();
throw new Error(`Status: ${res.status}\n${text}`);
} else {
return res.text(); // This is a promise
.then(e => {
// Try to parse the json, If you can't just return the text;
try {
return JSON.parse(e);
} catch(error) {
return e;
Good results look like this
post_id: 1947854,
location: "",
success: true
Official Documentation
post[tags] A space delimited list of tags.
post[file] The file data encoded as a multipart form.
post[rating] The rating for the post. Can be: safe, questionable, or explicit.
post[upload_url] If this is a URL, e621 will download the file.
post[source] This will be used as the post's 'Source' text. Separate multiple URLs with %0A (url-encoded newline) to define multiple sources. Limit of five URLs
post[description] The description for the post.
post[is_rating_locked] Set to true to prevent others from changing the rating.
post[is_note_locked] Set to true to prevent others from adding notes.
post[parent_id] The ID of the parent post.
Input looks like
tags: <A space delimited list of tags>,
rating: <Can be: safe, questionable, or explicit>,
url: <URL pointing to the image>,
source: <A new line delimited list of sources>,
description: <description for the post>,
parent: <ID of the parent post>
e621_api.post_create = async (obj) => {
const url = '';
const { username, api_key } = await e621_api.credentials();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const form = new FormData();
form.set('login', username);
form.set('password_hash', api_key);
form.set('post[tags]', obj.tags);
form.set('post[rating]', obj.rating);
form.set('post[upload_url]', obj.url);
form.set('post[source]', obj.source);
form.set('post[description]', obj.description);
const new_parent = Number(obj.parent);
if(Number.isNaN(new_parent) == false && Number > 0){
form.set('post[parent_id]', new_parent);
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent,
body: form
Official documentation
id The ID number of the post to update.
post[tags] A space delimited list of tags.
post[old_tags] A space delimited list of tags. Should include the same tags submitted to post[tags] minus any intended changes. Does nothing without post[tags].
post[rating] The rating for the post. Can be: safe, questionable, or explicit.
post[source] This will be used as the post's 'Source' text. Separate multiple URLs with %0A (url-encoded newline) to define multiple sources. Limit of five URLs
post[description] This will be used as the post's 'Description' text.
post[is_rating_locked] Set to true to prevent others from changing the rating.
post[is_note_locked] Set to true to prevent others from adding notes.
post[parent_id] The ID of the parent post.
reason The reason for the submitted changes. Inline DText allowed.
If an option is not specified, it will not be changed
Input looks like
// This is required
post_id: <ID of the post to edit>,
// If you want one of these, both must be specified
tags: <A space delimited list of tags>,
old_tags: <A space delimited list of old tags>
rating: <Can be: safe, questionable, or explicit>,
source: <A new line delimited list of sources>,
description: <description for the post>,
parent_id: <ID of the parent post>,
reason: <dtext reason for editing the post>
e621_api.post_update = async (obj) => {
const url = '';
const { username, api_key } = await e621_api.credentials();
throw new Error('post_id is not defined');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const form = new FormData();
form.set('login', username);
form.set('password_hash', api_key);
form.set('id', obj.post_id);
if(obj.tags && obj.old_tags){
form.set('post[tags]', obj.tags);
form.set('post[old_tags]', obj.old_tags);
form.set('post[rating]', obj.rating);
form.set('post[source]', obj.source);
form.set('post[description]', obj.description);
form.set('post[parent_id]', obj.parent_id);
form.set('reason', obj.reason);
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent,
body: form
e621_api.$set_parent = async (post, parent) => {
return e621_api.post_update({
post_id: post,
parent_id: parent
/* A
async function set_note(post_id, x, y, width, height, text, is_active){
message(`Setting note of post ${post_id}`);
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.set('note[post_id]', post_id);
url.searchParams.set('note[x]', x);
url.searchParams.set('note[y]', y);
url.searchParams.set('note[width]', width);
url.searchParams.set('note[height]', height);
url.searchParams.set('note[is_active]', is_active ? 1 : 0);
url.searchParams.set('note[body]', text);
return download_url(url.href, 'POST');
e621_api.post_show = async (id) => {
throw new Error('post_id is not defined');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.set('id', id);
const data = await;
// Very nice QOL, worthy of this sin.
data.sources = data.sources || [];
return data;
e621_api.$post_edit = async (id, edit) => {
const post_data = await e621_api.post_show(id);
const changed_data = await edit(post_data);
await e621_api.post_update(changed_data);
Good results look like this
Official Documentation
<id> The ID number of the post to flag for deletion.
<inferior_parent> The ID number of the post which is superior to the post
being flagged.For duplicates, this should be the ID of the post which is
older. Use only when flag_option is set to inferior.
<flag_option> Indicates the reason the post should be deleted. Valid values are:
uploader Uploader requests deletion
inferior Repost/inferior version of existing post
1 Artist is on avoid-posting list
2 Post is paysite material
3 Uncredited trace
4 Real-life pornography
5 File corrupted
6 Image previously deleted
[8:20 PM] Kira: The flagging params MUST be in the POST body section.
e621_api.post_flag = async (id, option, inferior_parent) => {
if(!id && !option){
throw new Error('post_id or flag_option is not defined');
if(option == 'inferior' && inferior_parent === undefined){
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error('if flag_option "inferior", inferior_parent must be supplied');
const url = '';
const { username, api_key } = await e621_api.credentials();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const form = new FormData();
form.set('login', username);
form.set('password_hash', api_key);
form.set('id', id);
form.set('flag_option', option);
if(option == 'inferior'){
form.set('inferior_parent', inferior_parent);
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent,
body: form
Official documentation
<id> The ID number of the post to delete.
<reason> The reason you are deleting the post.
<mode> Set to 1 if you are attempting to permanently destroy this post
(will only work if called on an already deleted post).
e621_api.post_destroy = async (id, reason, permanent) => {
if(!id && !reason){
throw new Error('post_id or del_reason is not defined');
const url = '';
const { username, api_key } = await e621_api.credentials();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const form = new FormData();
form.set('login', username);
form.set('password_hash', api_key);
form.set('id', id);
form.set('reason', reason);
form.set('mode', '1');
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent,
body: form
e621_api.$inferior_flag = async (bad_id, better_id) => {
return e621_api.post_flag(bad_id, 'inferior', better_id);
e621_api.$inferior_delete = async (bad_id, better_id) => {
const reason = `Inferior version/duplicate of post #${better_id}`;
return e621_api.post_destroy(bad_id, reason);
e621_api.comment_create = async (post_id, text) => {
const url = '';
const { username, api_key } = await e621_api.credentials();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const form = new FormData();
form.set('login', username);
form.set('password_hash', api_key);
form.set('comment[post_id]', post_id);
form.set('comment[body]', text);
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent,
body: form
// This function should not be called, it is ""private""
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
e621_api._note_update_create = async (obj) => {
// All of these must be defined for a note to be created
['post_id', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'text'].forEach(e => {
if(obj[e] == undefined){
throw new Error(`${e} is not defined`);
const url = '';
const { username, api_key } = await e621_api.credentials();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const form = new FormData();
form.set('login', username);
form.set('password_hash', api_key);
form.set('id', obj.note_id);
form.set('note[post_id] ', obj.post_id);
form.set('note[x] ', obj.x);
form.set('note[y]', obj.y);
form.set('note[width] ', obj.width);
form.set('note[height]', obj.height);
form.set('note[body]', obj.text);
if(obj.visible !== undefined){
const is_visible = obj.visible ? 1 : 0;
form.set('note[is_active]', is_visible);
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent,
body: form
e621_api.note_create = async (obj) => {
throw new Error('When creating notes, a note_id is invalid');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
return e621_api._note_update_create(obj);
e621_api.note_update = async (obj) => {
throw new Error('note_id is not defined');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
return e621_api._note_update_create(obj);
e621_api.note_list = async (post_id) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.set('post_id', post_id);
return, {
method: 'POST',
'User-Agent': e621_api.user_agent
GM.setValue('username', 'lmaolikeiwouldcommitthis');
GM.setValue('api_key', 'lmaolikeiwouldcommitthis');
function merge_listener(){
const id1 = document.getElementById('post_1').value;
const id2 = document.getElementById('post_2').value;
merge_posts(id1, id2);
document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML += `
<input id="post_1" placeholder="lower"></input>
<input id="post_2" placeholder="bigger"></input>
<button id="clicklytrhth">Merge</button>`
document.getElementById('clicklytrhth').addEventListener('dblclick', merge_listener);
async function merge_posts(id1, id2){
const d1 = await e621_api.post_show(id1);
const d2 = await e621_api.post_show(id2);
const combined_tags = `${d1.tags} ${d2.tags}`;
const combined_sources = d1.sources.concat(d2.sources).join('\n');
const combined_description = d1.description || d2.description ? `${d1.description}\n${d2.description}` : '';
const new_d1 = {
tags: combined_tags,
old_tags: d1.tags,
source: combined_sources,
description: combined_description,
reason: 'same image'
const new_d2 = {
tags: combined_tags,
old_tags: d2.tags,
source: combined_sources,
description: combined_description,
reason: 'same image'
if(combined_sources.split('\n').length > 10 || d2.parent_id){
console.log('Could not continue');
console.log(combined_sources.length > 10, d2.parent_id);
const a = await e621_api.post_update(new_d1);
const b = await e621_api.post_update(new_d2);
const c = await e621_api.$inferior_flag(,;
console.log(new_d1, new_d2);
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