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Last active February 15, 2019 06:25
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  • Save Sasquire/f2fe972b35ddfe1c3c17358d363b18a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sasquire/f2fe972b35ddfe1c3c17358d363b18a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Takes a file with a list of sentences that are separated by newlines where words are space delimited. This assumes the file only has characters ` A-z0-9 ` and ` <>~#$%^&()-_=+/ ` and ` ' " `
const fs = require('fs');
const all_lines = fs.readFileSync('./forums_but_nice.txt', 'utf8')
.slice(0, -1)
.map(e => e.split(' ').map(p => p.toLowerCase()));
const all_words = {};
all_lines.forEach(line => line.forEach(word =>
all_words[word] ? all_words[word]++ : all_words[word] = 1
function random_word(){
const total = Object.values(all_words).reduce((a,b) => a + b);
const target = Math.floor(Math.random() * total) + 1;
let counter = 0;
return Object.entries(all_words).find(([word, count]) => target <= (counter += count))[0];
function hasSubArray(master, sub){
const start = master.indexOf(sub[0])
return sub.every((word, i) => master[start + i] == word);
function find_next(...words){
const last_word = words[words.length - 1];
const possible_words = all_lines
.filter(l => hasSubArray(l, words))
.map(l => l[l.indexOf(last_word) + 1]);
const random_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * possible_words.length) + 1;
const next_word = possible_words[random_index];
return next_word;
function recurse(max = 20, ...words){
if(max == 0){ return words.join(' '); }
let next_word = find_next(...words);
let counter = 0;
while(next_word == undefined && counter != words.length && (counter!=words.length-1?true:Math.random()>0.9)){
next_word = find_next(...words.slice(counter))
if(next_word == undefined){ return words.join(' '); }
return words[0] + ' ' + recurse(max-1, ...words.concat(next_word).slice(1));
function sentence(start){
const numwords = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15 + Math.random() * 8 + 7)
const a = [random_word()];
for(let i = 1; i < start; i++){
const next = find_next(...a);
if(next == undefined){ break; }
const words = recurse(numwords, ...a);
return words.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + words.slice(1) + '.';
function text(){
const len = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
return sentence(len);
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