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Created October 19, 2012 16:23
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#3D Text in Sass

Inspired by @mdo

@import "compass"
=threeDtext($color, $depth, $harshess: 1%)
$all: ()
@for $i from 0 through $depth
$all: append($all, append(0 $i*1px 0, darken($color, $i*$harshess)), comma)
text-shadow: $all
+threeDtext(#CC9F9D, 8, 3)
font-size: 72px
h1, p, a
color: #FFF5F5
font-family: Futura, sans-serif
text-align: center
text-transform: uppercase
border: none
outline: none
height: 100%
+background(linear-gradient(top, #C9231A, #940A03))
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