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Export and re-assign shaders, nodes and node data #maya
import maya.cmds as cmds
def getAttributes(object):
attributes = cmds.listAttr(object)
for attribute in attributes:
print attribute + ' = ' + str(cmds.getAttr(object + '.' + attribute))
def getConnections( selected ):
connections = cmds.listConnections(selected, c=True)
for connection in connections:
print connection
for selected in
# Store attributes from (selected) transform node in JSON
transformAttrs = getAttributes( selected )
# To do: store transformAttrs in JSON
# Store attributes from shape node in JSON
relatives = cmds.listRelatives( selected )
for relative in relatives:
shapeAttrs = getAttributes( relative )
# To do: store shapeAttrs in JSON
# Store connections in JSON
connections = getConnections( selected )
# To do: export connected nodes
import maya.cmds as cmds
def getShaders( obj ): obj )
cmds.hyperShade( shaderNetworksSelectMaterialNodes=True )
return # Returns all shaders associated with the object (shape, face etc)
def getShadersPerFace( shape ):
perFaceShaders= {}
for f in range( cmds.polyEvaluate(shape, f=True ) ):
face = shape+'.f[' + str(f)+ ']'
shader = getShader(face)
perFaceShaders[face] = shader
print 'Error: could not fetch shader for ' + face
return perFaceShaders
def recordShaderAssignment( shape, shaders ):
print type(shaders)
if str(type(shaders)) == '<type \'list\'>':
print 'To do: Store assignment of shader per shape'
if str(type(shaders)) == '<type \'dict'>':
print 'To do: Store assignment of shaders per face'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get selection
selection =
for shape in selection:
# Get shaders for shape
shaders = getShaders( shape )
if len(shaders) == 1:
# Just one shader applied to shape
recordShaderAssignment( shape, shaders )
# More than one shader assigned to object (per face shader assignment detected)
shadersPerFace = getShadersPerFace(shape)
recordShaderAssignment( shape, shadersPerFace )
# Re-set to original selection
import maya.cmds as cmds
# get shapes of selection:
shapesInSel =,o=1,s=1,sl=1)
# get shading groups from shapes:
shadingGrps = cmds.listConnections(shapesInSel,type='shadingEngine')
# remove duplicate shading groups from list
shadingGrps = list(set(shadingGrps))
# get the shaders:
shaders =,materials=1)
# remove duplicate shaders from list
shaders = list(set(shaders))
# to do: export shading shaders/shadingGroups to disk
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