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Created January 2, 2024 02:09
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Vim notes

brew install neovim

  • Open a file in vim editor using vi <path_to_file_name>

Important Points

  • 4 modes
    • normal mode ~ just move cursor around
    • insert mode ~ can type regular editor
    • visual mode ~ highlighting with cursor
    • command mode ~ pressing :
      • :w ~ save the editor
      • :q ~ quite the editor
    • practice command with game:
      • :VimBeGood
      • Need to add this plugin
      • press dd at line hjkl , this will start a game. This game helps to build muscle memory


Normal mode:

Called as Vim motion. Motion is anything that moved motion

  • h - move left
  • j ~ move down
  • k ~ move up
  • l - right
  • w - moves forward with per every word
  • b - moves backward per every word
  • d - delete
    • dd - delete current line
    • u - undo
    • ctlr + r - redo previous action


  • 8k - takes the cursor :luc_arrow_big_up: 8 times UP in the file
  • 16j - takes the cursor :luc_arrow_big_down: 16 times in the file
  • 7dd - deleted 7 lines :luc_arrow_big_down: from line where your cursor is
  • 3u - undo the last3 changes in the file

Insert mode

  • a - moves cursor to the right side of the curosr

    • Generally when we enter into insert mode, vim types the characters on the left side of the cursor
  • v - Visual mode

    • Can be used any motions we learned so far

Search mode

  • hit / in command mode and enter the string
    • For example: /schema - it takes you to the first character of first search result
    • to navigate down the results - lower case n
    • to navigate upwards - upper case N
  • Search and replace

    • To search and replace , type : and then %s/<actual_string>/<new_string>/gc
      • g - stands for greedy ~ means replace every occurence not just first match
      • c - stands for confirmation - ask for confirmation for every replacement

Command mode

  • all the above commands can be performed in command mode
    • to go to starting of the file [[ or gg
    • to go to ending of the file ]] or shift + g
    • to go to certain line <line_number>gg ~ 47gg
    • 69G


  • copy ==== yank in vim's terminology
  • to copy the text we use y key
  • yiw - copy the current word
  • yw - copy from cursor to the start of the next word
  • yb - copy from cursor to the end of the previous word
  • yy - copy the whole line
  • y$ - copy from current cursor location to the end of the line
  • 4yy - copy 4 lines from the line where cursor is , including current line


  • diw - delete current word
  • dw - delete from cursor location to start of the next word
  • db - delete from cursor location to end of the previous words
  • dd - delete the whole line
  • 4dd - delete 4 lines from the where cursor is, including current line
  • d$ - delete from current cursor location to end of the line
  • d^ - delete from cursor location to the start of line

Search for files and across files:

  • Space + s + f - opens up menu for find files
  • gd - go to definition of the file
  • Telescope keymaps
    • Find all possible keymaps those can be helpful in searching and sorting
  • Mason
    • to install any of the language server supported
  • Telescope help_tags
    • Shows all help tags
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