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Created January 19, 2022 19:52
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Main training class to teach the model to predict alphabets from visual reader
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Written On: 17-Jan-2022 ####
#### Modified On 17-Jan-2022 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: This python script will ####
#### teach & perfect the model to read ####
#### visual alphabets using Convolutional ####
#### Neural Network (CNN). ####
from keras.datasets import mnist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten, Conv2D, MaxPool2D, Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam
from keras.callbacks import ReduceLROnPlateau, EarlyStopping
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
import pandas as p
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from keras.utils import np_utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import pickle
import os
import platform as pl
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
class clsAlphabetReading:
def __init__(self):
self.sep = str(cf.conf['SEP'])
self.Curr_Path = str(cf.conf['INIT_PATH'])
self.fileName = str(cf.conf['FILE_NAME'])
self.testRatio = float(cf.conf['testRatio'])
self.valRatio = float(cf.conf['valRatio'])
self.epochsVal = int(cf.conf['epochsVal'])
self.activationType = str(cf.conf['activationType'])
self.activationType2 = str(cf.conf['activationType2'])
self.numOfClasses = int(cf.conf['numOfClasses'])
self.kernelSize = cf.conf['kernelSize']
self.poolSize = cf.conf['poolSize']
self.filterVal1 = int(cf.conf['filterVal1'])
self.filterVal2 = int(cf.conf['filterVal2'])
self.filterVal3 = int(cf.conf['filterVal3'])
self.stridesVal = int(cf.conf['stridesVal'])
self.monitorVal = str(cf.conf['monitorVal'])
self.paddingVal1 = str(cf.conf['paddingVal1'])
self.paddingVal2 = str(cf.conf['paddingVal2'])
self.reshapeVal = int(cf.conf['reshapeVal'])
self.reshapeVal1 = cf.conf['reshapeVal1']
self.patienceVal1 = int(cf.conf['patienceVal1'])
self.patienceVal2 = int(cf.conf['patienceVal2'])
self.sleepTime = int(cf.conf['sleepTime'])
self.sleepTime1 = int(cf.conf['sleepTime1'])
self.factorVal = float(cf.conf['factorVal'])
self.learningRateVal = float(cf.conf['learningRateVal'])
self.minDeltaVal = int(cf.conf['minDeltaVal'])
self.minLrVal = float(cf.conf['minLrVal'])
self.verboseFlag = int(cf.conf['verboseFlag'])
self.modeInd = str(cf.conf['modeInd'])
self.shuffleVal = int(cf.conf['shuffleVal'])
self.DenkseVal1 = int(cf.conf['DenkseVal1'])
self.DenkseVal2 = int(cf.conf['DenkseVal2'])
self.DenkseVal3 = int(cf.conf['DenkseVal3'])
self.predParam = int(cf.conf['predParam'])
self.word_dict = cf.conf['word_dict']
def applyCNN(self, X_Train, Y_Train_Catg, X_Validation, Y_Validation_Catg):
testRatio = self.testRatio
epochsVal = self.epochsVal
activationType = self.activationType
activationType2 = self.activationType2
numOfClasses = self.numOfClasses
kernelSize = self.kernelSize
poolSize = self.poolSize
filterVal1 = self.filterVal1
filterVal2 = self.filterVal2
filterVal3 = self.filterVal3
stridesVal = self.stridesVal
monitorVal = self.monitorVal
paddingVal1 = self.paddingVal1
paddingVal2 = self.paddingVal2
reshapeVal = self.reshapeVal
patienceVal1 = self.patienceVal1
patienceVal2 = self.patienceVal2
sleepTime = self.sleepTime
sleepTime1 = self.sleepTime1
factorVal = self.factorVal
learningRateVal = self.learningRateVal
minDeltaVal = self.minDeltaVal
minLrVal = self.minLrVal
verboseFlag = self.verboseFlag
modeInd = self.modeInd
shuffleVal = self.shuffleVal
DenkseVal1 = self.DenkseVal1
DenkseVal2 = self.DenkseVal2
DenkseVal3 = self.DenkseVal3
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(filters=filterVal1, kernel_size=kernelSize, activation=activationType, input_shape=(28,28,1)))
model.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=poolSize, strides=stridesVal))
model.add(Conv2D(filters=filterVal2, kernel_size=kernelSize, activation=activationType, padding = paddingVal1))
model.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=poolSize, strides=stridesVal))
model.add(Conv2D(filters=filterVal3, kernel_size=kernelSize, activation=activationType, padding = paddingVal2))
model.add(MaxPool2D(pool_size=poolSize, strides=stridesVal))
model.add(Dense(DenkseVal2,activation = activationType))
model.add(Dense(DenkseVal3,activation = activationType))
model.add(Dense(DenkseVal1,activation = activationType2))
model.compile(optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=learningRateVal), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor=monitorVal, factor=factorVal, patience=patienceVal1, min_lr=minLrVal)
early_stop = EarlyStopping(monitor=monitorVal, min_delta=minDeltaVal, patience=patienceVal2, verbose=verboseFlag, mode=modeInd)
fittedModel =, Y_Train_Catg, epochs=epochsVal, callbacks=[reduce_lr, early_stop], validation_data = (X_Validation,Y_Validation_Catg))
return (model, fittedModel)
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
model = Sequential()
print('Error: ', x)
return (model, model)
def trainModel(self, debugInd, var):
sep = self.sep
Curr_Path = self.Curr_Path
fileName = self.fileName
epochsVal = self.epochsVal
valRatio = self.valRatio
predParam = self.predParam
testRatio = self.testRatio
reshapeVal = self.reshapeVal
numOfClasses = self.numOfClasses
sleepTime = self.sleepTime
sleepTime1 = self.sleepTime1
shuffleVal = self.shuffleVal
reshapeVal1 = self.reshapeVal1
# Dictionary for getting characters from index values
word_dict = self.word_dict
print('File Name: ', str(fileName))
# Read the data
df_HW_Alphabet = p.read_csv(fileName).astype('float32')
# Sample Data
print('Sample Data: ')
# Split data the (x - Our data) & (y - the prdict label)
x = df_HW_Alphabet.drop('0',axis = 1)
y = df_HW_Alphabet['0']
# Reshaping the data in csv file to display as an image
X_Train, X_Test, Y_Train, Y_Test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size = testRatio)
X_Train, X_Validation, Y_Train, Y_Validation = train_test_split(X_Train, Y_Train, test_size = valRatio)
X_Train = np.reshape(X_Train.values, (X_Train.shape[0], reshapeVal, reshapeVal))
X_Test = np.reshape(X_Test.values, (X_Test.shape[0], reshapeVal, reshapeVal))
X_Validation = np.reshape(X_Validation.values, (X_Validation.shape[0], reshapeVal, reshapeVal))
print("Train Data Shape: ", X_Train.shape)
print("Test Data Shape: ", X_Test.shape)
print("Validation Data shape: ", X_Validation.shape)
# Plotting the number of alphabets in the dataset
Y_Train_Num = np.int0(y)
count = np.zeros(numOfClasses, dtype='int')
for i in Y_Train_Num:
count[i] +=1
alphabets = []
for i in word_dict.values():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(7,7))
ax.barh(alphabets, count)
plt.xlabel("Number of elements ")
# Shuffling the data
shuff = shuffle(X_Train[:shuffleVal])
# Model reshaping the training & test dataset
X_Train = X_Train.reshape(X_Train.shape[0],X_Train.shape[1],X_Train.shape[2],1)
print("Shape of Train Data: ", X_Train.shape)
X_Test = X_Test.reshape(X_Test.shape[0], X_Test.shape[1], X_Test.shape[2],1)
print("Shape of Test Data: ", X_Test.shape)
X_Validation = X_Validation.reshape(X_Validation.shape[0], X_Validation.shape[1], X_Validation.shape[2],1)
print("Shape of Validation data: ", X_Validation.shape)
# Converting the labels to categorical values
Y_Train_Catg = to_categorical(Y_Train, num_classes = numOfClasses, dtype='int')
print("Shape of Train Labels: ", Y_Train_Catg.shape)
Y_Test_Catg = to_categorical(Y_Test, num_classes = numOfClasses, dtype='int')
print("Shape of Test Labels: ", Y_Test_Catg.shape)
Y_Validation_Catg = to_categorical(Y_Validation, num_classes = numOfClasses, dtype='int')
print("Shape of validation labels: ", Y_Validation_Catg.shape)
model, history = self.applyCNN(X_Train, Y_Train_Catg, X_Validation, Y_Validation_Catg)
print('Model Summary: ')
# Displaying the accuracies & losses for train & validation set
print("Validation Accuracy :", history.history['val_accuracy'])
print("Training Accuracy :", history.history['accuracy'])
print("Validation Loss :", history.history['val_loss'])
print("Training Loss :", history.history['loss'])
# Displaying the Loss Graph
# Dsiplaying the Accuracy Graph
# Making the model to predict
pred = model.predict(X_Test[:predParam])
print('Test Details::')
print('X_Test: ', X_Test.shape)
print('Y_Test_Catg: ', Y_Test_Catg.shape)
score = model.evaluate(X_Test, Y_Test_Catg, verbose=0)
print('Test Score = ', score[0])
print('Test Accuracy = ', score[1])
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
# Displaying some of the test images & their predicted labels
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(8,9))
axes = ax.flatten()
for i in range(9):
axes[i].imshow(np.reshape(X_Test[i], reshapeVal1), cmap="Greys")
pred = word_dict[np.argmax(Y_Test_Catg[i])]
print('Prediction: ', pred)
axes[i].set_title("Test Prediction: " + pred)
fileName = Curr_Path + sep + 'Model' + sep + 'model_trained_' + str(epochsVal) + '.p'
print('Model Name: ', str(fileName))
pickle_out = open(fileName, 'wb')
pickle.dump(model, pickle_out)
return 0
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return 1
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