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Created March 10, 2021 02:21
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Publishing messages to Oracle Stream
#### Enhancement By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Enhancement On: 07-Mar-2021 ####
#### Modified On 07-Mar-2021 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: Publishing stream at OCI ####
import oci
import sys
import time
import os
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import json
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
from oci.config import from_file
import pandas as p
class clsOCIPublish:
def __init__(self):
self.comp = str(cf.conf['comp'])
self.STREAM_NAME = str(cf.conf['STREAM_NAME'])
self.PARTITIONS = int(cf.conf['PARTITIONS'])
self.limRec = int(cf.conf['limRec'])
def get_stream(self, admin_client, stream_id):
return admin_client.get_stream(stream_id)
def publish_messages(self, client, stream_id, inputDF):
limRec = self.limRec
# Converting dataframe to json
df = inputDF
# Calculating total number of records
cntRow = df.shape[0]
print('Actual Record counts: ', str(cntRow))
print('Supplied Record counts: ', str(limRec))
# Build up a PutMessagesDetails and publish some messages to the stream
message_list = []
start_pos = 0
end_pos = 0
interval = 1
for i in range(limRec):
split_df = p.DataFrame()
rJson = ''
# Preparing Data
# Getting Individual Element & convert them to Series
if ((start_pos + interval) <= cntRow):
end_pos = start_pos + interval
end_pos = start_pos + (cntRow - start_pos)
split_df = df.iloc[start_pos:end_pos]
rJson = split_df.to_json(orient ='records')
if ((start_pos > cntRow) | (start_pos == cntRow)):
start_pos = start_pos + interval
key = "key" + str(i)
value = "value" + str(rJson)
# End of data preparation
encoded_key = b64encode(key.encode()).decode()
encoded_value = b64encode(value.encode()).decode()
message_list.append(oci.streaming.models.PutMessagesDetailsEntry(key=encoded_key, value=encoded_value))
print("Publishing {} messages to the stream {} ".format(len(message_list), stream_id))
messages = oci.streaming.models.PutMessagesDetails(messages=message_list)
put_message_result = client.put_messages(stream_id, messages)
# The put_message_result can contain some useful metadata for handling failures
for entry in
if entry.error:
print("Error ({}) : {}".format(entry.error, entry.error_message))
print("Published message to partition {} , offset {}".format(entry.partition, entry.offset))
return 0
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return 1
def get_or_create_stream(self, client, compartment_id, stream_name, partition, sac_composite):
list_streams = client.list_streams(compartment_id=compartment_id, name=stream_name,
# If we find an active stream with the correct name, we'll use it.
print("An active stream {} has been found".format(stream_name))
sid =[0].id
return self.get_stream(sac_composite.client, sid)
print(" No Active stream {} has been found; Creating it now. ".format(stream_name))
print(" Creating stream {} with {} partitions.".format(stream_name, partition))
# Create stream_details object that need to be passed while creating stream.
stream_details = oci.streaming.models.CreateStreamDetails(name=stream_name, partitions=partition,
compartment_id=compartment, retention_in_hours=24)
# Since stream creation is asynchronous; we need to wait for the stream to become active.
response = sac_composite.create_stream_and_wait_for_state(stream_details, wait_for_states=[oci.streaming.models.StreamSummary.LIFECYCLE_STATE_ACTIVE])
return response
except Exception as e:
def publishStream(self, inputDf):
compartment = self.comp
print('Publishing sream to Oracle Cloud!')
# Load the default configuration
config = from_file(file_location="~/.oci/config.poc")
# Create a StreamAdminClientCompositeOperations for composite operations.
stream_admin_client = oci.streaming.StreamAdminClient(config)
stream_admin_client_composite = oci.streaming.StreamAdminClientCompositeOperations(stream_admin_client)
# We will reuse a stream if its already created.
# This will utilize list_streams() to determine if a stream exists and return it, or create a new one.
stream = self.get_or_create_stream(stream_admin_client, compartment, STREAM_NAME,
PARTITIONS, stream_admin_client_composite).data
print(" Created Stream {} with id : {}".format(,
# Streams are assigned a specific endpoint url based on where they are provisioned.
# Create a stream client using the provided message endpoint.
stream_client = oci.streaming.StreamClient(config, service_endpoint=stream.messages_endpoint)
s_id =
# Publish some messages to the stream
self.publish_messages(stream_client, s_id, inputDf)
return 0
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
return 1
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