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Created December 29, 2021 00:49
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This class will combine the audio extracted from the source class with the enhanced frames & merge them together
#### Updated By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Updated On: 17-Dec-2021 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: This script will convert ####
#### enhanced frames to restored better ####
#### quality videos & merge it with source ####
#### audio. ####
#### ####
import os
import platform as pl
import cv2
import numpy as np
import glob
import re
import ffmpeg
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import logging
os_det = pl.system()
if os_det == "Windows":
sep = '\\'
sep = '/'
class clsFrame2Video:
def __init__(self):
self.fileNm = str(cf.conf['FILE_NAME'])
self.base_path = str(cf.conf['INIT_PATH'])
def convert2Vid(self, dInd, var):
img_array = []
fileNm = self.fileNm
base_path = self.base_path
enhanced_path = base_path + sep + 'Enhanced' + sep
target_path = base_path + sep + 'Target' + sep
path_to_src_audio = base_path + sep + 'Source' + sep + fileNm + '.mp3'
files = glob.glob(enhanced_path + '*.jpg')
for filename in sorted(files, key=lambda x:float(re.findall("(-\d+)",x)[0].replace('-',''))):
print('Processing... ', str(filename))
img = cv2.imread(filename)
height, width, layers = img.shape
size = (width,height)
# Deleting Frames
print('Successfully Removed Old Enhanced Frames!')
out = cv2.VideoWriter(target_path + 'Temp.avi',cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX'), 23, size)
for i in range(len(img_array)):
print('Temporary File generated!')
Temp_Target_File = str(target_path + 'Temp.avi')
print('Temporary Video File Name: ', Temp_Target_File)
print('Temporary Audio File Name: ', str(path_to_src_audio))
infile1 = ffmpeg.input(Temp_Target_File)
infile2 = ffmpeg.input(path_to_src_audio)
ffmpeg.concat(infile1, infile2, v=1, a=1).output(target_path + fileNm + '.mp4').run()
# Deleting Frames
print('Successfully Converted to Videos!')
return 0
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return 1
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