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Created May 29, 2023 00:00
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Main class to extract the transcript from the YouTube videos & then answer the questions based on the topics selected by the users.
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Written On: 27-May-2023 ####
#### Modified On 28-May-2023 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling ####
#### python class that will invoke the ####
#### LangChain of package to extract ####
#### the transcript from the YouTube videos & ####
#### then answer the questions based on the ####
#### topics selected by the users. ####
#### ####
from langchain.document_loaders import YoutubeLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from import (
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
import clsTemplate as ct
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import os
### Global Section ###
open_ai_Key = cf.conf['OPEN_AI_KEY']
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = open_ai_Key
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=open_ai_Key)
YouTube_Key = cf.conf['YOUTUBE_KEY']
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=YouTube_Key)
# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn = warn
### End of Global Section ###
class clsVideoContentScrapper:
def __init__(self):
self.model_name = cf.conf['MODEL_NAME']
self.temp_val = cf.conf['TEMP_VAL']
self.max_cnt = int(cf.conf['MAX_CNT'])
def createDBFromYoutubeVideoUrl(self, video_url):
loader = YoutubeLoader.from_youtube_url(video_url)
transcript = loader.load()
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
docs = text_splitter.split_documents(transcript)
db = FAISS.from_documents(docs, embeddings)
return db
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return ''
def getResponseFromQuery(self, db, query, k=4):
gpt-3.5-turbo can handle up to 4097 tokens. Setting the chunksize to 1000 and k to 4 maximizes
the number of tokens to analyze.
mod_name = self.model_name
temp_val = self.temp_val
docs = db.similarity_search(query, k=k)
docs_page_content = " ".join([d.page_content for d in docs])
chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=mod_name, temperature=temp_val)
# Template to use for the system message prompt
template = ct.templateVal_1
system_message_prompt = SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(template)
# Human question prompt
human_template = "Answer the following question: {question}"
human_message_prompt = HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(human_template)
chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
[system_message_prompt, human_message_prompt]
chain = LLMChain(llm=chat, prompt=chat_prompt)
response =, docs=docs_page_content)
response = response.replace("\n", "")
return response, docs
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return '', ''
def topFiveURLFromYouTube(self, service, **kwargs):
video_urls = []
channel_list = []
results =**kwargs).execute()
for item in results['items']:
print("Title: ", item['snippet']['title'])
print("Description: ", item['snippet']['description'])
channel = item['snippet']['channelId']
print("Channel Id: ", channel)
# Fetch the channel name using the channel ID
channel_response = service.channels().list(part='snippet',id=item['snippet']['channelId']).execute()
channel_title = channel_response['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
print("Channel Title: ", channel_title)
print("Video Id: ", item['id']['videoId'])
vidURL = "" + item['id']['videoId']
print("Video URL: " + vidURL)
return video_urls, channel_list
except Exception as e:
video_urls = []
channel_list = []
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return video_urls, channel_list
def extractContentInText(self, topic, query):
discussedTopic = []
strKeyText = ''
cnt = 0
max_cnt = self.max_cnt
urlList, channelList = self.topFiveURLFromYouTube(youtube, q=topic, part='id,snippet',maxResults=max_cnt,type='video')
print('Returned List: ')
for video_url in urlList:
print('Processing Video: ')
db = self.createDBFromYoutubeVideoUrl(video_url)
response, docs = self.getResponseFromQuery(db, query)
if len(response) > 0:
strKeyText = 'As per the topic discussed in ' + channelList[cnt] + ', '
discussedTopic.append(strKeyText + response)
cnt += 1
return discussedTopic
except Exception as e:
discussedTopic = []
x = str(e)
print('Error: ', x)
return discussedTopic
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