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Created June 28, 2021 19:47
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Main script to invoke the third-party API FinnHub to consume the data into Aply message queue & then display that using H2O Wave python-based application
#### Template Written By: H2O Wave ####
#### Enhanced with Streaming Data By: Satyaki De ####
#### Base Version Enhancement On: 20-Dec-2020 ####
#### Modified On 27-Jun-2021 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: This script will consume real-time ####
#### streaming data coming out from a hosted API ####
#### sources (Finnhub) using another popular third-party ####
#### service named Ably. Ably mimics pubsub Streaming ####
#### concept, which might be extremely useful for ####
#### any start-ups. ####
#### ####
#### Note: This is an enhancement of my previous post of ####
#### H2O Wave. In this case, the application will consume ####
#### streaming trade data from a live host & not generated ####
#### out of the mock data. Thus, it is more useful for the ####
#### start-ups. ####
import time
from h2o_wave import site, data, ui
from ably import AblyRest
import pandas as p
import json
import datetime
import logging
import platform as pl
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import clsL as cl
# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn = warn
# Lookup functions from
# Azure cloud SQL DB
var ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
# Global Area
## Global Class
# Initiating Log Class
l = cl.clsL()
# Global Variables
# Moving previous day log files to archive directory
log_dir = cf.config['LOG_PATH']
path = cf.config['INIT_PATH']
subdir = cf.config['SUBDIR']
## End Of Global Part
class DaSeries:
def __init__(self, inputDf):
self.Df = inputDf
self.count_row = inputDf.shape[0]
self.start_pos = 0
self.end_pos = 0
self.interval = 1
def next(self):
# Getting Individual Element & convert them to Series
if ((self.start_pos + self.interval) <= self.count_row):
self.end_pos = self.start_pos + self.interval
self.end_pos = self.start_pos + (self.count_row - self.start_pos)
split_df = self.Df.iloc[self.start_pos:self.end_pos]
if ((self.start_pos > self.count_row) | (self.start_pos == self.count_row)):
self.start_pos = self.start_pos + self.interval
x = float(split_df.iloc[0]['CurrentExchange'])
dx = float(split_df.iloc[0]['Change'])
# Emptying the exisitng dataframe
split_df = p.DataFrame(None)
return x, dx
x = 0
dx = 0
return x, dx
class CategoricalSeries:
def __init__(self, sourceDf):
self.series = DaSeries(sourceDf)
self.i = 0
def next(self):
x, dx =
self.i += 1
return f'C{self.i}', x, dx
light_theme_colors = '$red $pink $purple $violet $indigo $blue $azure $cyan $teal $mint $green $amber $orange $tangerine'.split()
dark_theme_colors = '$red $pink $blue $azure $cyan $teal $mint $green $lime $yellow $amber $orange $tangerine'.split()
_color_index = -1
colors = dark_theme_colors
def next_color():
global _color_index
_color_index += 1
return colors[_color_index % len(colors)]
_curve_index = -1
curves = 'linear smooth step step-after step-before'.split()
def next_curve():
global _curve_index
_curve_index += 1
return curves[_curve_index % len(curves)]
def calc_p(row):
str_calc_s1 = str(row['s_x'])
str_calc_s2 = str(row['s_y'])
if str_calc_s1 == str_calc_s2:
calc_p_val = float(row['p_y'])
calc_p_val = float(row['p_x'])
return calc_p_val
return 0.0
def calc_v(row):
str_calc_s1 = str(row['s_x'])
str_calc_s2 = str(row['s_y'])
if str_calc_s1 == str_calc_s2:
calc_v_val = float(row['v_y'])
calc_v_val = float(row['v_x'])
return calc_v_val
return 0.0
def process_DF(inputDF, inputDFUnq):
# Core Business logic
# The application will show default value to any
# trade-in stock in case that data doesn't consume
# from the source.
df_conv = inputDF
df_unique_fin = inputDFUnq
df_conv['max_count'] = df_conv.groupby('default_rank')['default_rank'].transform('count')
l.logr('3. max_df.csv', 'Y', df_conv, subdir)
# Sorting the output
sorted_df = df_conv.sort_values(by=['default_rank','s'], ascending=True)
# New Column List Orders
column_order = ['s', 'default_rank', 'max_count', 'p', 't', 'v']
df_fin = sorted_df.reindex(column_order, axis=1)
l.logr('4. sorted_df.csv', 'Y', df_fin, subdir)
# Now splitting the sorted df into two sets
lkp_max_count = 4
df_fin_na = df_fin[(df_fin['max_count'] == lkp_max_count)]
l.logr('5. df_fin_na.csv', 'Y', df_fin_na, subdir)
df_fin_req = df_fin[(df_fin['max_count'] != lkp_max_count)]
l.logr('6. df_fin_req.csv', 'Y', df_fin_req, subdir)
# Now to perform cross join, we will create
# a key column in both the DataFrames to
# merge on that key.
df_unique_fin['key'] = 1
df_fin_req['key'] = 1
# Dropping unwanted columns
df_unique_fin.drop(columns=['t'], axis=1, inplace=True)
l.logr('7. df_unique_slim.csv', 'Y', df_unique_fin, subdir)
# Padding with dummy key values
#merge_df = p.merge(df_unique_fin,df_fin_req,on=['s'],how='left')
merge_df = p.merge(df_unique_fin,df_fin_req,on=['key']).drop("key", 1)
l.logr('8. merge_df.csv', 'Y', merge_df, subdir)
# Sorting the output
sorted_merge_df = merge_df.sort_values(by=['default_rank_y','s_x'], ascending=True)
l.logr('9. sorted_merge_df.csv', 'Y', sorted_merge_df, subdir)
# Calling new derived logic
sorted_merge_df['derived_p'] = sorted_merge_df.apply(lambda row: calc_p(row), axis=1)
sorted_merge_df['derived_v'] = sorted_merge_df.apply(lambda row: calc_v(row), axis=1)
l.logr('10. sorted_merge_derived.csv', 'Y', sorted_merge_df, subdir)
# Dropping unwanted columns
sorted_merge_df.drop(columns=['default_rank_x', 'p_x', 'v_x', 's_y', 'p_y', 'v_y'], axis=1, inplace=True)
#Renaming the columns
sorted_merge_df.rename(columns={'s_x':'s'}, inplace=True)
sorted_merge_df.rename(columns={'default_rank_y':'default_rank'}, inplace=True)
sorted_merge_df.rename(columns={'derived_p':'p'}, inplace=True)
sorted_merge_df.rename(columns={'derived_v':'v'}, inplace=True)
l.logr('11. org_merge_derived.csv', 'Y', sorted_merge_df, subdir)
# Aligning columns
column_order = ['s', 'default_rank', 'max_count', 'p', 't', 'v']
merge_fin_df = sorted_merge_df.reindex(column_order, axis=1)
l.logr('12. merge_fin_df.csv', 'Y', merge_fin_df, subdir)
# Finally, appending these two DataFrame (df_fin_na & merge_fin_df)
frames = [df_fin_na, merge_fin_df]
fin_df = p.concat(frames, keys=["s", "default_rank", "max_count"])
l.logr('13. fin_df.csv', 'Y', fin_df, subdir)
# Final clearance & organization
fin_df.drop(columns=['default_rank', 'max_count'], axis=1, inplace=True)
l.logr('14. Final.csv', 'Y', fin_df, subdir)
# Adjusting key columns
fin_df.rename(columns={'s':'Company'}, inplace=True)
fin_df.rename(columns={'p':'CurrentExchange'}, inplace=True)
fin_df.rename(columns={'v':'Change'}, inplace=True)
l.logr('15. TransormedFinal.csv', 'Y', fin_df, subdir)
return fin_df
except Exception as e:
print('$' * 120)
x = str(e)
print('$' * 120)
df = p.DataFrame()
return df
def create_dashboard(update_freq=0.0):
page = site['/dashboard_finnhub']
general_log_path = str(cf.config['LOG_PATH'])
ably_id = str(cf.config['ABLY_ID'])
# Enabling Logging Info
logging.basicConfig(filename=general_log_path + 'Realtime_Stock.log', level=logging.INFO)
os_det = pl.system()
if os_det == "Windows":
src_path = path + '\\' + 'data\\'
src_path = path + '/' + 'data/'
# Fetching the data
client = AblyRest(ably_id)
channel = client.channels.get('sd_channel')
message_page = channel.history()
# Counter Value
cnt = 0
# Declaring Global Data-Frame
df_conv = p.DataFrame()
for i in message_page.items:
print('Last Msg: {}'.format(
json_data = json.loads(
# Converting JSON to Dataframe
df = p.json_normalize(json_data)
df.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])
if cnt == 0:
df_conv = df
d_frames = [df_conv, df]
df_conv = p.concat(d_frames)
cnt += 1
# Resetting the Index Value
df_conv.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# Writing to the file
l.logr('1. DF_modified.csv', 'Y', df_conv, subdir)
# Dropping unwanted columns
df_conv.drop(columns=['c'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df_conv['default_rank'] = df_conv.groupby(['s']).cumcount() + 1
lkp_rank = 1
df_unique = df_conv[(df_conv['default_rank'] == lkp_rank)]
# New Column List Orders
column_order = ['s', 'default_rank', 'p', 't', 'v']
df_unique_fin = df_unique.reindex(column_order, axis=1)
print('Rank DF Unique:')
l.logr('2. df_unique.csv', 'Y', df_unique_fin, subdir)
# Capturing transformed values into a DataFrame
# Depending on your logic, you'll implement that inside
# the process_DF functions
fin_df = process_DF(df_conv, df_unique_fin)
df_unq_fin = df_unique_fin.copy()
df_unq_fin.rename(columns={'s':'Company'}, inplace=True)
df_unq_fin.rename(columns={'p':'CurrentExchange'}, inplace=True)
df_unq_fin.rename(columns={'v':'Change'}, inplace=True)
df_unq_fin.drop(columns=['default_rank','key'], axis=1, inplace=True)
l.logr('16. df_unq_fin.csv', 'Y', df_unq_fin, subdir)
df_unq_finale = df_unq_fin.sort_values(by=['Company'], ascending=True)
l.logr('17. df_unq_finale.csv', 'Y', df_unq_finale, subdir)
# Final clearance for better understanding of data
fin_df.drop(columns=['t'], axis=1, inplace=True)
l.logr('18. CleanFinal.csv', 'Y', fin_df, subdir)
count_row = df_unq_finale.shape[0]
large_lines = []
start_pos = 0
end_pos = 0
interval = 1
# Converting dataframe to a desired Series
f = CategoricalSeries(fin_df)
for j in range(count_row):
# Getting the series values from above
cat, val, pc =
# Getting Individual Element & convert them to Series
if ((start_pos + interval) <= count_row):
end_pos = start_pos + interval
end_pos = start_pos + (count_row - start_pos)
split_df = df_unq_finale.iloc[start_pos:end_pos]
if ((start_pos > count_row) | (start_pos == count_row)):
start_pos = start_pos + interval
x_currency = str(split_df.iloc[0]['Company'])
##### Debug Purpose #########
print('Company: ', x_currency)
print('J: ', str(j))
print('Cat: ', cat)
##### End Of Debug #######
c = page.add(f'e{j+1}', ui.tall_series_stat_card(
box=f'{j+1} 1 1 2',
value='=${{intl qux minimum_fraction_digits=2 maximum_fraction_digits=2}}',
aux_value='={{intl quux style="percent" minimum_fraction_digits=1 maximum_fraction_digits=1}}',
data=dict(qux=val, quux=pc),
plot_data=data('foo qux', -15),
large_lines.append((f, c))
while update_freq > 0:
for f, c in large_lines:
cat, val, pc =
print('Update Cat: ', cat)
print('Update Val: ', val)
print('Update pc: ', pc)
print('*' * 160) = val = pc / 100
c.plot_data[-1] = [cat, val]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Main Calling script
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
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