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Created July 29, 2021 23:45
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Calling multiple API's that including Prophet-API developed by Facebook for future prediction.
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Written On: 26-Jul-2021 ####
#### Modified On 26-Jul-2021 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: Calling multiple API's ####
#### that including Prophet-API developed ####
#### by Facebook for future prediction of ####
#### Covid-19 situations in upcoming days ####
#### for world's major hotspots. ####
import json
import clsCovidAPI as ca
from clsConfig import clsConfig as cf
import datetime
import logging
import clsL as cl
import clsForecast as f
from prophet import Prophet
from prophet.plot import plot_plotly, plot_components_plotly
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as p
# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn = warn
# Initiating Log class
l = cl.clsL()
# Helper Function that removes underscores
def countryDet(inputCD):
countryCD = inputCD
if str(countryCD) == 'DE':
cntCD = 'Germany'
elif str(countryCD) == 'BR':
cntCD = 'Brazil'
elif str(countryCD) == 'GB':
cntCD = 'United Kingdom'
elif str(countryCD) == 'US':
cntCD = 'United States'
elif str(countryCD) == 'IN':
cntCD = 'India'
elif str(countryCD) == 'CA':
cntCD = 'Canada'
elif str(countryCD) == 'ID':
cntCD = 'Indonesia'
cntCD = 'N/A'
return cntCD
cntCD = 'N/A'
return cntCD
def plot_picture(inputDF, debug_ind, var, countryCD, stat):
iDF = inputDF
# Lowercase the column names
iDF.columns = [c.lower() for c in iDF.columns]
# Determine which is Y axis
y_col = [c for c in iDF.columns if c.startswith('y')][0]
# Determine which is X axis
x_col = [c for c in iDF.columns if c.startswith('ds')][0]
# Data Conversion
iDF['y'] = iDF[y_col].astype('float')
iDF['ds'] = iDF[x_col].astype('datetime64[ns]')
# Forecast calculations
# Decreasing the changepoint_prior_scale to 0.001 to make the trend less flexible
m = Prophet(n_changepoints=20, yearly_seasonality=True, changepoint_prior_scale=0.001)
forecastDF = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=365)
forecastDF = m.predict(forecastDF)
l.logr('15.forecastDF_' + var + '_' + countryCD + '.csv', debug_ind, forecastDF, 'log')
df_M = forecastDF[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']]
l.logr('16.df_M_' + var + '_' + countryCD + '.csv', debug_ind, df_M, 'log')
# Getting Full Country Name
cntCD = countryDet(countryCD)
# Draw forecast results
lbl = str(cntCD) + ' - Covid - ' + stat
m.plot(df_M, xlabel = 'Date', ylabel = lbl)
# Combine all graps in the same page
plt.title(f'Covid Forecasting')
return 0
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
return 1
def countrySpecificDF(counryDF, val):
countryName = val
df = counryDF
df_lkpFile = df[(df['CountryCode'] == val)]
return df_lkpFile
df = p.DataFrame()
return df
def main():
var1 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
print('*' *60)
DInd = 'Y'
NC = 'New Confirmed'
ND = 'New Dead'
SM = 'data process Successful!'
FM = 'data process Failure!'
print("Calling the custom Package for large file splitting..")
print('Start Time: ' + str(var1))
countryList = str(cf.conf['coList']).split(',')
# Initiating Log Class
general_log_path = str(cf.conf['LOG_PATH'])
# Enabling Logging Info
logging.basicConfig(filename=general_log_path + 'CovidAPI.log', level=logging.INFO)
# Create the instance of the Covid API Class
x1 = ca.clsCovidAPI()
# Let's pass this to our map section
retDF = x1.searchQry(var1, DInd)
retVal = int(retDF.shape[0])
if retVal > 0:
print('Successfully Covid Data Extracted from the API-source.')
print('Something wrong with your API-source!')
# Extracting Skeleton Data
df = retDF[['data.code', 'date', 'deaths', 'confirmed', 'recovered', 'new_confirmed', 'new_recovered', 'new_deaths', 'active']]
df.columns = ['CountryCode', 'ReportedDate', 'TotalReportedDead', 'TotalConfirmedCase', 'TotalRecovered', 'NewConfirmed', 'NewRecovered', 'NewDeaths', 'ActiveCaases']
print('Returned Skeleton Data Frame: ')
l.logr('5.df_' + var1 + '.csv', DInd, df, 'log')
# Working with forecast
# Create the instance of the Forecast API Class
x2 = f.clsForecast()
# Fetching each country name & then get the details
cnt = 6
for i in countryList:
cntryIndiv = i.strip()
print('Country Porcessing: ' + str(cntryIndiv))
# Creating dataframe for each country
# Germany Main DataFrame
dfCountry = countrySpecificDF(df, cntryIndiv)
l.logr(str(cnt) + '.df_' + cntryIndiv + '_' + var1 + '.csv', DInd, dfCountry, 'log')
# Let's pass this to our map section
retDFGenNC = x2.forecastNewConfirmed(dfCountry, DInd, var1)
statVal = str(NC)
a1 = plot_picture(retDFGenNC, DInd, var1, cntryIndiv, statVal)
retDFGenNC_D = x2.forecastNewDead(dfCountry, DInd, var1)
statVal = str(ND)
a2 = plot_picture(retDFGenNC_D, DInd, var1, cntryIndiv, statVal)
cntryFullName = countryDet(cntryIndiv)
if (a1 + a2) == 0:
oprMsg = cntryFullName + ' ' + SM
oprMsg = cntryFullName + ' ' + FM
# Resetting the dataframe value for the next iteration
dfCountry = p.DataFrame()
cntryIndiv = ''
oprMsg = ''
cntryFullName = ''
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
statVal = ''
cnt += 1
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
var2 ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
print('End Time: ' + str(var2))
print('*' *60)
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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