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Created November 30, 2022 21:23
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Main class that will handle the prediction of Cricket ball
#### Written By: SATYAKI DE ####
#### Written On: 20-Nov-2022 ####
#### Modified On 30-Nov-2022 ####
#### ####
#### Objective: This is the main calling ####
#### python script that will invoke the ####
#### clsPredictBodyLine class to initiate ####
#### the prediction capability in real-time ####
#### & display the result from a live sports. ####
import cv2
import cvzone
from cvzone.ColorModule import ColorFinder
from clsKalmanFilter import clsKalmanFilter
from clsConfigClient import clsConfigClient as cf
import numpy as np
import math
import ssl
import time
# Bypassing SSL Authentication
_create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
# Legacy python that doesn't verify HTTPS certificates by default
# Handle target environment that doesn't support HTTPS verification
ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context
# Disbling Warning
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn = warn
### Global Section ###
# Load Kalman filter to predict the trajectory
kf = clsKalmanFilter()
# Create the color ColorFinder
myColorFinder = ColorFinder(False)
posListX = []
posListY = []
xList = [item for item in range(0, 1300)]
### End of Global Section ###
class clsPredictBodyLine(object):
def __init__(self):
self.inputFile_1 = str(cf.conf['BASE_FILE'])
self.inputFile_2 = str(cf.conf['BASE_IMAGE_FILE'])
self.src_path = str(cf.conf['SRC_PATH'])
self.hsvVals = cf.conf['HSV']
self.pauseTime = cf.conf['PAUSE']
self.pT1 = int(cf.conf['POINT_1'])
self.pT2 = int(cf.conf['POINT_2'])
self.pT3 = int(cf.conf['POINT_3'])
self.pT4 = int(cf.conf['POINT_4'])
def predStream(self, img, hsvVals, FrNo):
pT1 = self.pT1
pT2 = self.pT2
pT3 = self.pT3
pT4 = self.pT4
#Find the color ball
imgColor, mask = myColorFinder.update(img, hsvVals)
#Find location of the red_ball
imgContours, contours = cvzone.findContours(img, mask, minArea=500)
if contours:
if posListX:
# Find the Coefficients
A, B, C = np.polyfit(posListX, posListY, 2)
for i, (posX, posY) in enumerate(zip(posListX, posListY)):
pos = (posX, posY), pos, 10, (0,255,0), cv2.FILLED)
# Using Karman Filter Prediction
predicted = kf.predict(posX, posY), (predicted[0], predicted[1]), 12, (255,0,255), cv2.FILLED)
ballDetectFlag = True
if ballDetectFlag:
print('Balls Detected!')
if i == 0:
cv2.line(imgContours, pos, pos, (0,255,0), 5)
cv2.line(imgContours, predicted, predicted, (255,0,255), 5)
predictedM = kf.predict(posListX[i-1], posListY[i-1])
cv2.line(imgContours, pos, (posListX[i-1], posListY[i-1]), (0,255,0), 5)
cv2.line(imgContours, predicted, predictedM, (255,0,255), 5)
if len(posListX) < 10:
# Calculation for best place to ball
a1 = A
b1 = B
c1 = C - pT1
X1 = int((- b1 - math.sqrt(b1**2 - (4*a1*c1)))/(2*a1))
prediction1 = pT2 < X1 < pT3
a2 = A
b2 = B
c2 = C - pT4
X2 = int((- b2 - math.sqrt(b2**2 - (4*a2*c2)))/(2*a2))
prediction2 = pT2 < X2 < pT3
prediction = prediction1 | prediction2
if prediction:
print('Good Length Ball!')
sMsg = "Good Length Ball - (" + str(FrNo) + ")"
cvzone.putTextRect(imgContours, sMsg, (50,150), scale=5, thickness=5, colorR=(0,200,0), offset=20)
print('Loose Ball!')
sMsg = "Loose Ball - (" + str(FrNo) + ")"
cvzone.putTextRect(imgContours, sMsg, (50,150), scale=5, thickness=5, colorR=(0,0,200), offset=20)
return imgContours
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error predStream:', x)
return img
def processVideo(self, debugInd, var):
cnt = 0
breakFlag = False
pauseTime = self.pauseTime
src_path = self.src_path
inputFile_1 = self.inputFile_1
inputFile_2 = self.inputFile_2
hsvVals = self.hsvVals
FileName_1 = src_path + inputFile_1
FileName_2 = src_path + inputFile_2
# Initialize the video
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(FileName_1)
while True:
if breakFlag:
# Grab the frames
success, img =
print('Frame Number:', str(cnt))
if (cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF) == ord("q"):
if success:
imgContours = self.predStream(img, hsvVals, cnt)
if imgContours is None:
imgContours = img
imgColor = cv2.resize(imgContours, (0,0), None, 0.7, 0.7)
# Display
cv2.imshow("ImageColor", imgColor)
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error Main:', x)
return 0
except Exception as e:
x = str(e)
print('Error:', x)
return 1
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