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Last active December 16, 2015 08:18
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  • Save Satyam/5404590 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Satyam/5404590 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is related to this conversation:!topic/yui-contrib/hP-Qg2jLQXo. It logs DOM Nodes, cached Node instances and DOM events left behind after a test case in YUI Test. It takes a snapshot of short handles that can help identify them in the setUp() function of each test case and compares them wi…
// How to use it.
// This code is based on the template file that YOGI produces for unit testing
// when a module is created. Only the main changes to it are listed.
// Add a reference to the module in the YUI configuration section so it can locate it
// It's up to you where you put it.
groups: {
leaks: {
base: 'assets/',
modules: {
'leak-utils': {
path: 'leakutils.js',
requires: [
'test', 'node-base'
// Loading needs to be done in two stages.
// In the first stage you have to load this utility along the `test` and
// `base-core` modules so the utility can patch those two.
// The `base-core` needs to be loaded before any other module that depends
// on it, otherwise, the classes in those modules will not inherit the patched-up
// version but the original unpatched one.
// Now you enable the leak detector so it patches `test` and `base-core`
function (Y) {
// I made it conditional on a URL argument
if (/[?&]leak=([^&]+)/.test( {
Y.Test.Runner.setDOMIgnore('#logger', 'script');
// Then you get to load the rest as you would normally do.
// ...... Whatever modules you are testing ...
function (Y) {
// From here on, there regular stuff produced by yogi
The previous file shows how to integrate this into your module tests.
YUI.add('leak-utils', function(Y) {
var DOMNodes, // Stores a snapshot of the existing DOM Nodes
DOMEvents, // Stores a snapshot of DOM events
baseInstances, // Array of base instances created
collectBase = false, // signals whether to collect base instances or not.
inCase = false, // says whether I'm in a test case or not
arrEach = Y.Array.each,
objEach = Y.Object.each,
// Stores the info to show after each test case ends
logs = {},
// Shows the logs
showLogs = function (name) {
objEach(logs, function (section, key) {
if (section.length) {
Y.log(' ' + key,'leak','TestRunner');
arrEach(section, function (msg) {
Y.log(' ' + msg,'leak','TestRunner');
logs = {};
// Produces as CSS-selector type of signature for a node or HTML element
signature = function (n) {
var tag, id, cname;
if (n.get) {
tag = n.get('tagName') || n.get('nodeName');
id = n.get('id');
cname = n.get('className');
} else {
tag = n.tagName || n.nodeName;
id =;
cname = n.className;
if (!tag) {
return tag;
switch (tag.toUpperCase()) {
case 'HTML':
case 'BODY':
return tag + (id ? '#' + id : '') + ( cname ? '.' + cname.replace(' ','.') : '');
// Takes a snapshot of what's in the document body
snapShotDOM = function () {
var excludes = Y.Test.Runner._DOMIgnore,
addNode = function (n) {
if (Y.some(excludes, function (x) {
return n.test(x);
})) {
return null;
var item = signature(n);
if (item) {
DOMNodes = [];
// Compares the document body with a previous snapshot
cmpDOM = function () {
var excludes = Y.Test.Runner._DOMIgnore,
leftovers = [],
missing = [],
cmpNode = function (n) {
if (Y.some(excludes, function (x) {
return n.test(x);
})) {
return false;
var item = signature(n), i;
if (item) {
i = DOMNodes.indexOf(item);
if (i < 0) {
} else {
delete DOMNodes[i];
arrEach(DOMNodes, function (item) {
if (item) {
logs['Leftover DOM nodes'] = leftovers;
logs['Missing DOM nodes'] = missing;
DOMNodes = null;
// Instead of taking a snapshot of the cache I found it easier
// to simply whipe it out and count from there
snapShotNodes = function () {
Y.Node._instances = {};
// Lists cached Node references
cmpNodes = function () {
var excludes = Y.all(Y.Test.Runner._DOMIgnore.join(',')),
leftovers = [],
extrasindoc = [];
objEach(Y.Node._instances, function (n) {
if (excludes.some(function (x) {
return x.contains(n);
})) {
var indoc = false,
item = signature(n);
if (item) {
try {
indoc = n.inDoc();
catch (e) {}
if (indoc) {
} else {
logs['Leftover cached Nodes'] = leftovers;
logs['Leftover cached Nodes still in doc'] = extrasindoc;
// Takes a snapshot of DOM events
snapShotDOMEvents = function () {
var excludes = Y.all(Y.Test.Runner._DOMIgnore.join(','));
DOMEvents = [];
objEach(Y.Env.evt.dom_map, function (item) {
objEach(item, function (ev, key) {
if (excludes.some(function (x) {
return x.contains(ev.el);
})) {
// Checks for DOM Events left behind
cmpDOMEvents = function () {
var excludes = Y.all(Y.Test.Runner._DOMIgnore.join(',')),
leftovers = [];
objEach(Y.Env.evt.dom_map, function (item) {
objEach(item, function (ev, key) {
if (0 < DOMEvents.indexOf(key)) {
if (excludes.some(function (x) {
return x.contains(ev.el);
})) {
if (ev.type === '_synth') {
arrEach(ev.handles, function (item) {
leftovers.push(item.evt.type + ': ' + signature(ev.el));
} else {
leftovers.push(ev.type + ': ' + signature(ev.el));
logs['Leftover DOM Events'] = leftovers;
DOMEvents = null;
snapShotBase = function () {
baseInstances = {};
collectBase = true;
cmpBase = function () {
collectBase = false;
var leftOvers = [];
objEach(baseInstances, function (name, yuid) {
if (name) {
leftOvers.push(name + '#' + yuid);
logs['Leftover Base instances'] = leftOvers;
baseInstances = null;
// Creates the list of elements to be ignored.
Y.Test.Runner.setDOMIgnore = function () {
this._DOMIgnore = Y.Array(arguments);
// Enables the leak detector
Y.Test.Runner.enableLeakDetector = function () {
Y.BaseCore.prototype._initBase = (function (original) {
return function () {
var ret = original.apply(this, arguments);
if (collectBase) {
baseInstances[this._yuid] =;
return ret;
Y.BaseCore.prototype._baseDestroy = (function (original) {
return function () {
if (collectBase) {
baseInstances[this._yuid] = null;
return original.apply(this, arguments);
// Monkey patches a native test runner method.
Y.Test.Runner._execNonTestMethod = (function (original) {
return function (node, methodName) {
var ret;
switch (methodName) {
case 'setUp':
if (inCase) {
ret = original.apply(this, arguments);
case 'tearDown':
ret = original.apply(this, arguments);
if (inCase) {
if (typeof this._cur.testObject === 'string') {
showLogs( + '\n ' + this._cur.testObject + '\n');
case 'init':
inCase = true;
ret = original.apply(this, arguments);
case 'destroy':
inCase = false;
ret = original.apply(this, arguments);
ret = original.apply(this, arguments);
return ret;
},'', {requires: [ 'test', 'node-base']});
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Great stuff!

Instead of requiring the node alias, you should probably require node-base (as this module has no need of node-event-delegate, node-pluginhost, node-screen, or node-style). This helps avoid extra baggage when the module being tested has limited dependencies.

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Many thanks. I must admit I didn't do unit testing yet. Still is part of my learning-curve. Now I have to use it ;)

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Hi Satyam,

It took me a while before I could use your leak-test. Quite busy here, and had to find out how to work with untitesting.
I am using it now and it helped me get rid of some leaks I really needed to get rid of. So thx!

However, I had some small (solved) issues that I wanted to share:

  1. I suffered that cmpBase was running before some of the actual base-instances were destroyed. In the tearDown, I called myModel.destroy(), but destruction of base-instances runs through the eventsystem, therefore later -in my case at least- than cmpBase ran. I fixed this by making calling cmpBase asynchronous, changing line 252 into:
  1. For some reason, logging didn't work here. I created the module and load it through our own comboloader. I couldn't find out for now the reason why, but I used this monkey-fix to make it work:
    showLogs = function (name) {
        var firtsentry = true;
        objEach(logs, function (section, key) {
            if (section.length) {
                if (firtsentry) {
                    firtsentry = false;
                this.log('    ' + key,'leak','TestRunner');
                arrEach(section, function (msg) {
                    this.log('              ' + msg,'leak','TestRunner');
        logs = {};


It looks like a problem with the context it is running. Because I got the loggin working right now, I'm not going to search deeper for the reason. Perhaps at a later time.

Thanks for creating this awesome feature, which should be part of the unittests by default.


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