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Last active September 20, 2018 08:03
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  • Save SaurabhKharivale/7c7f5110ce40960d31eac81c81bc1bac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SaurabhKharivale/7c7f5110ce40960d31eac81c81bc1bac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Optimizing laravel workflow with aliases .
alias gs="git status"
alias gaa="git add ."
alias gc="git commit -m"
alias gl="git log"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gp="git push"
alias gcm="git checkout master"
alias gcb="git checkout -b"
alias dev="npm run dev"
alias hot="npm run hot"
alias watch="npm run watch"
alias jstest="npm run js-test"
alias jswatch="npm run js-watch"
alias prod="npm run prod"
alias t="./vendor/bin/phpunit"
alias al="composer dump-autoload"
alias art="php artisan"
alias cont="php artisan make:controller"
alias model="php artisan make:model"
alias mig="php artisan make:migration"
alias tf="./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter"
alias d="php artisan dusk"
alias df="php artisan dusk --filter"
alias vr="sudo setenforce 0 && valet restart"
alias upgrade="sudo dnf upgrade"
alias reload="source ~/.bash_aliases"
alias forge="ssh forge@"
alias gitc="git checkout"
alias gitm="git checkout master && git merge"
alias gitd="git branch -d"
alias lambda="sam local start-api -t sam.yaml"
alias aws-package="sam package --template-file sam.yaml --s3-bucket tailwindcss-lambda --output-template-file packaged.yaml"
alias aws-deploy="sam deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name tailwindcss-lambda --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM"
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