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Antek Baranski Sauraus

  • Vid Inc
  • Los Angeles, CA
View GitHub Profile
skipping 8 segments ahead, expired from playlists0:00:01.82 bitrate=3441.2kbits/s speed=0.651x [https @ 0x55adc97063c0] Opening '' for reading
[hls,applehttp @ 0x55adc9701900] Opening '
Tensor Cores are disabled until the first 3000 iterations are reached.
1009: 37183.242188, 4628.303711 avg loss, 0.002000 rate, 2.801610 seconds, 129152 images
Loaded: 0.000055 seconds
Region 82 Avg IOU: 0.007872, Class: 0.138775, Obj: 0.196275, No Obj: 0.191457, .5R: 0.000000, .75R: 0.000000, count: 136
Region 94 Avg IOU: 0.003842, Class: 0.266844, Obj: 0.102415, No Obj: 0.109580, .5R: 0.000000, .75R: 0.000000, count: 136
Region 106 Avg IOU: -nan, Class: 0.411891, Obj: 0.041273, No Obj: 0.041397, .5R: 0.007353, .75R: 0.007353, count: 136
Region 82 Avg IOU: 0.066281, Class: 0.079871, Obj: 0.129512, No Obj: 0.137967, .5R: 0.000000, .75R: 0.000000, count: 140
Region 94 Avg IOU: 0.001350, Class: 0.235804, Obj: 0.087587, No Obj: 0.087411, .5R: 0.000000, .75R: 0.000000, count: 140
Region 106 Avg IOU: -nan, Class: 0.381041, Obj: 0.016121, No Obj: 0.023204, .5R: 0.014286, .75R: 0.000000, count: 140
Region 82 Avg IOU: 0.010624, Class: 0.225585, Obj: 0.250034, No Obj: 0.250093, .5R: 0.000000, .75R: 0.000000,
Sauraus / yolo-league.cfg
Created January 16, 2019 23:10
YOLO v3 League of Legends config file
# Testing
# batch=1
# subdivisions=1
# Training
Roblox Individual Contributor License Agreement
Thank you for your interest in Roblox Corporation (“Roblox”). In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, Roblox must have a Contributor License Agreement ("CLA") on file that has been signed by each Contributor, indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of Roblox and its users; it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose. Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records.
You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present and future Contributions submitted to Roblox. Except for the license granted herein to Roblox and recipients of software distributed by Roblox, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions.
1. Definitions.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean the copyright owner or legal entity
Sauraus / sample
Created October 4, 2016 23:38
get command output back to recipe var
launchctl_list = ''
ruby_block 'Retrieve launchctl list' do
block do
launchctl_list = shell_out('launchctl list|awk \'{print $3}\'')
lazy launch_ctl
Sauraus /
Created July 20, 2016 18:18

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Sauraus on github.
  • I am sauraus ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0001 814F E3C5 8766 639E 2242 9FEA 2AE1 0798 BD07

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Sauraus / output1
Created June 10, 2016 22:05
Why is this code returning NULL when no RETURN is present?
Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/diw-jenkins/recipes/server.rb
Data Bag items must have an id matching /^[\.\-[:alnum:]_]+$/, you gave: nil
Cookbook Trace:
kitchen converge linux-slave-centos-67
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.7.3)
-----> Converging <linux-slave-centos-67>...
Preparing files for transfer
Preparing dna.json
Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 4.3.2...
Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
Preparing data_bags
Preparing nodes
Preparing secret
Sauraus / recipe.rb
Last active January 22, 2016 18:38
wrong number of arguments (2 for 0..1)
include_recipe 'unity::editor'
include_recipe value_for_platform_family(
windows: 'my-jenkins::windows',
mac_os_x: 'my-jenkins::mac_os_x'
windows_package 'Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity' do
source 'http://my_server/software/microsoft/visualstudio/2015/vstu2015.msi'
checksum 'b326526c02c0142d0a2e7d6fe4f448a96bbebd5b4f8f333dd181d3ada911fbfa'
Sauraus / gist:774985a7f80b78bbcbd2
Last active November 17, 2015 22:54
Funky berks version constraint
[(xxxxx = 6.1.7) -> (ark = 1.0.1)], [(yyyyyy = 9.0.15) -> (maven = 0.16.4) -> (ark >= 0.0.0)], [(yyyyyy = 9.0.15) -> (maven = {1.1.0,1.3.0}) -> (ark ~> 0.4)], [(yyyyyy = 9.0.15) -> (maven = 2.0.1) -> (ark ~> 0.9)], [(yyyyyy = 9.0.15) -> (groovy = 0.0.1) -> (ark >= 0.0.0)], [(yyyyyy = 9.0.15) -> (ark >= 0.0.0)], [(zzzzzzzzzzzzz = 1.1.7) -> (xxxxx = 6.1.7) -> (ark = 1.0.1)]`