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Created February 6, 2019 08:01
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# Setting Up hyperledger fabric dev servers
$ mkdir ~/fabric-tools && cd ~/fabric-tools
$ curl -O
$ unzip
$ mkdir ~/fabric-tools && cd ~/fabric-tools
$ curl -O
$ tar xzf fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz
export FABRIC_VERSION=hlfv11
$ cd ~/fabric-tools
# Downloading Hyperledger Fabric
$ ./
# docker images
# Start Hyperledger Fabric
$ ./
# docker ps
$ ./
$ cd ~/.composer/cards/
# cd ~/.composer/cards/PeerAdmin@hlfv1/credentials
vim certificate
vim privateKey
$ npm install # project related packeges
$ npm install -g composer-cli@0.19 # To create .bna file
$ npm install -g composer-rest-server@0.19 # To create rest server
$ npm install -g composer-playground@0.19 # To start composer-playground
# Create .bna file to deploy
$ composer archive create -a perishable-network-rait
$ composer archive create --sourceType dir --sourceName . -a perishable-network-rait.bna
$ composer-playground # Runining on loclahost:8080
# Deploy a new business network
# Import .bna file
# Deploy
$ composer-rest-server
? Enter the name of the business network card to use: admin@perishable-network-rait
? Specify if you want namespaces in the generated REST API: never use namespaces
? Specify if you want to use an API key to secure the REST API: No
? Specify if you want to enable authentication for the REST API using Passport: No
? Specify if you want to enable the explorer test interface: Yes
? Specify a key if you want to enable dynamic logging:
? Specify if you want to enable event publication over WebSockets: Yes
? Specify if you want to enable TLS security for the REST API: No
# Server running on localhost:3000
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