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Created April 16, 2012 10:46
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Linux per-file IO statistics
#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging as log
from fileinput import input
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
if __debug__:
log_level = log.DEBUG
log_level = log.WARNING
# XXX: Backport @lru_cache
CACHED_ATOF = defaultdict(dict)
class Stats(object):
"""Simple IO statistics class"""
def __init__(self):
self.perfile = defaultdict(int)
self.iops = 0
self.fault_iops = 0
def clear(self):
self.iops = 0
self.fault_iops = 0
def __str__(self):
return self.__dict__
def address_in_range(address, map_start, map_end):
if map_start <= int(address, base=16) <= map_end:
return True
return False
def update_file_cache(pid, address):
Map = namedtuple('Map', 'address perms offset dev inode pathname')
filename = '/proc/' + pid + '/maps'
if filename not in CACHED_FILES:
CACHED_FILES[filename] = open(filename)
for line in CACHED_FILES[filename].readlines():
map_ = Map(*line.split())
map_start, map_end = map(lambda x: int(x, base=16), map_.address.split('-'))
if address_in_range(address, map_start, map_end):
CACHED_ATOF[pid][map_start, map_end] = map_.pathname
except Exception:
log.debug("Can't parse line: [ {0} ]".format(line))
except Exception:"Can't get file for pid: [ {0} ] from address [ {1} ]".format(pid, address), exc_info=True)
def address_to_file(pid, address):
# XXX: Dirty hack for very loaded servers and static apps
if pid not in CACHED_ATOF:
print '{0:=^80}'.format(' CACHE MISS [ {0} ]'.format(pid))
update_file_cache(pid, address)
for map_start, map_end in CACHED_ATOF[pid]:
if address_in_range(address, map_start, map_end):
return CACHED_ATOF[pid][map_start, map_end]
if __debug__:
return pid + '/' + address
return 'UNKNOWN'
def acc_io(IO, line, read, write):
io = IO(*line.split())
if 'read' in io.type:
acc = read
acc = write
acc.perfile[io.file] += int(io.size)
acc.iops += 1
def acc_pfault(Pfault, line, read, write):
pfault = Pfault(*line.split())
if '_r' in pfault.type:
acc = read
acc = write
acc.perfile[address_to_file(, pfault.address)] += 4096 # XXX
acc.fault_iops += 1
acc.iops += 1
def sort_by_value(dict_, reverse=True):
return sorted(dict_.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=reverse)
def print_stats(read, write):
print "=== SUMMARY ==="
print "Total IO: {0}".format(read.iops + write.iops)
print "Pagefaults IO: {0}".format(read.fault_iops + write.fault_iops)
print "Reads/Writes: {0}/{1}".format(read.iops, write.iops)
read_kbs = sum(v for k,v in read.perfile.items())
write_kbs = sum(v for k,v in write.perfile.items())
print "Read/Write Kbs: {0}/{1}".format(read_kbs, write_kbs)
for name, stat in zip(('read', 'write'), (read, write)):
print "=== STAT {0} ===".format(name)
for k,v in sort_by_value(stat.perfile)[:20]:
print "{0}:\t{1}".format(k,v)
if __debug__:
print "=== RAW ==="
def main():
read, write = Stats(), Stats()
Pfault = namedtuple('Pfault', 'type pid address')
IO = namedtuple('IO', 'type pid file size')
for line in input():
if line.startswith('vfs_'):
acc_io(IO, line, read, write)
elif line.startswith('pfault_'):
acc_pfault(Pfault, line, read, write)
elif line.startswith('__PRINT__'):
print_stats(read, write)
print_stats(read, write)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env stap
# Usage: `stap filestat.stp app_name | python -u`
global PROCNAME = @1
global fault_address, fault_access
global time_offset
probe begin { time_offset = gettimeofday_us() }
probe vm.pagefault {
p = pid()
fault_address[p] = address
fault_access[p] = write_access ? "w" : "r"
probe vm.pagefault.return {
p = pid()
if (execname() != PROCNAME) next
if (!(p in fault_address)) next
if (!vm_fault_contains(fault_type,VM_FAULT_MAJOR)) {
delete fault_address[p]
delete fault_access[p]
printf("pfault_%s\t%d\t%p\n", fault_access[p], p, fault_address[p])
delete fault_address[p]
delete fault_access[p]
probe kernel.function("vfs_write").return,
kernel.function("vfs_read").return {
if (execname() == PROCNAME && $return > 0) {
printf("%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\n", probefunc(), pid(), d_path(&$file->f_path), $return)
probe timer.s(1) {
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