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Created September 29, 2023 10:42
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Async with early return capability CE for F#
(* Library portion *)
/// Just like Async but supports early return with skipping the rest of computations.
type ContAsync<'r,'a> = ('a -> Async<'r>) -> Async<'r>
/// Early return.
let early (a : 'a) : ContAsync<'a,_> = fun _ -> async { return a }
/// Computation expression builder.
type ContAsyncBuilder () =
member _.Return(a : 'a) : ContAsync<'r,'a> = fun k -> k a
member _.ReturnFrom(comp : ContAsync<'r,'a>) = comp
member _.Bind(comp : ContAsync<'r,'a>, f) : ContAsync<'r,'b> =
fun k -> comp (fun a -> (f a) k)
member this.Combine(left : ContAsync<'r,_>, right : ContAsync<'r,'a>) : ContAsync<'r,'a> =
this.Bind(left, fun _ -> right)
member _.Delay(fcont) : ContAsync<'r,'a> = fun k -> (fcont ()) k
member this.Zero() = this.Return()
member inline _.Source(same : ContAsync<'r,'a>) = same
member _.Source(asyncComp : Async<_>) : ContAsync<'r,'a> =
fun k -> async { let! a = asyncComp in return! k a }
/// Computation expression builder.
let asyncEarly = ContAsyncBuilder ()
/// Use this to "run" the async computation which can return early. This gives you a normal Async back.
let runContAsync (comp : ContAsync<'a,'a>) = comp (fun a -> async { return a })
(* Usage example *)
// Run this with various combinations of `dingus` and `policy` to see early return in action.
let example dingus policy = Async.RunSynchronously (runContAsync (asyncEarly {
// The Dingus step
let! dingusOption = async {
printfn "Look up dingus"
return dingus
if not dingusOption then
return! early (Ok "Skipping processing of dingus because it was not found")
// Dingus found, policy step next
let! policyResult = async {
printfn "Can process dingus?"
return policy
if not policyResult then
return! early (Error "An attempt was made to process a dingus without having proper access ")
// Rest omitted
printfn "Dingus and policy are OK"
return Ok "Finalize dingus process"
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