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Created April 27, 2021 09:49
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module TransactionalApp where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
{- Model layer -}
data Account = Savings | Normal
deriving instance Eq Account
newtype Balance = Balance { unpackBalance :: Int }
deriving instance Show Balance
-- | Some trivial business logic
balanceAtLeast :: Balance -> Int -> Bool
balanceAtLeast (Balance balance) amount = amount <= balance
{- Application layer -}
newtype App m a = App (WriterT TransactionOutcome m a)
rollback :: Monad m => Reason -> App m ()
rollback reason = App (tell (Rollback reason))
data TransactionOutcome = Commit | Rollback Reason
type Reason = String
instance Semigroup TransactionOutcome where
Commit <> Commit = Commit
Rollback r1 <> Rollback r2 = Rollback r1 -- Keep the first reason
_ <> Rollback r = Rollback r
Rollback r <> _ = Rollback r
instance Monoid TransactionOutcome where
mempty = Commit
-- Technicalities
deriving instance Functor m => Functor (App m)
deriving instance Applicative m => Applicative (App m)
deriving instance Monad m => Monad (App m)
deriving instance MonadTrans App -- For 'lift' used below. Nicer: AccountStore instance for App m.
-- | Data access interface, no transaction control operations!
class AccountStore m where
withdraw :: Account -> Int -> m Balance
deposit :: Account -> Int -> m Balance
data WithdrawResult = InsufficientBalance | Withdrawn Int
-- | Application Layer-level helper for withdrawing
withdrawFromSavings :: (Monad m, AccountStore m) => Int -> App m WithdrawResult
withdrawFromSavings amount = do
remainingBalance <- lift (withdraw Savings amount) -- (W)
-- Apply model logic
if remainingBalance `balanceAtLeast` 100 then pure (Withdrawn (amount + 0)) -- amount + 1 will cause rollback in 'transfer'
else do
-- Roll back changes at (W)
rollback "Savings balance must be at least 100"
pure InsufficientBalance
-- | Application Layer-level helper for depositing
depositNormal :: (Monad m, AccountStore m) => Int -> App m ()
depositNormal amount = void (lift (deposit Normal amount))
-- | The actual use-case, composed of the two helpers
transfer :: (Monad m, AccountStore m) => Int -> App m ()
transfer amount = do
withdrawResult <- withdrawFromSavings amount
case withdrawResult of
InsufficientBalance -> pure () -- Do nothing
Withdrawn amount' -> do
depositNormal amount' -- (D)
-- But let's be paranoidal, see remark in 'withdrawFromSavings'
unless (amount == amount') (rollback "Unexpected amount withdrawn") -- Rolls back (D) _and_ any other changes
{- Data access layer (stub) -}
-- The in-memory "database"
data Bank = Bank { savings :: Balance, normal :: Balance }
deriving instance Show Bank
-- The stub itself. Tracks account changes in memory, in the state monad.
instance AccountStore (State Bank) where
withdraw account amount = do
bank0 <- get
balance Savings = savings
balance Normal = normal
adjust n Savings bank = bank { savings = n }
adjust n Normal bank = bank { normal = n}
newBalance = Balance (unpackBalance (balance account bank0) - amount)
put (adjust newBalance account bank0)
pure newBalance
deposit account amount = withdraw account (-amount)
-- | Given current state of the "database" ('Bank'), run the Application Layer use-case using the Data Layer (stub)
-- implementation.
runApplication :: Show a => Bank -> App (State Bank) a -> IO a
runApplication bank (App app) = do
print bank
putStrLn "->"
let ((a, transactionOutcome), bank1) = runState (runWriterT app) bank
case transactionOutcome of
Rollback reason -> putStrLn ("Roll back changes, reason: " <> reason) -- Simulates keeping the original 'bank'
Commit -> print bank1 -- Simulates keeping (commiting) changes
pure a
demo :: IO ()
demo = runApplication (Bank {savings = Balance 200, normal = Balance 10 }) (transfer 100) -- 101 will roll back
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