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Created August 29, 2017 13:40
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
vidstab - Performs video stabilization on input using vid.stab in ffmpeg
vidstab <input> [--with-trf=TRFILE | --transform-only] [options]
vidstab (-h | --help)
vidstab --version
-s --shakiness=NUM Shakiness level for vidstabdetect. Values range from 1
to 10. [default: 5]
-r --result=PATH Location for transformation file from vidstabdetect.
-a --accuracy=NUM Accuracy level for vidstabdetect. Values range from 1 to
15. [default: 15]
-S --stepsize=NUM Stepsize for vidstabdetect motion search. [default: 6]
--mincontrast=NUM A floating point value from 0-1. Discard measurement
fields with contrast below this value. [default: 0.3]
-3 --tripod=FRAME Reference frame number for the simulation of static
viewpoint, Disabled if left at 0. [default: 0]
--show=NUM Show fields and transforms with 1 or 2. [default: 0]
-x --transform-only Calculate the TR File and then quit.
-t --with-trf=TRFILE Set a TR File that has already been calculated.
-m --smoothing=NUM Number of frames to use for lowpass filtering of camera
movements. Greater is smoother but slower movements. 0
is a special case for static camera, --tripod will
override this option if used. [default: 10]
-o --optalgo=ALGO Set the camera path optimization algorithm. Values are:
"gauss" and "avg": [default: gauss]
-d --maxshift=NUM Set maximum number of pixels allowed to translate
frames. -1 is unlimited. [default: -1]
-a --maxangle=RAD Set maximum angle in radians allowed to rotate frames.
Value of -1 is unlimited. [default: -1]
-C --crop=METHOD How to deal with empty borders after frame movement
compensation. "keep" will use info from prior frame and
"black" will do nothing (black-fill). [default: keep]
-i --invert Invert transforms if set.
-k --relative Make transforms relative to previous frame (instead of
(absolute) if set. --tripod will override this.
-z --zoom=NUM Set percentage to zoom, positive will zoom in while
negative will zoom out. [default: 0]
-Z --optzoom=NUM Calculate optimal zooming to avoid blank borders. 0 is
disabled, 1 is optimal static zoom, 2 is optimal
adaptive zoom. [default: 1]
--zoomspeed=NUM Maximum zoom percentage allowed each frame for optimal
adaptive zoom. 0 to 5. [default: 0.25]
-I --interpol=METHOD Set interpolation method. One of: no, linear, bilinear
bicubic (slow calculation). [default: bilinear]
-c --crf=NUM libx264 CRF value to use for output encoding [default: 18]
-p --preset=PRESET libx264 preset to use [default: medium]
-t --tune <tune> libx264 tune setting to use [default: film]
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
from docopt import docopt
import subprocess
import os.path
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__, version='vidstab 1.0')
basename, _ext = os.path.splitext(args['<input>'])
if args['--with-trf'] is None:
#set the options up as well as the transform file name
if args['--result'] is None:
args['--result'] = basename + '.trf'['ffmpeg', '-i', args['<input>'],
'-vf', '''vidstabdetect=stepsize={--stepsize}:\
'-f', 'null', '-'])
if not args['--transform-only']:
if args['--with-trf'] is None:
args['--with-trf'] = basename + '.trf'
if args['--invert']:
args['--invert'] = '1'
args['--invert'] = '0'
if args['--relative']:
args['--relative'] = '1'
args['--relative'] = '0'
if args['--tripod'] != '0':
print('tripod mode setting --relative and --smoothing to 0')
args['--relative'] = 0
args['--smoothing'] = 0
command = ['ffmpeg', '-i', args['<input>'],
'-map', '0',
'-vf', '''vidstabtransform=input={--with-trf}:\
'-c:v', 'libx264',
'-preset', args['--preset'],
'-tune', args['--tune'],
'-crf', args['--crf'],
'-c:a', 'copy', 'vidstabbed_' + basename + '.mkv'
print(' '.join(command))
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