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Last active June 17, 2024 13:55
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; Stewie Tweaks INI
; New options are generated when the game is launched
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Preset by Axonis - October 28th 2021
; Requires Stewie's Tweaks (
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; allows activating while performing another action, e.g. start reloading, open a door and finish reloading on the other side
; Axonis: no, because it might make the game easier
bAllowActivateWhileAnimPlays = 0
; moving left or right no longer cancels auto-walk
; Axonis: YES, quality of life tweak
bBetterAutoWalk = 1
; show companions on the compass as white instead of the current HUD color
; Axonis: YES, it helps distinguish who is who
bCompanionPipColorChange = 1
; add support for the numpad buttons /*-+., enter and 0-9 to be used in console
; Axonis: YES, I don't see why not
bConsoleNumpadSupport = 1
; show cheat info at the lockpick menu
; Axonis: no, cheat
bDebugLockpickMenu = 0
; add the marker location name to the "Marker Added" notification at the HUD
; Axonis: YES, it's nice to know the name of the new location
bDescriptiveMarkerAddedMessage = 1
; disable fast travel
; Axonis: no, I don't use it in general, but when I need it it has to be available
bDisableFastTravel = 0
; disable the functionality of the "Show Location" button on the quest menu
; Axonis: no, it's there for a reason
bDisableShowQuestLocation = 0
; stop the container menu showing automatically when opening with lock-pick or a key
; Axonis: no, if I unlock a container it's because I want to open it
bDontShowContainerAfterLockpick = 0
; allow equipping of broken items
; Axonis: no, broken is supposed to be unusable
bEquipBrokenItems = 0
; decrease the delay after a successful hack by 2.5 seconds
; Axonis: no, it's there to apply a sense of accomplishment
bFasterHackingTransition = 0
; removes a hard-coded 3 second delay before menu closing when saving using the pause menu
; Axonis: YES, the delay is useless
bFasterSaveMenuClose = 1
; allow fast travel when over-encumbered, as the Long Haul perk does
; Axonis: no, that would make hoarding too easy
bFastTravelOverencumbered = 0
; hide the enemy markers from the compass
; Axonis: no, otherwise perception wouldn't be really useful
bHideEnemyMarkers = 0
; only show unvisited locations on the compass if they are marked on the map
; Axonis: YES, and I've removed this feature from VUI+ since Stewie's implementation will show them at the compass if you take the Explorer perk
bHideInvisibleUndiscoveredLocations = 1
; remove companions from VATS
; Axonis: YES, it's just an annoynace
bIgnoreCompanionsVATS = 1
; remove the block on jumping while aiming
; Axonis: no, just land on your feet
bJumpWhileAiming = 0
; allow jumping while over-encumbered
; Axonis: no, over-encumbered is meant to be used sparingly
bJumpWhileOverencumbered = 0
; keep the crosshair on the screen when aiming with non-scoped weapons
; Axonis: no, because it doesn't take wobble into account
bKeepCrosshairWhenAiming = 0
; retain the Pip-Boy light status when entering an exterior cell
; Axonis: YES, it's easier to control stuff when it works in a standardized manner
bKeepPipboyLightOnCellChange = 1
; don't reset the bet amount to 1 after playing roulette
; Axonis: YES, and thanks Stewie for that
bKeepRouletteBetAmount = 1
; allow the use of left clicking to rotate during lock-pick
; Axonis: no, I find the default controls to be comfortable
bLockpickAllowMouse = 0
; stop the player's automatic reloading when the clip is emptied
; Axonis: YES, enriches time management by tokenizing reloading
bManualReload = 1
; show unconscious companions on the map, in red
; Axonis: YES, see bCompanionPipColorChange
bMapShowUnconsciousCompanions = 1
; allow fast travel in mid air
; Axonis: no, just land on your feet
bMidairFastTravel = 0
; prevent opening the pause menu when switching the game via Alt-Tab
; Axonis: no, the pause is useful on a normal game
bNoAltTabPause = 0
; stops shooting earning the player ammo casings
; Axonis: no, the empty casings are mostly flavor and have little effect on gameplay
bNoAmmoCasings = 0
; remove the movement penalty when holding a weapon
; Axonis: no, the penalty encourages normal behavior
bNoEquippedWeaponMovementPenalty = 0
; remove the delay between hacking attempt
; Axonis: no, without the delay I wouldn't try as hard to find the password
bNoHackingRetryDelay = 0
; stop the Location Discovered notification at the HUD
; Axonis: no, the notification is useful, see bHideInvisibleUndiscoveredLocations
bNoLocationPopup = 0
; remove the max bet in casinos and make increments above 1500 increase by 500 (from 100 default)
; Axonis: no, not without some mod that would prevent cheating in gambling
bNoMaxCasinoBet = 0
; remove minimum distance companions are shown on the world map
; Axonis: YES, because you might forget where you left them
bNoMinCompanionMapDistance = 1
; prevent opening the Pip-Boy menu when switching the game via Alt-Tab
; Axonis: no, the Pip-Boy doesn't open (or close) when pressing Alt+Tab on my game
bNoPipboyOnAltTab = 0
; remove quest added notification
; Axonis: no, I think it's nice to see their names unfolding
bNoQuestAddedPopup = 0
; remove quest completed notification
; Axonis: no, I think it's nice to see their names unfolding
bNoQuestCompletedPopup = 0
; prevent consumption of books if skill level is already at 100
; Axonis: YES, no need to waste an expensive book
bNoSkillBooksAbove100 = 1
; remove the "Loading extra content..." pop-up at the start menu
; Axonis: YES, YES, YES, kill that damn pop-up
bNoStartMenuDLCPopup = 1
; stop the "Actor is now unconscious" message
; Axonis: no, the message is useful
bNoUnconciousMessage = 0
; disallow targeting invisible enemies in VATS without EDE's perk
; Axonis: YES, as much as I loathe invisible enemies, it's a cheat to use VATS against them
bNoVATSTargetInvisible = 1
; disable all XP messages
; Axonis: no, bNoXPBarInCombat is good enough
bNoXPMessages = 0
; only allow waiting while sitting
; Axonis: no, although it does elevate the importance of furniture, it's really bothersome when you really have to wait without a chair nearby
bOnlyAllowWaitWhileSitting = 0
; remember the bobby pin health between locks (works through saves)
; Axonis: YES, anticheat
bRememberBobbyPinHealth = 1
; remove the useless downloads button from the main menu
; Axonis: no, because I prefer the way I do this in VUI+ with the space above Quit
bRemoveDownloadsButton = 0
; remove the [HIDDEN] etc. label from the HUD
; Axonis: no, unless a Perception roll would be taken into account for this label
bRemoveSneakLabel = 0
; remove the damage buffer provided for weapons above 75% condition
; Axonis: no, the buffer relieves me from trying to keep my weapons at 100% condition at all times
bRemoveWeaponDamageBuffer = 0
; Adds a hot-key 'Left-Alt' to instantly end the player death-cam
; Axonis: no, I play dead is dead and take care not to die, but when it happens it's supposed to be dramatic
bSkipDeathcamHotkey = 0
; add hotkey Tab to go back in the start/pause menu
; Axonis: no, there's Esc for that
bTabBackInStartMenu = 0
; add hotkey Tab to close terminals
; Axonis: no, because Tab is used for opening/closing the Pip-Boy
bTabClosesTerminals = 0
; allow use of WASD keys as arrows in menus, and E and space to accept
; Axonis: no, although it's getting better and better, I still prefer to use the defaults: arrow keys, arrow keys + shift, page up, page down, and did you know that the JIP-LN plugin allows to move an entire stack of objects by shift+click ?
bUseWASDAsArrowKeys = 1
; holding the jump button repeatedly jumps
; Axonis: YES, makes it easier to climb on peaks and besides, bJumpingCostsAP
bRepeatJumping = 1
; set the condition of the items returned from crafting (default is 80%)
; Axonis: default makes sense
fCraftedItemHealthPct = 80
; stop the "Screenshot Created" message, optionally printing the message to console instead
; Axonis: YES, it's useful when issuing consequtive screenshots
bNoScreenshotPopup = 1
; stop the good/bad karma messages and sounds
; Axonis: YES, but only reduce consequtive sounds, see [Karma Messages]
bNoKarmaMessages = 1
; stop the messages when crippling/critical hitting an enemy
; Axonis: no, I want to keep those messages as they were in the original Fallout
bNoCrippleCriticalMessages = 0
; remove the movement penalty while aiming
; Axonis: no, you're supposed to be moving much slower while aiming
bAimingSpeed = 0
; eliminate NPC speech distortion caused by headwear
; Axonis: no, not without a cosmetic mod that makes helmets invisible
bNoAudioDistortion = 0
; stop scrollwheel changing point of view from 1st->3rd or vice versa
; Axonis: no, I find it very useful to zoom in/out my character and I wish I could zoom as much as I can in FO3
bNoScrollwheelPOVChange = 0
; increase the hour countdown speed while waiting or sleeping
; Axonis: no, I find the slow time pass to be more immersive than annoying
bFasterSleepWait = 0
; disallow use of the Pip-Boy during combat
; Axonis: YES, but set it to a small AP cost, see [No Pipboy In Combat]
bNoPipBoyInCombat = 1
; make jumping cost action points
; Axonis: YES, because it's set up to use a few APs instead, see [Jumping Costs AP]
bJumpingCostsAP = 1
; delay XP popups till the end of combat
; Axonis: YES, this is how it was in the original Fallout
bNoXPBarInCombat = 1
; remove the skill requirement prefix from dialog topics
; Axonis: YES, they're the worst kind of spoilers and VUI+ does remove the hardcoded color on those dialog topics for the same reason
bNoSkillTags = 1
; adds a configurable movement penalty for when the player is moving backwards or aiming
; Axonis: YES, see [Slower Backpedaling]
bMovementPenalties = 1
; enable individual hardcore features
; Axonis: no, I need them all
bHardcoreTweaks = 0
; enable running and jumping for Action Points while over-encumbered
; Axonis: no, after heavy playtesting it proved to be a nuisance (at quick drain) or a cheat (at slow drain)
bOverencumberedTweak = 0
; stop the 'Quest Failed' message showing upon failing a quest, optionally only show if the quest was started
; Axonis: no, it's used to determine game-breaking situations
bNoQuestFailedPopup = 0
; use custom icons to show whether an NPC is above or below the player
; Axonis: YES, it's a 3D game
bCompassNPCHeightIndicator = 1
; use custom icons to show whether a quest marker is above or below the player
; Axonis: no, unlike NPCs, location markers can be too far away which complicates the compass
bCompassQuestHeightIndicator = 0
; fade the compass NPC markers based on distance to the player
; Axonis: YES, an essential gameplay improvement
bCompassNPCDistanceBasedAlpha = 1
; fade the compass location markers based on distance to the player
; Axonis: no, for the same reason with bCompassQuestHeightIndicator
bCompassLocationDistanceBasedAlpha = 0
; disable the alpha effect given to markers on the right edge of compass
; Axonis: no, the alpha effect fits the vanilla HUD decorations
bDisableCompassEdgeAlpha = 0
; add an asterisk to the entrance prompt of unvisited interiors, and a plus for respawned interiors
; Axonis: no, because it would trigger my OCD reflexes; better to let sleeping dogs without an asterisk
bPatchUnseenCellName = 0
; add an AP penalty for entering VATS
; Axonis: YES, repeated VATS can be exploited for searching enemies or using stunning attacks, see [Entering VATS Costs AP]
bEnteringVATSCostsAP = 1
; use incremental save slots for autosave, optionally fullsaving every rotation
; Axonis: no, although it's great for most users, I still need the extra safeguards of my SafeAutoSave mod
bImprovedAutoSave = 0
; DEBUG OPTION for mod developers, adding a hotkey 'R' to load the last save from the start menu
; Axonis: I just open the load menu
bContinueGameHotkey = 0
; adds scrollwheel support when allocating skill points
; Axonis: YES, that's nice to have just as controllers allocate points by holding the button
bLevelUpScrollWheelSupport = 1
; remove the LT/RT from the pipboy texture when a controller is connected
; Axonis: YES, UI buttons are already ugly enough, no need to paint this ugliness on the textures themselves
bNoLTRTOnPipboy = 1
; stops the crosshair turning red on enemies
; Axonis: no, the color change is a nice cue for targeting
bNoRedCrosshairOnEnemies = 0
; allows opening of pipboy while the screen shakes (it will look offcentered)
; Axonis: no, because I can't be looking at my wrist right now
bAllowOpenPipboyDuringCameraShake = 0
; makes left/right movement keys cancel each other if both are held
; Axonis: YES, makes sense
bLeftAndRightCancelEachOther = 1
; fixes a bug in the Enhanced Camera mod where the player would sink into the ground when changing from first to third person
; Axonis: YES, fixes a real annoyance, and another separate plugin bites the dust
bFixEnhancedCameraGroundSinkBug = 1
; makes holding shift talk to an npc instead of pickpocketing them while sneaking
; Axonis: YES, because it's not obtrusive if you don't need it
bTalkWhileSneakingIfShiftIsHeld = 1
; add an AP penalty for performing charged unarmed attacks
; Axonis: no, melee power attacks require time and key combinations, so they are well balanced as they are
bChargedAttacksCostAP = 0
; adds hotkey 'Q' to drop the currently selected item from the PipBoy menu
; Axonis: no, right click works fine and even though Q is better, it still doesn't have a label and I have no way to detect Stewie's Tweaks at VUI+ to add it myself
bAddInventoryDropItemHotkey = 0
; skip the "Continue from your last saved game?" prompt when clicking continue game
; Axonis: YES, because I've just clicked on "Continue"
bInstantContinueButton = 1
; add a distance, beyond which quest markers are hidden
; Axonis: YES, it helps reduce clutter on the compass and the markers are always available on the Pip-Boy
bDistanceBasedQuestMarkerVisibilty = 1
; set how quickly scoped weapons zoom under [Scope Zoom]
; Axonis: no, default is fine
bUseCustomSniperZoomRate = 0
; Add hotkeys to instantly equip the crosshair and container selections
; Axonis: no, after a lot of playtesting, I've decided that I am too accustomed to the standard controls
bQuickUse = 0
; half the 500ms delay before allowing clicking in the dialogue menu
; Axonis: no, dialog can have serious consequences and has a lot of clicking, best to avoid an accidental one
bDecreasedDialogueClickDelay = 0
; hide NPC names on the prompt if they haven't spoken to the player
; Axonis: no, after a lot of testing I've concluded that such a feature would require additional support to be usable (eg. VATS still shows their names, gameplay often assumes knowledge of their names etc)
bHideUnknownNPCNames = 0
; halves all earned XP
; Axonis: no, I'm using JSUE which already rebalances XP very thoroughly
bReduceXP = 0
; adds hotkey Left Alt to instantly end the VATS killcam
; Axonis: YES, it may be useful in some cases
bVatsExitKey = 1
; don't set the current quest when completing objectives without having a quest active
; Axonis: YES, I want to choose quests myself
bDontSetQuestWhenCompletingObjectives = 1
; don't allow exiting the hacking menu if an attempt has been made
; Axonis: no, otherwise most terminals in the world should have been locked already -- although this is something that could go great with a mod that sets a long timeout for locked terminals
bNoExitHacking = 0
; holding W will continually spin the slot machine
; Axonis: no, because no other menu functions this way
bSlotsAutoSpinHotkey = 0
; use the UK keyboard layout
; Axonis: no, and I ~hate~ the UK layout which cuts the left Shift to make space for \
bUKKeyboard = 0
; holding shift allows picking a lock even if you have the key
; Axonis: YES, because I'd rather excersise my lockpicking skill when I can
bPickLocksEvenWithKey = 1
; hides the quest objective text from the main HUD
; Axonis: no, it's not really obtrusive because it only shows when you reload a game etc
bRemoveQuestObjectiveAddedText = 0
; don't save sent commands to history if they are identical to the last sent command
; Axonis: YES, makes it easier to repeat past commands
bConsoleHistoryNoStoreDuplicates = 1
; removes the Quest Added sound when a cinematic killcam plays
; Axonis: no, I'm using "Asterra's Many Fixes with Fixes For Minor Annoyances" which fixes it already, but you should enable it otherwise
bNoKillcamKillSound = 0
; disallows grabbing of owned items
; Axonis: no, grabbing may be necessary in some situations without being a cheat; the best approach would be to make merchants angry after a timeout period of grabbing their wares
bNoGrabOwnedItems = 0
; automatically skips the intro video
; Axonis: YES, according to MoerasGrizzly -- "This doesn't apply to the 'Blue Moon' intro video, but to the slideshow logos shown when the game starts up"
bSkipIntroVideo = 1
; forces first person for VATS camera shots
; Axonis: no, although this is very interesting, I'm playing almost exclusively 1st person and this is my only chance to see my character
bFirstPersonVATS = 0
; stores/restores console history to ConsoleHistory.txt
; Axonis: YES, it should be quite useful and there's already enough clutter from logs etc. to worry about another file at the base folder
bRememberConsoleHistory = 1
; allows fast travelling from indoors (you need to take care not to travel out of scripted areas)
; Axonis: no, its good for debugging though
bAllowUnsafeFastTravel = 0
; makes sneaking holdable rather than toggleable
; Axonis: no, default control is fine as it doesn't require pressing too many keys
bHoldCrouchToSneak = 0
; stops the landing animation playing
; Axonis: no, according to Stewie -- "I created it to stop the anim so you can jump and fire a weapon without it bugging out when you land. The game doesn't feel the same without the anims though."
bRemoveLandingAnim = 0
; makes fast travel cost 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum, Quartz or Victory
; Axonis: no, that's a nice idea for a dedicated mod though, and it could be expanded with water & food costs and/or Survival requirements
bFastTravelCostsSpecialNukaBottles = 0
; removes the ability to sell items in the barter menu
; Axonis: no, probably for debug ?
bDisableSellingItems = 0
; adds hotkeys 0-9 to select options in the dialog menu (recommended use with VUI+'s numbered topics setting)
; Axonis: no, although I do offer this option, I personally prefer my game's UI to be simple
bNumberedDialogHotkeys = 0
; set custom buy/sell multipliers for each item type
; Axonis: no, although this could be very useful for a trade & barter mod
bUseCustomBarterPriceMultipliers = 0
; stops dialog with NPCs being skipped automatically
; Axonis: no, but this should be very useful if you can't read the subtitles in time because it keeps a spoken line undefinitely until you click
bNoAutoContinueDialog = 0
; disables the radial blur when damaged (optionally only when in god-mode)
; Axonis: YES, but only in godmode where you don't really take any damage
bDisableHitShader = 1
; sets the max player level and disables the hard-coded +5 per DLC (do not exceed level 100)
; Axonis: no, JSawyer Ultimate does that already
iMaxCharacterLevel = 0
; adds hotkeys shift and right mouse button to instantly display the current terminal text
; Axonis: no, I don't use hotkeys
bTerminalInstantDisplayHotkey = 0
; swap the Y and Z keys
; Axonis: no, probably useful with other key function alteration options
bSwapKeyboardYZKeys = 0
; reloading with a full clips switches ammo type
; Axonis: no, because bDoubleTapReloadToChangeAmmoType is better
bReloadingWithFullClipSwitchesAmmoType = 0
; add hotkeys to rotate the flycam camera, and increase the run speed
; Axonis: no, but I will probably revise this if I make heavy use of tfc
bBetterFlycam = 0
; allow NPCs to drop weapons on death even if they are not out
; Axonis: no, I'm not sure why this would be useful
bNPCsDropWeaponHolsteredWeapon = 0
; prevents reloading if the weapon's clip is not empty
; Axonis: no, although this would put the player with the same odds as NPCs, reloading does take time and bReloadingWithFullClipSwitchesAmmoType is more useful with this option off
bDisableReloadingNonEmptyClip = 0
; removes the grenade indicator from the HUD
; Axonis: no, I guess this is good for some grenade mods though
bDisableGrenadeIndicator = 0
; worn power armor is weightless
; Axonis: no, the strength bonus is supposed to counter the weight
bWeightlessWornPowerArmor = 0
; holding shift when taking a screenshot hides the menus
; Axonis: YES, although it still leaves the blur which makes it useful only for hiding HUD elements
bShiftScreenshotHidesMenus = 1
; allow fast travel while enemies are nearby
; Axonis: no, but I guess it may be useful for debugging
bFastTravelWithEnemiesNearby = 0
; disables the player being knocked over in godmode
; Axonis: YES, for the same reasons as with other godmode settings
bNoKnockdownInGodmode = 1
; change ammo types when reload is pressed twice in quick succession
; Axonis: YES, its much easier to use than an extra hotkey
bDoubleTapReloadToChangeAmmoType = 1
; failing a lockpick force attempt breaks a bobby pin instead of the lock
; Axonis: no, because you're supposed to be using brute force instead of lockpicks
bForceLockpickNoBreakLock = 0
; set the controller thumbstick deadzones under [Controller Deadzone]
; Axonis: no, I can't playtest it because I'm only using an emulated controller for modding
bDisableControllerDeadzones = 0
; increase controller rotation speed to half of sensitivity when looking around with POV held
; Axonis: no, same as above
bFasterControllerPOVRotate = 0
; hides the cursor while in dialog
; Axonis: YES, but only with bOnlyWhenNPCSpeaks
bHideCursorInDialog = 1
; remove the wait for the Fallout New Vegas logo to be at full alpha
; Axonis: YES, although I didn't realize there's a reduction in the wait
bFasterTitleMenu = 1
; holding shift ignores friendly NPCs when entering VATS
; Axonis: YES, won't interfere with anything and it might come in handy
bShiftIgnoresFriendlyVATS = 1
; perks to earn per level
; Axonis: no, unless you're using some alternative balancing (the default 0 doesn't change the standard perk per 2 levels)
iPerksPerLevel = 0
; disables the radial blur when an explosion occurs nearby
; Axonis: no, that's a nice effect
bDisableExplosionInFaceIMOD = 0
; modify skill points earned on levelup under [Skill Points]
; Axonis: no, see iPerksPerLevel
bModifySkillPointsEarned = 0
; removes the luck skill's effect on gambling
; Axonis: no, gambling is a big incentive for Luck
bLuckDoesntAffectGambling = 0
; removes the chem worn off screen effect
; Axonis: no, its a nice effect
bRemoveChemWarnOffIMOD = 0
; allows scrollwheel to zoom while using a scope
; Axonis: YES, but only for Binoculars as it would make scoped weapons too powerful, see bBinocularsOnly
bAdjustableScopeZoom = 1
; stops popup menus moving the mouse to the center of the screen
; Axonis: no, the auto-centering is very useful in the quantity menu
bPopupMenusDontMoveCursor = 0
; pressing the iTogglePipboyLight key while aiming with a night vision weapon toggles the night vision effect
; Axonis: YES, it just makes sense
bAddNightVisionToggle = 1
; holding shift decreases scope wobble at the cost of Action Points
; Axonis: no, wobble is meant to be a weapon penalty no need to nerf it with another mechanism
bScopeHoldBreath = 0
; wearing power armor scales fall damage (see [Power Armor])
; Axonis: no, because I don't know how a metal suit would affect falling damage
bPowerArmorScalesFallDamage = 0
; NPC and player movement speed is scaled by their agility
; Axonis: YES, it improves the tokenization of agility and movement penalties, see fAgilityMovementSpeedMult and bMovementPenalties
bAgilityScalesMovementSpeed = 1
; disables zooming when aiming with non-scoped weapons
; Axonis: no, the vanilla non-scoped zoom is small enough and feels realistic
bDisableWeaponFOV = 0
; stops the container category titles being capitalised
; Axonis: YES, because it matches the letter case of the container name (also see sInventoryItems and sInventoryAmmo)
bNoCapitaliseContainerCategories = 1
; automatically unequip armor when it breaks
; Axonis: YES, sounds realistic and matches broken weapon behavior
bUnequipBrokenArmor = 1
; don't allow equipping of weapons without the required strength and skill
; Axonis: no, it can be cheated with a temporary effect to allow the weapon to be used indefinitely until un-equipped
bWeaponRequirementsMatter = 0
; disables sneak attack criticals
; Axonis: no, although it could be interesting with bSneakAttackWithoutCrouching
bNoSneakAttacksCriticals = 0
; allow sneak attacks on enemies if you're undetected but not sneaking
; Axonis: YES, bludgeoning an enemy from the back and then resume crouching doesn't make sense
bSneakAttackWithoutCrouching = 1
; removes the tips from the loading screens
; Axonis: no, in fact I consider writing a small plugin with rewritten tips for the changes here
bDisableLoadingScreenTips = 0
; disables the killcam for companion kills
; Axonis: YES, no more annoying random killcams
bDisableCompanionKillcam = 1
; automatically pause the game when a save is loaded
; Axonis: no, but it might be useful when a save is bloated
bPauseOnSaveLoad = 0
; removes fog from interiors
; Axonis: no, I see it as dust which I think makes sense
bDisableInteriorFog = 0
; improves various aspects of the Hacking minigame
; Axonis: YES, prevents erroneous clicks on single characters, prevents re-guessing words, always removes duds when allowance is full etc
bImprovedHacking = 1
; add the name of the required key to the end of the "sImpossibleLock" message
; Axonis: no, it can be a spoiler and I didn't like the message "It requires a key to open. Brotherhood safehouse key"
bLockNeedsKeyShowName = 0
; make the AP and HP bars visible while scoped
; Axonis: no, I'm supposed to be focusing 100% on the view and nothing else; that's also the feeling I'm having when using a real scope
bScopeVisibleAPHP = 0
; add a 3s delay after combat before the LevelUp menu will show
; Axonis: YES, this can be useful to allow some events to properly kick in-between
bDelayPostCombatLevelUp = 1
; stops the grabbed item being dropped when jumping
; Axonis: YES, it just makes sense and makes grabbing more useful
bJumpingDoesntDropGrabbedItem = 1
; disables the Map Marker Added popup
; Axonis: no, this disables the Map Marker Added *message* which is pretty useful with bDescriptiveMarkerAddedMessage (thanks Stewie for the clarification)
bNoMapMarkerAddedPopup = 0
; prevents the player being selected when clicking in console
; Axonis: YES, this is very useful -- the player often gets in the way
bNonSelectablePlayerInConsole = 1
; adds extra information when a ref is selected in the console
; Axonis: YES, the info is at the reference's title and I'd like to see even more (eg. base id and editor id)
bExtraConsoleDetails = 1
; print vanilla debug errors to console
; Axonis: no, most of it was just a boot log cluttering the console; such information is useful in logfiles only
bPrintErrorsToConsole = 0
; hide quest items in the misc PipBoy page
; Axonis:no, although it does de-clutter the Misc items, it also prevents me from knowing if I got an item or not (and some quest items have nice icons)
bHideMiscQuestItems = 0
; alters the pickpocket formula to take into account item weight, target perception and detection value
; Axonis: YES, see [Pickpocket Overhaul]
bPickpocketOverhaul = 1
; prevents the leg crippled sound in godmode
; Axonis: YES, because you aren't taking any damage really
bGodmodePreventsLegCrippleSound = 1
; earn XP when repairing items
; Axonis: no, because you don't get XP when you craft items
bRepairsRewardXP = 0
; earn Action Points when killing outside of VATS
; Axonis: no, although it would be a nice perk
bKillsRewardAP = 0
; prevent the hotkey wheel showing when holding a hotkey
; Axonis: no, why hold the key if you don't want to see the hotkeys matrix at the HUD ?
bNoHUDHotkeyPopup = 0
; prevent firing if you don't have enough ammo for one burst
; Axonis: no, a magazine doesn't have to be fully loaded to feed a gun
bClipSizeMatters = 0
; show interior cell names in the HUD region text where the 'Mojave Wasteland' text is
; Axonis: YES, its practically a fix
bHUDShowRegionNames = 1
; don't reward XP for companion kills
; Axonis: YES, again a fix
bNoCompanionKillXP = 1
; prevents AP regeneration while overencumbered
; Axonis: no, it didn't make the game more fun; being forced to walk while encumbered is enough
bNoAPRegenWhileOverencumbered = 0
; disables the character recreation script that runs when leaving the spawn area
; Axonis: YES, the character recreation menu is an immersion breaker and a cheat
bDisableCharacterRespec = 1
; disables the reputation popups and messages
; Axonis: YES, as recommended by Darian Stephens; see [Reputation]
bNoReputationMessages = 1
; add a button to sort/filter the inventory
; Axonis: no, because the button doesn't look like part of the game (although it's nicely drawn) but see bClickingActiveTabTogglesSorting
bShowInventorySortButton = 0
; show the number hotkeys in the Controls menu
; Axonis: no, because they don't show up on the hotkey wheel (I need to ask Stewie to provide some UI-xml data to show them at VUI+)
bAllowRebindNumkeys = 0
; hide the clip/remaining label
; Axonis: no, such things are better handled by dedicated UI extensions such as oHUD
bHideAmmoLabel = 0
; clicking on the current pipboy inventory tab toggles sorting/filtering
; Axonis: YES, we can have some nice sorting without burdening the UI
bClickingActiveTabTogglesSorting = 1
; prevents the vaultboy showing on the HUD when a limb is crippled (not the LMB indicator)
; Axonis: no, I think the HUD paperdoll is a useful cue
bDisableHUDCrippledLimbIndicator = 0
; adds a background to the console
; Axonis: no, not sure what it does because I didn't get a background
bConsoleBackground = 0
; show weight and value for an individual item when viewing stacks of items
; Axonis: YES, because multiplication is easier than division
bIndividialItemStats = 1
; add RGB sliders for the main HUD color to the settings menu
; Axonis: YES, even though I prefer to stick to defaults, it's nice to have an option for my partially color-blind eyes
bAddRGBSliders = 1
; show faction currencies in the misc page for containers, and show Caps in the PipBoy misc tab
; Axonis: no, it clutters the container menu and Caps are shown at the Pip-Boy Items already
bShowCurrencyInContainers = 0
; hide the grenade indicator for projectiles whose explosions do no damage
; Axonis: YES, makes sense to only allow the indicator for something that would harm you
bHideGrenadeIndicatorForNoDamageExplosions = 1
; add a * to the prompt for NPCs who haven't been spoken to
; Axonis: no, see bPatchUnseenCellName
bUnspokenNPCIndicator = 0
; don't scale armor damage threshold based on condition when worn by NPCs
; Axonis: no, it's only fair to play by the same rules
bNoScaleNpcDamageThresholdByCondition = 0
; don't scale armor damage resistance based on condition when worn by NPCs
; Axonis: no, see bNoScaleNpcDamageThresholdByCondition
bNoScaleNpcDamageResistanceByCondition = 0
; disables hardcoded one-time tutorial messages, e.g. hacking, lockpick, pipboy
; Axonis: YES, you can always open the tutorial at the Help option at the Start/Pause menu
bDisableTutorialMessages = 1
; make vendors obey their Buy/Sell flags, restricting which items they accept
; Axonis: YES, selling guns to a Followers doctor doesn't make sense
bBarterCheckActorBuySellFlags = 1
; fix a vanilla bug where unavailable radios aren't sorted to the bottom of the list
; Axonis: YES, bugfix
bSortUnavailableRadiosToBottom = 1
; prevents companions saying when they are injured, needing ammo, weapons etc.
; Axonis: no, although there are a few cases where such messages are wrong (eg. with recharger weapons)
bRemoveFollowerTopics = 0
; remembers the selected ref when closing the console (provided it is still loaded)
; Axonis: YES, this is a nice QOL tweak when debugging
bKeepSelectedConsoleRef = 1
; allow sleeping in owned beds
; Axonis: no, the idea behind bed ownership is that people would disturb your sleep
bSleepInOwnedBeds = 0
; don't progress time or hardcore needs when fast traveling
; Axonis: no, fast travel is almost a cheat so let's keep it at "almost"
bNoFastTravelTimeChange = 0
; show the names of actors detecting you while sneaking
; Axonis: no, it makes sneaking too powerful; just take the chance with what you've got
bDetectedByWhom = 0
; adds an AP cost for running
; Axonis: YES, but a low cost which will allow free running with Endurance=8 (see [Running Costs AP])
bRunningCostsAP = 1
; hide completed quests in the PipBoy
; Axonis: no, they are nicely sorted under active quests
bHideCompletedQuests = 0
; alter masked NPC audio distortion to be similar to Fallout 3
; Axonis: YES, as far as I know, Fallout 3 supports some additional distortion features
bUseFallout3AudioDistortion = 1
; hold the wait key to show the Wait menu
; Axonis: no, it's better for menus to be responsive otherwise players think there are problems in their game
bHoldWaitKeyToShowMenu = 0
; don't hide the XP bar when closing menus (e.g. when hacking/lockpicking)
; Axonis: YES, it's nice to see the XP gains
bKeepXPBarWhenClosingMenus = 1
; allow picking locks of any level
; Axonis: no, that would kill the lockpicking skill
bPickLocksWithoutSkill = 0
; allow hacking terminals of any level
; Axonis: no, same as bPickLocksWithoutSkill
bHackTerminalsWithoutSkill = 0
; allows turning to 230 degrees from vanilla 180 and 360 degrees in third person
; Axonis: YES, as it encourages using furniture
bTurnFurtherWhileSeated = 1
; allows unconscious actors to be looted
; Axonis: no, it will affect essential gameplay balances
bLootUnconsciousVictims = 0
; show map markers added this session in red
; Axonis: no, the Pip-Boy is using a monochrome tube
bColorRecentlyAddedMapMarkers = 0
; open the pipboy to the Inventory tab when using the PipBoy key
; Axonis: no, I prefer to open the last opened tab
bOpenPipboyToInventoryByDefault = 0
; show the amount of ammo a weapon uses per shot, e.g. Tri-Beam MF Cell x 3
; Axonis: YES, this is essentially an interface bug fix
bShowWeaponAmmoUseInMenus = 1
; changes the sleep/wait clock to be in 24 hour format
; Axonis: YES, to match the original Fallout [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
b24HourSleepWaitClock = 1
; date format for PipBoy and sleep/wait menu - 0: MM.DD.YY, 1: DD.MM.YY, 2: YY.MM.DD
; Axonis: 1, to match the original Fallout [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
iDateFormat = 1
; changes the PipBoy clock to be in 12 hour format
; Axonis: no, to match the original Fallout [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
b12HourPipboyClock = 0
; add a warning in the subtitles bar if the opened container is set to respawn
; Axonis: YES, unsafe containers are rare in New Vegas, but it’s better to be safe than sorry [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
bContainerRespawnsMessage = 1
; show respawned cells as red, and visited cells as white on the local map
; Axonis: no, because this is supposed to be known by the dungeon master only, not the player [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
bLocalMapRespawnedCellIndicator = 0
; don't show the Place/Remove marker when placing markers on the map
; Axonis: YES, the pop-up doesn't make sense since there's no other purpose for clicking on the map [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
bNoPlaceMarkerPopup = 1
; show the value and weight for a whole stack of items while looting and indicate the weight in red if it would overencumber you
; Axonis: YES, this is an improvement of the great Better Pickup Prompt by Ladez [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
;- If you pick up a stack of items, Weight and Value are multiplied by the number of items in it
;- If an item is going to over-encumber you, Weight is displayed in red
;- Weight now properly accounts for Pack Rat perk
;- Weight is displayed with one decimal, two if needed
;- Weight and Value are now displayed for item types that were ignored.
bBetterPickupPrompt = 1
; hides equipped items in the barter menu
; Axonis: no, because I sometimes need to compare with what I'm using [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
bHideEquippedItemsInBarter = 0
; hides equipped items in the containers
; Axonis: no, because I sometimes need to store my equipped items [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
bHideEquippedItemsInContainers = 0
; prevents the 'worn off' message for food items
; Axonis: YES, the message is quite annoying because food is not supposed to affect time-critical situations [from Unnecessary Tweaks by TrueCourierSix]
bNoFoodWornOffMessage = 1
; don't hide the quest/location added text while aiming
; Axonis: YES, the text is useful and not distracting
bQuestTextVisibleWhileAiming = 1
; allow teammates to use the meltdown effect if the player has the Meltdown perk
; Axonis: no, its too powerful and collateral to give it to friendly AI
bAllowTeammatesUseMeltdown = 0
; prevents damage from your own explosions
; Axonis: no, explosion damage is meant to be risky
bNoSelfExplosionDamage = 0
; prevents activating certain object types unless the key is held
; Axonis: YES, but only for auto-pickup see [Activate Key]
bHoldToActivate = 1
; store pipboy scroll positions between sessions (per save)
; Axonis: YES, it can reduce uncessary scrolling
bRememberPipboyScrollPositions = 1
; weapons always deal their max damage regardless of condition
; Axonis: no, cheat
bNoWeaponConditionDamagePenalty = 0
; stops player scale affecting melee damage
; Axonis: no, if I would tweak scale, I'd rather have my mass affect melee damage
bPlayerMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 0
; hide the faction reputation from map markers on the world map
; Axonis: no, it can be helpful
bHideMapMarkerFactionReputation = 0
; show - and + on weapon DPS/DAM relative to the equipped weapon
; Axonis: no, it causes wrapping (which is a mess) on the DPS/DAM fields on some items
bCompareWeaponStats = 0
; allow sleeping/waiting in combat, midair or trespassing (configurable)
; Axonis: no, waiting is already a non-realistic function, better to keep it somehow restricted
bSleepWaitAnywhere = 0
; remove the black loading screen when loading an interior cell, and prevent actors being faded in
; Axonis: YES, its better to show loading screens when there's actual loading (at least more than a fraction of a second)
bNoInteriorBlackLoadingScreen = 1
; stops NPC and player scale affecting their melee damage
; Axonis: no, see bPlayerMeleeDamageIgnoresScale
bCharacterMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 0
; skip the assign skill points screen if you have no points to assign
; Axonis: YES, practically a bugfix
bSkipSkillMenuIfNoPointsToAssign = 1
; allow a custom scale applied to armor DR/DT based on their condition
; Axonis: no, not for now due to limited time -- will have to revise later as it requires a lot of testing
bCustomArmorConditionPenalty = 0
; prevents weapons being damaged when shot at
; Axonis: no, it's quite realistic and fun for surgical hits
bHittingWeaponsDoesntDamageThem = 0
; removes load screen backgrounds when exiting interiors
; Axonis: no, these can take more time than a couple seconds, so it's better to be seeing an image and a tip than a black screen
bNoExteriorLoadScreens = 0
; fixes a black rectangle when loading and incorrect FOV in some menus when in (21:9) resolution
; Axonis: YES, thanks to this setting I was able to configure Kobu's Better Binoculars (my Quick Install version) for my screen -- see [Ultrawide Support]
bUltrawideSupport = 1
; makes armor weightless while it is worn
; Axonis: no, that's what Strength is for
bWeightlessWornArmor = 0
; stops NPC and player scale affecting their non-melee damage
; Axonis: YES, although mods that use scaled NPCs may be depending on the extra damage
bCharacterNonMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 1
; stops player scale affecting non-melee damage
; Axonis: YES, see bCharacterNonMeleeDamageIgnoresScale
bPlayerNonMeleeDamageIgnoresScale = 1
; makes aid items weightless in non-hardcore
; Axonis: YES, even though I always play hardcore, this is practically a bugfix for non-hardcore
bWeightlessAidItems = 1
; hides the crosshair in first person
; Axonis: no, you've got to stop worrying and love the crosshair which is an essential UI element
bHideCrosshairInFirstPerson = 0
; prevents bans from casinos
; Axonis: no, its a necessary balance measure as in real life
bNoCasinoBans = 0
; allows NPCs to land sneak attack criticals on the player
; Axonis: no, because I don't know how the game thinks I'm not aware of the attack -- eg. sometimes I see enemies but the game doesn't start battle music
bNPCsCanSneakCritPlayer = 0
; allows NPCs to disarm the player
; Axonis: YES, because it's in the original Fallout
bNPCsCanDisarmPlayer = 1
; only allow sneak attack criticals with melee weapons
; Axonis: no, it would make the game too difficult but perhaps it can be replaced with a critical multiplier for guns instead of 100%
bSneakCriticalsOnlyMeleeWeapons = 0
; unhide quest items and armors with no DR or DT from the repair services menu
; Axonis: YES, it's more natural to have them behave as real items
bShowQuestAndNoDRDTItemsInRepairMenu = 1
; adds a fatigue indicator similar to the FOD and H20 labels in hardcore
; Axonis: YES, its a K.O. indicator that shows only when needed
bHUDFatigueIndicator = 1
; inverts the direction of category change when using scrollwheel on the container title
; Axonis: no, because I think it as an alphabetical list so wheel down goes from A to B
bInvertContainerTitleScrollwheelDirection = 0
; disable godmode when loading a save
; Axonis: YES, I usually forget it's set
bDisableGodmodeOnLoad = 1
; open the PipBoy and use weapon hotkeys while reloading
; Axonis: no, the Pip-Boy requires manual control
bAllowWeaponHotkeysAndPipBoyWhileReloading = 0
; prevent teammates from being disarmed in combat
; Axonis: YES, because it's a real pain to waste time searching for dropped unique weapons you gave your companion
bNoDisarmCompanions = 1
; allows firing weapons while lower body animations are playing
; Axonis: YES, it's cinematic and doesn't really affect game balance
bAllowFiringWhileLanding = 1
; allows firing weapons while starting to aim
; Axonis: YES, there's no gameplay reason not to
bFireWhileAiming = 1
; don't allow opening console till initial loading is finished
; Axonis: YES, even though I thought this was already imposed
bDontAllowConsoleTillLoadingIsDone = 1
; allow melee power attacks while overencumbered
; Axonis: no, otherwise overencumbered won't be a serious as it has to be
bPowerAttackWhileOverencumbered = 0
; slowly regenerate breath when not underwater
; Axonis: no, in my experience breath is recovered quickly
bSlowBreathRegen = 0
; show the scroll menu when clicking on a note in the PipBoy
; Axonis: no, although this looks great with Stewie's Book menu ( it's just more immersive to show notes at the Pip-Boy where they are stored (but I would prefer to read books at Misc Items using the Book Menu)
bNoteMenuShowSeparateMenu = 0
; don't set the current quest when gaining a new objective with no quest active
; Axonis: YES, I prefer to control my current quest selection
bDontSetQuestWhenObjectivesAdded = 1
; fixes a bug where attack loop weapons would not play their attack sound when briefly stopped
; Axonis: YES, bugfix
bSpinWeaponsSoundFix = 1
; turn slower while aiming
; Axonis: YES, it's more realistic, it helps precise aiming and it doesn't affect binoculars
bTurnSlowerWhileAiming = 1
; show the sneak indicator while standing
; Axonis: no, the sneak indicator is already a cheat let's keep it to sneaking only
bShowSneakLabelWhileStanding = 0
; automatically target the head when entering VATS
; Axonis: YES, it can reduce time spent in targeting
bVATSAutoTargetHead = 1
; scrolling only changes camera height if the 'Change View' key is held
; Axonis: no, I prefer vanilla controls, and I really like to be able to easily change camera zoom in some cases
bOnlyChangeCameraHeightIfPOVKeyHeld = 0
; disables zooming when aiming with a weapon holstered
; Axonis: no, that's closer to an eye focus rather than zoom
bDisableHolsteredWeaponFOVZoom = 0
; show - and + on armor DT and DR relative to the equipped armors
; Axonis: no, because I prefer armor to be shown consistently with weapons and I use bCompareWeaponStats=0 for a good reason
bCompareArmorStats = 0
; allow entering VATS while animations play (e.g. while jumping)
; Axonis: no, just land on your feet
bAllowVATSWhileAnimsPlay = 0
; heal robotic companions with scrap metal instead of stimpaks
; Axonis: YES, that's really a game design bug fix and well implemented one with proper strings; see [Robot Companion Healing]
bRobotCompanionsHealWithScrapMetal = 1
; automatically convert taken screenshots into various formats e.g. jpg
; Axonis: no, it requires processing time
bCustomScreenshotFormat = 0
; prepend [MODNAME.esp] when a mod prints to console
; Axonis: YES, make it easier to read console messages (although mod authors should keep their damn debugging out of the console when releasing the final product)
bModConsolePrintsIncludeName = 1
; show the time remaining for temporary status effects in the Stats Menu
; Axonis: YES, this is essential information and they all fit on the EFF rows with VUI+
bStatsMenuShowEffectTimeRemaining = 1
; scale the volume of songs during dialogue
; Axonis: YES, I no longer have to turn off my radio prior to talking
bScaleRadioSongVolumeDuringDialogue = 1
; always use the first person sound when attempting to fire with an empty clip
; Axonis: YES, even though I always use 1st person in combat, I think it should be useful for those who don't
bUseFirstPersonEmptyClipSound = 1
; add a hotkey 'Ctrl-F' to filter various menus
; Axonis: YES, very useful and well implemented; won't affect the UI if you don't need it
bMenuSearch = 1
; allow use of keyboard and mouse to move around while a controller is connected
; Axonis: YES, it won't show the mouse pointer but will allow basic controls, nice
bAllowKeyboardAndMouseWithControllerConnected = 1
; multiply critical damage for all weapons
; Axonis: no, it's better to fine tune such values per weapon with a simple plugin
bScaleCriticalDamage = 0
; holding the attack button for grenades decreases their detonation timer
; Axonis: YES, makes grenades more realistic and the default settings will prevent self-injury
bCookableGrenades = 1
; automatically set an output file for the console
; Axonis: YES, with all those console files floating around another one won't hurt
bUseConsoleOutputFile = 1
; speed up the quest and note menus by only recreating them if your quest/notes state has changed
; Axonis: YES, a great boon to UI speed especially as you progress in the game and the lists become heavily populated
bCacheQuestAndNoteMenu = 1
; don't stop the current holotape when viewing other notes
; Axonis: YES, just as you can resume normal activity when listening to a holotape
bKeepHolotapePlayingWhenSelectingOtherNotes = 1
; smooth the ironsights animation by interpolating between the non-aiming and aiming camera positions
; Axonis: YES, simply improves the animation
bSmoothIronsightsCameraTransition = 1
; disables the messages when hardcore needs and radiation levels increase/decrease
; Axonis: no, they are good for tension -- in fact they could be spiced up to sound more alarming
bDisableNeedsMessages = 0
; allows firing automatic weapons even if they are animating already (e.g. miniguns spinning up)
; Axonis: no, the delay is realistic
bAutoWeaponNoFiringDelay = 0
; allows crouching while (un)equipping weapons
; Axonis: no, its more fun to manage your actions
bCrouchWhileEquippingWeapons = 0
; shows recently killed NPCs on the compass until they have been moused over
; Axonis: YES, greatly reduces search & loot time
bRecentlyDeadNPCIndicator = 1
; prevents the controller back button closing the PipBoy
; Axonis: no, I don't really know because I only use a controller for mod development
bControllerBackButtonDoesntClosePipBoy = 0
; set the maximum number of NPC ticks on the compass, overriding the vanilla gamesetting
; Axonis: no, no need to I'm rarely bothered by too many ticks
iHUDMaxCompassNPCTicks = 0
; only show blood splatters above a minimum health damage threshold
; Axonis: YES, that's both realistic and a useful indication of damage, also see [Blood Splatters]
bMinBloodSplatterHealthDamage = 1
; makes items weightless, options for each category
; Axonis: no, all items should have weight with some exceptions handled by a gameplay mod
bWeightlessItems = 0
; stop firing the current burst if the target is already dead
; Axonis: no, burst does have its disadvantages
bVATSStopBurstIfTargetDead = 0
; allows hold/releasing for throwables similar to grenades
; Axonis: no, these they have no detonation timer
bHoldAndReleaseThrowables = 0
; allows sleep/waiting while max health is reduced by effects
; Axonis: YES, its more natural to let such effects subside first
bAllowSleepWaitWithReducedMaxHealth = 1
; makes kill XP depend on the level difference between the player and killed actor
; Axonis: no, vanilla XP per level is already semi-logarithmic for this very reason
bLevelDifferenceAffectsCombatXP = 0
; allow swapping ammo types while weapon is holstered
; Axonis: no, cheat
bSwapAmmoWithWeaponHolstered = 0
; allows wearing power armor without the Power Armor Training perk
; Axonis: no, cheat
bPowerArmorNeedsNoTraining = 0
; colors various HUD elements e.g. HP bar when health is low
; Axonis: no, because of my partial color blindness
bColoredHUDBars = 0
; scales jump height based on character speedmult actor value
; Axonis: no, it didn't work for me and I don't use a tweaked speedmult anyway (light armor and Agility benefits do not affect speedmult)
bSpeedMultScalesJumpHeight = 0
; don't alert actors when stealing their items (excludes pickpocketing)
; Axonis: no, cheat
bStealingSendsNoAlarm = 0
; only allow sneak attack criticals to the head
; Axonis: YES, this strikes a balance between gameplay and common sense (sneak attack criticals are mostly illogical but fun)
bSneakCriticalsHeadshotsOnly = 1
; sort the Pipboy Notes tab
; Axonis: no, I prefer them sorted by last taken as in vanilla
bSortPipboyNotes = 0
; sort the Pipboy Quests tab
; Axonis: no, I prefer them sorted by last updated as in vanilla
bSortPipboyQuests = 0
; disables steam/gog achievements
; Axonis: YES, disabling those is a greater achievement
bDisableAchievements = 1
; include weapon poison effects when viewing weapons in the PipBoy
; Axonis: no, it won't show for weapons with mods and such a discrepancy can lead to confusion
bShowWeaponPoisonEffects = 0
; hide unavailable radios in the PipBoy
; Axonis: no, there aren't really that many to need such a function
bHideUnavailableRadios = 0
; show XP in the Stats Menu as a percentage
; Axonis: no, after playtesting I found that when I really need to know this stat, absolute values are more useful
bStatsMenuPercentageXP = 0
; allow unequipping weapon mods
; Axonis: YES, and it doesn't allow exploiting the All Things in Modder Nation challenge (goodbye WMM)
bUnequipWeaponMods = 1
; stops NPC-NPC damage using the fDiffMultHPByPC gamesetting
; Axonis: no, after playtesting I decided that Hard is better to be hard for everyone (you can also use Normal with a challenge mod such as Qolore7's Survival Mode-Style Damage, Vicious Wastes or JSawyer Ultimate)
bDifficultyDoesntAffectNPCToNPCDamage = 0
; prevents combat music playing
; Axonis: no, it indicates the player character is aware of combat
bDisableCombatMusic = 0
; prevent the message when a weapon breaks and keep it equipped
; Axonis: no, see bEquipBrokenItems
bKeepBrokenItemsEquipped = 0
; allows pickpocketing items NPCs have equipped
; Axonis: no, it should not be possible to pickpocket one's clothes
bPickpocketWornItems = 0
; allow movement during VATS killcams
; Axonis: YES, and there are other annoying issues with the VATS "time stop" for the player
bMoveDuringVATSPlayback = 1
; clicking instantly displays the rest of a note page
; Axonis: no, 300 baud is the limit
bClickingShowsTerminalText = 0
; place low condition items at the top of the repair list
; Axonis: no, it goes against standard inventory sorting
bInvertPipboyRepairMenuSorting = 0
; sort the repair services menu alphabetically and by condition, with worn items at the top
; Axonis: no, see bInvertPipboyRepairMenuSorting
bSortRepairServicesMenu = 0
; allow movement outside world borders, showing the 'Leaving Region' warning
; Axonis: no, the limitation is meant to prevent the player character from realizing it's not a real world
bDisableRegionBordersKeepMessage = 0
; prevent 'recurring' challenges from resetting their progress when completed
; Axonis: no, it's safer to be handled via plugin (perhaps some recurring challenges could be used for other mechanisms)
bNoRecurringChallenges = 0
; add an indicator that a challenge is recurring when viewed in the PipBoy
; Axonis: YES, its a non-obstrusive string added next to the challenge progress
bRecurringChallengeIndicator = 1
; modify how far away general subtitles are shown
; Axonis: no, default is low to avoid confusion in crowded areas
bCustomSubtitleDistance = 0
; delay display of the scope overlay when aiming in, and optionally prevent scoped aiming while reloading
; Axonis: YES, more realistic -- see [Scoped Weapons]
bScopeVisibilityDelay = 1
; display the location discovered text as a corner message
; Axonis: no, it looks nice with those large fonts
bLocationDiscoveredCornerMessage = 0
; prevent use of healing items in [Danger]
; Axonis: no, enemies use them too in combat
bNoHealingInCombat = 0
; hide 'Ranks' in the description for traits in the Trait menu
; Axonis: YES, they are redundant, Traits can only have requirements; it's always nice to remove redundant stuff from descriptions
bHideRanksInTraitMenu = 1
; sort the level up menu perks
; Axonis: no, I'm really used to vanilla level-based sorting
bSortPerkMenu = 0
; scale the volume of background music during dialogue
; Axonis: YES, as it was in the original Fallout
bScaleMusicVolumeDuringDialogue = 1
; allow dequeuing actions and exiting vats while zooming in/out
; Axonis: no, my VATS is too fast to allow actions while focusing on a new target (BTW, my computer is really old and I don't understand why I don't have these VATS slowdowns people are talking about)
bLessRestrictiveVATSMenu = 0
; suppress player turning anims to prevent the glide when stopping while turning
; Axonis: no, I'd rather glide
bNoTurningAnim = 0
; customise the length of time the 'Added to inventory' message is shown
; Axonis: no, it's OK in my experience; the problem is multiple items being added in Mojave Express dropboxes but I have fixed this by script that's included in the Unofficious Patch Plus
bCustomAddToInventoryMessageTimer = 0
; prevent the red crosshair when mousing over invisible enemies in the distance
; Axonis: YES, for the same reasons with bNoVATSTargetInvisible
bHideRedCrosshairOnDistantInvisibleTargets = 1
; remember ammo type and count for all player weapons
; Axonis: YES, the game should not forget your selected ammo (and seems to be working better than Remember Selected Ammo)
bRememberWeaponAmmos = 1
; make melee and unarmed damage use body part damage multipliers
; Axonis: no, I think it overlaps with the limb condition mechanism
bLocationalMeleeDamage = 0
; pressing holster weapon while animations play will holster when the anims finish
; Axonis: YES, it's a nice usability improvement to have keys apply whenever possible
bQueueWeaponHolsteringWhileAnimsPlay = 1
; don't lock terminals after too many hacking attempts
; Axonis: no, it's like a free powerful perk
bNoLockFailedTerminals = 0
; delay the reputation change popup dialog till after combat
; Axonis: YES, "delays till 3s after combat instead of immediately after combat" -- Stewie
bDelayPostCombatReputationPopup = 1
; remove the limit on the number of characters in the player's name
; Axonis: no, the limit is necessary to retain a maximum name width for UI layout purposes
bNoPlayerNameLimit = 0
; skip to the vigor tester review page
; Axonis: no, the "cowboy" descriptions are nice
bSkipVigorTesterSpecialPages = 0
; make grabbing owned items carry the same faction penalty as stealing
; Axonis: no, it's too draconian; perhaps after a timeout ?
bGrabbingItemsIsCrime = 0
; make fatal non-sneak critical hits always explode or dismember limbs
; Axonis: YES, makes sense but it would be better to have an additional random factor
bFatalNonSneakCritsAlwaysGib = 1
; set a minimum cost for buying free items (e.g. ammo casings)
; Axonis: YES, there goes another free meal
bNoFreeBarterItems = 1
; set a custom number of SPECIAL points to allocate
; Axonis: no, default is fine
bCustomSpecialPoints = 0
; use weapon hotkeys while firing
; Axonis: no, it allows you to immediately switch from a heavy melee weapon that is currently swinging
bAllowWeaponHotkeysWhileFiring = 0
; allow movement during the open PipBoy anim
; Axonis: no, the Pip-Boy already performs a totally cheating timestop with very few motion and AP penalties
bMoveDuringOpenPipboyAnim = 0
; use non-ironsight anims and recoil patterns for scoped weapons to prevent weapons staying in your face when unscoping while firing
; Axonis: YES, seems more like a bug fix
bHipFireAnimsWhileScoped = 1
; restores the '2' weapon hotkey
; Axonis: YES, depriving such an easily accessible button from hotkeys was a developer mistake anyway
bRestore2Hotkey = 1
; include grabbed item weight when determining if player is overencumbered
; Axonis: no, item grabbing is just a utility function, no need to complicate it
bEncumbranceIncludesGrabbedItems = 0
; use a custom formula for hacking answer length
; Axonis: no, default is fine
bCustomHackingAnswerLength = 0
; hide NPCs on the compass ticks if you aren't in [Danger]
; Axonis: no, otherwise perception will be useless
bNoCompassPipsIfNotInDanger = 0
; use 1st person (high-res) models for NPCs' weapons
; Axonis: no, they are usually too far away to justify extra processing
bForceHiResWeaponModels = 0
; show nearby doors on the compass
; Axonis: no, it will flood the compass with markers
bShowDoorsOnCompass = 0
; include the limb name in critical hit messages
; Axonis: no, combat messages should be terse, this isn't a turn-based game
bCriticalHitMessagesIncludeLimbName = 0
; make menu fading in/out ignore timescale
; Axonis: YES, more like a bug fix really
bMenuFadesIgnoreTimescale = 1
; require moving to stand up when seated
; Axonis: YES, although I think it already works this way (eg. I can activate a radio while sitting)
bActivatingDoesntStandUp = 1
; prevent the 'skill increased by 0' if reading a book with no bonus
; Axonis: no, I'd still prefer to know I'm reading a skill book
bNoSkillMessageIfIncreaseIsZero = 0
; fade icons for NPCs, doors etc. on the left side of the compass
; Axonis: YES, because it works this way on the right side (best would be no fade at all though)
bCompassFadeLeftSide = 1
; darken and add a faint shadow to console output text
; Axonis: YES, for the same reasons with VUI+ shadows
bConsoleTextShadow = 1
; play an alternate levelup sound every N levels
; Axonis: no, I think it just complicates it for no real gameplay improvement
bAlternateLevelupSounds = 0
; play the XP gained sound when hacking or lockpicking at max player level
; Axonis: no, because you don't gain XP
bMinigamesPlayXPSoundAtMaxLevel = 0
; hip fire in VATS if you weren't aiming when entering it (does not affect accuracy)
; Axonis: no, just aim first
bVATSHipFire = 0
; allow use of anim variants, similar to firing animation variants - requires both 1st and 3rd person anim files
; Axonis: YES, adds support for reload and equip/unequip animation variants and it won't affect anything if you don't need it (to enable reload variants see [Anim Variants])
bUseAnimVariants = 1
; make reload jams affected by reload speed multipliers
; Axonis: no, even though it only scales jam clearing speed (and not jam chance which would be irrelevant), agility is already a super-stat and it would be a mistake to make it even more important from a gameplay POV
bReloadJamsAffectedByAgility = 0
; scale movement speed when wading through water
; Axonis: YES, as a realism flavor and affects NPCs too -- see [Water Scales Movement Speed]
bRunSlowerInWater = 1
; make using PipBoy light or holster hotkeys not take longer when time is slowed down
; Axonis: YES, bugfix
bPipboyLightAndHolsteringIgnoreTimescale = 1
; make all NPCs on the compass use the hud color even if they are hostile
; Axonis: no, makes the game too hard
bHostilesUseNeutralColorOnCompass = 0
; scale jump height based on agility
; Axonis: no, it's your muscles that make you jump high, not your hand-eye coordination
bAgilityScalesJumpHeight = 0
; optimises some vanilla functions to decrease loading times and improve general performance
; Axonis: YES, it definitely feels faster
bInlineVanillaFunctions = 1
; don't scale damage by NPCs based on their weapon condition
; Axonis: no, see bNoScaleNpcDamageThresholdByCondition
bNoScaleNpcDamageByCondition = 0
; use weapon hotkeys while switching weapons
; Axonis: YES, unlike bAllowWeaponHotkeysAndPipBoyWhileReloading this doesn't cheat the required equipping animation which has to play before the new weapon starts to equip
bAllowWeaponHotkeysWhileEquipping = 1
; print which anims are currently active into the console, type TDT to see them with console closed
; Axonis: no, should be useful for mod authors but players may be confused with it
bAnimDebugging = 0
; add support for 'partial' reload anims when reloading with a non-empty clip
; Axonis: YES, it won't affect the game for those who don't need it
bPartialReloads = 1
; make NPCs earn ammo casings when firing their weapons
; Axonis: YES, adds some loot variance with very little effect on balance
bNPCsEarnAmmoCasings = 1
; drain action points before taking damage when drowning
; Axonis: YES, drowning in dead is dead was infuriating
bDrowningDrainsAP = 1
; speed up the animation for entering the lockpick menu
; Axonis: no, it's not *that* slow
bFasterEnterLockpickMenu = 0
; prevent scrollwheel affecting windows outside NV
; Axonis: YES, even though I don't think I have such an issue myself
bPreventInactiveWindowScrolling = 1
; gain XP when using keys on locks
; Axonis: no, cheat
bUsingKeysRewardsXP = 0
; use the item icon (if it exists) in 'added to inventory' messages (you will need an icon replacer or they will be off-centered)
; Axonis: no, I don't see how this works because I added casino chips and I see no chip icons which do exist
bAddItemUsesItemIcon = 0
; always show the nearest undiscovered location on the compass or map
; Axonis: no, see bHideInvisibleUndiscoveredLocations
bShowNearestUndiscoveredLocation = 0
; use left/right dpad to cycle weapon hotkeys
bWeaponCycleUpDownHotkeys = 0
; disallow repairing if repair skill is less than the weapon's skill requirement
; Axonis: no, a repairman doesn't have to be a great weapon user
bRepairRequiresWeaponSkill = 0
; use the player's weapon max range to determine the max VATS targeting distance
; Axonis: no, cheat
bMaxVATSDistanceUsesWeaponRange = 0
; add a minimum interval between player pain sounds
; Axonis: no, I really never had too frequent pain sounds
bLessFrequentPlayerPainSounds = 0
; calculate actor light levels (used for sneaking) more frequently
; Axonis: YES, vanilla is 3 seconds
bMoreFrequentNPCLightUpdates = 1
; zoom in where the cursor is instead of the center of the map
; Axonis: YES, makes it easier to focus
bBetterMapZoom = 1
; use left/right movement to control the bobby pin
; Axonis: no, because the mouse better emulates the player character's hands
bLockPickMenuKeyboardMovement = 0
; keep the pause menu open after saving
; Axonis: no, I almost always want to return to the game
bSavingDoesntClosePauseMenu = 0
; hold shift to store all visible items in the current container
; Axonis: YES, by holding Shift, the Take All button becomes a "Store All" which makes it easy to manage stuff in various containers
bContainerMenuStoreAllHotkey = 1
; prevent the 'take all' button closing the container
; Axonis: no, it's a time saver as it is
bContainerTakeAllDoesntCloseMenu = 0
; prevent bloody mess dismembering/exploding limbs that weren't hit
; Axonis: YES, it's more acceptable (even in its weird context), plus you can collect heads for bounties
bBloodyMessGibTargetedLimbOnly = 1
; hotkeying an item to the same slot it already has will remove the hotkey
; Axonis: YES, it corrects a design flaw -- hotkeys should never perform parallel functions
bDeselectHotkeys = 1
; show a confirmation message when taking all items from a container
; Axonis: no, see bContainerTakeAllDoesntCloseMenu
bTakeAllConfirmation = 0
; sort the recipe menu
; Axonis: YES, the default bSortRecipeMenu=3 will sort by craftable, then skill met, then alhabetically so it's still nicely sorted
bSortRecipeMenu = 1
; scale reload sound pitch and length based on the game time multiplier
; Axonis: YES, to sound like the other effects
bReloadSoundsAffectedByTimescale = 1
; remove the confirmation prompt when poisoning a weapon
; Axonis: YES, the message is a bit clunky (same probably goes for the Weapon Binding Ritual)
bNoPoisonConfirm = 1
; don't earn extra ammo when taking an NPCs weapon
; Axonis: no, there should be some loaded ammo
bNoAmmoFromTakingNPCWeapon = 0
; skip the exit confirmation when clicking Quit Game in the main menu
; Axonis: YES, it doesn't affect the pause menu
bNoExitConfirm = 1
; show damage resistance when using the living anatomy perk, remove decimal places and hide DR/DT if they're zero
; Axonis: YES, it's a nice cleanup although I'd retain the zero values for consistency
bLivingAnatomyShowDR = 1
; always show the perk screen when leveling up even if you have no points to assign
; Axonis: no, it'll be confusing
bPreviewPerksOnLevelUp = 0
; places map markers right at hovered locations
; Axonis: no, just right click
bPlaceMarkersAtLocations = 0
; allow pickpocketing even if you've already been caught
; Axonis: no, this rule is meant to balance things out without adding too many complications (such as: in a post-holocaust scenario you'd be shot)
bAllowPickpocketIfAlreadyCaught = 0
; hide the crosshair during killcams
; Axonis: YES, looks better and provides a cue that it's a killcam
bHideCrosshairInKillcams = 1
; prevent fast travel if legs are crippled
; Axonis: YES, otherwise it doesn't mean anything
bNoFastTravelIfLegsCrippled = 1
; hide the healthbar during killcams
; Axonis: YES, it also helps distinguish a killcam (can be an issue with modified killcam time scaling)
bHideHealthbarInKillcams = 1
; move the compass when rotating while holding the POV button for the vanity camera
; Axonis: YES, makes it easier to use
bHUDRotatesWithVanityCam = 1
; show the current weapon name above AP when it's equipped
; Axonis: YES, it feels like a vanilla feature
bHUDWeaponNameLabel = 1
; append the count to consecutive duplicate single line console messages
; Axonis: no, I really don't understand it
bCompressDuplicateConsoleMessages = 0
; prevent the pipboy idle (sway) anims playing
; Axonis: no, it's immersive
bNoPipboyIdleAnims = 0
; add a character selector for filtering the save/load menu
; Axonis: YES, very useful but I didn't like its appearance so I modified it to better integrate with the UI
bSaveCharacterSelector = 1
; pressing the hotkey for the current equipped weapon will holster or draw instead of unequipping
; Axonis: no, it can lead to accidental holstering
bHotkeyHolstersWeaponIfEquipped = 1
; prevent repairing items if not at a workbench
; Axonis: no, but it could provide a bonus (or a small penalty without it) and keep in mind that ED-E and Veronica should count as a workbench
bPreventRepairIfNotAtWorkbench = 0
; allow panning the camera with right click or Y on controller and increase min zoom
; Axonis: no, I'm only using a controller for testing purposes, so I don't really know
bImprovedRaceMenu = 0
; show the faction name underneath the map marker name
; Axonis: no, because I have cleaned the NCRCF and it still shows as Powder Ganger territory
bMapMarkersShowFactionName = 0
; hides the Stats menu reputation tab and button if you don't have any faction reputations
; Axonis: YES, the empty screen is confusing
bHideReputationTabIfEmpty = 1
; make the show quest notes button show notes for all started, non-completed quests
; Axonis: YES, all taken quests should be relevant and therefore all related notes should be relevant
bShowActiveQuestNotesShowsAllStartedQuests = 1
; adds hotkeys 0-9 to select options in the computers menu
; Axonis: no, hotkeys aren't a good match for variable options and I don't like to make the Computer Menu look act like a menu instead of a screen
bNumberedComputerHotkeys = 0
; show book effects when viewing them in the PipBoy
; Axonis: YES, its only natural to know their contents
bShowBookEffects = 1
; make right clicking the category change to the previous category in container/barter/recipe menus
;Axonis: no, just click at the left arrow
bRightClickChangesToPreviousContainerCategory = 0
; automatically continue game at the start menu
;Axonis: no, a corrupted save can lead to confusion
bAutoContinueGame = 0
; sort the misc stats page of the Stats menu
; Axonis: YES, it's the General page
bSortMiscStats = 1
; show the 'Take All' button when viewing companion inventories
; Axonis: YES, no reason to remove this option in the first place
bTakeAllInCompanionContainers = 1
; prevent sounds playing when walking through bushes
; Axonis: no, sounds are realistc and if you need such edits it's always better to apply them by plugin overwrites to make them obvious to everyone, no need to do them via low level code that very few coders understand
bPreventBushPassthroughSounds = 0
; synchronize the left/right item categories like in Fallout 4
; Axonis: no, because if "no" isn't an option, it's not Fallout
bSynchronizeContainerCategories = 0
; randomly alternate between cinematic/player view killcams
; Axonis: YES, variety is good
bRandomizeKillcamMode = 1
; don't damage melee weapons when hitting dead NPCs
; Axonis: YES, bugfix (unless hitting rocks damages a melee weapon too)
bNoDamageMeleeWeaponIfTargetDead = 1
; show the current lockpick/hacking skill levels in their popup messages
; Axonis: YES, reduces Pip-Boy lookups
bLockpickHackingMessageShowsCurrentSkill = 1
; prevent the unequip sound when the player dies
; Axonis: no, it's not annoying
bNoDropWeaponSoundOnPlayerDeath = 0
; allow clicking or pressing A to toggle keyboard/controller
; Axonis: no, I don't really use controllers to know anything about it (sounds nice though)
bToggleControllerIfAttackPressed = 0
; allow adjusting the max walking, jumping and autowalk angles
; Axonis: no, huh ?
bBillyGoatMode = 0
; show the items a weapon/armor can be repaired with by holding ALT while opening the repair menu
; Axonis: no, too many hotkeys
bRepairItemsPreview = 0
; make explosion knockdown avoidance chance based on strength instead of agility
; Axonis: YES, because agility has become a superstat with all those mods
bExplosionKnockdownAvoidanceUsesStrength = 1
; add mousewheel to scroll through hotkeyed weapons
; Axonis: no, use standard hotkeys for weapons and let the mousewheel apply zoom which is quite important
bMousewheelScrollsWeaponHotkeys = 0
; cap the levelup menu max skill values based on SPECIAL skills
; Axonis: YES, that's an important balance roleplaying tweak that disallows oxymorons such as uncharismatic great speakers
bCapSkillsBySPECIAL = 1
; only use the fActionPointsRunAndGunMult gamesetting when in combat
; Axonis: no, because I don't understand why I would want to do that from the description, I might be willing to run and gun as a surprise
bRunAndGunAPInCombatOnly = 0
; automatically pick up explosives after disarming them
; Axonis: YES, I always do that anyway
bDisarmingMinesPicksThemUp = 1
; don't scale crit chance for automatic weapons by their fire rate
; Axonis: no, because most weapons with high fire rate rely on critical chance
bCritChanceIgnoresFireRate = 0
; hides hotkeyed items in the barter menu
; Axonis: no, there's really no need to puzzle players with such exceptions on the Barter menu, neither with bHideEquippedItemsInBarter nor this one
bHideHotkeyedItemsInBarter = 0
; hides hotkeyed items in the container menu
; Axonis: no, see bHideHotkeyedItemsInBarter
bHideHotkeyedItemsInContainers = 0
[Screenshot Popup]
; print the message to console
bPrintToConsole = 1
; see for keycodes
iScreenshotKey = 183
iPipboyStatsKey = 59
iPipboyItemsKey = 60
iPipboyDataKey = 61
iVATSAcceptKey = 18
; exits to main menu
iExitToMainMenuKey = 0
; quits the game
iExitGameKey = 0
; toggles the pipboy light
iTogglePipboyLightKey = 0
; disables player collision while held (X is 45)
iDisableCollisionKey = 0
; continually presses the use key while held (N is 49)
iRepeatActivateKey = 0
; replaces the vanilla hotkey (~)
iConsoleKey = 0
; equip the last equipped weapon
iEquipLastWeaponKey = 0
; holster the current weapon, disables holding reload to holster weapon
iHolsterWeaponKey = 0
; open the PipBoy map
iOpenMapKey = 0
; open the PipBoy quests tab
iOpenQuestsKey = 0
; decrease the radio volume
iRadioVolumeDownKey = 0
; increase the radio volume
iRadioVolumeUpKey = 0
; hide various HUD elements, see the Hide HUD Key section
iHideHUDKey = 0
; toggles the visibility of all menus
iToggleMenusKey = 0
; toggles True Ironsights mode
iToggleTrueIronSightsKey = 0
; toggles visibility of the crosshair
iToggleCrosshairKey = 0
; open the PipBoy radios tab
iOpenRadioKey = 0
; open the PipBoy local map
iOpenLocalMapKey = 0
; switch to using ##SightingNode2 if the weapon has one
iToggleSightingNodeHotkey = 0
; toggles the sneak indicator visibility
iToggleSneakIndicatorKey = 0
; drops the equipped weapon
iDropEquippedWeaponKey = 0
; smoothens movements of the camera
iToggleSmoothCameraKey = 0
; select the next radio station
iNextRadioStationKey = 0
; select the previous radio station
iPrevRadioStationKey = 0
; skip the current radio song or topic
iSkipRadioSongKey = 0
[Karma Messages]
; Axonis: enabled by bNoKarmaMessages -- don't remove the messages...
bRemoveEvilMessage = 0
bRemoveEvilSound = 0
bRemoveGoodMessage = 0
bRemoveGoodSound = 0
; stop the bad karma sound playing if played within this time from another bad karma sound
; Axonis: ...but play the sound less frequently
iRepeatKarmaSoundIgnoreTime = 1000
; ignore karma messages and sounds if the change in karma is below this value
iKarmaIncreaseThreshold = 0
; ignore karma messages and sounds if the change in karma is below this value
iKarmaDecreaseThreshold = 0
[Cripple-Critical Messages]
bPatchCritical = 1
bPatchCripple = 1
[Aiming Speed]
; remove melee penalty
bPatchMelee = 1
; remove non-melee penalty
bPatchNonMelee = 1
[Audio Distortion]
; distorts all sounds
bDeepFried = 0
[Scrollwheel POV]
bDisableFirstToThird = 1
bDisableThirdToFirst = 1
[Sleep Wait]
iWaitTimeMS = 300
; show a message when waiting is prevented
bSitWaitShowMessage = 1
; makes the wait time unaffected by the sgtm command
bDontScaleWithTimescale = 1
[No Pipboy In Combat]
; Axonis: enabled by bNoPipBoyInCombat -- allow Pip-Boy use with a small Action Point cost to enrich AP management during combat without penalizing too much, and show the warning message since it would rarely show up
bShowMessage = 1
bAllowPipboyUsingActionPoints = 1
iPipboyAPCost = 10
[Jumping Costs AP]
; Axonis: enabled by bJumpingCostsAP -- prevent free jumping which is too advantageous against the AI, but set the cost to a very small value to tokenize it without stressing the player too much
iJumpAPCost = 3
bJumpWithoutEnoughAP = 0
[Combat XP]
iCombatXPDelayMS = 3000
[No Skill Tags]
; remove red outline on dialog options that would fail
bRemoveRedOutline = 1
; setting: 0 keeps the entire skill tag, 1 removes the tag, and 2 keeps the skill but not the number, i.e. [Speech]
iRemoveTags = 1
; add a % symbol for percentage based skill checks (TTW)
bAddPercentSymbol = 0
; remove the [SUCCESS] and [FAILED] responses
bRemoveFailedSuccessText = 1
; don't show XP bar for XP earned in dialogue
bNoXPPopupInDialogue = 0
[Slower Backpedaling]
; Axonis: enabled by bMovementPenalties -- apply small changes to add some realistic flavor and prevent cheating melee enemies with a long stick, but otherwise don't change gameplay too much
iLeftStrafeSpeedPercentage = 93
iRightStrafeSpeedPercentage = 93
iFrontLeftSpeedPercentage = 96
iFrontRightSpeedPercentage = 96
iBackSpeedPercentage = 86
iBackLeftSpeedPercentage = 89
iBackRightSpeedPercentage = 89
iMeleeAimSpeedPercentage = 100
iAimSpeedPercentage = 100
[Hardcore Tweaks]
; use hardcore ammo weight
bAmmoWeight = 1
; make (hired) companions essential
bEssentialCompanions = 0
; make sleeping heal the player
bSleepingHeals = 0
[Over Encumbered]
; always allow running but continue to drain AP
bAllowRunWithoutEnoughAP = 0
bJumpWithoutEnoughAP = 1
bRemoveEncumbranceMessage = 0
; scale the AP drain based on the degree of overencumberment
bWeightBasedAPPenalty = 0
iAPDrainCost = 1
iAPDrainIntervalMS = 100
iJumpAPCost = 5
[No Quest Failed]
; stop the "Quest Failed" message only if the quest wasn't started
bQuestFailedOnlyIfStarted = 0
[Menu WASD]
; WASD menu buttons always work but conflict with vanilla bindings
bOldMenuWASD = 1
; holding a WASD key repeats the action, as with the arrow keys
bWASDKeysRepeat = 1
; stops the spacebar key closing container menus
bNoSpaceClosesContainer = 1
; stops the inventory selection disappearing when activating an item
bInventorySelectionAlwaysVisible = 1
; defaults the selection to be on the right hand container
bContainerDefaultToRightSide = 1
; holding shift scales the zoom speed
bShiftScalesMapZoomSpeed = 1
; holding shift scales the arrow key scroll speed in containers
bShiftScalesContainerArrowKeys = 1
; holding shift scales the mousewheel scroll by 4 for all menus
bShiftScalesMousewheel = 0
; holding alt moves the map menu, up/down zooms
bMapMenuWASD = 1
; using map menu WASD resets the selection reticle to the center of the screen
bMapMenuWASDCentersSelectionReticle = 1
; always allow movement with the WASD keys by ignoring WASD + E XML hotkeys
bAlwaysAllowWASD = 0
; make the 'E' key behave like spacebar in menus
bSelectWithEKey = 0
; make tab return to the Inventory rather than closing the PipBoy for the Weapon Mod and Repair menus
bTabReturnsToInventory = 0
[Compass Height Indicator]
iHeightThreshold = 200
[Unvisited Cell Indicator]
bUnnameUnvisitedCells = 0
bPatchRespawnedCellName = 0
; show a * on visited cells
bShowVisitedCellsPrompt = 0
[Entering VATS Costs AP]
; Axonis: enabled by bEnteringVATSCostsAP -- a small value should deter me from cheating VATS to search for enemies, or using it to repeatedly perform a single stunning attack
iEnterVATSAPCost = 10
bNoVATSIfNotEnoughAP = 1
; only charge AP if there were no targets found
; Axonis: see reasoning for "single stunning attack" above
bFailOnly = 0
; charge AP if exiting VATS without selecting a target
bChargeOnVATSNoTargetsExit = 0
[Save Manager]
; delay between autosaves in seconds
iAutoSaveTimer = 0
; number of autosave slots, when the max slot is reached it will begin overwriting from slot 0
iMaxAutoSaveCount = 3
; fullsave every time the max slot is reached
bPeriodicFullsave = 0
; hotkey to reload the current loaded save (as if the player died)
iReloadCurrentSaveKey = 0
; hotkey to create a fullsave
iCreateSaveKey = 0
; hotkey to create an incremental save
iIncrementalSaveKey = 0
; number of incremental save slots
iMaxIncrementalSaveCount = 5
; internal counter for autosave index, do not edit
_iAutoSaveIndex = 0
; internal counter for incremental save index, do not edit
_iIncrementalSaveIndex = 0
; hide the mod and vanilla autosave messages
bHideAutosaveMessage = 0
; autosave when discovering a new location
bSaveOnLocationDiscovered = 0
; autosave when completing a quest
bSaveOnQuestCompleted = 0
; create a save when exiting the game
bSaveOnExitGame = 0
; prevent autosaves within this time of each other (in seconds)
iMinAutosaveInterval = 0
; only increase the incremental save slot if it's been this long since last slot change (in seconds)
iIncrementalSaveSlotChangeInterval = 0
; prevent timed autosaves if in [Danger]
bPreventAutosaveInCombat = 0
; create a save before the levelup menu is shown
bSavePreLevelUp = 0
; prevent saving from scripts
bPreventScriptedSaves = 0
[Charged Attacks]
iChargedAttackAPCost = 20
; max AP cost for charged attacks
iChargedAttackAPCostMax = 30
; extra action points per point of weight for the current weapon
fChargedAttackWeaponWeightAPMult = 2.000000
[Quest Marker]
; Axonis: enabled by bDistanceBasedQuestMarkerVisibilty
; maximum exterior distance from which to show quest markers
; Axonis: same as iMapMarkerVisibleDistance
fMaxExteriorQuestMarkerDistance = 10000
; maximum interior distance from which to show quest markers
; Axonis: a higher value was needed for McCarran
fMaxInteriorQuestMarkerDistance = 3000
[Scope Zoom]
; rate at which scoped weapons will zoom, vanilla is 0.25, setting to 0 zooms instantly
fScopeFOVTimeChange = 0.250000
; also zoom out at the modified rate
bZoomOutAtSameRate = 0
[Quick Use]
; Holding shift will equip/use the crosshair item during gameplay
; Axonis: I've tested this a lot and I found that it conflicts with the way I'm using Shift to control my speed while scavenging, resulting in accidental use of stuff I want to pick up
bRealtimeQuickUse = 0
; right clicking an inventory item in a container will use the item (excludes armor)
bContainerRightClick = 0
; add a hotkey 'F' to use the selected item in a container (excludes armor)
bContainerHotkey = 0
; adds support for books
bBookSupport = 0
; show the Book Menu when shift activating notes - requires Book Menu Restored
bNoteSupport = 0
; show item stats e.g. DPS, DAM, DT and DR
bShowItemStats = 0
; show 'Re-read' on the prompt for notes that have already been read
bShowReReadOnSeenNotes = 0
[NPC Names]
; show names on dead NPCs even if they haven't spoken to the player
bShowNameOnDeadNPCs = 1
[Quest Added]
; hides the quest completed objective text
bHideCompletedObjectivePopup = 0
; max number of commands to store
iSentHistoryMaxSize = 200
[VATS Exit Key]
; instantly end the vats playback rather than waiting for the current action to end
bInstantEnd = 1
[Terminal Exit]
; locks out of the terminal if exiting after making an attempt
bFailOnEarlyExit = 0
[Better Autowalk]
; allows backwards autowalking
bAllowBackwardsAutowalk = 0
[Barter Prices]
; don't scale the price of purified water
bConstantPurifiedWaterPrice = 0
; sell multipliers
fSellMultArmor = 1.000000
fSellMultWeapon = 1.000000
fSellMultAid = 1.000000
fSellMultAmmo = 1.000000
fSellMultMisc = 1.000000
; buy multipliers
fBuyMultArmor = 1.000000
fBuyMultWeapon = 1.000000
fBuyMultAid = 1.000000
fBuyMultAmmo = 1.000000
fBuyMultMisc = 1.000000
fSellMultWeaponMod = 1.000000
fBuyMultWeaponMod = 1.000000
[Hit Shader]
; Axonis: enabled by bDisableHitShader
bOnlyDisableInGodmode = 1
; speed multiplier applied while aiming
fAimSpeedMult = 0.500000
; speed multiplier applied while running
fRunSpeedMult = 2.000000
; multiplier for scrollwheel affecting fly speed
fScrollSpeedScale = 1.000000
; rotation speed multiplier (Z and C keys)
fRotateSpeedMult = 1.000000
; adds the hotkey 'reload' to enable a smooth camera
bSmoothCamera = 1
; Changes GameSettings (After ESPs have loaded)
; Axonis: fit more map on the available space at min zoom (default max zoom is fine)
fWorldMapMinZoom = 0.5
fLocalMapMinZoom = 0.08
; Axonis: decrease the distance for discovered and undiscovered locations at the compass to reduce marker clutter
iMapMarkerVisibleDistance = 10000
; Axonis: with bNoCapitaliseContainerCategories, the following should be in lower case too
sInventoryItems = Items
sInventoryAmmo = Ammo
sRecipes = Recipes
; Axonis: somewhat improved combat AI at no gameplay cost, compatible with NPCs Can Miss & Vicious Wastes; based on
fAIUseWeaponDistance = 19000
fCharacterDefaultTurningSpeed = 112
fCombatAbsoluteMaxRangeMult = 7
fCombatCoverMaxRangeMult = 4
fCombatFiringArcStationaryTurnMult = 0.8
fConfidenceAverage = 0.25
fConfidenceBrave = 0.12
fConfidenceCautious = 0.4
fCoverFiringReloadClipPercent = 0.4
fCoverWaitReloadClipPercent = 0.6
fFleeDistanceExterior = 7000
iCombatTargetLostRemoveSearchCount = 3
; Axonis: weapon jam while firing (thanks to Suuk_Reunne for Gameplay Revised -
fWeaponConditionJam1 = 0.2
fWeaponConditionJam2 = 0.15
fWeaponConditionJam3 = 0.1
fWeaponConditionJam4 = 0.05
; Axonis: faster killcam
fKillCameraTime = 2.3
; Axonis: elevate the importance of Barter (thanks to Suuk_Reunne for Gameplay Revised -
fBarterBuyBase = 1.7
fBarterBuyMult = -0.7
fBarterSellBase = 0.3
fBarterSellMult = 0.7
; Axonis: see [Pickpocket Overhaul]
fPickPocketMaxChance = 95
; reset the current bobby pin health when failing to force a lock
bLockpickForceResetPinHealth = 0
; prevent use of Lockpick Menu with no bobby pins
bPreventUseLockWithNoBobbyPins = 1
[Dialog Hotkeys]
; display list numbers for topics in dialog
bPrependDialogNumberHotkeys = 0
; add hotkey 'Tab' to select the last option
bTabClicksLastTopic = 0
[Controller Deadzone]
; deadzone value, set above zero if your character moves without the sticks being moved
iControllerDeadzone = 0
[Skill Points]
; base skill points to be added before Intelligence bonus
iSkillPointBase = 10
; skill points per intelligence
fPointsPerInt = 0.500000
[Dialog Hide Mouse]
; only hide the cursor while the NPC is talking
bOnlyWhenNPCSpeaks = 1
[Adjustable Zoom]
; allow zooming on non-scoped weapons
bZoomableNonScopedWeapons = 0
; rate at which weapons are zoomed
fZoomRate = 0.025000
; multiplier applied to zoom rate while shift is held
fShiftZoomModifier = 2.000000
; resets the current zoom when changing weapons
bResetZoomOnWeaponChange = 1
; apply smoothing to the change in zoom
bSmoothScrollZoom = 1
; resets the current zoom if unscoped for this long, set to 0 to disable
iScopeResetTimeMS = 0
; only allow zooming with binoculars
; Axonis: YES, combined with Kobu's Better Binoculars this will make Binoculars actually useful
bBinocularsOnly = 1
; minimum scope FOV (max-zoom)
fMinFOV = 7.500000
; maximum scope FOV (min-zoom)
fMaxFOV = 75.000000
; maximum multiplier applied to weapon FOV (min-zoom)
fMaxFOVMult = 10.000000
; minimum multiplier applied to weapon FOV (max-zoom)
fMinFOVMult = 0.000000
; key to zoom in
iZoomInKey = 0
; key to zoom out
iZoomOutKey = 0
[Night Vision]
; default state for night vision toggle
bDisableVisionByDefault = 0
; enables night vision during the day
bAllowNightVisionDuringDay = 0
[Hold Breath]
; AP cost for holding breath
iScopeHoldBreathAPDrain = 2
; time between decreasing AP
iScopeHoldBreathAPDrainIntervalMS = 80
; wobble multiplier while breath is held
fScopeHoldBreathWobbleMult = 0.100000
; only allow holding breath if you have the required weapon strength
bRequireWeaponStrength = 0
; only allow holding breath if you have the required weapon skill
bRequireWeaponSkill = 0
; keyboard key to hold breath
iHoldBreathKey = 42
[Power Armor]
; fall damage multiplier when wearing Power Armor
fFallDamageMult = 0
; only affect the player
bPlayerOnly = 0
[Double Reload Swaps Ammo Type]
; pressing Reload additional times will swap the ammo type
bAllowMultipleQuickChanges = 1
; time in milliseconds that the Reload key must be pressed within to swap ammo types
iAmmoSwapTimeMS = 500
[Agility Scales Movement Speed]
; additional movement multiplier per agility point
; Axonis: enabled by bAgilityScalesMovementSpeed; at max agility we'll have a 10% increase in speed which is like a free Travel Light perk, but acceptable with the bMovementPenalties settings
fAgilityMovementSpeedMult = 0.020000
; scale NPC movement speeds
bNPCs = 1
; scale player movement speeds
bPlayer = 1
[Weapon Requirements Matter]
; ignore strength requirement
bIgnoreStrengthRequirement = 0
; ignore skill requirement
bIgnoreSkillRequirement = 0
; ignore requirements for throwables and mines
bIgnoreThrowables = 0
; ignore strength requirement for weapons that aren't of type 2HL or 2HH
bIgnoreNonHeavyStrengthRequirement = 0
; prevent single character attempts, i.e. clicking on "/" won't use an attempt
bNoSingleCharacterAttempts = 1
; remove a dud instead of replenishing allowance if allowance is already full
bRemoveDudIfAllowanceFull = 1
; prevent attempts at guessing the same word
bNoAllowRepeatWords = 1
; don't print the clicked on string with the "Dud removed" and "Allowance replenished" messages
bNoSpecialInputPrinting = 0
; make 'Dud removed.' ignore guessed words (unless they're the only words left)
bNoRemoveGuessedWords = 0
; prints guesses as a single line without the 'Entry denied', e.g. HORIZON (1/7)
bCompactGuesses = 0
; make scrolling to the edge of the screen wrap around to the other side
bOverscroll = 0
; sort the ini alphabetically
bSortAlphabetically = 0
; add new settings to the top of the ini
bPrependNewSettings = 0
; allow INIs in the Tweaks\INIs folder to overwrite the main INI
bMultiINISupport = 1
; adds a button in the pause->settings menu for configuring Tweaks (you must restart game for changes to apply)
bTweaksMenuButton = 1
; print general errors to console
bGeneralErrors = 1
; print havok errors to console
bHavokErrors = 0
; print save/load errors to console
bSaveLoadErrors = 0
; print general messages
bGeneralMessages = 0
[Hide Misc Items]
; show Sunset Sarsaparilla Star caps
bDontHideStarCaps = 0
[Pickpocket Overhaul]
; Axonis: enabled by bPickpocketOverhaul because vanilla pickpocketing is useless (see
; gain XP from successful pickpocketing
; Axonis: no, it can be heavily cheated with my reduced cap
bRewardXP = 0
; add the pickpocket success chance to the bottom of the container menu
; Axonis: YES, although I'd rather have a perk to provide this powerful feature
bShowPickpocketSuccessRate = 1
; Axonis: by reducing base chance and increasing fPickPocketMaxChance, we can allow the player to play with their strengths on a much greater scale; token management is always fun
fBaseChance = 10
; Axonis: sneak factor is fine tuned for some test cases
fPlayerSneakMult = 0.89
; Axonis: item value should have some importance; a character would be keeping an eye on their prized possessions
fItemValueMult = 0.03
; Axonis: prevent items of ridiculous size from being pickpocketed
fItemWeightMult = 6
; Axonis: target's perception should play an important role
fTargetPerceptionMult = 7
; Axonis: just like stealing, it shouldn't be feasible when you're detected
fDetectionValueMult = 0.2
; Axonis: high Luck and Agility factors will counter the reduced base chance
fPlayerLuckMult = 1.7
fPlayerAgilityMult = 3
; multiplier applied to items that are currently worn
; Axonis: disabled by bPickpocketWornItems = 0
fWornItemChanceMult = 1
; XP rewarded for repairing items
iRepairRewardXP = 1
[Kill AP Reward]
; AP rewarded for kills
iKillRewardAmount = 0
[Region Names]
; show the name of map markers when approaching them
bRegionNamesUpdateNearMapMarkers = 0
[Companion Kill XP]
; companion hits count towards the iXPDeathRewardHealthThreshold after the player has hit the NPC
bCompanionHitsCountAfterPlayerDamage = 1
; Enabled by bNoReputationMessages
; prevent the popup menus
; DarianLStephens: I keep this disabled so the popups aren't simply hidden period, but instead obey the other settings in this section
bHidePopups = 0
; prevent the top left corner messages when gaining reputation
; DarianLStephens: I like to know whenever I gain reputation for whatever reason, even if I'm at max already and it doesn't actually affect it
bHideGainMessages = 0
; prevent the top left corner messages when losing reputation
; DarianLStephens: Just so it obeys the following scripted section
bHideLossMessages = 1
; prevent loss popup and message only if already at the min reputation and if the change was not from a script command
; DarianLStephens: I don't need to see that I lost legion reputation for the millionth time after I kill a death squad when I'm already vilified, but I am still interested to know if anything I do specifically is something they dislike, I,E is done via script function from a quest or something.
; DarianLStephens: To be clear, the message will still show for anything UNTIL you reach minimum reputation, then it'll stop warning you each and every time.
bHideNonScriptedLossesIfAtMin = 1
; prevent gain popup and message only if already at the max reputation and if the change was not from a script command
; DarianLStephens: Reputation gains are nearly always done via scripted functions anyway, but since it's less common to get them, I like to let them show up whenever still.
bHideNonScriptedGainsIfAtMax = 0
; show enemies who are firing on the compass
bShowFiringEnemies = 0
[Clip Rounds]
; show the total ammo count instead of clip/remaining
bShowTotalRemaining = 0
[Inventory Button]
; button mode, see readme for details
; 0 - Hide Weightless
; 1 - Sort By Weight
; 2 - Hide Quest Items
; 3 - Hide Weightless And Quest Items
; Axonis: mode 3 is best because quest items are weightless
iMode = 3
; hotkey for controller mode (see readme for keys)
iControllerHotkey = 18
; add the button/hotkey to the PipBoy
bPipBoy = 1
; add the button/hotkey to Containers
bContainer = 1
; add the button/hotkey to Barter
bBarter = 1
; hotkey for cycling button modes
iControllerCycleModeKey = 17
; weight under which items will be hidden for hide weight modes
fHideWeightThreshold = 0.000000
; brighten the sort button icon while sorting/filtering is active
bUseAlphaForEnabledIndicator = 0
; hold shift to show friendlies in VATS
bHideFriendliesByDefault = 0
[Overencumbered AP]
; scale applied to the Action Points regen rate while overencumbered
fOverencumberedAPRegenScale = 0.000000
; apply the scale to AP regen only if the player is moving
bWhileMovingOnly = 0
[Detected By Whom]
; names to show (maximum of 8)
iMaxNameCount = 5
[Reduced XP]
; multiplier applied to XP, the result is rounded up
fXPMultiplier = 0.500000
[Running Costs AP]
; base action points cost
; Axonis: a low base cost ensures that even characters with very low Endurance won't lose their entire APs with a stride
fAPDrainCostBase = 0.35
; endurance multiplier, formula is "iAPDrainCostBase + fRunAPEnduranceMult * (Endurance - 5)"
; Axonis: formula is "iAPDrainCostBase + fRunAPEnduranceMult * (5 - Endurance)" and the following setting provides free running at Endurance = 8
fRunAPEnduranceMult = 0.05
; time between AP reductions
iAPDrainIntervalMS = 100
; always allow running but continue to drain AP
; Axonis: YES, otherwise it turns into a grind for low Endurance characters
bAllowRunWithoutEnoughAP = 1
[Wait Key]
; time required to hold the wait key before showing the wait menu
iKeyHoldTimeMS = 0
[Container Respawn Warning]
; Warning message for respawning containers
sWarningText = Storing items here seems unsafe.
[Place Marker Popup]
; right clicking always places the map marker, holding shift and right clicking removes it
bPlaceMarkerShiftToReset = 0
[Activate Key]
; time the key must be held before activating
iActivateKeyHoldTimeMS = 200
; Axonis: disabled delay on all activators because it proved to be really bothersome in playtesting
bContainers = 0
bCrafting = 0
bFurniture = 0
bTerminals = 0
bWater = 0
; automatically take items while the activate key is held
; Axonis: YES, makes it much easier to hoard junk by sweeping the floor (enabled by bHoldToActivate)
bTakeItemsWhileKeyHeld = 1
; time the key must be held before taking items
iActivateKeyTakeItemsHoldTimeMS = 300
; prevents auto-pickup of items that would encumber the player, unless the player is already encumbered
; Axonis: YES, it makes autopickup easier
bAutoPickupEncumbranceThreshold = 1
; delay stealing the first item within an interval
; Axonis: no, because it blocks stealing with bTakeItemsWhileKeyHeld
bStealing = 0
; interval (in milliseconds) after stealing where no delay is required to steal again
iStealTimerMS = 10000
[Repeated Activate Key]
; don't activate objects, only take items when the key is held
bOnlyTakeItems = 0
[Sleep Wait Anywhere]
bTrespassing = 1
bCombat = 1
bTakingDamage = 1
bMidair = 1
bInRadiation = 1
bUnderwater = 1
[Interior Transition]
bFadeIn = 1
[Armor Condition Penalty]
; scale applied to DR/DT when below the condition threshold
fScale = 1.000000
[Ultrawide Support]
; fov scale applied to menus and scope zoom, vanilla is 0.75
; Axonis: enabled by bUltrawideSupport, configured for my 16:10 screen; Stewie's default is 0.997200
fMenuFOVScale = 0.85
[Manual Reload]
; prevents the automatic reload when ammo is picked up and your weapon is empty
bNoReloadOnAmmoPickup = 1
; prevents the firing animation when the clip is emptied
bPreventFiringAnimWhenEmpty = 1
; weapons with clips this size and below will reload automatically
iAutoReloadClipSizeThreshold = 0
; play the empty clip sound when the clip is emptied for automatic weapons
bAutoWeaponsPlayEmptyClipSound = 1
; automatically reload semi-fire weapons
bAutoWeaponsOnly = 0
; reload when trying to fire with an empty clip
bReloadWhenFiringWithEmptyClip = 0
[Map Hotkey]
; bring up the local map when in an interior
bShowLocalMapInInteriors = 0
[Water Breath]
; rate at which breath is restored to max
fBreathRegainRate = 0.200000
; show the breath meter when not underwater
bShowBreathMeterOutOfWater = 1
[Note Menu]
; require the shift key to be held to show the note menu
bRequireShiftHeld = 0
[Turn Speed]
; scale applied to X axis rotation while aiming
fAimingScaleX = 0.600000
; scale applied to Y axis rotation while aiming
fAimingScaleY = 0.600000
[Weightless Worn Power Armor]
; make power armor helmets only weightless if torso power armor is also equipped
bRequireTorsoArmorForWeightlessHelmet = 0
; make power armor only weightless for player/teammates if they have the Power Armor Training perk
bRequirePowerArmorTraining = 0
[Robot Companion Healing]
; Axonis: enabled by bRobotCompanionsHealWithScrapMetal
; base health restored per scrap metal
; Axonis: unlike stimpacks for living organisms, repairing a robot with scrap metal isn't as simple as an injection...
fBase = 10
; bonus health restored per player repair skill
; Axonis: ...your repair skill should be more important and...
fRepairMult = 0.6
; bonus health restored if the player has the robotics expert perk
; Axonis: ...robotics expertice even more so
fRoboticsExpertBonus = 50
[Screenshot Format]
; copies the screenshot to the clipboard
bCopyToClipboard = 1
; format - jpg, tiff, bmp
sExtension = Jpg
; jpg quality (0-100)
iJpgQuality = 100
; tiff compression - None, Rle, LZW
sTiffCompression = None
; tiff color depth
iTiffColorDepth = 8
[Mod Console Prints]
; prepend the script ID instead of the mod name
bIncludeScriptID = 0
[Radio Volume]
; multiplier applied to song volume when in conversation
fDialogueSongVolumeMult = 0.200000
[Item Commands]
; refresh the inventory menu when calling the commands from console
bRefreshInventory = 1
[Weapon FOV]
; only disable the weapon FOV for weapons that have ironsights
bExcludeNonSightedWeapons = 0
[Critical Hits]
; multiplier applied to weapon damage for critical hits
fCriticalDamageMult = 1.000000
[Equip Last Weapon Hotkey]
; don't set the last equipped weapon to be a thrown weapon
bIgnoreThrowables = 0
; add mousewheel to change weapons
bMousewheelSupport = 0
[Cookable Grenades]
; always throw grenades the same distance regardless of time held
bDisableGrenadeDistanceIncrease = 1
; overcooked grenades will explode in your hand
bOvercookedGrenadesExplode = 0
; minimum detonation timer for thrown grenades
fMinGrenadeTimer = 1.000000
; play a sound every second a grenade is held
bPlaySound = 1
; play the sound for the last 3 seconds of the timer
bTimerCountdown = 1
; editor ID of the sound to play
sSoundName = WPNThisMachineReloadPt3
; editor ID of the sound to play for the final second when using countdown
sSoundNameAlt = WPNThisMachineReloadPt1
[Menu Search]
bMapMenu = 1
bInventoryMenu = 1
bStatsMenu = 1
bContainerMenu = 1
bBarterMenu = 1
bLevelUpMenuSearch = 1
bRecipeMenuSearch = 1
; refresh the menu when closing the search - set to 0 if you want to use keyboard hotkeys to navigate the filtered menus
bRemoveFilterWhenClosingSearch = 1
; clear the input string when focusing the searchbar
bClearInputWhenReopeningSearch = 1
; search quest objectives for input string
bQuestIncludeObjectives = 1
; include completed objectives in search
bQuestIncludeCompletedObjectives = 1
bSaveMenuSearch = 1
[Console Output]
; filename for the console output
sFilename = ConsoleOut.txt
[Smooth Iron Sights Camera]
; time taken to transition between the camera positions
iAimTransitionTimeMS = 225
; which easing function will be applied to the movement (listed in the readme)
iEasingFunction = 1
[Disable Needs Messages]
bRadiation = 1
bDehydration = 1
bHunger = 1
bSleep = 1
[Recently Dead NPC Indicator]
; lifetime for dead NPC ticks
iDeadActorMaxTimerMS = 0
; only show actors killed by the player or companions
bPlayerOrTeammateKillsOnly = 0
; red/green/blue color in hexadecimal, e.g. 0xFF0088
uRGB = 0x7f7f73
; only show actors damaged by the player
bPlayerDamagedOnly = 0
[Companion HUD Color]
; red/green/blue color in hexadecimal
uRGB = 0xffffff
[No Firing Delay]
; ignores the need for heavy weapons to spin up before firing
bIncludeHeavyWeapons = 1
[Blood Splatters]
; minimum health damage of an attack for blood splatters to show
; Axonis: the default damage threshold for blood splatter was too low; see [bMinBloodSplatterHealthDamage]
fMinHealthDamage = 8.000000
[Weightless Items]
bArmor = 1
bAid = 1
bAmmo = 1
bWeapons = 1
bMisc = 1
[XP Formula]
iXPRewardBase = 10
fXPLevelDifferenceScale = 2.000000
[Colored HUD Bars]
; threshold ratio of current/max Health for coloring HP bar red
fRedHealthThreshold = 0.330000
; threshold ratio of current/max Action Points for coloring AP bar red
fRedActionPointsThreshold = 0.330000
[Note Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iNoteSortingMode = 0
[Extra Console Details]
; show the extra details from ToggleFullHelp (attached scripts etc.)
bUseFullHelp = 0
; show the current player cell name
bCellName = 0
; show the current player cell editor ID
bCellEditorId = 0
; show the mesh path of the selected ref
bMeshPath = 0
[Quest Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iQuestSortingMode = 0
[NPC Damage]
; damage multiplier for NPCs hitting each other
fNPCToNPCDamageMult = 1.000000
; multiplier for damage dealt by companions to NPCs
fDamageByTeammateMult = 1.000000
; multiplier for damage dealt to companions by NPCs
fDamageToTeammateMult = 1.000000
[Weapon Modding]
; hide the mod button for non-moddable weapons
; Axonis: YES, less button clutter
bHideModButtonForNonModdableWeapons = 1
; show unowned weapon mods
; Axonis: YES, vanilla behavior
bItemModMenuShowUnownedMods = 1
; editor ID of the sound to play when removing weapon mods
sRemoveItemModSound = UIItemGunsSmallUp
; only allow weapon modding if at a workbench
bRequireWorkbench = 0
; distance to show subtitles from - vanilla is 500 units
fSubtitleDistance = 1000.000000
[Scoped Weapons]
; Axonis: Enabled by bScopeVisibilityDelay
; required aiming time before the scope overlay is shown
iScopeVisibilityDelayMS = 150
; aim out while reloading or weapon jams
; Axonis: YES, slightly harder but realistic and easier to understand why you've stopped firing
bStopAimingWhileReloading = 1
; forces the 'uses 1st person iron sights anims' flag on all weapons
bAlwaysShowWeaponAnimation = 0
; delay scopes in 3rd person
; Axonis: YES, it addresses a conflict with Enhanced Camera
bDelayInThirdPerson = 1
[Perk Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iPerkSortingMode = 0
[RGB Sliders]
; make terminals copy the HUD color
bTerminalsUseHUDColor = 0
[Music Volume]
; multiplier applied to music volume when in conversation
; Axonis: enabled by [bScaleMusicVolumeDuringDialogue], set slightly higher to reduce a steep fade-in
fDialogueMusicVolumeMult = 0.400000
[Message Times]
; time the 'added to inventory' message is shown (in seconds)
fAddItem = 1.000000
[Respawned Cell Indicator]
; color respawned cells in red
bColorRespawnedCells = 1
; color unvisited cells in white
bColorUnvisitedCells = 1
[Critical Hits Gib]
; prevent non-critical hits exploding or dismembering limbs
bOnlyCritsGib = 0
[Barter Items]
; cost for buying items with no value (e.g. ammo casings)
fFreeItemCost = 1.000000
[Remember Weapon Ammos]
; forget stored ammo/type when weapons are dropped or transferred
bInventoryOnly = 1
; remember ammo count as well as type for all weapons
bIncludeCount = 1
[SPECIAL Points]
; number of SPECIAL points to allocate
iNumPointsToAllocate = 35
[Unsafe Fast Travel]
; show a warning when travelling from restricted areas
bShowWarning = 1
[Weapon Hotkeys]
; Axonis: enabled by bRestore2Hotkey
; scancode of the keyboard hotkey
; Axonis: leave this to default 3 to allow the second hotkey slot to work for keyboard button 2
iSecondSlotKey = 3
[Hacking Formula]
; base word length
fBaseWordLength = 4.000000
; multiplier applied on difficulty before adding to word length
fDifficultyWordLengthMult = 2.000000
; characters removed from answer if you have the computer whiz perk
fComputerWhizLengthBonus = 0.000000
; characters added to answer if terminal ref ID is odd
fOddTerminalIDBonus = 1.000000
; max answer length (maximum 12)
iMaxWordLength = 12
; min answer length (minimum 2)
iMinWordLength = 4
; min guesses
iMinAttempts = 4
; max guesses
iMaxAttempts = 4
[Compass Doors]
; max distance to show doors in exteriors
iExteriorMaxDistance = 2750
; max distance to show doors in interiors
iInteriorMaxDistance = 1750
; color visited cells
bVisitedIndicator = 1
; visited cell red/green/blue color in hexadecimal, e.g. 0xFF0088
uVistedRGB = 0x7f7f73
; scale the door icon's alpha based on distance to the player
bFadeIconByDistance = 0
[Melee Locational Hits]
; use hit multiplier for attacks by the player
bPlayerAttacks = 1
; use hit multiplier for attacks by NPCs on the player
bNonPlayerAttacks = 1
; use hit multiplier for NPC-NPC attacks
bNpcToNpcAttacks = 1
[Scope HUD Visibility]
; visibility flags, see readme for more information
iFlags = 0xb
[Alt Levelup Sound]
iLevelA = 5
iLevelB = 10
sSoundA = MUSMysteriousStrangerA01
sSoundB = MUSMysteriousStrangerA02
[Holdable Throwables]
; allow holding mines before throwing them
bMineSupport = 1
[Anim Variants]
; allow reload variants
bReloads = 1
; allow equip/unequip variants
bEquips = 0
; allow aim/aimIS variants
bAims = 0
[Water Scales Movement Speed]
; max movement speed penalty when wading through water
; Axonis: enabled by bRunSlowerInWater -- default 0.5 is too low and makes it like slow motion
fWadingMovementMult = 0.77
[Agility Affects Jump Height]
; multiplier added per agility point above 1
fAgilityMult = 0.050000
[Disable XP Messages]
bKills = 1
bDiscoverLocation = 1
bRewardXPCommand = 1
bSpeechChallenges = 1
bHacking = 1
bLockPick = 1
[Interior Fog Remover]
; distance over which far fog is removed - setting too low will cause visual bugs in some caves
fFogFarDistanceThreshold = 2700.000000
[Key XP Reward]
; XP rewarded for using a key on a container/door
iUseKeyRewardXP = 20
[VATS Uses Weapon Distance]
; maximum range to check for targets
fMaxDistance = 5000
; minimum range to check for targets
fMinDistance = 1500
; multiplier applied to the weapon's max range
fRangeMult = 1.200000
[Combat Sounds]
; minimum time between player pain sounds (in ms)
iMinPlayerPainSoundIntervalMS = 10000
[Detection Light Timer]
; time between updates (in seconds), vanilla is 3 seconds
fIntervalTimer = 0.250000
[Show Closest Location]
; show the closest undiscovered location on the map
bMapMenu = 1
; show the closest undiscovered location on the compass
bCompass = 1
[Lockpick Menu Movement]
; base speed for left/right keyboard movement
fBaseSpeed = 8
; scale while shift is held
fShiftScale = 2.500000
; scale while ctrl is held
fCtrlScale = 0.400000
[Take All Confirmation]
; confirmation message for taking all items
sMessageText = Are you sure you want to take all items?
; minimum number of items for the message to appear
iMinItemCount = 10
[Recipe Sorting]
; sorting mode, see readme for details
iRecipeSortingMode = 3
[Unequip Broken Armor]
; UI message when armor breaks
sArmorBreakMessage = Your %s has broken
[Character Selector]
; text to display in the Save/Load menu while character filter isn't applied
sAllText = Characters
[Current Weapon Hotkey]
; pressing the weapon key for an already equipped weapon will do nothing
bDontHolsterWeapon = 0
[Improved Race Menu]
; prevent the player swaying while in the menu
bNoAnims = 0
; scale the camera X direction movement speed
fPanXScale = 1.000000
; scale the camera Y direction movement speed
fPanYScale = 1.000000
[Computer Hotkeys]
; display list numbers for menu options
bPrependOptionNumber = 0
[Book Effects]
; prefix before the 'Skill +1' text shown under Effects
sPrefix = Permanent
[Item Cycle Keys]
; ignore armors/aid etc.
bWeaponsOnly = 1
[Map Marker Factions]
; only show location reputations if you have reputation with that faction
bRequireReputation = 0
[Living Anatomy]
; show the targeted NPC's healthbar even if they have max health
bAlwaysShowHealth = 0
[Synchronized Container Categories]
; prevent the category automatically changing when transferring the last item in a category
bPreventSwitchWhenEmptyingCategory = 0
[Lockpick/Hacking Messages]
; message shown if lockpick requirements aren't met
sLockpickMessage = You have %d/%d lockpick skill required to pick this lock.
; message shown if hacking requirements aren't met
sHackingMessage = You have %d/%d science skill required to hack this terminal.
[Slope Climbing]
; maximum walking angle in degrees, vanilla is 47
fWalkAngle = 60.000000
; maximum jumping angle
fJumpAngle = 75.000000
; maximum angle while automove is enabled
fAutoWalkAngle = 85.000000
[Place Marker At Location]
; add support for doors on the local map
bLocalMapDoors = 0
[SPECIAL Caps Skills]
; max value for skills
iSkillCap = 100
; base value
fSkillBase = 50.000000
; multiplier applied to SPECIAL skills
fSPECIALMult = 5.000000
; multiplier applied to luck
fLuckMult = 0.500000
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DarianLStephens commented May 4, 2020

I personally like it enabled, along with further customization in the [Reputation] section.
Specifically, I have my settings like this:

; prevent the popup menus
bHidePopups = 0
; I keep this disabled so the popups aren't simply hidden period, but instead obey the other settings in this section

; prevent the top left corner messages when gaining reputation
bHideGainMessages = 0
; I like to know whenever I gain reputation for whatever reason, even if I'm at max already and it doesn't actually affect it

; prevent the top left corner messages when losing reputation
bHideLossMessages = 1
; Just so it obeys the following scripted section

; prevent loss popup and message only if already at the min reputation and if the change was not from a script command
bHideNonScriptedLossesIfAtMin = 1
; I don't need to see that I lost legion reputation for the millionth time after I kill a death squad when I'm already vilified, but I am still interested to know if anything I do specifically is something they dislike, I,E is done via script function from a quest or something.
; To be clear, the message will still show for anything UNTIL you reach minimum reputation, then it'll stop warning you each and every time.

; prevent gain popup and message only if already at the max reputation and if the change was not from a script command
bHideNonScriptedGainsIfAtMax = 0
; Reputation gains are nearly always done via scripted functions anyway, but since it's less common to get them, I like to let them show up whenever still.

Also, I believe you intended to enable 'bDontSetQuestWhenObjectivesAdded', judging by your comment on it.

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Saxonis commented May 9, 2020

@DarianLStephens - Thank you, your suggestions will be included in the next version.


I found out from Stewie recently that bCacheQuestAndNoteMenu includes Deselect Quests, so bDeselectQuests is basically redundant.

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I found out from Stewie recently that bCacheQuestAndNoteMenu includes Deselect Quests, so bDeselectQuests is basically redundant.

There is no difference if you keep bDeselectQuests enabled too.

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; always use the first person sound when attempting to fire with an empty clip
; Axonis: YES, even though I always use 1st person in combat, I think it should be useful for those who don't
bUseFirstPersonEmptyClipSound = 0

Looks like this setting should be 1 ?

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Saxonis commented Oct 14, 2020

bUseFirstPersonEmptyClipSound = 0

Looks like this setting should be 1 ?

Yes, on the next version.

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; delay the reputation change popup dialog till after combat
; Axonis: YES, although I thought it was this way already ?
bDelayPostCombatReputationPopup = 1

Whoops, it delays till 3s after combat instead of immediately after combat.

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Saxonis commented Oct 25, 2020

bDelayPostCombatReputationPopup = 1
Whoops, it delays till 3s after combat instead of immediately after combat.

No problem, I've quoted that in the new version.

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