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Created June 12, 2018 06:53
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At first follow the steps given in the link below upto WRITE THE RASPIAN OPERATING SYSTEM TO THE MICROSD CARD Setup Raspberry Pi Headless

To enable SSH automatically in startup without monitor all,create an empty file called “SSH” and place it in the root partition of the SD card.

Open Command prompt navigate to root drive of SD card (D: drive for example ) D: echo>>ssh This will create a file named ssh and enable SSH

Connect Pi to the router using Ethernet cable

Download and Install MobaXterm in PC. Goto to Tools->Network Scanner Scan to find IP to Rpi

After finding the IP create Session - > SSH Input IP,username and Password

To connect automatically to desired Wi-Fi Network

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

In that file paste the below line

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

        ssid="Wi-Fi SSID"

After that to set Proxy (if using college Network)

Raspberry Pi Proxy Setup

Steps to set proxy in Raspberry Pi running on Raspbian OS

Navigate to the following folder as follows:

cd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d

Create a file called 10proxy:

sudo nano 10proxy

Without authentication add this line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://proxyaddress:proxyport/";

Make sure to include the / at the end.

For everything else:

Edit this file:

sudo nano /etc/environment
export http_proxy="http://proxyaddress:proxyport/"

Other Tasks to Do sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install --upgrade chromium-browser rpi-chromium-mods

to view the screen without monitor vncserver -geometry 1280x720 Then open VNC Viewer in PC using same username and Password


sudo apt autoremove

sudo pip3 install numpy matplotlib scipy spidev To shutdown sudo shutdown now

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