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Last active March 23, 2020 05:27
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RoboSquad lab5
IMPORTANT: Read through the code before beginning implementation!
Your solution should fill in the various "TODO" items within this starter code.
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import math
import random
import argparse
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
from heapq import heappush,heappop
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
g_CYCLE_TIME = .100
# Parameters you might need to use which will be set automatically
map_array = []
# Default parameters will create a 4x4 grid to test with
g_MAP_SIZE_X = 2. # 2m wide
g_MAP_SIZE_Y = 1.5 # 1.5m tall
g_MAP_RESOLUTION_X = 0.5 # Each col represents 50cm
g_MAP_RESOLUTION_Y = 0.375 # Each row represents 37.5cm
g_NUM_X_CELLS = int(g_MAP_SIZE_X // g_MAP_RESOLUTION_X) # Number of columns in the grid map
g_NUM_Y_CELLS = int(g_MAP_SIZE_Y // g_MAP_RESOLUTION_Y) # Number of rows in the grid map
# Map from Lab 4: values of 0 indicate free space, 1 indicates occupied space
g_WORLD_MAP = [0] * g_NUM_Y_CELLS*g_NUM_X_CELLS # Initialize graph (grid) as array
# Source and Destination (I,J) grid coordinates
g_dest_coordinates = (3,3)
g_src_coordinates = (0,0)
dest_vertex = 3
source_vertex = 0
def create_test_map(map_array):
# Takes an array representing a map of the world, copies it, and adds simulated obstacles
num_cells = len(map_array)
new_map = copy.copy(map_array)
# Add obstacles to up to sqrt(n) vertices of the map
for i in range(int(math.sqrt(len(map_array)))):
random_cell = random.randint(0, num_cells-1)
new_map[random_cell] = 1
return new_map
def _load_img_to_intensity_matrix(img_filename):
Helper function to read the world image containing obstacles
YOu should not modify this
if img_filename is None:
grid = np.zeros([800,1200])
return grid
img =
MAP_SIZE_X = img.width
MAP_SIZE_Y = img.height
grid = np.zeros([img.height, img.width])
for y in range(img.height):
for x in range(img.width):
pixel = img.getpixel((x,y))
grid[y,x] = 255 - pixel[0] # Dark pixels have high values to indicate being occupied/having something interesting
return grid
def vertex_index_to_ij(vertex_index):
vertex_index: unique ID of graph vertex to be convered into grid coordinates
Returns COL, ROW coordinates in 2D grid
global g_NUM_X_CELLS
return vertex_index % g_NUM_X_CELLS, vertex_index // g_NUM_X_CELLS
def ij_to_vertex_index(i,j):
i: Column of grid map
j: Row of grid map
returns integer 'vertex index'
global g_NUM_X_CELLS
return j*g_NUM_X_CELLS + i
def ij_coordinates_to_xy_coordinates(i,j):
i: Column of grid map
j: Row of grid map
returns (X, Y) coordinates in meters at the center of grid cell (i,j)
return (i+0.5)*g_MAP_RESOLUTION_X, (j+0.5)*g_MAP_RESOLUTION_Y
def xy_coordinates_to_ij_coordinates(x,y):
i: Column of grid map
j: Row of grid map
returns (X, Y) coordinates in meters at the center of grid cell (i,j)
return int(i // g_MAP_RESOLUTION_X), int(j // g_MAP_RESOLUTION_Y)
# **********************************
# * Core Dijkstra Functions *
# **********************************
def get_travel_cost(vertex_source, vertex_dest):
# Returns the cost of moving from vertex_source (int) to vertex_dest (int)
This function should return 1 if:
vertex_source and vertex_dest are neighbors in a 4-connected grid (i.e., N,E,S,W of each other but not diagonal) and neither is occupied in g_WORLD_MAP (i.e., g_WORLD_MAP isn't 1 for either)
This function should return 1000 if:
vertex_source corresponds to (i,j) coordinates outside the map
vertex_dest corresponds to (i,j) coordinates outside the map
vertex_source and vertex_dest are not adjacent to each other (i.e., more than 1 move away from each other)
# source will store the row column coord of vertex_source in 2d grid
source = vertex_index_to_ij(vertex_source)
dest = vertex_index_to_ij(vertex_dest)
if g_WORLD_MAP[vertex_source] == 1:
return 1000
elif source[0] < 0: #vertex source corresponded to (i)
return 1000
elif source[1] < 0: #vertex source corresponded to (j)
return 1000
elif source[0] > g_NUM_X_CELLS:
return 1000
elif source[1] > g_NUM_Y_CELLS:
return 1000
elif dest[0] < 0: #vertex source corresponded to (i)
return 1000
elif dest[1] < 0: #vertex source corresponded to (j)
return 1000
elif dest[0] > g_NUM_X_CELLS:
return 1000
elif dest[1] > g_NUM_Y_CELLS:
return 1000
elif g_WORLD_MAP[vertex_dest] == 1:
return 1000
elif abs(source[1]-dest[1])>1:
return 1000
elif abs(source[0]-dest[0])>1:
return 1000
return 1
#return 100
def run_dijkstra(source_vertex):
source_vertex: vertex index to find all paths back to
returns: 'prev' array from a completed Dijkstra's algorithm run
Function to return an array of ints corresponding to the 'prev' variable in Dijkstra's algorithm
The 'prev' array stores the next vertex on the best path back to source_vertex.
Thus, the returned array prev can be treated as a lookup table: prev[vertex_index] = next vertex index on the path back to source_vertex
# Array mapping vertex_index to distance of shortest path from vertex_index to source_vertex.
dist = [1000] * g_NUM_X_CELLS * g_NUM_Y_CELLS
# Queue for identifying which vertices are up to still be explored:
# Will contain tuples of (vertex_index, cost), sorted such that the min cost is first to be extracted (explore cheapest/most promising vertices first)
Q_cost = []
# Array of ints for storing the next step (vertex_index) on the shortest path back to source_vertex for each vertex in the graph
prev = [-1] * g_NUM_X_CELLS*g_NUM_Y_CELLS
# Insert your Dijkstra's code here. Don't forget to initialize Q_cost properly!
#print("Source: ", source_vertex )
#Goal: (3,1)
#print("Goal: ",dest_vertex)
heappush(Q_cost, (source_vertex, 0))
n = len(Q_cost) #length of the cost vector
while True:
Recent, RecentCost = heappop(Q_cost)
#RecentCost = heappop(Q_cost)
Array = [Recent-1, Recent+1, Recent+g_NUM_X_CELLS, Recent-g_NUM_X_CELLS]
for i in Array:
value = get_travel_cost(Recent,i)
result = get_travel_cost(Recent,i) + RecentCost
if result < dist[i]:
heappush(Q_cost,(i, result))
dist[i] = result
prev[i] = Recent
if i == dest_vertex:
return prev
def reconstruct_path(prev, source_vertex, dest_vertex):
Given a populated 'prev' array, a source vertex_index, and destination vertex_index,
allocate and return an integer array populated with the path from source to destination.
The first entry of your path should be source_vertex and the last entry should be the dest_vertex.
If there is no path between source_vertex and dest_vertex, as indicated by hitting a '-1' on the
path from dest to source, return an empty list.
final_path = []
# TODO: Insert your code here
curr_vertex = dest_vertex
while source_vertex!=curr_vertex:
curr_vertex = prev[curr_vertex]
if curr_vertex==-1:
return []
return final_path
def render_map(map_array):
Display the map in the following format:
Use " . " for free grid cells
Use "[ ]" for occupied grid cells
For g_WORLD_MAP = [0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0]
There are obstacles at (I,J) coordinates: [ (2,0), (1,1), (2,1) ]
The map should render as:
. . . .
. . . .
. [ ][ ] .
. . [ ] .
Make sure to display your map so that I,J coordinate (0,0) is in the bottom left.
(To do this, you'll probably want to iterate from row 'J-1' to '0')
occupied = '[]'
free = '.'
if len(map_array) > 0:
for i in reversed(range(len(map_array))):
for j in range(len(map_array)):
if map_array[i][j] == 0:
map_array[i][j] = free
map_array[i][j] = occupied
row = ''
for i in range(len(map_array)):
if map_array[i] == 1:
row += '[ ]'
elif map_array[i] == 0:
row += ' . '
row += ' X '
if (i+1) % (g_NUM_X_CELLS) == 0:
row += '\n'
row = ''
def part_1():
global g_WORLD_MAP, map_array, g_src_coordinates,source_vertex,dest_vertex
# TODO: Initialize a grid map to use for your test -- you may use create_test_map for this, or manually set one up with obstacles
map_array = g_WORLD_MAP
g_map = create_test_map(map_array)
g_WORLD_MAP = g_map
# Use render_map to render your initialized obstacle map
r_map = render_map(g_map)
# TODO: Find a path from the (I,J) coordinate pair in g_src_coordinates to the one in g_dest_coordinates using run_dijkstra and reconstruct_path
if g_map[dest_vertex]==0 & g_map[source_vertex]==0:
r_d = run_dijkstra(source_vertex)
r_p = reconstruct_path(r_d, source_vertex, dest_vertex)
source = vertex_index_to_ij(source_vertex)
dest = vertex_index_to_ij(dest_vertex)
print('Source: ', source)
print('Goal: ', dest)
if len(r_p)==0:
print('No path between source and goal')
for n in range(len(r_p)):
print(r_p[n], end=" -> ")
elif g_WORLD_MAP[source_vertex]==1:
print('Source is blocked')
print('Goal is blocked')
Display the final path in the following format:
Source: (0,0)
Goal: (3,1)
0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 6 -> 7
def part_2(args):
global g_dest_coordinates
global g_src_coordinates
global g_WORLD_MAP, g_NUM_X_CELLS, g_NUM_Y_CELLS, source_vertex, dest_vertex
g_src_coordinates = (args.src_coordinates[0], args.src_coordinates[1])
g_dest_coordinates = (args.dest_coordinates[0], args.dest_coordinates[1])
# pixel_grid has intensity values for all the pixels
# You will have to convert it to the earlier 0 and 1 matrix yourself
pixel_grid = _load_img_to_intensity_matrix(args.obstacles)
1) Compute the g_WORLD_MAP -- depending on the resolution, you need to decide if your cell is an obstacle cell or a free cell.
2) Run Dijkstra's to get the plan
3) Show your plan/path on the image
Feel free to add more helper functions
#### Your code goes here ####
cell_size = 40
g_NUM_X_CELLS = 1200
g_NUM_Y_CELLS = 800
num_cells_x = g_NUM_X_CELLS/cell_size #30
num_cells_y = g_NUM_Y_CELLS/cell_size #20
cell_array = [[0]*num_cells_y]*num_cells_x
#Make grid of cells to run Djikstras
for i in range(num_cells_x):
for j in range(num_cells_y):
for k in range(cell_size):
for l in range(cell_size):
if pixel_grid[i*num_cells_y+k][j*num_cells_x+l]>=1:
dark_pixels = dark_pixels+1
dark_ratio = float(dark_pixels)/(cell_size*cell_size)
if dark_ratio > .2:
g_NUM_X_CELLS = num_cells_x
g_NUM_Y_CELLS = num_cells_y
source_vertex = int(ij_to_vertex_index(num_cells_x-1-float(g_src_coordinates[0])*num_cells_x/1.8, float(g_src_coordinates[1])*num_cells_y/1.2))
dest_vertex = int(ij_to_vertex_index(num_cells_x-1-float(g_dest_coordinates[0])*num_cells_x/1.8, float(g_dest_coordinates[1])*num_cells_y/1.2))
if g_WORLD_MAP[dest_vertex]==0 & g_WORLD_MAP[source_vertex]==0:
r_d = run_dijkstra(source_vertex)
r_p = reconstruct_path(r_d, source_vertex, dest_vertex)
source = vertex_index_to_ij(source_vertex)
dest = vertex_index_to_ij(dest_vertex)
print('Source: ', source)
print('Goal: ', dest)
if len(r_p)==0:
print('No path between source and goal')
for n in range(len(r_p)):
g_WORLD_MAP[r_p[n]] = 2
elif g_WORLD_MAP[source_vertex]==1:
print('Source is blocked')
print('Goal is blocked')
#Create image with path
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
h, w = len(cell_array), len(cell_array[0])
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if ij_to_vertex_index(x,y) in r_p:
cell_array[y] [x] = 255
df_cm = pd.DataFrame(cell_array, index = [i for i in range(11)],columns = [i for i in range(11)])
plt.figure(figsize = (15,7))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Dijkstra on image file")
parser.add_argument('-s','--src_coordinates', nargs=2, default=[1.2, 0.2], help='Starting x, y location in world coords')
parser.add_argument('-g','--dest_coordinates', nargs=2, default=[0.3, 0.7], help='Goal x, y location in world coords')
parser.add_argument('-o','--obstacles', nargs='?', type=str, default='obstacles_test1.png', help='Black and white image showing the obstacle locations')
args = parser.parse_args()
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