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Created June 4, 2019 12:40
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requires six to be installed to be able to run
from functools import wraps, partial
import logging
import six
# Testing function decorator version
def log_func():
return log_func_internal
def log_func_internal(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args]
#kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items()]
kwargs_repr = ["{0}={1}".format(k,v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
kwargs_repr_dict = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
signature = ", ".join(args_repr + kwargs_repr)
print("Calling {0}({1})".format(func.__name__, signature))
returned_value = func(*args, **kwargs)
print("{0} returned {1}".format(func.__name__, returned_value))
return returned_value
return wrapper
# TODO: maybe implement a function to allow better optional handling (right now default decorator use forces a set of closing parenthesis?
# TODO: Rename class lol
class LogMe(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__wfunc = None
self.service_name = kwargs.pop('service_name', None)
self.logger = logging.getLogger('default')
self.other_args = kwargs
def service_name(self):
"""Each logger has should be associated with a service for ease of tracking in logs.
If no name is defined, we fallback onto a default named 'SERVICE_DEFAULT_NAME'
return self._service_name
def service_name(self, value):
self._service_name = value if value else DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME
def __wfunc(self):
"""The wrapped function we will be working with"""
return self.___wfunc if self.___wfunc else None
def __wfunc(self, value):
self.___wfunc = value
def __function_name(self):
"""The __name__ of the wrapped function we are working with.
We fallback to an empoty string if we do not have a function
return self.__wfunc.__name__ if self.__wfunc else ''
def debug(self, msg, **kwargs):
"""Log a debug level message with any extra keyword parameters
msg {string} -- A string that will be logged out
Keyword Arguments:
These will be appended to the logged message as key value pairs output to a string representation
self.log(level=logging.DEBUG, msg=msg, **kwargs)
def info(self, msg, **kwargs):
"""Log an info level message with any extra keyword parameters
msg {string} -- A string that will be logged out
Keyword Arguments:
These will be appended to the logged message as key value pairs output to a string representation
self.log(level=logging.INFO, msg=msg, **kwargs)
def warn(self, msg, **kwargs):
"""Log a warning level message with any extra keyword parameters
msg {string} -- A string that will be logged out
Keyword Arguments:
These will be appended to the logged message as key value pairs output to a string representation
self.log(level=logging.WARNING, msg=msg, **kwargs)
def error(self, msg, **kwargs):
"""Log an error level message with any extra keyword parameters
msg {string} -- A string that will be logged out
Keyword Arguments:
These will be appended to the logged message as key value pairs output to a string representation
self.log(level=logging.ERROR, msg=msg, **kwargs)
def exception(self, msg, **kwargs):
"""Log an error level message with any extra keyword parameters
msg {string} -- A string that will be logged out
Keyword Arguments:
These will be appended to the logged message as key value pairs output to a string representation
self.error(msg=msg, exc_info=True, **kwargs)
def log(self, msg, **kwargs):
"""Log a message, at a specified level
msg {string} -- A string that will be logged out
Keyword Arguments:
level {Logging.DEBUG/INFO/etc} -- one of the defined logging levels
# Determine level with a sane default
# TODO: get defensive about log levels passed in here - what should be allowed?
level = kwargs.pop('level', logging.DEBUG)
# Passing these through to properly allow stack traces/info
exc_info = kwargs.pop('exc_info', False)
# This is a py3 only option!
stack_info = kwargs.pop('stack_info', False)
extra = kwargs if kwargs else {}
if extra != {}:
# If we don't have any arguments passed in, we need to still attach the other args passed in on init
extra = self.other_args if self.other_args else ''
# Keep it defensive - ensure we do not fail logging on string conversion
extra_str = str(extra)
extra_str = {}
if six.PY2:
# Log that message!
msg= self.service_name + '::' + self.__function_name + '::' + msg + ':::' + extra_str
# Log that message!
msg= self.service_name + '::' + self.__function_name + '::' + msg + ':::' + extra_str
# Callable! this is what helps us turn this class into a decorator
# an attempt is made to ensure, if attempted to be used as a callable class outside of a function call, we have a fallback
def __call__(self, func=None):
# Ensure we update our stored function that we are working with wrapping
# This is needed for logging output of function name etc
self.__wfunc = func
""" Determine how best to use this?"""
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
self.log('bare call' + str(kwargs))
# This needs to appear first because the @wraps call bombsa out if you are not wrapping via a decorator call
if func is None:
return wrapped
# Decorator magic~
def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args]
kwargs_repr = ["{0}={1}".format(k,v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
signature = ", ".join(args_repr + kwargs_repr)
# Pre function call logging
'Calling the function with the following',
func_signature="{0}({1})".format(self.__function_name, signature),
args_list=", ".join(args_repr),
kwargs_list=", ".join(kwargs_repr),
# Ensure we run the wrapped func and capture its return to be logged and returned
returned_value = func(*args, **kwargs)
# Keep it defensive - ensure we do not fail logging on string conversion
returned_value_str = str(returned_value)
returned_value_str = ''
# Post function call logging
self.log('WhatWasTheReturn', return_value_str=returned_value_str)
# Returning value from function call
return returned_value
# Decorator magic~
return wrapped_func
if __name__ == '__main__':
daServiceLogger = LogMe(service_name='daService', other='default', info=123)
daServiceExceptionLogger = LogMe(service_name='daService', type='exception')
def do_the_thing(one, two, three='four'):
return 1
def do_the_thing_log_default(one, two, three='four'):
return 1
def do_the_thing_log(one, two, three='four'):
return 1
def do_the_thing_log_bare(one, two, three='four'):
print('hello! - bare')
return 1
class testOne(object):
def __init__(self): = 'yes'
self.two = {'one': 'three'}
self.three = 12345
def do_the_thing_log_class():
return testOne()
##### TESTING #####
# Utilizes a default logger we setup and subsequently used as a decorator
# Uses decorator class directly and sets it up in the decorator
# Utilizes the decorator class with defaults
# Defult class decorator setup - returning a class this time
# Calling the logger directly
LogMe(service_name='callWithDatInfo', other=1).info('heya!', one=2)
# testing directly...
daServiceLogger.debug('debug me!')'info me!')
daServiceLogger.warn('warn me!')
daServiceLogger.error('error me!')
daServiceLogger.log('critical me!', level=logging.CRITICAL)
raise Exception('thing')
except Exception as e:
# Will log at error level and, by default, include exception information
daServiceExceptionLogger.exception('Catching this exception!')
# This methis allows you to still log exception info while logging at a lower level
daServiceExceptionLogger.warn('Catching this exception!', exc_info=True)
# ????? - default class, callable then calling that? very odd but wanted to make this safe too
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