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Created August 16, 2020 08:22
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Performance comparison of different implementations
// R imperative version (count prime numbers)
// sieb4 <- function(N) {
// if (N < 2L) return(integer())
// if (N == 2L) return(2L)
// toCheck <- seq_len(N)
// toCheck[1L] <- 0L
// toCheck[c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- 0L
// i <- 3L
// while (i <= N) {
// if (toCheck[i] > 0L) {
// j <- i + i
// while (j <= N) {
// toCheck[j] <- 0L
// j <- j + i
// }
// }
// i <- i + 1L
// }
// c(2L, toCheck[toCheck != 0L])
// }
// sieb4(10)
module Perf =
open System.Diagnostics
let measure name f =
let sw = Stopwatch()
let res = f()
printfn "%50s -- %fs" name sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
let siebWhile n =
let toCheck = Array.zeroCreate<int> (n + 1)
let crossedV = -1
let mutable i = 2
while i <= n do
//for i in 2..n do
if toCheck.[i] <> crossedV then
toCheck.[i] <- i
let mutable j = i + i
while j <= n do
//for j in (i+i).. i .. n do
toCheck.[j] <- crossedV
j <- j + i
i <- i + 1
let siebFor n =
let toCheck = Array.zeroCreate<int> (n + 1)
let crossedV = -1
for i in 2..n do
if toCheck.[i] <> crossedV then
toCheck.[i] <- i
for j in (i+i).. i .. n do
toCheck.[j] <- crossedV
let siebIter n =
let toCheck = Array.zeroCreate<int> (n + 1)
let crossedV = -1
|> Array.iteri (fun i v ->
if i < 2 then ()
elif toCheck.[i] <> crossedV then
toCheck.[i] <- i
for j in (i+i).. i .. n do
toCheck.[j] <- crossedV
else ())
let siebPIter n =
let toCheck = Array.zeroCreate<int> (n + 1)
let crossedV = -1
toCheck |> Array.Parallel.iteri (fun i v ->
if i < 2 then ()
elif toCheck.[i] <> crossedV then
toCheck.[i] <- i
for j in (i+i).. i .. n do
toCheck.[j] <- crossedV
else ())
let siebRec n =
let toCheck = Array.zeroCreate<int> (n + 1)
let crossedV = -1
// F# has tail call optimizations and can transform that into a whie loop
let rec loopi i =
if i <= n then
if toCheck.[i] <> crossedV then
toCheck.[i] <- i
let rec loopj j =
if j <= n then
toCheck.[j] <- crossedV
loopj (j+i)
loopj (2*i)
loopi (i+1)
loopi (2)
// return
let filterPrim v = v |> Array.filter (fun x -> x > 0)
let n = 50_000_000
(fun () -> siebWhile n) |> Perf.measure "while loop" |> filterPrim
(fun () -> siebFor n) |> Perf.measure "for loop" |> filterPrim
(fun () -> siebIter n) |> Perf.measure "Array.iteri (outer) for loop (inner)" |> filterPrim
(fun () -> siebPIter n) |> Perf.measure "Array.Parallel.iteri (outer) for loop (inner)" |> filterPrim
(fun () -> siebRec n) |> Perf.measure "Tail recursion (both)" |> filterPrim
printfn ""
printfn ""
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