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Created May 14, 2021 07:28
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open System
let tryParse (s: string) = Nullable(5.0)
let div (a: float) (b: float) = Nullable 10.0
let add a b = a + b
let num1 = tryParse "5.0"
if num1.HasValue then
let num2 = tryParse "10.0"
if num2.HasValue then
let res = div num1.Value num2.Value
else Nullable()
else Nullable()
let hasValue (n: Nullable<_>) = n.HasValue
let getValue (n: Nullable<_>) = n.Value
let num1' = tryParse "5.0"
let num2' = tryParse "10.0"
let res = div num1' num2'
(tryParse "5.0") |> (fun num1' ->
(tryParse "10.0") |> (fun num2' ->
(div num1' num2') |> (fun res ->
let failwith msg = raise (Exception msg)
type MyClass(a: string, b: string) =
member this.Name = a + " " + b
member this.Destroy() = failwith "blah"
let bind f m =
if hasValue m then f (getValue m) else Nullable()
let ret a =
Nullable a
(tryParse "5.0") |> bind (fun num1' ->
(tryParse "10.0") |> bind (fun num2' ->
(div num1' num2') |> bind (fun res ->
ret res
tryParse "5.0" |> bind (fun num1' ->
tryParse "10.0" |> bind (fun num2' ->
div num1' num2' |> bind (fun res ->
ret res
let ( >=> ) m f = bind f m
tryParse "5.0" >=> (fun num1' ->
tryParse "10.0" >=> (fun num2' ->
div num1' num2' >=> (fun res ->
ret res
type NullableMonad() =
member this.Bind(m, f) = bind f m
member this.Return(x) = ret x
let maybe = NullableMonad()
maybe {
let! num1' = tryParse "5.0"
let! num2' = tryParse "10.0"
let! res = div num1' num2'
return res
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
let a = 112
for x in 10..20 do
if x % 2 = 0 then
yield x + 10
let minus a b = a-b
let ( -/- ) a b = minus a b
5 -/- 2
let a = 10 in a + 1
// x e1 --e2-
10 |> (fun a -> a + 1)
((a) => a + 1)(10);
let a = 10
a + 1
let sayName (first: string) (last: string) = $"Hello, {first} {last}"
sayName "Sefa" "Ilkimen"
"Ilkimen" |> sayName "Sefa"
// (number * number) -> string
const doNumbers = (a, b) => (a + b).toString();
type Option<'a> =
| Some of 'a
| None
type Lit =
| Num of float
| Str of string
type Exp =
| Lit of Lit
| Var of string
| Tuple of List<Exp>
| App of Exp * Exp * Option<Exp>
let analyze exp =
match exp with
| Lit (Num x) when x < 0.0 ->
"Warning: negative number is used!"
| App (_, _, Some (Tuple t)) ->
match t with
| [a;b;c] -> "..."
| [] -> "..."
| x::xs -> "..."
| _ -> ""
let id = fun x -> x in
let res1 = id 4 in
let res2 = id "Hallo" in
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