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Last active June 7, 2023 06:12
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Maven POM examples to create a (fat) JAR with all dependencies for an example project as well as a directory of dependencies (examples here: Sentry for log4J v1 and a custom connector in Clojars Artifactory)

Maven Examples for fat JARs

Maven POM examples to create a (fat) JAR that will pull all dependencies for example projects. It will also create a directory of dependencies.

Examples here: Sentry for log4J v1 and a custom connector in Clojars Artifactory

Usage Example

Run Maven:

mvn package --file pom-clojars.xml

You will find the fat JAR in target/connect-modules-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar and a directory with dependencies in target/dependencies.

<project xmlns=""
<name>Connect Modules</name>
<project xmlns=""
<name>Sentry Integration</name>
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