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Created May 20, 2021 19:11
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Simple example script for automatic GNOME Shell extension testing.
# This is a rough attempt on quick testing of GNOME Shell extensions which are awaiting a
# review. It installs a given extension in a podman container, enables it and tries to
# open the preferences dialog.
# Use it like this:
# ./ 24550 3.36
# The first number is the review ID from the URL: (e.g.
# The second is the GNOME Shell version: 3.36, 3.38 and 40.0 are currently supported.
# The review ID must be given as first paramter.
if [ -z $REVIEW_ID ]; then
echo "Please specify the extension review ID as first parameter!";
exit 1
# The GNOME Shell version can be supplied as second parameter. 3.38 is used per default.
# Download the extension.
# Extract the UUID from the metadata.json and rename the zip accordingly.
UUID=`unzip -p metadata.json | grep '"uuid"' | cut -d\" -f4`
# Run the container in detached mode.
podman pull"$VERSION"
POD_ID=$(podman run --rm -td"$VERSION")
# Wait some time to make sure that GNOME Shell has been started.
echo -n "Booting the container..."
sleep 3
echo " Done."
# Copy the extension to the container.
echo -n "Copy Extension to the container..."
podman cp "$UUID".zip "$POD_ID":/home/gnomeshell/
echo " Done."
# Execute the install script. This installs the extension, restarts GNOME Shell and
# finally enables the extension.
echo -n "Installing The extension..."
podman exec --user gnomeshell "$POD_ID" /home/gnomeshell/ /home/gnomeshell/ "$UUID"
sleep 3
# Check for errors. I think GJS errors are always preceeded with an ERROR, but maybe this
# could be more sophisticated...
ERRORS=$(podman exec "$POD_ID" journalctl | grep ERROR)
if [ -n "$ERRORS" ]; then
echo " Failed!"
echo "$ERRORS"
exit 1
echo " Done."
# Now try to open the preferences dialog.
echo -n "Opening the preferences dialog..."
podman exec --user gnomeshell "$POD_ID" /home/gnomeshell/ gnome-extensions prefs "$UUID"
sleep 2
# Check for erros once more. The GNOME Shell version in the container is patched to print
# an error if this fails. The log message can be identified easily.
ERRORS=$(podman exec "$POD_ID" journalctl | grep "Failed to open preferences")
if [ -n "$ERRORS" ]; then
echo " Failed!"
echo "$ERRORS"
exit 1
echo " Done."
# Finally stop the container...
echo -n "Stopping the container..."
podman stop "$POD_ID" > /dev/null
echo " Done."
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