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Created December 17, 2020 14:48
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using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using Sirenix.Utilities;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// <para>ColoredBoxGroup is used on any property and organizes the property in a boxed group with a colored header.</para>
/// <para>Use this to cleanly organize relevant values together in the inspector.</para>
/// </summary>
public class ColoredBoxGroupAttribute : PropertyGroupAttribute
private static readonly byte[] GradientColorsLTR =
163, 163, 163, 254,
165, 165, 165, 255,
169, 169, 169, 254,
171, 171, 171, 255,
174, 174, 174, 255,
176, 176, 176, 255,
180, 180, 180, 255,
182, 182, 182, 255,
186, 186, 186, 255,
189, 189, 189, 254,
192, 192, 192, 255,
194, 194, 194, 255,
198, 198, 198, 254,
200, 200, 200, 255,
204, 204, 204, 254,
206, 206, 206, 255,
209, 209, 209, 255,
212, 212, 212, 255,
215, 215, 215, 255,
219, 219, 219, 254,
221, 221, 221, 255,
224, 224, 224, 255,
227, 227, 227, 255,
231, 231, 231, 254,
233, 233, 233, 255,
237, 237, 237, 254,
239, 239, 239, 255,
242, 242, 242, 255,
245, 245, 245, 254,
248, 248, 248, 254,
251, 251, 251, 255,
254, 254, 254, 255
private static readonly byte[] GradientColorsRTL =
253, 253, 253, 254,
248, 248, 248, 255,
245, 245, 245, 254,
241, 241, 241, 255,
237, 237, 237, 255,
232, 232, 232, 255,
229, 229, 229, 255,
225, 225, 225, 255,
221, 221, 221, 255,
218, 218, 218, 254,
214, 214, 214, 255,
209, 209, 209, 255,
206, 206, 206, 254,
201, 201, 201, 255,
199, 199, 199, 254,
193, 193, 193, 255,
190, 190, 190, 255,
185, 185, 185, 255,
182, 182, 182, 255,
178, 178, 178, 254,
174, 174, 174, 255,
170, 170, 170, 255,
165, 165, 165, 255,
162, 162, 162, 254,
157, 157, 157, 255,
154, 154, 154, 254,
149, 149, 149, 255,
145, 145, 145, 255,
142, 142, 142, 254,
138, 138, 138, 254,
134, 134, 134, 255,
130, 130, 130, 255
private static readonly byte[] GradientColorsCentered =
132, 132, 132, 254,
140, 140, 140, 255,
149, 149, 149, 254,
156, 156, 156, 255,
164, 164, 164, 255,
172, 172, 172, 255,
180, 180, 180, 255,
188, 188, 188, 255,
196, 196, 196, 255,
204, 204, 204, 254,
212, 212, 212, 255,
220, 220, 220, 255,
229, 229, 229, 254,
235, 235, 235, 255,
245, 245, 245, 254,
251, 251, 251, 255,
250, 250, 250, 255,
242, 242, 242, 255,
235, 235, 235, 255,
227, 227, 227, 254,
218, 218, 218, 255,
211, 211, 211, 255,
202, 202, 202, 255,
195, 195, 195, 254,
187, 187, 187, 255,
179, 179, 179, 254,
171, 171, 171, 255,
163, 163, 163, 255,
156, 156, 156, 254,
147, 147, 147, 254,
139, 139, 139, 255,
132, 132, 132, 255
public enum Gradient { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, Centered }
public readonly Gradient GradientType;
public readonly Color HeaderColor;
public readonly Color LabelColor;
public readonly bool ApplyGradient;
public readonly bool CenterLabel;
public readonly bool BoldLabel;
private static Texture2D _headerGradientLTR;
private static Texture2D _headerGradientRTL;
private static Texture2D _headerGradientCentered;
public static Texture2D HeaderGradientLTR
if (_headerGradientLTR == null)
_headerGradientLTR = new Texture2D(32, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false) {wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp};
return _headerGradientLTR;
public static Texture2D HeaderGradientRTL
if (_headerGradientRTL == null)
_headerGradientRTL = new Texture2D(32, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false) {wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp};
return _headerGradientRTL;
public static Texture2D HeaderGradientCentered
if (_headerGradientCentered == null)
_headerGradientCentered = new Texture2D(32, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false) {wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp};
return _headerGradientCentered;
/// <param name="groupName">The box group name.</param>
/// <param name="headerColor">The color of the header e.g. "#FF0000".</param>
/// <param name="labelColor">The color of the label e.g. "#FF0000".</param>
/// <param name="boldLabel">Makes the header label bold if set to true. (default: false)</param>
/// <param name="applyGradient">Adds a gradient to the header if set to true. (default: true)</param>
/// <param name="gradientType">Applies the given gradient type. (default: Gradient.LeftToRight)</param>
/// <param name="centerLabel">Centers the label inside the header if set to true. (default: false)</param>
public ColoredBoxGroupAttribute(string groupName, string headerColor = null, string labelColor = null, bool boldLabel = false,
bool applyGradient = true, Gradient gradientType = Gradient.LeftToRight, bool centerLabel = false) : base(groupName)
if (headerColor.IsNullOrWhitespace()) HeaderColor = SirenixGUIStyles.HeaderBoxBackgroundColor;
else ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(headerColor, out HeaderColor);
if (labelColor.IsNullOrWhitespace()) LabelColor = SirenixGUIStyles.WhiteLabel.normal.textColor;
else ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(labelColor, out LabelColor);
BoldLabel = boldLabel;
CenterLabel = centerLabel;
ApplyGradient = applyGradient;
GradientType = gradientType;
public class ColoredBoxGroupAttributeDrawer : OdinGroupDrawer<ColoredBoxGroupAttribute>
protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(GUIContent label)
GUIStyle labelAlignment =;
labelAlignment.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(
alignment = Attribute.CenterLabel ? TextAnchor.MiddleCenter : TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
fontStyle = Attribute.BoldLabel ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Normal
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Attribute.GroupName, labelStyle);
foreach (InspectorProperty inspectorProperty in Property.Children)
private static void BeginColoredBoxHeader(ColoredBoxGroupAttribute attr)
Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(SirenixGUIStyles.BoxHeaderStyle, GUILayoutOptions.ExpandWidth());
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
rect = new Rect(rect.x - 3f, rect.y + 1f, rect.width + 6f, rect.height - 1f);
Texture2D texture = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
if (attr.ApplyGradient)
texture = attr.GradientType switch
ColoredBoxGroupAttribute.Gradient.LeftToRight => ColoredBoxGroupAttribute.HeaderGradientLTR,
ColoredBoxGroupAttribute.Gradient.RightToLeft => ColoredBoxGroupAttribute.HeaderGradientRTL,
ColoredBoxGroupAttribute.Gradient.Centered => ColoredBoxGroupAttribute.HeaderGradientCentered,
_ => texture
GUI.DrawTexture(rect, texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true, 0f, attr.HeaderColor, 0f, 2f);
rect.y += 1f;
SirenixEditorGUI.DrawBorders(rect, 0, 0, 0, 1, new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.4f));
GUIHelper.PushLabelWidth(GUIHelper.BetterLabelWidth - 4f);
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