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Created August 13, 2023 18:55
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Hello everyone, the submarine podcast is with you, its presenter Egor Tolstoy, this is
me and Ekaterina Petrova, hello everyone, if you turned on this episode, you already know
what it is about by the way. I don’t know why, in general, every time in eyeliners we
try to guess some kind of riddle for those who are listening, as if they didn’t see the title of
the release, it seems to me that we ourselves are trying to warm up a little just to tune
in to normal questions, and this is the time where we are dragging time with our
eyeliners, as we are now just trying to get into the flow maybe maybe but in short it
doesn't matter today a new episode in the category of your favorite episodes this is
not food episodes it's a category on. these are issues about programming languages and
today we will talk about dart, not to be confused with dark, we also wrote about dark, but
today we write about dart and not to be confused with flater, we are talking about dart, not
about flatter, because when we asked people to ask questions in the chat, they started
asking questions. only about darts and visiting us Slava Egorov is a developer of
the DartLit team of the native compiler and as Slava says himself and the Shvets and the
reaper and the Nadudei and the Greek I understand what you are talking about hello
glory hello good time of the day please tell us a little about yourself because how are you In
general, this is often brought into the development of compilers very much. an
interesting story, this is a difficult question in general, I got into the development of
compilers a long time ago because I was interested in scripting programming languages, I
was developing my own multiuser dungeon if people remember such words and we built in
such a Lua scripting language and it became interesting to me how it all works inside I am
very became interested, plunged and I was lucky that I lived in Novosibirsk then. there is a
very good place there, it was more precisely called excel, I went to work there during my
student years and from there I actually got into compilers and joined okay after that you
immediately went to work on dart or managed to work on something else besides
excelsior after excelsior I went working on a veto is such a javascript engine inside the
chrome node and other things that use javascript inside are quite common. now I worked
on it for 2 years and then the people who created the engine v they decided that it was
enough for us to deal with this weight javascript is a dead end branch of evolution and
decided to make their own programming language called dart and I actually from those times
2 years after I started working on darts, that is, I was already darting when darts first
appeared in the earliest of them. in life and gradually began to work more and more on larger
and larger parts of the project and expand my scope, I ended up where I now found
myself pancake, but you can immediately ask a question, maybe it will be somewhere
ahead when we discuss history, so you can park it, but how you already mentioned that
javascript is a dead end branch and for Veit it was decided by the people who are involved
in this decided to create a new programming language, of course, every time we have a lot
of cool engineers and a lot of resources, why take it. some well-known already existing
solutions need to be cut all of their own, why didn’t they try something else, I don’t know
whether it was technically possible to replace Javascript and the fact that, well, in general,
in order to solve the problems that it delivered instead of developing a new
language, but maybe this question can be I don’t know how to park it, but in order not to
forget it, I’ll just forget it, otherwise if Yegor doesn’t mind, I can basically tell you
about it, let’s really, yes, let’s really tell, I’ve already asked, let’s talk about. history and just
change the sequence a little bit I’m fine okay then the main thing for me then is to
understand that programmers who create their own programming languages usually
programming, which is of course in retrospect. it turned out that knowing how to
develop virtual machines and knowing how to develop programming
languages are two different things, well, people learn from their mistakes on their own,
therefore, of course, for such people, creating their own programming language instead
of treating something there, fixing it somehow, patching is the path they choose simply
because they have such a drive inside to do something new instead of fixing the old
one, which is why the dart programming language appeared and of course if we
Let's look at those years when. only this whole story appeared that Lars had work on
skom behind him work on java, echoes of this are visible in the design of the
programming language that he created because the first versions of Dart are zero and the
first version they were more like such a smalllt with Java syntax than the dart we have
today is dart version 2 and dart version 3 which just came out recently. they are quite
different from what Lars conceived and created 10-12 years ago, in my opinion, this
answers the question that Katya actually asked because she wanted to, I understood,
and I’ll try to continue then Katya’s question, you explained why you started making
your own language, but every new one a language is usually started to be done in order to
eliminate some fundamental shortcomings of other languages, which at that moment
are fundamental. shortcomings and what I wanted well, as I said, people worked as a script
on the web javascript is used quite strongly more and more lines of code in applications
applications are becoming more and more monstrous they are difficult to develop difficult
to maintain if you look at some kind of gmail or look at all these large applications that exist
on ve, let's say google docs and so on, then Vast had a problem that such applications.
write and offer different solutions to this problem, for example, if you look at what
google used again 10 12 15 years ago, he used closure this and javascript, which has
type annotations written in the comments that some third-party compiler checks and makes
sure that you don’t assign a dog to a cat there and don’t put the car into the plane there and
do everything as the types promise in the program but write. such javascript is not very nice
because you have something in there
programmers with a strong sense that they know how to do everything right, and in fact, the
people who created veid, they belong to this category of people, in fact, if you look at their
biography, vede for them was not the first, not the second, maybe not even the third virtual.
the machine they worked on the chief programmer vieta who actually started this project
Larsback is a Danish programmer who has a very long track record of working
on virtual machines. in the nineties, I worked on a virtual machine for small talk in a startup
in Silicon Valley or in Silicon Valley, I don’t know how you prefer this startup, at one time
such a company bought sun microsystems and used the developments that they
did there in order to create a jvm and a hotspot compiler which actually pulls out all the
interprises today, without which everything died a long time ago in the nineties, so
he worked after that on other different things. worked on a startup where he created a
smalllt machine for small internet of things devices, although at the time when he was
working on it, there wasn’t even such a term, and then when google decided to make his
own browser, he was invited to work on veit and he made veit and understandable
the case is such a person he has a strong opinion about how to do everything right and
that's why he decided that he knows how to do languages
impossible to predict correctly because for quite a long time there were no solutions similar on the market,
that is, there were some developments but not like typescript Another problem was that I think Lars did not
really understand that web programmers who would offer something that is not javascript they instead to rush at
you screaming super victory they will run away from you and boo. here to shout that this is the second
coming of the flash, which everyone is simply afraid of shivering, and or there to compare it with the advent of
activ x, which everyone hates just until the face turns blue, such strong hatred in people got into the bones right
here, this could have been foreseen, but they didn’t foresee thought that people will not look
of course, teams inside google and some teams outside of google, though some of these teams are trying
to get off dart now, for example, we all know such a uraik team that used dart quite heavily there, I don’t know
about five or six years ago, and now they are trying to get off hello to Evgeny Kot, who will definitely listen to this
issue I know yes hello to Evgeny Katu yes I just wanted to
comment me super amazing easy while i heard the story that
making comments makes it difficult to read difficult to support again, a third-party compiler needs to use tyscript at
that time did not exist yet, and therefore the idea arose why not make a programming language in which it would
not be necessary to write something in the comments that would support type annotations out of the box,
but at the same time, it would be quite close in spirit to javascript, that is, it would be dynamically typed all the
same. so that you can quickly prototype something on it so that people do not have the difficulty of switching
from javascript to such a programming language, of course, it was planned to initially support it natively in the
browser so that you can directly write an html page and write it in the script instead of the dart vascript and everything
would work without additional compilers just instantly you have an edit refresh cycle that's so
short when you're editing and all of a sudden you see how the behavior has changed. your web
page and this language would simultaneously meet two categories of people who want to subtype very quickly and
write very quickly something that works and also large enterprise teams who can when their application gets
bigger and bigger after the initial stage of prototyping they can start writing types inside there code and
some kind of tooling will check that these types are all correct and so on, that is, the Darth philosophy
of the first versions of o. was that we offer a more scalable programming system for the web, which, well, has
such more sane semantics, better tooling, as it were, everything works with. out of the box and you don’t need
any strange tools to use some types of writing in the comments and so on You already mentioned that it
turned out that writing languages is not the same as writing a virtual machine What in the end with this vision
went wrong as it collided with reality as there was a release Well, a lot of things happened at the same time, some
of these things of course could have been foreseen from the beginning and some of them could not, for example,
the fact that somewhere in a secret laboratory. in the basement people saw typÿcriipt but this
look at how it looks outwardly, they will look into the essence of what it is in the soul, sorry, but in the soul. and
for the good of people, but people only looked, as it were, outwardly it’s like a flash, so you need to quickly
quickly run to twitter and write that this is all very bad and that it should die, and that’s why a large population of
web programmers, as it were, did not decide to switch to dart, a small part of people who actually saw the benefit
of what the dart offered, they moved and began to use it. and that includes
only after you released the first version and then some teams became interested, that
is, was there any. initially from someone, honestly I don’t remember, at that time I was
a peasant who was told that we have a programming language for which we
need to make a virtual machine, here’s a c ++ code base for you, let’s imatyga and
matyk in this dig holes from here to sunset and I I was doing this, and all sorts of such
high-level conversations about the fact that there is a customer, but there is some kind
of vp of engineering there. grind with him and decide that he will transfer to our programming
language, I didn’t participate in such things then for me it was only the beginning of my
ascent up the career ladder, so let’s say I like that remark. yes, and a slight smile, well,
now I’m somehow more involved in such discussions and in solving such issues, I’m not
only sitting there, writing c ++ code or debugging something in the debugger, I write
documents, discuss all sorts of things with people, but it gradually happened so dart
is not written on a dart
well, a syntex tree builds all that it is written in Dart and a lot of tools are written in Dart,
but the core that Dart actually executes converts to machine code, this is written in C +
+, this is written because it happened so historically or because it makes no sense, let's
say rewrite to rat because it still won’t win in performance, and in some other
moments it historically developed if there was an opportunity, I would. I also
rewrote most of the kernel from pluses to dart, so let's say if we look at what happened in
the java world where the grail appeared there and all that stuff that turns out that the
kernel is still some
understandable dart. was supposed to solve all the shortcomings of the vascript and at
the same time, well, one of the largest in the form of dynamic typing, and nevertheless,
in the first version, yes, there was dynamic typing anyway, it’s so strange to me, but you
explained it, well, this is probably not a question, you explained that the idea was to it
was easy to switch from one language to another, yes, because no one would have
switched at all. It’s like a too different paradigm. In short, the idea is clear, but even
retrospectively now, looking and seeing that static typing nevertheless appeared, in
general, okay. it’s just that I couldn’t keep silent it’s just like watching a series you
can’t watch TV shows in general on netflix you can watch how programming languages
\u200b\u200bdispersed and what mistakes they made and watch popcorn actually I want to
comment on one thing here dynamic typing it appears in different forms and in fact, the
people who developed dart initially believed that dynamic typing in the form in which
javascript has it when we can not only put different things in variables, but we can take an
object. and start adding some properties to it there remove these properties there is a
prototype chain into which you can cram your methods there and so on they thought
that such dynamic typing is too dynamic and you need to be a little more static about just
such things as what we have here a class and it has methods and you can’t just take the
method and delete or add it to the class, but the fact that we can put different things in a
variable is more or less normal, so dynamic typing remains. but they made it
more sane, actually fixed this javascript problem, and not just completely removed the
dynamic typing, okay, but how much the needs of some commands inside Google at that
time were taken into account when developing the first version, that is, were the
commands conditionally such customers of the language for the sake of solving the
problems of which it was written or adoption has begun
we are finishing the release of parts of dart are written on dart the virtual machine is written
on. pluses, basically Dart has how to say the parser that actually parses it
plus, but at the same time a lot of compiler infrastructure for the jet, and so on, it moved
to the actual Java and it’s written in Java, okay, the first version of Dart came out, it turned
out that the developers take it wrong. I would like to, but some kind of adoption all the
same begins and teams start using it what happened next happened a lot of different
things we tried to get dart built into chrome itself, more precisely into chromium, that is, into
the open source codebase from which chrome itself is built so that people
can use dark directly in the browser without converting to javascript or without using our
custom build we called darp. that is, we had a special build of Chromium with a dort
virtual machine inside that people used when writing applications for debugging so that
they had a very fast development cycle when they just edited the code and saw how it
works without compiling We tried to embed it, tried it, but then Gradually, the opposition
from the main team of Chrome, it grew and grew, and it became clear that it was not our
destiny to be in Chrome. and it was around 2014-2015 when, well, it became quite
obvious that this would not happen, we began to look for where to go after that, what
would we do and there were many different experiments, but suddenly something
happened that we did not expect within the Chrome team itself there was a small group
very senior engineers who worked there from the very beginning were
engaged in the actual rendering. and there is a layout engine inside chrome and they
asked such an interesting question if we take the web and throw out backward
compatibility from it, how fast can we make such a kind of cropped browser that, instead
of executing the web, we know that the web has very deep historical roots, so if cut off all
these roots and create, as it were, a bright web of the future, how fast the browser is and
how lightweight the browser will turn out. and so they took scissors there, an ax saw,
and began to cut and chop, chop, chop, eventually cut off javascript, cut off html
instead of javascript, put dart in, which was a big surprise for us and it turned out to
be a flatter, it wasn’t called a flatter then, it was called sky, it was just such an experiment,
but something happened very interesting and this flatter project since 2015 has just
taken off along an exponential curve and we are through it. got the same interest in darts
that we didn’t get, it’s just that it’s so interesting on the web and you don’t know what
you’re saying that you didn’t expect why they made a decision, well, in the sense it’s
clear that in any case there was talk at the company level, it’s not like it was a secret, and
even more so well, there was this story with Chrome, but it’s just hard for me to imagine
that you didn’t even know what kind of solution they were preparing, well, in the
sense of how different it is, well, it’s not transparent how large the scale of the company is,
so it’s more correct to say, well, again Someone may have known what they were doing.
they, according to their own statements, looked at 20 different programming
languages, including non-kotlin java javascript typescript and I don’t even know how carp
all kinds of programming languages made a big such spreadsheet in which they wrote all
their comments about the pros and cons of each programming language of
course that the fact that they are a team inside Google and we are a team inside Google,
she somehow entered this spreadsheet. that it is possible to somehow work as partners on
this project, but we worked until the very end, that is, we worked, we knew that they
were considering us as a candidate, but we did not know until the very end what they
would choose. us because, well, competence is quite so tough, they really looked at all
possible aspects, how understandable the code is
the other initial one is very interesting, well, as always happens, many needs are covered, but the main
engine really was so that during development it was possible to compile quickly and modularly
incrementally, what later the code became more, as it were, of better quality due to the fact that
everything is now statically typed, this is, as it were, a nice bonus second order effects were of course
people who said we love static typing the more the better they then celebrated what a change it was by
then everything. the original designers of the language they already jumped off the actual design
because they realized that their idea of how
will they be able to write code in the style they want to code in, and so on, and so they chose dart in
the end and of course we opened a bottle of champagne there was nothing like that
because we didn’t even understand at that moment how much it would take off and so this rise was
quite a big surprise, and for us, I think for them, too, that people. they really became very interested
in flatter and it turns out the second version of Dart is major, it was already dictated by the needs
of flatter rather yes, well, this is also a complicated story, because by that time quite a lot of
lines of code had already been written inside Google on Dort, measured in millions and it was used
quite heavily in such an important division of Google called ads which actually sells ads they make
frontends on it. they still do it if you order advertising there through adwords and so on, all these web
applications are written in Dart and it’s a lot of Dart as I said already millions of lines of code and they
came to us with all sorts of problems, for example, when it became clear that we weren’t we don't embed
dart into the browser they came and said, okay, you don't paste it into the browser what will happen
to dartium well it was clear to us that dartium doesn't really make sense to support. then they
didn’t say anything, but how are we going to debug because if we have to sit through the
compilation step and wait until everything is compiled, then it’s a long time and we began to look at
possible approaches to solving this problem and it became clear to us that the approach of compiling
Dart to javascript which we've been using before, it won't be scalable for their use because Darart
was compiled as if it were a closed world, which is it. when the entire application is input to the
compiler, he sits there for a long time looking at this application, trying to understand how all possible
types flow through the program, what variables take what values, and then it gives out the most
optimized code, but it takes quite a long time, and in development I want to you edited one file, clicked
on the button and your page was updated and you could see what had changed so that you
could test something there very quickly. then you need to do what is called modular incremental
compilation, making such a compilation for a language with dynamic typing is quite
difficult because the code will be very poor quality if you have a lot of poor quality
code, then the browser will explode, we tried this, let's say safari if you apply a completely
unoptimized application to it from here of these million lines of code safari just exploded there
5-6 years ago, it had out of memory and so on. and then we decided what we need to do optimizations
and what we need to optimize for optimization we need static types and therefore tar2 it’s rather not
flatter needs, but rather covers internal web developers, and then they didn’t need debugging, wow,
this is an unexpected fact because what i like
since, well, when, too, there, before the hint, I refreshed something in my memory, I think
such a thing, but they added typing all the same, and now it turns out that there was a need. everyone
the language looks they don’t match where the language is going they decided that we’ll go do something else
and other people continued people who continued they are more understanding of static typing, that is, let’s say the
lead of the language development team has such a strong Haskul background and it’s clear that the person with a
husky background. he understands static typing quite well, okay, there was something else in the second dart from
a serious one, in addition to adding static typing, there were various improvements, that is, 2.0 is just such a
transition to a new type system, generics were added for methods that used to be generics only for classes
because again, the developers who developed dart initially believed that generics were generally a complex
feature that got burned on java. cardards there with all this and thought that well, here’s a sheet of something there,
this is a useful feature that should be given to people when functions with denaric parameters already begin
there. It’s already difficult to understand people don’t need to give them such features. Of course, when we
switch to static typing without generic methods, it becomes difficult because it seems like there are generics and
there are no generic methods, so we added this and so it seems like nothing else in 2.0 was particularly
thorough changing the foundation of the house because they realized that if you make big changes in the
language, you need to have it. a structure that allows the team that develops the language to make such changes
quickly before dart 2 for each sub-command inside dart that did some kind of tooling or there virtual machine or
compiler in javascript they all wrote their own parser for the dart language and this was possible
because the language was very simple, but with the transition to the second version, when static typing
appeared there, the typing type system. it became difficult for everyone to repeat the same work for everyone
because, well, this is not a trivial work and there was a need to have what is called a common frontend, we
actually called this project and made it common frontend which is written in Darth, you give it the source code as
input and it produces an abstract syntax tree that all other backends then use for their needs there, let's
say you want to compile it into native code, give it. a virtual machine or a native compiler wants to compile
javascript, give it to the compiler in javascript, and I would say that of the infrastructural changes that
occurred in dart 2, this was the most important because it later allowed the language to develop much
faster than before, this is a thrill, and what happened then after the second dart that is, the next releases,
whether there was anything else the same, I don’t know, monumental, in fact, a complete rework of the language.
or further such an already rather incremental development of ideas
which appeared in the second dorm at first did small things, that is, let's say by that time a lot of people were already
using flutter and in flater people build uh widget trees, they just write code that, using constructors, creates a
representation of this widget tree, which then the flutter renders for these people too there was a need to
somehow write code that, first of all, did not have to press a lot of buttons. and to make it clear and there were two
problems, one problem is that you need to constantly write new before calling the constructor, and we
removed this new, that is, you can simply write the name of the constructor and the constructor is called, an object
is created, this removed a fairly large amount of visual noise from the Fluter code, another change was that we
added that we call collection literals collection literals in others. languages, this is sometimes called a collection
or something like this when you can write let's say a literal for a list and inside this
literal, you can write a loop that puts elements in this list, or you can write if or spread
three dots there and which will simply take another list and insert it in the middle of this list,
because again, people build these trees and lists of widgets often appear in these trees
and it became more convenient to write such code which. lists of widgets of various
types, but by that time it also became clear that we made this big change, we switched
from dynamic typing to static typing, there was a little thing that people complain about,
namely that we have cash quite a lot of people said why don't we do it right away non-stable
programming language in which people can't use cash just to please me about the little
thing bullshit everything is just on. we have little things little things in life in
practice people often underestimate the complexity of changes because they say that you
made such a big break in change why not add another break in change to this big break
in change but only people who actually work with the language and who need actually
planning how the migration will take place understand how difficult it is and a big
investment of money and time to migrate all the code for each break in change, so I
say. small because people think it's small actually it's a huge break in change and
we've been preparing for it quite seriously but we started to prepare almost after dart 2 was
done we started talking that most likely the next big change that we will make is most likely
the last big change which we will do this will do now save dart oh listen we wanted
to talk about this a little more later but let's just now can then tell a little more about your
stories and let's send our release plan to hell and will. just to follow this nice conversation
and it's very interesting to listen in more detail about your story of migration to the snel
safety language because I watched it from the side, I saw specific activities. what you did,
for example, it was a very cool story how you used pdf to motivate library authors
and switch to safity, that's why I really want to hear the story first hand, yes, when
gift 2 came out, we began to plan how to do it all and it became immediately clear a few
things the first thing is that by the time dart 2 came out, the ecosystem had grown
big enough to just say oh come on. throw it in the trash and start over again this solution
is not suitable if it was smaller then it could be done if no one used dart then everything
would be great as they say in programming languages the biggest problem is that someone
uses them does everything at once
it’s more difficult, and that’s when people began to think about how to make this migration
and realized that they needed the only approach that would most likely work to do it.
something in the language that would allow people to write two versions at the same time,
or more than two different versions of dart in the same application, and added to
the language such a thing called language versioning in each dart file, you can write
from above that this file actually uses the 2.9 version of dart and in another file to write this
file use version 2.12 and in. depending on which version of dart you include in a particular
file, you get such a version, that is, the compiler supports not one version, but
many versions, and the actual solution with migration is that you have all the files that you
do not want to migrate, you somehow allow using a comment and either at the package
level in papspec, which describes what dependencies you have, what versions you are
talking about, but on this package
uses the dart version. less than 2.12 and if the version is less than 2.12 then you can
write the old dart without nal safety and if the version is greater than 2.12 or equal to 2.12
then it's on your safety you can't just say if you have
a variable that can contain cash, you can’t just take it and write a call to the fu method
on this variable, because the compiler will tell you and there may be naal you need to first
check for cash or mark that this variable is non-nullable, ask for it there. a sign
because by default all variables are non-null actually it was such a major change that we
made laid the platform for the migration of language eversioning and then we began to plan
how to actually pull the ecosystem along with us and as you already mentioned we
added let’s say our package manager on dad where u we all packages lie such a
thing that says, but you have the score of your package there 120 points out of 130
possible. or there are 10 points out of the possible and give people points for the fact that
they, for example, migrated to nal safety, that they formatted the code, wrote tests, and so
on, and with the help of these points to motivate people to pull the eco system, as it
turned out, people really like to earn points despite the fact that this is some kind of
abstract something, and let's note that this is not from zero to 100, but in my opinion
now from zero to 130, because when people discussed this they thought. if you make it
from zero to 100, then people will always want 100, but it turned out that no matter how much
they did, people will always want the maximum and quickly enough, the external
ecosystem, it pulled up behind there in just a few years, well, maybe even less than
maybe in a year, actually all the popular ones pulled up packages generally migrated
in half a year to mine, and then the rest of the ecosystem pulled itself up
somewhere in a year and a half inside Google, we are still migrating because there is a lot
of code and it’s so easy for people. inside Google it’s impossible to say that, but we’re
turning off the version that doesn’t support, that is, we are removing support for the nonnel save code, everything is hello, it’s impossible because there is a lot of code that
should continue to be executed, so the migration is still going on, but I’m wondering
if you are collecting any data about the use of any features including fit in
general do you have any data let from idea let from surveys in general based on this data
what is the percentage of projects now. moved to safety there are some numbers there
are some numbers but I don’t remember such numbers I know that most people moved
the order okay okay it’s already 90 so let’s say as far as I’m talking about it while you were
telling me I remembered everything in csarp also when they entered the reference well well
safety referen types there, too, I went even while you were talking, I went to read to
remember there is not an approach not with files. but they also have some kind of this
story about the fact that they prepared a platform and for a gradual migration, so I just
got a little lost in the timeline which of these updates happened earlier, I wanted to ask
somehow. whether you were inspired by their experience or they were inspired by yours on
the contrary, but I got lost in the timeline, so sorry, we look at carp quite often
because they have a fairly large ecosystem, they did it well before we did it, but they
still haven’t migrated because their ecosystem is too big for that, at some point it just
reaches a critical mass and it is impossible to make such a massive change in the
language when you just say you need to migrate and pull ko with you. because
there is some percentage that will not stretch, and we have, since the ecosystem is large
enough, but not so large that this percentage that will not stretch, it will affect something,
but for sysarp, the ecosystem is noticeably larger, and if they do not stretch some
part of the ecosystem, then
it’s like death, so they still haven’t said to mine that we are turning off the previous
version, and that’s why they rolled back some other feature, I remember, I already
forgot everything, but you. I just remember there was also surprisingly the community didn’t
accept it, and it’s like an amazing case that they rolled right back and said it won’t
happen, but I don’t remember what exactly, well, hell, it’s not about sisarp, let’s talk about
the gift, was there anything in Darth III besides nil safety I remember that you also brought
patn records to the third dart and brought three features patn records and the modifiers
class I remember this terrible sign on Twitter went how many modifiers the classes now
have in dart. what combinations their wild ones are very many answer such a lot of
combinations let's start with records and pattern matching records and pattern matchin
they serve as such a carrot nalsy it's like a whip and patmatchinka records is a carrot
because well if you don't give people a carrot just say that we are you we take
something away and we take away from people the ability to run old code that is not
written in the nal safety language because we turn everything off. language versions up to
2.12, that is, if your d 2.11 code does not start on the third dart, and if 212 s then it starts,
of course, people don’t like it when they just take it away and don’t give anything in
return, so we decided to give people in return what they really asked for for quite a long
time and the fact that we understood that we should give them their own mat and records,
since in most of what is called modern programming languages. there are and people say
here in kotlin there is in java they even brought it soon or they will bring it soon but you still
don’t have it so we strained ourselves and included the patermat itself in the third version,
but we included the records because people also asked we want to write without
a class declaration just something Let's say we return two values from a function, but now
we have to let's return a list, and it's not clear in the list there can be two different types
then. return the object list somehow it's all not statically typed and we said ok give you
records what we call records in darrt is actually called tuple in other languages and in
case you use other languages it's clear what we're talking about here is the modifier
class delivered because for pattern matching you need to do what
called class hierarchy sild when we know how many specific number of subclasses a
certain one has. there are classes and you can’t add subclasses anymore, we call it the silt
system, the silt class is herrary, and when we added this one modifier, we decided why
not add other modifiers that people always asked too, let’s say people write some kind
of library that a lot of people use and they want for themselves for the future to facilitate
the development of this library, changes in this library, and for this they should prohibit
anyone. let's extend the class that is intended only for use as an interface, or vice
versa, prohibit the use of some class as an interface if you only need to inherit from it and
it was impossible to do it before, you can write in the comments please do not inherit from
this class, but this would not stop anyone and of course when you then change this class,
it breaks all the consumers that are inherited from you and from this improve the libraries
that are in the center of itself. ecosystems sit and everything is tied to them it was very
difficult, but with class modifiers it became easier because now you can hang them in
the right places and people cannot inherit if this class is not intended for
inheritance and what other modifiers are there actually added enough orthogonal
modifiers, but if you just look at them and don’t think about what they mean, it looks very
a modifier that lets you say it's an interface or not an interface i.e. it can. this is an interface
added a modifier which can say that this class is intended to inherit base is called added
a modifier which
says this class cannot be inherited and cannot be implemented. it’s called final,
well, the seal itself was added and more and more nothing was added, just
modifiers were added in a very orthogonal configuration, as it were, so you can say
abstract interface class or you can just say abstract class or you can say interface class
that is, there are many different variations, but they are all something mean different things,
okay, but you complicated the interviews with a dart developer quite well, so you just need
to draw a multidimensional matrix and. and here and there the answers will be the canonical
question for the interview, you have to say that the party line prescribes not to use these
modifiers where they are not needed and in most cases they are not needed only if you
have 500 developers there or a library that is used by a million people then they are
needed but if you are doing some kind of quick application on your knee, then use these
modifiers to harm yourself, but I don’t know how it will work at the interview, but if I changed
clothes and went. to talk to a fluter developer, then I would try this answer daddy see
what would happen it seems to the story it’s more or less understandable I like it
I accidentally looked at the timeline and we had an hour of release but I think it was probably
we often start releases with a story but it was the most exciting history but we can now
move on and summarize and somehow describe the current state of the
philosophy of the language now and I have such a capacious question uh. thank you
just so you can tell us all about it, how would you describe dart to a person, well, the
current version of dart who has never heard anything about him at all and about fluter too,
and that's about everything, everything, everything there, well, it depends on what
programming languages a person knows, but in general, I would say to this person that if
he knows at least some mainstream programming languages, then he most likely knows
tart more or less because. from Dart and originally which was and which is still preserved,
it consists in the fact that we want to make a programming language that is easy to
enter and programs in which they are easy to read, that is, here you write some
kind of Dart code, unless of course you use single-letter variables there and so on, I'm sorry,
I immediately remembered the abstract final interface, well, here I pulled in the other
direction, because. the needs of large teams or the needs, again, of the libraries on
which everything depends, they are slightly different from the needs of most developers;
indeed, if you dip a person into such a codebase where some people who are especially
immersed in dart begin to use these modifiers, it will be difficult to understand what is
happening, but generally speaking, if you follow like the recommended style, and we
have such a style called effective dart in which it is written. how actually people should
write understandable readable code, it will even be quite easy to read even for a person
who is not familiar with dart and we heard quite often before the release of the third
version, let's see after the release of the third version how it will change that people hire
programmers who have nothing to do with dart and they quickly begin to write quite
sane code on Dart, and this has always been a kind of goal, but yes, as you yourself have
noticed, when you want to give people. some certain features sometimes you give them
something that violates this philosophy slightly I think this philosophy is not violated only in
lisp in which of all the features there are only brackets and hello and the cat always
looks the same like a sea of brackets in which you choke and don’t
you can pay from it, but okay, but let's imagine that a person has never heard of it, he heard
promenstream there, probably something else about platform support should be
added then to him, because he is still there. doesn’t know yes, if there is a platform, then
dart supports it, more precisely, we would like it to be so, but we, again, we have our roots
in the production of implementations of programming languages, therefore, don’t feed wine
with bread, don’t pour wine let us port dart to some platform which is not executable so we
try to gradually and constantly expand the number of platforms that dart supports. of course,
we must take into account the number of engineers in the team that someone
should support these platforms, but we want dart to be executed on any platform
where a person’s foot has entered, and at the moment, of course, dart is executed on the
browser through compilation to javascript or through compilation of web assembly dart is
executed on mobile platforms on android and iose through compilation to native code dart
can be run on servers dart can be run on desktop. actually flatter uses this because flatter
covers all these platforms web desktop mobile platforms where else you can run dart
and it kind of covers it. already quite a large number of platforms that people use,
there were even experiments to run dart again on internet of things devices, but those
experiments died were very interesting, they were before the second version of dart, but
very small such devices where the memory is nothing and you need to shove
a virtual machine 200 kb but we were able to shove dart there too, okay, I will now
intercept Katya the leading role and try to continue her question. so you told about the
platforms that dart now supports, but it’s one thing to support it and another thing to be
used here in which niches dart is actively used now, let’s say a little about flutter here, but
it’s especially interesting that in addition to flutter there is basically yes, I won’t
hide it through flutter there are people developing an application on it for mobile
platforms and for the desktop now too. people on the web also use it popularly
sometimes if they have some kind of application to quickly launch it on the
web as well. This interest in dart that flatter actually spawned, it also starts to pull it to other
platforms, that is, we have, for example, always had the opportunity to run dart on our
server there are some server libraries out there http server and so on they have never
been particularly popular but this popularity is growing gradually because people are
allowed. they want to write a fullst application on Dart when you have a client on a dort
and some part of the server is also written on dart and if you look at the conferences that
the community flatter organizes, you can see that there are more and more reports that
actually describe fullstack dart when everything is written entirely dart application Inside
Google, dart is mainly used again on mobile platforms and on the web through angular. dart
is a version of angular that is written in dart, it has common roots with angular, but it
differs quite a lot in how it looks like with the current version of angular, which is
written in timescript, there is a certain use of dart on servers, but that's all
hidden and invisible niche, we call it niche, but there are some direct server frameworks on
Dart, or it’s all self-written that they are starting to use. that is, there was always one
very popular good framework called aqueduct, but it died because the people who
supported it, they gave up, they moved somewhere else from Dart, but since,
again, the community is growing, thanks to the flater, people appeared who intercepted this
baton and now there are several competing frameworks there is let's say the framework
is called server under there is a fork of this aquiduk. which, well, they begin to gain some
popularity again, but very simple applications can be written without any frameworks at all,
so we have a built-in http server where you can write something simple if you don’t need
something complicated, and by the way, you can tell a little more about the story with
angular darth dargulyar Angular Dart Angular Dart Yes, here again, as far as I
remember the history of what happened. open source solution available to everyone
the same Raik used it in my opinion but at some point you decided to stop public
development but continue to use inside what happened like so the story is very
shrouded in a veil of secrecy but I can open it a little as it always happened that there are
not enough resources to do everything what we want initially, we somehow long ago,
when I say initially, it means a long time ago we had some kind of partnership with. the
team that developed samgular and we tried to somehow make it so that angular typscript
and angular dart were obtained from the same codebase, but it all died because it became
clear that it was impossible to write in such a way that we got frameworks for two completely
different programming languages, then the whole thing forked and the team one
began to develop angular typescript, in fact, this is the team that was originally
engaged in angular a. and we got a team that develops angulart and this team she
developed it she laid out versions from the internal repository in github which actually
used the same vrayk but at some point it became clear that supporting the ecosystem
around this open source version needed resources for this support and these resources
no and it would be better to focus on internal problems and at that moment we
honestly said. that there are no resources, we will stop constantly synchronizing the version
from the internal repository to the public github repository and the community if
they want they can. someone actually did it there is a fork of this public angular cake
I don’t remember the name which people are trying to support but inside it continues
to develop and be used and there are some maybe you know large cases besides Google
using dirt on the frontend right now that are still alive but I have suddenly flew out of my
head the name which means what is. one that I know is a large use case, there is one large
one comparable to a district in size, that is, many many many thousands of lines of code,
but in my opinion, in detail, that is, the main use, of course, it goes through the flatter
web, that is, people who take some kind of application of their own, which was
originally mobile and make a web application out of it quickly with the help of flatter, by
the way, especially on the last google aio, it was noticeable that it was very
large. dart and flatter are betting on the web assembly, now we are trying, that is, the web
assembly is a very interesting platform, at least in the browser it has certain
advantages compared to
javascript as a target for compilation from statically modernized languages like dart or java,
and with the advent of native built-in support for the garbage collector, we were interested to
see if we could realize these advantages. see them in numbers, that is, if we compile
a flatter web application into a web assembly, will it run faster, will it run faster and we
are at the moment, that is, if we go to take the latest version of the flatter, then using public
flags in comanline, you can compile the web assembly and run it in a browser to see that
something is getting better, something is getting worse
there is more work. what we actually do is required, then I suggest moving on to the key
features of the language, we have already touched on safeity, yes, when we talked about
the story about the pattern, the boy talked a little, but I suggest going back to the beginning
and let's talk a little about compilation all the same, in general, what is compiled into and how
ok compiles like i said in a lot of different things compiles to javascript web assembly for
execution in bra. and also compiles to native code we support all the most common
platforms, which means we support arm six-four-bit arm intel again thirty-two-bit six-bit
risk 5 we also support on platforms such as ios android linux mac windows that is, we
support the most commonly used platforms we can execute if . we are talking
about the native execution of Dart, we can execute it in the it compilation mode when
you just take the sorts, put them in a virtual machine and it starts threshing and
executing this dart live there, when the dart is executed in this way, you can, let’s say, at
least reload what the fluter itself is and uses, that is, you can say my code has actually
changed please update the view of this code inside the live VM. state loss, that is,
if you have some kind of ui rendered there and you want to change, let’s say one function
that changes how the button does what the button does, then you can simply edit this
function and say in the virtual machine, please re-read the code and it will re-read
this code without losing the state without, as it were loss Yuya just change the behavior of
this one button this mode it is only supported in jit mode. when you are ready to
release your application, deploy it somewhere, you take a native aut compiler that compiles
the application completely into machine code into an executable binary, in fact, and make
this executable binary and you can deploy it, this is actually the main types of
Dart execution that we support, but there is in general, there may still be some features
of this virtual machine, well, in addition to the fact that it can work in compilation
mode. if you look at them from a certain angle, they all look alike, so it’s hard for me to
name any special features, but I would say that hot reload is one of the features, that is, the
same jvm, it supports certain things that allow you to do something similar to hot reload
through the gvmti interface, but when to see how instant run works on androidi,
through which people have to jump barriers and how hot reload works in dort. it turns out
that everything is somehow easier for us, well, mainly because we control the entire stack
from beginning to end, that is, we have our own compiler and our own virtual machine and
our own parser for Dart and all these. components they work in unison to provide people
with a sane quick edit refresh cycle ok The next topic we always talk about when we try
to list the features of a language some features it's naturally a type system Here again I'll be
equally trite questions to ask if there are any features in it compare with mainstream
languages so it will be as easy as possible for listeners to compare in their heads. I
would say that the main feature that really distinguishes dart from many. mainstream
languages is that we have generic types reified, that is, if you make a list of dogs, then you
send it somewhere, it goes there through the whole program and then it comes to you in
a variable of type object and you ask that variable of type object and who is he here it tells
you that I am a list of dogs, but in the same Java, if you make a list of dogs and send its
type parameter that Generic is given that it was a list of dogs. He
the only important difference from other mainstream programming languages is because
everything else. more or less the same, that is, there are classes, they are everywhere, there are
classes, classes can be inherited, yes, super, you can implement interfaces, there are
methods, and so on and so forth, that is, it’s all the same more or less in most mainstream
languages, well, yes, we return to philosophy, you said that a language that, in general, if
you know moinstream and you already know this, therefore it is logical that by the way is there
support for algebraic data types Yegor you were told just to read will just read. and they also said
that there a person from Haskell is responsible for language design wait wait ambiguous everything
everything is really ambiguous again if the people who developed the first version were
told about algebraic data types they would
language, it somehow came to people now and there is no very beautiful syntax for them
created. but with the advent of patterning, of course, you need to have something like
algebraic data types because you want to pattern and these hierarchies actually allow you to model
what adt allows you to model in languages with more native support, you want to wrap it up with a
little syntactic sugar to make everything really good and so that you can simply write there, let’s
say her left or right, as you can write in the same Haskell. it will be necessary to write there class
either and then class left extends either class right extends either and hang a forcemodifier
somewhere, you will get such a closed class system representing an algebraic data
type, yeah, cool, and another big topic tell me that Dart has asynchrony Dart has
asynchrony, everything is about as in javascript because, of course, it must be compiled in javascript,
and therefore itself. the first days I had to limit myself if I didn’t have to limit myself with javascript,
then maybe we would do everything very cool with vibers and so on, but now we do everything with
futures like in javascript there is a promise and we have a future we have incawate syntax that
allows you to write more or less such a structural linear code that works with these futures and
there is a one-thread one-thread execution model. which turns the eventlop and it all seems to work
in one thread, that is, it doesn’t differ much from a javascript, we improved something, let’s say
in the javascript on the web there is such a concept of webworkers when you can make the main
page, as it were, or you can run a webworker that can read something in the background there in
Dart there is the concept of isolates that can also be launched so that they in the background
consider something there, of course, they are not. they share no memory with the main
thread, or with the main isolate, that is, they are absolutely isolated as their name says and does not
hide anything directly, but the difference from webworkers is that we made them very lightweight,
that is, they have a very small overhead, they can be launched very quickly and they have
something to consider selectors on the web, they run for a very long time in this more like a
model similar to the same airland in which there are lightweight processes. our system is not as
lightweight as in Ireland, but much less heavy than in the same vasscript. By the way, here is an
interesting question, you say that the roots of how
it is lost, it exists only at the compilation stage and not at the execution stage, so when this list comes
back to you, you ask him who are you and he tells you, but I’m just a list and who I had there I
don’t know maybe dogs or maybe cats or maybe bhemoths, but in Dark this does not happen
typical variables in Generics they are reified and exist during execution I think that
they said it is too difficult, but understanding that it is not difficult and it is important to have in
implemented. synchronicity in Dart sticks out to the need to compile to javascript, but
if you look at how dart is used now, it seems that compilation to javascript is such
a percentage of cases have you thought about possibly abandoning compilation to
js, but at the same time, for example, to open your way to a more complete one there
multithreading on platforms where it can be done there native gvm we thought about it i.e.
er. in general, we have a process of this thinking about our multithreading about our
asynchrony about how we execute e-code, it started a long time ago because well,
when it became clear that we are not only used on the web, not so much used on the web,
it became interesting to think about how to improve the native implementation we we are
quite actively thinking about shared memory multithreading itself, is it possible to just take
and add this box completely open this door. from which all these problems with data
flights and so on will break out later, but this is a very difficult decision, firstly, because we
cannot refuse to compile to javascript, as I already said, we have millions of lines of
code inside and outside people get certain how to tell people this is useful the possibility
sometimes that you can just take the fluter application to compile and it will run on the web
portability is a very important property to which we devote quite a lot of time.
because it also positions dart as if separate from many other languages that have, as it
were, subdialects that can be executed on certain platforms, and Dart, as it were, has a
kernel that is all portable between all the platforms that it supports, so the solution
is very complex, but we are actively thinking about it that is, maybe at some point we will
open this door to a completely crazy world of multi-threaded programming, okay. it’s
also interesting to listen to your point of view on what, in your opinion, are the
weakest sides and you can look at both sides of such weaknesses like piedesign with which
you can’t do anything anymore due to the fact that some choices were made and
weaknesses that are like this list pains that you want to fix in the future ok there are two
categories of problems Darth has the first category it has to do with compiling to javascript.
since we, as we have just said, limit ourselves in adding non-portable features to the
language, that is, if we didn’t have compilation in javascript, we would most likely have
added some fibers there, lightweight streams, maybe even completely shead
memory malting would have been added because people ask about it and we would like
to add it too but but compilation to javascript limits us and it's one of the weaknesses
i.e. everything that javascript can't express or everything that javascript is. does not support
well, we need to somehow think whether we can add it or somehow we add it from
the side, and so on. Another problem lies in the historical decisions that were made
back in the days of dart 0 about how the syntax of the language looks like, that is, our
syntax is based on the language c, more or less well, or in Java, when the types of
variables go before the nominal variable of the function, they are declared without a special
keyword, as in some programming languages. there you need to write fun or something
else and this imposes certain restrictions on what syntactic features we can add to the
language, that is, in the same boiler or swift there is such a feature trailing closure
sometimes it is called when you can write a closure after the function that looks like it just a
block of code with curly braces and this allows you to make very beautiful dsl or in dart this
feature is very difficult to add because it arises. grammar problems that neither Swift
nor Kotlin have because they chose a different function declaration syntax
syntax for declaring variable types and such problems Dart has that it is very difficult
to make it a language for writing Dislls just because of these decisions that were
made 12 years ago about what to do c-like syntax turns out c-like syntax is not a
good idea if you want to do it dsl and then. ok something else comes to mind from
weaknesses i would say these are the two biggest problems people want to do decels this
is known to everyone people don't want to write code people want to write one word and
that it means a whole book and they are used to the fact that you can create some sort
of libraries that have a very unreadable sometimes api, but if it gets dirty, it looks like a
native that you can write. sql which is directly immersed in the syntax of your programming
language, you don’t need to write any lines there, inside the line sits sql syntax, and
you directly write all sorts of selects there at the level of the language itself and. thanks
to the rich features of this language, and it magically works in Dart, it's not so simple and
of course it imposes a restriction on which category
we can offer this language to programmers because there is a category of
programmers who, as soon as they see that this is impossible, they and I will go write
on the rock further in the rock, everything can be written in such a way that no one
but me will understand and get hurt okay let's talk a little. about the ecosystem in different
languages, the line between what is written in the core libraries of the language
development team and what is given to the community, this line is in different places where
it strikes that in your standard libraries we actually have two concepts here, or even more
than two but we have the concept of the actual core libraries, these are the libraries that
you get if you install it. dart is dk and just run a bare virtual machine, it already has
some built-in libraries, they can work with hatchtable lists, they can make http requests
or run an htp server with files, and so on, that is, some basic things are actually
core libraries, then there are around this package cloud which we support, that is, in the
pub we publish packages there for, let's say, beat the system. a package or there is a
package for platform independent work with http requests, that is, not just a native http
request, but also on the web, let's say an http request, or there is an http request through
objectivec api ns url session, I don't remember what it's called, but that is, there is such
a package that provides platform-independent access to all these platform-dependent
ways to make http requests and we support such packages. in a team or there is
a package for working with a deserialization sterilization protob or a deserialization
serialization json and then around this all there is already a user ecosystem that we
ourselves do not directly support and people do how to decide which package we support
and which someone else should support this is very difficult for us in our own time we
wrote a lot of packages and they were supported with a creak, and then somewhere
3-4 years ago we decided that we would die. and we will be crushed by the weight of
these packages, so we just said a lot of packages, we will not support we will support
only those packages that are really or completely the core, that is, an ordinary person
cannot write or will write so that it will be bad, and we give everything else to people,
that is, I don’t know any formats serializations that two people in the world want to use or
there is a calendar widget that is purely specific. we don’t support such things
directly, but you can then, well, okay, about exotic cases it’s clear yes, I wanted to
joke about xml about the exotic format that two people need, well, as in copylization xml,
parsing is also not supported, the same story, but maybe then
all sorts of things I honestly don’t use any of these packages myself, so it’s hard for
me to immediately say which package everyone should include protobuff inside Google if
you do something, you must always include protobuff because everything goes through
protobuffs you already mentioned that there are packages that encapsulate
inside . work with platform-specific logic there is a network client that pulls a session
under the hood and so on, but how do we give the first two questions. with themes, you
generally have such an interop, and the second, how it is implemented, there are two
schools of the interop, there is the Water school of the interop, which consists in the fact
that you make a Dart interface that sends a message to the native side, this is called a
method channel, that is, your native side, as it were, listens to this messages
processes them sends back responses to dart and here is such an asynchronous
primitive types of parameters are such or there the structure is passed here or there
is a pointer to native memory and you directly call it this is a very direct very low-level way
of communication it works with all sorts of low-level libraries based on this method we also
built two packages that allow you to communicate with swift. c, that is, you can give,
let's say, some kind of header file that declares the objectivec interface and code will be
generated from it that allows you to communicate with this interface, call methods there
and so on, even pass blocks there, that is, if you have a function on the Dart
side, you will
to understand also the scale and liveliness of the community, it can be listed there a couple
of three of the most significant projects, just there, rather, it’s not about exoticism, but
now the question is about some kind of mass character and some projects like that. which
have become, well, they already go to the set of a gentleman's developer, no matter what
platform, well, let's say if we look at the flatter, again, when we talk about dart, we say
dart, we mean flatter, we say flatter, we mean dart, but we stayed until the end of
the release practically so that yes there, let's say There are several popular solutions
for how to manage state within an application. There are several very common packages.
one is called a provider there one is called riverpot one is called block these names
mean nothing to anyone if you are not immersed in the flutter ecosystem but these are
packages on which almost any application on flutter depends there are packages as I
said let's say a package for platform independent work with http we have our own and there
is a Chinese community that has developed another variant called dio which wraps around
our package. all sorts of annotations are there, and the built-in parsing of various
jesson formats is there and so on, some kind of declarative api, and a lot of things also
depend on it, that is, there is
communication channel is the advantage of this approach. is that the Dart side does
not know at all with whom it is talking to the same channel method can be implemented
in c ++ it can be in Java it can be written in objectivec or in javascript even and the
Dart part is completely portable understandable the thing is that not all api can be
integrated in this way there are problems with the fact that this is an asynchronous
communication channel there are problems with the fact that there is some kind of
serialization deserialization of these messages is almost like you are talking. with some
kind of server that is not clear where it is located, that is, there are some costs, the
communication speed is of course not very high, because there are these costs Dart's
approach to interoperability, therefore, much more low-level, we have such a thing called
ffi which allows you to call everything that has a sish abi then there is if you have some
kind of native function that has, as it were. abi you can find her and you can call her
you say she has such a signature she has there
you pass to objectivec an interface that expects a block automatically, all this
happens when you call this block, then the function will be called on the side of the otort
and what are the restrictions. this approach is immediately just ask like again it will
somehow not be fast enough or some other restrictions there I can’t think of why
but it’s very low-level again it’s fast enough it’s not slow because everything is kind of raw
hardcore low-level main limitation is the fact that the cake and the same swift or objective c
c ++ or oc have different approaches to multithreading. he thinks everything in terms of
isolates, one thread of execution, and the native side has built-in multithreading, so if
you are in a situation where the native code wants to call dart from some threads that
Dar does not know anything about, then you need to send messages, you need to switch to
synchronous communication, and for this, again, we have a coherent mechanism when
we can say that we are listening instead of receiving a response from the native
side synchronously, we magically convert. these calls to send messages is the main
problem, the main one, as it were, is a weak side, but nothing can be done about it,
because well, different approaches to multithreading, and again returning to rewinding
it back, we also have a package that is based on the low-level interface for function through
gni allows us to communicate with Java, that is, if we have an android application, we
want to call a method of some synchronous class. or there to do something else on the
java side, you can say to this package we want to call this class, it will generate a dart
code that, through a low-level interface via gni, will call methods on the java side. dart
into native code and then from native code through gi to get into djav many of these jumps
across the boundaries of virtual machines, they of course accumulate
therefore, if you make a lot of such calls, you can see that they are not very fast always,
but this generated, let’s say swift objective code, how idiomatic it is from the point of view of
these languages, are you trying to make it so more idiomatic for consumers, we are
trying to make Dart code because our consumers are dart programmers, of course,
what they want is to get a dart interface that is understandable in a well-understood
way. it looks like on them, and this code on objectivec swift that we generate, it is usually
just like a deep code and no one should really read it, so we generate a rather raw code
that uh-huh. what ideas are most often used to work with dart, again, you can talk about
flutter and about other cases, they mainly use vs code and intellij or android studio use of
course if android applications are developed, but vs code and intellij are different options,
this is the most basic thing we have lsp server which is the language server protocol if you
have one. my favorite editor is vi or max or I don’t even know what helicix what hipster
words can be mentioned here if he can speak lsp he can provide completion formatting and
so on out of the box and actually there are people who write vi and everything works for
them thanks to this a as far as we have already talked about it a little, but all the same,
how alive and actively developing the ecosystem from the community, that is. again,
there are two states, it happens that everything has already been written as a whole, all
the main packages are, it somehow lives, little new appears, but it is full or it continues
to grow sharply, a lot of new appears constantly, that’s what we have, I think we are still in
the development stage because that again, five years ago, we almost died, I don’t know, it’s
not five, of course, seven, maybe time flies very quickly, I already forgot
when the flater came out and now we are still growing. that is, as I said, if you look at what
people represent at community conferences, and I think this is a fairly good indicator of
what is happening in the community, that people organize conferences and that they
represent at these conferences, you can see that there are interests and libraries for
work appear to wlstack Dart on the server for a library for working with databases
on the server there are people who are interested in writing games on dart, for example,
they also build some libraries for this dart vm. not only to flutter or to the server, but
they take it there, let’s say they have some kind of game engine, and they put dvm there, it’s
enough, as it were, we have an actively developing community, okay, in conclusion,
then I would like to talk a little about the future of dart, it’s not dart, about flutter, we will
definitely do it someday a separate release let's go back to dart again maybe not do yes
let's wait again you pro qut first promised to release from me we decided to go through all
the ee framework for desktop. first of all, developments are cross-platform and focus a
little on the desktop yes, so we have a wonderful release ahead, let's talk
a little about the future, please tell us what major changes are on the horizon, and
I also have such a terrible habit of asking two questions at once, but I explain this by
the fact that I I give guests the opportunity to choose from which side it is better to answer
and I will remember that at the very beginning of the issue I still had a question about how
exactly these
solutions. retrospectively, we have already looked at why the tepization appeared, why
toto, but the team is changing, times are changing, therefore, to sum up two questions,
what is the future and how exactly did we come to these decisions, to implement such
features there or not to implement them, and the like, okay, I have a pen here, when
they ask several questions at once, I write it down on my hand so that the guest won’t cheer at last
refuses, but only we enter into synergy super, in fact, this one is how to say baptism. our
team structure went through fire at the time of the transition from dart 1 to dart 2, I would say
that at the time of dart 1 we had a rather authoritarian model of language evolution
when the main uncle said how to do it and everyone immediately rushed to execute
orders, but of course then the language walked only in the direction that a particular
person saw if a person has some kind of blinders in front of his eyes, then maybe he walked
forward and then fell himself. break because I didn’t notice that there was a break there
and during the transition to dart 2 we switched to such a more debatable approach to
the evolution of the language when we formed a team that deals with the actual design
of language features that understands quite a lot in the languages \u200b\u200bof which
everyone has experience this is a different experience that is, let's say this team has a
fairly strong background in Haskell, as I already mentioned, but there are people who are
there. worked on some more mainstream languages they have experience there is let's say
a person who was involved in the evolution of javascript in the old days, that is, he
understands how this process works there is a person who was once a professor at a local
university he just studied the theoretical foundations of programming, that is, he has
a very understanding how to write specifications, how all these features at the level of a
formal description interact with each other and there are some people in this team
who are more general. which they may not have such an academic background but they
feel in their gut how and what people want and they let's go look at the existing code
we have let's say. tools are written that download from our repository from pubdef all
packages parse all the Dart code that is there and analyze which
patterns appear there and people look like they are doing de-mining on the information
that this tool produces and can give feedback about specific features, and now such a
team has formed, they all work quite well with each other, respect each other and they
sit and many times. they talk to each other their job is to sit and talk about it purely about
me and Egor yes they also need to maybe organize a podcast organize the whole thing
about this whole thing record all their discussions and they actually decide how
and where the language goes this team can be asked and we can give her some
kind of feedback, we have a public repository on github called language, ordinary users
can go there and write. and I want such a feature and in return they can get a detailed
answer why this feature is impossible or they can get an answer that this is an
interesting feature but now we don’t have resources for this, but in the future we will
return in the same repository there is a project called github in my opinion when you can
see such a kind of conban or I don’t know how to call it what features are now being
actively discussed which features are, as it were, frozen which features are in the process
of writing a formal one. the specifications of what features are ready for implementation
there everything is quite transparent and that’s actually what concerns the
programming language itself and the platform we have, as it were, separate teams
that deal with different parts of the platform, they also have some kind of cartblank inside
the commands to decide where to move, of course we have some kind of hierarchy
where all this information is collected up the hierarchy, then the gray board sits down and.
discusses whether the comrades are going the right way or the wrong way, some
decisions are made and then execution is all about data mining cool story in Kotlin we
are also doing this I was wondering if this is a standard approach in all programming
languages or not now in the team who deals with them but for this you need to write down
the latest issues to go through programming languages, call the participants
from there and ask them all, and the second moment you will now laugh, but I again. I’m
making a reference about csarp I just really remember this issue myself on carp I
wrote at the university a little more than on Dart there were a lot of lavas but the experience
is about the same but I remember the issue very much shorter
we just joked about a podcast and that people meet and talk and make a decision they
need to make a podcast so that’s all the ball if I don’t confuse anything there they stream or
design rallies, well, there are just some meetings where they sort out props and all
that, they stream it right, well, there’s some kind of conditional on twitch something like
that therefore. i just when i, well, when i heard this, i think wow cool, so maybe you can
also adopt such a practice for yourself, but that was the second question and the
first one i forgot now because despite the fact that i am for the future of the flatter yes
i say stupid habit i'm from someday I will get rid of it but not in this issue wait for the
future of the fluter there you already asked the future of dart in my opinion I said forgive
me I stepped into this future of dart dart dart everything we have now if you look at
what we are basically. we are doing what we are mainly talking about from
language features most likely the biggest feature will be metrogramming we are
looking at adding something similar to macros to the language or actually macros when
people can write code in Dort that will generate code in Dort which is then built into the
program transparently, at the moment we have support for code generation when
people run some tool on the side, it generates dart files and then actually these.
they are used in the main application this has ergonomic problems because this tool for
generating Dart is not built into the main one like it used to be
the developer needs to be launched somewhere from the side with a hint, and I would like
that just in normal crushing there would be support for generating a Dart code that
would be immediately embedded in the application and executed, this would close our
problems with serialization, for example, because people want to work very easily. with
different data formats but they don’t want to write serialization deserialization they want
them to hang an annotation somewhere and boom serialization deserialization happened
we have tools for this if deserialization happens but for this you need to run code generation
on the side and I would like to not have to run anything but just everything would
magically appear and macros solve this problem, but macros have a lot of questions,
for example, will everything become very slow because there are people. they will write an
infinite loop there and your id will just hang there or this code was generated there and
where to put it so that people can debug it so that people can. they clicked on some kind of
cross reference in the idi so they land in this generated code and understand
where it came from and what it does try to solve these problems in different ways if it
works out maybe in a year we can record a podcast from metaprogramming in dart if it
doesn't work out well oh well we are you hitting the sick, our dream is already, I don’t
know, for 3 years to record an issue about metrogramming in general and compare
different approaches. To
macros in different languages to talk about annotations compiler plugins in short all ways
of metaprogramming to analyze with examples from different languages we can’t find a
polyglot guest we need such a metapolyglot yes any guest wants to talk about how it
works in a particular language we like conditionally with Tonsky wanted to sign up but he
this one is ready for laying down, well, I want to talk about everything, but in general it’s
interesting macros I don’t know macros new black swift rolled out a new version with
macros. and now, in general, the entire ios community only talks about vision pro and
about macros, it’s not clear which is cooler, only macros on vision pro, most
likely. By the way, from the possible limitations and difficulties, macros seem to greatly
complicate this support, especially the fact that you provide ellsp how to work with
macros there is incomprehensible Yes and we think that we have found the right approach, because we allothere are systems in which, as you have already mentioned, some compiler plugins are
used. which mutate the internal representation that compilers use for users it is
difficult to debug difficult from just from edi to observe how it all works we want to try an
approach where dart code is simply generated somewhere on disk in the file
system and this code is integrated with the rest of the start-up code through we
have such a notion called augmentation libraries when you can make a dart file that sort
of mixes with the . to other dart files, that is, he says, let's say there is a class like this
here there is a class like this freeze them here there is a method like this here there is
a method like this one overrides the other and so on and through this one, the generation
of dart files directly on the disk magically turns out right away and edi works it's ok
and the debugger works fine but we'll see if we can do it or not it's an open question
it will be very interesting to follow you sounds like a cool feature because well the story is
about. the fact that you need to manually pull in code generation there, even me, who
doesn’t write in Dart, I still have somewhere in the back of my mind, people are
talking about it, it’s cool, so it seems we have gone through all the issues that we had in the
plan and it’s time to draw the line of release today we were able to discuss darts almost
without talking about flutter and I think that's it. very cool because this is the release I at
least wanted to get
and bye bye everyone
We talked about the history of development and it reads like I don’t know how such a good good good
book, but we talked about where and why the Gift is now used about its key features about what
it can compile into
about the virtual machine type system generics asynchrony talked about the weaknesses of Dart
about the ecosystem and. about the future and the macro thank you very much for coming to us and in
the release it is always more interesting to talk about the language with those who develop it, and
considering that you are there from the very beginning of the story, it seems to me that this gave the
release a special buzz thank you thank you for the invitation was it’s very nice to talk with you,
and in the meantime, Egor and Katya unexpectedly called me a question for you, drove you today to
wear such a T-shirt, I paid attention. and for listeners who are still listening to us and not looking at
YouTube, this is an invitation, yes, this is an invitation to watch our video version, I won’t describe
you here, come take a look, but I have a question for you Egor such that you like more than finally to
take a break from the constant discussion of the cauldron that you just have happens 24x7 and finally
talk about other great programming languages, for example, now Flutor should have said yes, for
example. more episodes about programming languages I don’t like absolutely anything in life
because it seems this podcast was created only to talk about programming languages and wait for
sure the release of prozic is shorter my new dream is to find a guest to talk about zik but in fact I like it
more only when you listen to our podcast like it tweet retweet tell your friends subscribe to our youtube to
justify what we film ourselves on. it’s not just that’s why you should definitely look at us there and what
else come to the chat with us and write, throw in your questions and we’ll coolly discuss them here
in the issue. Well, and most importantly, as I already said, most of all I like it when you listen to our
podcast. That's all thanks to everyone
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