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Last active January 21, 2021 00:27
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Godot Platformer Starter Code
extends KinematicBody2D
const ACC_INSTANT = 1000000 # If acceleration time is 0, default to this
# Exposed movement parameters
export var move_speed : float
export var acceleration_time : float # How many seconds does it take to go from 0 to max speed?
export var air_acceleration_time : float # How many seconds does it take to go from 0 to max speed, when we're midair?
export var friction_time : float # How many seconds does it take to go from max speed to 0?
export var jump_height : float # How many pixels vertically should we jump
export var jump_apex_time : float # How many seconds should it take to reach the peak of our jump
export var falling_grav_multiplier : float # When falling, we fall this much faster
export var min_jump_speed : float # Minimum jump speed for variable jumping
export var max_air_jumps : int
export var jump_buffer_time : float # How early can we press jump
export var edge_buffer_time : float # How late can we press jump
# Calculated parameters
var _gravity : float
var _jump_speed : float
var _acceleration : float
var _air_acceleration : float
var _friction : float
# Buffers
var jump_buffer := 0.0 # When we press jump, set this to some value - if we hit the ground while it's still positive, jump.
var edge_buffer := 0.0 # When we leave a ledge, set this to some value. if jump_buffer > 0 when this is positive, jump
# Motion variables
var motion : Vector2
var grounded : bool
var was_grounded : bool
var jump_count : int
func _ready() -> void:
# Move
func _physics_process(delta:float) -> void:
grounded = is_on_floor()
motion = move_and_slide(motion,Vector2.UP)
was_grounded = grounded
func _handle_movement(delta:float) -> void:
# Get horizontal input
var hor = 0.0
if Input.is_action_pressed("right"): hor += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("left"): hor -= 1
# Determine acceleration
var acc = _acceleration
if grounded:
if hor == 0:
acc = _friction
if hor == 0:
acc = 0
acc = _air_acceleration
# Accelerate
motion.x = move_toward(motion.x,hor * move_speed,acc*delta)
# Gravity
motion.y += _gravity * delta * (1 if motion.y <= 0 else falling_grav_multiplier)
# Jump input
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
jump_buffer = jump_buffer_time
# Edge buffer
if grounded and not was_grounded:
jump_count = 0
elif not grounded and was_grounded:
edge_buffer = edge_buffer_time
# # Jumping
if jump_buffer > 0 and \
(grounded or edge_buffer > 0) and (jump_count <= max_air_jumps):
# Apply speed
motion.y = -_jump_speed
# Clear buffers
edge_buffer = 0
jump_buffer = 0
jump_count += 1
# Cancel jump
if Input.is_action_just_released("jump") and motion.y < 0:
motion.y = max(motion.y,-min_jump_speed)
# Decrement buffers
if jump_buffer > 0: jump_buffer = max(jump_buffer-delta,0)
if edge_buffer > 0: edge_buffer = max(edge_buffer-delta,0)
func calculate_movement_parameters() -> void:
# Calculate jump vars using projectile motion
_gravity = 2*jump_height/(jump_apex_time*jump_apex_time)
_jump_speed = _gravity*jump_apex_time
if acceleration_time != 0:
_acceleration = move_speed / acceleration_time
_acceleration = ACC_INSTANT
if air_acceleration_time != 0:
_air_acceleration = move_speed / air_acceleration_time
_air_acceleration = ACC_INSTANT
if friction_time != 0:
_friction = move_speed / friction_time
_friction = ACC_INSTANT
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