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Last active June 2, 2018 15:17
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<Scimmia> irreleph4nt, and how do you know, with absolute certainty, that it isn't an ARM specific issue?
<petejones> irreleph4nt: "Arch Linux ARM is a distribution of Linux for ARM computers"
<ponyrider> its about the packages
<peterpacz1> Guys, I am so excited. I am buying a Thinkpad T430s to install Arch on.
<peterpacz1> It's the first time I'm using Arch, and the anticipation is real!
* s4ndm4n (~sandman@unaffiliated/sandman13) has joined
<petejones> irreleph4nt: "We are a port of Arch Linux"
* Gnomethrower (~B@unaffiliated/gnomethrower) has joined
<eKenda> peterpacz1, Can understand that! I'm getting the same feeling for freebsd right now xD
<petejones> peterpacz1: nothing feels better than setting up a perfect arch install for the first time.
<peterpacz1> I only have a Mac now, so I'm glad I will have a real linux machine. It'll be my first Thinkpad too, and the T430 is a really great series as well.
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<peterpacz1> It'll be my first time using Arch, but I'm going to approach it like it's some fine, old sportscar. Spend all my time tweaking it, tuning it, and getting it to run well.
<irreleph4nt> Scimmia: That's one of the issues I have with this practise. I wouldn't know for sure and I assume most of those people that tell others to just look for support elsewhere just because wouldn't either ...
<irreleph4nt> Scimmia: That's the most frustrating point you'll reach when you have a problem that is likely not architecture related
<petejones> peterpacz1: just dont overestimate how hard it is to install. its not really hard.
<Scimmia> irreleph4nt, and that's why the policy is in place
<petejones> peterpacz1: oh and do it once in a vm for practice
* AudaciousTUX (~Audacious@unaffiliated/audacioustux) has joined
<Scimmia> irreleph4nt, you don't know for sure, and Arch people aren't experts on the differences in your distro
<peterpacz1> I won't. I've done it once in a VM already (but it was 2 years ago), and I've also done LFS as well.
<hugosthlm> I have an old 32-bit workstation with a professional soundcard and an oss driver for this soundcard. I use jack1 , jack-dbus, because jack2 does not work for oss. Now I upgraded and when I run jackd I crash with a segmentation fault. oss is working nicely. dbus is working, however there was some kde error regarding dbus. The kernel is not changed. Anyone have a clue to what might be wrong?
<peterpacz1> While it'll be a fun challenge, I think I'll be decently okay at least as far as the install is concerned.
<irreleph4nt> Scimmia: What policy? The "turn everybody away that cyou can not be 100% sure they know what they are doing"-policy?
* jamesmillerio has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
<Scimmia> irreleph4nt, Arch support only
<Scimmia> !give irreleph4nt notarch
<phrik> irreleph4nt: This channel is for Arch Linux support only. Most Arch-based distros have fundamental differences and are served by their respective communities.
<petejones> peterpacz1: ohh haha if youve dont LFS then you dont need advice from me :)
<petejones> done*
<hugosthlm> I recoompiled jack-dbus but it did not help
<peterpacz1> Thanks for being helpful, though. Really the only reason I came here is because I'm so excited.
<irreleph4nt> Scimmia: Guess linux is not for everybody then
<petejones> peterpacz1: i know the feeling well :)
<peterpacz1> I'm 16, but I'm at this really cool school where there's another kid that also uses Arch.
<Scimmia> irreleph4nt, Arch certainly isn't
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<NicoHood> oh i see. arch vs alarm discussion?
<irreleph4nt> Scimmia: At least not for those looking for efficiency
<peterpacz1> It felt so cool when I met him. We spent a long time talking about different distros, and how Arch was like :)
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<irreleph4nt> NicoHood: yup, alarm vy arch
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<peterpacz1> He's a really awesome guy and he wanted to be there when I am installing Arch as well, to give help if nessesary. I've sort of got this fun afternoon planned where we just do Arch and setup a DM and stuff.
<petejones> irreleph4nt: dude what do you want exactly? arch to take over archlinuxarm so you can ask for arm help here? you dont seem to have any actual issue.
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<NicoHood> irreleph4nt: arm really isnt x64. They have some real differences. Which is sometimes good and sometimes bad. But both are doing a great job
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<irreleph4nt> NicoHood: 100% agreed
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<hugosthlm> I see a new jack-dbus build. Trying it.
* Linuxx (5710ae72@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
<Son_Goku> arm is... problematic
<NicoHood> irreleph4nt: If its a general question just dont say any word containing "arm" or "raspi". If you are not sure ask if it can be a distribution bug or a general linux issue. Cause I really had some arm only bugs where noone here could help me. however in general cases people here are more active
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<Linuxx> good evening
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<NicoHood> Son_Goku: problematic in which way?
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<Son_Goku> each SoC works slightly differently, and nearly all boards have incompatible startup mechanisms
<Scimmia> seriously NicoHood? Tell him to lie to us?
<Son_Goku> the kernel folks have done a great job attempting to unify the ARM support, but the ARM folks are not making it easy to keep it that way
<peterpacz1> Cya folks. have a nice day. Thanks for allowing me to share my happiness :)
* peterpacz1 has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
<petejones> Scimmia: a sweet, white lie :)
<Son_Goku> no one in the ARM community really cares about standardizing the simple aspects that make up system so that stuff works predictably
<petejones> better than asking for manjaro help lol
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<Scimmia> petejones, not a white lie, a lie designed to take advantage of well intentioned people
<NicoHood> Scimmia: nah. you missunderstood. sometimes the underlying arch really doesnt matter. and here you get normally a faster (or even at all) an answer. that doesnt hurt. however you should not ask raspi bootloader questions here. or at least clarify it. I always say that I am in the wrong channel then. but maybe someone listens more here. Like I personally also do
<grawity> Son_Goku: wasn't ARM64 going to fix this with UEFI and ACPI?
<grawity> Son_Goku: also DT
<Son_Goku> they were
<irreleph4nt> petejones: I light of what NicoHood just wrote: Yes, there is no issue at hand that I am upset about. What I am doing here however is venting my anger on how intransparent and therefore inefficient for an outsider (!) it is to be told off by a support group that for an outsider (!) is not clearly distinct from what he is currently wqorking with
<Son_Goku> and then the phone makers screwed that up
<Scimmia> !give NicoHood notarch
<phrik> NicoHood: This channel is for Arch Linux support only. Most Arch-based distros have fundamental differences and are served by their respective communities.
<Scimmia> NicoHood, do NOT tell people to lie to us. Period
<petejones> Scimmia: i was just kidding.
<NicoHood> Scimmia: I think you understood my intention
<NicoHood> i aggree ;)
<Son_Goku> led by Qualcomm, they've introduced AArch64 systems that don't use UEFI or ACPI
<Scimmia> NicoHood, if you're telling people to get alarm support here, then no, I didn't
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