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<Scimmia> irreleph4nt, and how do you know, with absolute certainty, that it isn't an ARM specific issue?
<petejones> irreleph4nt: "Arch Linux ARM is a distribution of Linux for ARM computers"
<ponyrider> its about the packages
<peterpacz1> Guys, I am so excited. I am buying a Thinkpad T430s to install Arch on.
<peterpacz1> It's the first time I'm using Arch, and the anticipation is real!
* s4ndm4n (~sandman@unaffiliated/sandman13) has joined
<petejones> irreleph4nt: "We are a port of Arch Linux"
* Gnomethrower (~B@unaffiliated/gnomethrower) has joined
<eKenda> peterpacz1, Can understand that! I'm getting the same feeling for freebsd right now xD
<petejones> peterpacz1: nothing feels better than setting up a perfect arch install for the first time.
workdir=$(mktemp -d)
bsdtar xf "$1" -C "$workdir"
while read file; do
liblist="$(objdump -p "$file" 2> /dev/null | grep -E "NEEDED\s+$2")"
[[ -n "$liblist" ]] && printf "%s\n%s\n" "${file#$workdir}" "$liblist" && found=1
done < <(find "$workdir" -type f)