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Created March 17, 2012 16:01
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// this compiles and finds all implicits,
// so no clue why it doesn't work in the real case
trait _Var[ Tx, A ]
trait Sys[ S <: Sys[ S ]] {
type Tx
type Var[ A ] <: _Var[ S#Tx, A ]
def atomic[ A ]( fun: S#Tx => A ) : A
trait KSys[ S <: KSys[ S ]] extends Sys[ S ] {
def root[ A ]( init: => A )( implicit tx: S#Tx, ser: Serializer[ S#Tx, A ]) : A
trait Serializer[ -Tx, A ]
trait Mutable[ S <: Sys[ S ]]
trait MutableSerializer[ S <: Sys[ S ], A <: Mutable[ S ]] extends Serializer[ S#Tx, A ]
def whatever[ Tx, A ] = new Serializer[ Tx, A ] {}
implicit def option[ Tx, A ]( implicit peer: Serializer[ Tx, A ]) : Serializer[ Tx, Option[ A ]] = whatever
implicit def varSer[ S <: Sys[ S ], A ]( implicit peer: Serializer[ S#Tx, A ]) : Serializer[ S#Tx, S#Var[ A ]] = whatever
trait Test[ S <: KSys[ S ]] {
def s: S
object Node {
implicit object ser extends MutableSerializer[ S, Node ] {
trait Node extends Mutable[ S ]
s.atomic { implicit tx =>
s.root[ S#Var[ Option[ Node ]]]( sys.error( "TODO" ))
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