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Last active February 6, 2024 22:51
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  • Save Scott-Y-Hall/f5f4594c431c7081b5a204f5e16a6084 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Scott-Y-Hall/f5f4594c431c7081b5a204f5e16a6084 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Yetter Mat
license: gpl-3.0
height: 800
width: 1020
scrolling: no
border: yes


Place to keep code for knot tying

d3.button = function() {
var dispatch = d3.dispatch('press', 'release');
var padding = 10,
radius = 10,
stdDeviation = 5,
offsetX = 2,
offsetY = 4;
function my(selection) {
selection.each(function(d, i) {
var g =
.attr('id', 'd3-button' + i)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')');
var text = g.append('text').text(d.label);
var defs = g.append('defs');
var bbox = text.node().getBBox();
var rect = g.insert('rect', 'text')
.attr("x", bbox.x - padding)
.attr("y", bbox.y - padding)
.attr("width", bbox.width + 2 * padding)
.attr("height", bbox.height + 2 * padding)
.attr('rx', radius)
.attr('ry', radius)
.on('mouseover', activate)
.on('mouseout', deactivate)
.on('click', toggle), d, i);, d, i);
function addGradient(d, i) {
var defs ='defs');
var gradient = defs.append('linearGradient')
.attr('id', 'gradient' + i)
.attr('x1', '0%')
.attr('y1', '0%')
.attr('x2', '0%')
.attr('y2', '100%');
.attr('id', 'gradient-start')
.attr('offset', '0%')
.attr('id', 'gradient-stop')
.attr('offset', '100%')'rect').attr('fill', 'url(#gradient' + i + ")" );
function addShadow(d, i) {
var defs ='defs');
var rect ='rect').attr('filter', 'url(#dropShadow' + i + ")" );
var shadow = defs.append('filter')
.attr('id', 'dropShadow' + i)
.attr('x', rect.attr('x'))
.attr('y', rect.attr('y'))
.attr('width', rect.attr('width') + offsetX)
.attr('height', rect.attr('height') + offsetY)
.attr('in', 'SourceAlpha')
.attr('stdDeviation', 2)
.attr('dx', offsetX)
.attr('dy', offsetY);
var merge = shadow.append('feMerge');
merge.append('feMergeNode').attr('in', 'SourceGraphic');
function activate() {
var gradient ='linearGradient')"rect").classed('active', true)
if (!gradient.node()) return;'#gradient-start').classed('active', true)'#gradient-stop').classed('active', true)
function deactivate() {
var gradient ='linearGradient')"rect").classed('active', false)
if (!gradient.node()) return;'#gradient-start').classed('active', false);'#gradient-stop').classed('active', false);
function toggle(d, i) {
if ('pressed')) {, d, i);, d, i);
} else {, d, i);, d, i);
function press(d, i) {'press', this, d, i)'pressed', true);
var shadow ='filter')
if (!shadow.node()) return;'feOffset').attr('dx', 0).attr('dy', 0);'feGaussianBlur').attr('stdDeviation', 0);
function release(d, i) {'release', this, d, i), d, i);
my.clear = function(d, i) {'pressed', false);
var shadow ='filter')
if (!shadow.node()) return;'feOffset').attr('dx', offsetX).attr('dy', offsetY);'feGaussianBlur').attr('stdDeviation', stdDeviation);
my.on = function() {
var value = dispatch.on.apply(dispatch, arguments);
return value === dispatch ? my : value;
return my;
# ** Note: passwords and app versions from .env!
version: '3.7'
driver: bridge
internal: false
container_name: yetter-mat
build: .
image: banshee5one9/yetter-mat:latest
restart: unless-stopped
- "80:80"
FROM nginx:latest
LABEL maintainer="Scott Hall"
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html/
<!DOCTYPE html>
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"knots": 4,
"angle": 90,
"show": 17,
"single": 0,
"largeCircle": 327,
"smallCircle": 22,
"showCircle": 0,
"startcp": -470,
"midcp": -190
"knots": 4,
"angle": 90,
"show": 9,
"single": 0,
"largeCircle": -230,
"smallCircle": -218,
"showCircle": 0,
"startcp": -130,
"midcp": -830
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input[type="number"] {
width: 60px;
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.polygon line {
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cursor: move;
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stroke-width: 2px;
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float: right;
margin-top: 8px;
margin-right: 4px;
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position: absolute;
width: 940px;
padding: 10px;
z-index: 1;
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font-size: xxx-large;
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stroke: #999faa; /* navy 40% */
stroke-width: 2px;
.button rect.pressed {
fill: #000f2b; /* navy 100% */
.button #gradient-start {
stop-color: #999faa; /* navy 40% */
stop-opacity: 1;
.button #gradient-stop {
stop-color: #4d576b; /* navy 70% */
stop-opacity: 1;
.button, .button #gradient-start.pressed {
stop-color: #4d576b; /* navy 70% */
.button, .button #gradient-stop.pressed {
stop-color: #000f2b; /* navy 100% */
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g#sliders line {
stroke: black;
g#sliders rect {
stroke: black;
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g#sliders rect.on {
stroke: black;
fill: #333333;
"folders": [
"path": "."
"settings": {}
var matType;
var matName = {
Y: 'Yetter',
YPlus: 'Yetter+',
K: 'Kringle',
Pe: 'Peeso',
Pi: 'Piton',
R: 'Rattan',
Ra: 'Radiance',
S: 'Struktor',
Sa: 'Sardina',
//Saa: 'Sardina Alt',
S2: 'Sardina2',
W: 'Warlow',
W2: 'Warlow2'
var matNameArray = Object.keys(matName).map( d => ({key: d, value: matName[d]}) );
var presets = definePresets();
var presetArray = Object.keys(matName)
.map(d => ({key: d, value: Object.keys(presets[d])
.filter(d => (d != 'mat' && d != 'dev')).sort(d3.ascending)}));
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
var matCtrl = { width: 800, height: 800, translate: 'translate(0,50)'};
var sliderCtrl = { width: 800, height: 400, translate: 'translate(0,950)'};
var optionCtrl = { width: 800, height: 430, translate: 'translate(800,500)'};
var width;
var height;
if ( window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ) {
width = Math.max(matCtrl.width, sliderCtrl.width);
height = matCtrl.height + sliderCtrl.height + optionCtrl.height + 300;
sliderCtrl.translate = 'translate(0,950)';
optionCtrl.translate = 'translate(0,1400)';
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width = matCtrl.width + sliderCtrl.width;
height = Math.max(matCtrl.height + 100, sliderCtrl.height);
sliderCtrl.translate = 'translate(800,70)';
var svg ='body').append('svg')
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+ ' ' + matCtrl.width + ' ' + matCtrl.height
var path = svg.append("path")
.attr('fill', 'none')
.attr('stroke', '#333333')
var segments_g = svg.append("g");
var highlights = svg.append("g");
var mat = svg.append("g");
var circle_g = svg.append("g");
var slider_g ='svg#mat').append('g').attr('id', 'sliders').attr('transform',sliderCtrl.translate);
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var title_g ='svg#mat').append('text').attr('id', 'title')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('transform','translate(' + matCtrl.width / 2 + ',54)');
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('text-anchor', 'start')
.attr('transform','translate(54,36)').text('Degrees per Step');
.text(d => d.value)
.attr('y', (d,i) => 55 + 18 * i)
.on('click', (x,d) => {matType = d.key; updateMat();});
var presets_g = option_g.append('g').attr('id','presets').selectAll('g').data(presetArray).join('g')
.attr('transform', (d,i) => 'translate(80,' + (55 + i * 18) + ')') ;
presets_g.selectAll('text').data(d => d.value).join('text')
.text(d => '( ' + d + ' )')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('x', (d,i) => 0 + 40 * i)
.on('click', (x,d) =>
loadPreset([0]['key'], d)
var buttonData = [
{label: "UnderOver", x: 11, y: optionCtrl.height - 50 },
{label: "SingleLoop", x: 172, y: optionCtrl.height - 50 },
{label: "Circles", x: 336, y: optionCtrl.height - 50 },
{label: "CtrlPts", x: 445, y: optionCtrl.height - 50 },
{label: "Fit", x: 641, y: optionCtrl.height - 50 },
{label: "Int", x: 700, y: optionCtrl.height - 108 },
{label: "Dev", x: 700, y: optionCtrl.height - 50 },
var control_flags = {}; => control_flags[d.label] = 0);
//buttonData = [];
var button = d3.button()
.on('press', (x,d) => { control_flags[d.label] = 1; updateMat(); })
.on('release', (x,d) => { control_flags[d.label] = 0; updateMat(); })
// Add buttons
var buttons = option_g.selectAll('.button')
.attr('class', 'button')
window.addEventListener("resize", svgFullScreen);
function svgFullScreen() {
var htmlwidth ='html').node().clientWidth;
var htmlheight ='html').node().clientHeight;
//console.log(htmlwidth + ',' + htmlheight);'#mat').attr('width', htmlwidth).attr('height', htmlheight)
function svgMatZoom() {
var vbox = '-400 -400 800 800';
if ( control_flags['Fit'] ) {
var bbox ='#mat svg').node().getBBox();
var off = Math.floor(( Math.min(bbox.x - 9, bbox.y - 9, -400) ) / 10) * 10;
var size = -2 * off;
vbox = off + ' ' + off + ' ' + size + ' ' + size;
}'#mat svg').attr('viewBox', vbox);
function btwn(a, b1, b2) {
if ((a >= b1) && (a <= b2)) { return true; }
if ((a >= b2) && (a <= b1)) { return true; }
return false;
function line_line_intersect(line1, line2) {
var x1 = line1.x1, x2 = line1.x2, x3 = line2.x1, x4 = line2.x2;
var y1 = line1.y1, y2 = line1.y2, y3 = line2.y1, y4 = line2.y2;
var pt_denom = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4);
var pt_x_num = (x1*y2 - y1*x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3*y4 - y3*x4);
var pt_y_num = (x1*y2 - y1*x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3*y4 - y3*x4);
if (pt_denom == 0) { return "parallel"; }
else {
var pt = {x: pt_x_num / pt_denom, y: pt_y_num / pt_denom};
var per1 = ( pt.x - x1) / ( x2 - x1 );
var per2 = ( pt.x - x3) / ( x4 - x3 );
pt.i1 = Math.round(( line1.i2 - line1.i1 ) * per1 + line1.i1);
pt.i2 = Math.round(( line2.i2 - line2.i1 ) * per2 + line2.i1);
if (btwn(pt.x, x1, x2) && btwn(pt.y, y1, y2) && btwn(pt.x, x3, x4) && btwn(pt.y, y3, y4)) { return pt; }
else { return "not in range"; }
var PAL = [];
function getPAL(path, i) {
if (typeof PAL[i] === 'undefined' ) {
PAL[i] = path.node().getPointAtLength(i);
return PAL[i];
function path_intersections(path) {
var data ='#sliders').selectAll('g').data();
var knots = data.filter(d => == "Knots")[0]['value'];
var length = path.node().getTotalLength();
var step = Math.floor(length / knots / 50);
var nodes = []
for (var i=0; i < length; i += step) {
nodes.push({ p: getPAL(path, i), i});
nodes.push({ p: getPAL(path, length), i: length});
var pts = []
var segments = [];
for (var i=0; i < nodes.length - 3; i++) {
var pos1 = nodes[i];
var pos2 = nodes[i+1];
//segments.push({pos1:pos1.p, pos2:pos2.p});
var line1 = {x1: pos1.p.x, x2: pos2.p.x, y1: pos1.p.y, y2: pos2.p.y, i1: pos1.i, i2: pos2.i};
for (var j=i+2; j < nodes.length - 1; j++) {
var pos3 = nodes[j];
var pos4 = nodes[j+1];
var line2 = {x1: pos3.p.x, x2: pos4.p.x, y1: pos3.p.y, y2: pos4.p.y, i1: pos3.i, i2: pos4.i};
var pt = line_line_intersect(line1, line2);
if (typeof(pt) != "string") {
while(adjust_point(pt, path)) { 1; }
pt.p1 = getPAL(path, pt.i1);
pt.p2 = getPAL(path, pt.i2);
.attr("class", "segment")
.attr("x1", d => d.pos1.x)
.attr("y1", d => d.pos1.y)
.attr("x2", d => d.pos2.x)
.attr("y2", d => d.pos2.y)
.attr("stroke", (d,i) => color(i));
return pts;
function adjust_point(pt, path) {
var startP1 = getPAL(path, pt.i1);
var startP2 = getPAL(path, pt.i2);
var startDist = Math.sqrt( ( startP1.x - startP2.x ) ** 2 + ( startP1.y - startP2.y ) ** 2 );
var minDist = startDist;
var minI1 = pt.i1;
var minI2 = pt.i2;
var moved = false;
if (minDist < 0.5) return moved;
for ( var i = pt.i1 - 1; i <= pt.i1 + 1; i++ ) {
for ( var j = pt.i2 - 1; j <= pt.i2 + 1; j++ ) {
if (i < 0) { i = 0; }
if (j < 0) { j = 0; }
var curP1 = getPAL(path, i);
var curP2 = getPAL(path, j);
var curDist = Math.sqrt( ( curP1.x - curP2.x ) ** 2 + ( curP1.y - curP2.y ) ** 2 );
if( curDist < minDist ) {
moved = true;
minDist = curDist;
minI1 = i;
minI2 = j;
//console.log( curDist, i,j );
pt.i1 = minI1;
pt.i2 = minI2;
return moved;
function distance_to_closest_X(point, pathX) {
return d3.min( d => ((point.x - d.x) ** 2 + (point.y - d.y) ** 2) ));
return Math.sqrt(d3.min( d => ((point.x - d.x) ** 2 + (point.y - d.y) ** 2) )));
function create_dasharray(pathX) {
var dasharray = "";
var arrayX = pathX.flatMap( d => [d.i1, d.i2] ).sort((a,b) => ( a - b ));
var min = 100000;
for ( var i =0; i < arrayX.length - 1; i++ ) {
min = Math.min(min, arrayX[i+1] - arrayX[i]);
var curPos = 0;
for ( var i = 1; i < arrayX.length; i+=2) {
var seg_length = arrayX[i] - curPos - 10;
if ( seg_length < 0 ) { seg_length = 0; }
dasharray += seg_length + ",20,";
curPos = arrayX[i] + 10;
dasharray += '1000000'; // Fix this with a sane value 20210219 SYH
return dasharray;
function draw_intersections(pts) {
.attr("cx", pt.p1.x)
.attr("cy", pt.p1.y)
.attr("r", 8)
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", "red");
.attr("cx", pt.p2.x)
.attr("cy", pt.p2.y)
.attr("r", 8)
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", "green");
.attr("cx", pt.x)
.attr("cy", pt.y)
.attr("r", 8)
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", "steelblue");
.attr("cx", pt.p1.x)
.attr("cy", pt.p1.y)
.attr("r", 2)
.attr("fill", "red")
.attr("stroke", "none");
.attr("cx", pt.p2.x)
.attr("cy", pt.p2.y)
.attr("r", 2)
.attr("fill", "green")
.attr("stroke", "none");
.attr("cx", pt.x)
.attr("cy", pt.y)
.attr("r", 2)
.attr("fill", "steelblue")
.attr("stroke", "none");
function draw_segments(path, qty) {
var length = path.node().getTotalLength();
var segments = [];
if (qty > 0){
for (var i=0; i<qty; i++) {
var pos1 = getPAL(path, length * i / qty);
var pos2 = getPAL(path, length * (i+1) / qty);
segments.push({pos1:pos1, pos2:pos2});
.attr("class", "segment")
.attr("x1", d => d.pos1.x)
.attr("y1", d => d.pos1.y)
.attr("x2", d => d.pos2.x)
.attr("y2", d => d.pos2.y)
.attr("stroke", (d,i) => color(i));
//"#slider").on("change", function() {"#n_segments_text").text(this.value); updateMat(); });
//"#intersect").on("change", function() {
d3.selectAll("input").on("input", function() { updateMat(); }).on("change", function() { updateMat(); });
//"#segment").on("change", function() { updateMat(); });
//draw_intersections( pathX );
function updateMat() {
var knotpoints = createKnotPoints();'#title').text(matName[matType] + ' Mat');
if (control_flags['CtrlPts']) {
showControlPoints(mat, knotpoints);
} else {
showControlPoints(mat, []);
var matpath ='#matpath');
matpath.attr('d', d => createPointString(d) ).toString() );
PAL = [];
//var pathX = path_intersections(matpath);
if ( control_flags['Int'] ) {
draw_intersections( path_intersections(matpath) );
} else { highlights.selectAll("circle").remove(); }
var data ='#sliders').selectAll('g').data();
var show = data.filter(d => == "Segments")[0];
if ( show['value'] == show['max']) {
matpath.attr("stroke-dasharray", "");
if ( control_flags['UnderOver'] ) {
matpath.attr("stroke-dasharray", create_dasharray(path_intersections(matpath)));
//if ("#intersect").property("checked")){ draw_intersections(pathX); } else { highlights.selectAll("circle").remove(); }
//if ("#segment").property("checked")){ draw_segments( matpath, 300 ); //"#slider").node().value); } else { segments_g.selectAll("line").remove(); }
function showControlPoints(mat, knotpoints) {
var matt_cp = mat.selectAll('g').data([knotpoints]).join('g');
matt_cp.selectAll('g').data(d => [d,d,d]).join('g').attr('class', (d,i) => "line" + i );
matt_cp.selectAll('g.line0').selectAll('line').data(d => d).join('line')
.attr('x1', d => d.p.x)
.attr('y1', d => d.p.y)
.attr('x2', '0')
.attr('y2', '0')
.attr('stroke', '#5ba1d5');
matt_cp.selectAll('g.line0').selectAll('circle').data(d => d).join('circle')
.attr('cx', d => d.p.x)
.attr('cy', d => d.p.y)
.attr('r', 7).attr('fill', '#5ba1d5');
matt_cp.selectAll('g.line1').selectAll('line').data(d => d).join('line')
.attr('x1', d => d.p.x)
.attr('y1', d => d.p.y)
.attr('x2', d => d.cp1.x)
.attr('y2', d => d.cp1.y)
.attr('stroke', '#727272');
matt_cp.selectAll('g.line1').selectAll('circle').data(d => d).join('circle')
.attr('cx', d => d.cp1.x)
.attr('cy', d => d.cp1.y)
.attr('r', 4).attr('fill', '#d9a400');
matt_cp.selectAll('g.line2').selectAll('line').data(d => d).join('line')
.attr('x1', d => d.p.x)
.attr('y1', d => d.p.y)
.attr('x2', d => d.cp2.x)
.attr('y2', d => d.cp2.y)
.attr('stroke', '#727272');
matt_cp.selectAll('g.line2').selectAll('circle').data(d => d).join('circle')
.attr('cx', d => d.cp2.x)
.attr('cy', d => d.cp2.y)
.attr('r', 4).attr('fill', '#d9a400');
function showCircles() {
var data ='#sliders').selectAll('g').data();
var largeCircle = data.filter(d => == "LargeCircle")[0]['value'];
var smallCircle = data.filter(d => == "SmallCircle")[0]['value'];
var middleCircle = ( largeCircle + smallCircle ) / 2;
var circles = []
var lines = [];
if (control_flags['Circles']) {
circles = [{ x:0, y:0, r:smallCircle}, { x:0, y:0, r:middleCircle}, {x:0, y:0, r:largeCircle}];
lines = [[-390,0,390,0], [0,-390, 0, 390]];
.attr('cx', d => d.x)
.attr('cy', d => d.y)
.attr('r', d => Math.abs(d.r))
.attr('fill', 'none')
.attr('stroke', d => (d.r < 0) ? 'red' : '#181818');//.call(drag);
.attr('x1', d => d[0])
.attr('y1', d => d[1])
.attr('x2', d => d[2])
.attr('y2', d => d[3])
.attr('stroke', '#181818');
function getSliderDefs() {
return [
{ name: "Knots" },
{ name: "LargeCircle" },
{ name: "SmallCircle" },
{ name: "StartCP" },
{ name: "MiddleCP" },
//{ name: "Tilt" },
{ name: "Segments" }
function getSliderDevDefs() {
return [
{ min: '3', max: '19' }, // Knots
{ min: '-500', max: '500' }, // Large Circle
{ min: '-500', max: '500' }, // Small Circle
{ min: '-300', max: '300' }, // Start Control Points
{ min: '-300', max: '300' }, // Middle Control Points
//{ min: '-300', max: '300' }, // Tilt
{ min: '2', max: '27' } // Segments to show
function createSliders(g) {
var sliders = getSliderDefs();
var sl_g = g.selectAll('g').data(sliders).join('g')
.attr('transform', (d, i) => 'translate(' + ( i * sliderCtrl.width / sliders.length ) + ', 0)')
.attr('id', d => 'slider_' + )
//'rect').attr('width', d => sliderCtrl.width / sliderCtrl.length - 4);'rect').attr('y', d => d3.scaleLinear()
.range([sliderCtrl.height - 10,10]).clamp(true).domain([d.min, d.max])(d.value));'text#name').text(d =>;'text#value').text(d => d.value);
function updateSliders(g) {'rect').attr('y', d => d.y);'text#value').text(d => d.value);
function createSlider(g) {
.attr('x1', 50).attr('y1', 10)
.attr('x2', 50).attr('y2', sliderCtrl.height + 50);
.attr('x', 1).attr('y', 5)
.attr('width', 98).attr('height', 60)
.attr('id', 'name')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('transform', 'translate(50, 0)')
.attr('id', 'value')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.classed('slider_value', true)
.attr('transform', 'translate(50, -20)')
var ppk;
function getControls(pointsPerKnot) {
ppk = pointsPerKnot;
var data ='#sliders').selectAll('g').data();
var knots = data.filter(d => == "Knots")[0]['value'];
var angle = Math.floor(36000 / knots) / 100;
var showmax = 1 + pointsPerKnot * knots;
var show = data.filter(d => == "Segments")[0]['value'];
var single = control_flags['SingleLoop'];
var largeCircle = data.filter(d => == "LargeCircle")[0]['value'];
var smallCircle = data.filter(d => == "SmallCircle")[0]['value'];
var middleCircle = ( largeCircle + smallCircle ) / 2;
var showCircle = control_flags['Circles'];
var startcp = data.filter(d => == "StartCP")[0]['value'] * 10;
var midcp = data.filter(d => == "MiddleCP")[0]['value'] * 10;
var tilt = 0;//data.filter(d => == "Tilt")[0]['value'];
if ( single ) { show = pointsPerKnot + 1 };
if ( 0 ) { show = showmax };
return { knots, angle, show, single, largeCircle, smallCircle, middleCircle, showCircle, startcp, midcp, tilt };
var underOver;
function dragstarted(event, d) {"on", 1);
underOver = control_flags['UnderOver'];
if ('id') != 'slider_Segments') {
control_flags['UnderOver'] = 0;
function dragged(event, d) {
d.value = d3.scaleLinear().domain([sliderCtrl.height - 10,10]).clamp(true).rangeRound([d.min, d.max])(event.y);
d.y = d3.scaleLinear().domain([sliderCtrl.height - 10,10]).clamp(true).rangeRound([d.min, d.max]).invert(d.value);
//console.log(event.y + ' ' + d.value + ' ' + d.y);'y', d => d.y);'text#name').text(;'text#value').text(d.value);
if ('id') == 'slider_Knots') {
var fullSlider = 1 + ppk * d.value;
var g ='#sliders').selectAll('g');
var currentData =;
currentData[5]['max'] = currentData[5]['value'] = fullSlider;'g');
function dragended(event, d) {"on", 0);
control_flags['UnderOver'] = underOver;
drag = d3.drag()
.on("start", dragstarted)
.on("drag", dragged)
.on("end", dragended);
function createKnotPoints_old() {
if ("#kringle").property("checked")) { return createKringleKnot(); }
if ("#yetter").property("checked")) { return createYetterKnot(); }
if ("#piton").property("checked")) { return createPitonKnot(); }
if ("#peeso").property("checked")) { return createPeesoKnot(); }
if ("#rattan").property("checked")) { return createRattanKnot(); }
return createYetterKnot();
function createKnotPoints() {
if (matType == 'K') { return createKringleKnot(); }
if (matType == 'Y') { return createYetterKnot(); }
if (matType == 'YPlus') { return createYetterPlusKnot(); }
if (matType == 'Pi') { return createPitonKnot(); }
if (matType == 'Pe') { return createPeesoKnot(); }
if (matType == 'R') { return createRattanKnot(); }
if (matType == 'Ra') { return createRadianceKnot(); }
if (matType == 'S') { return createStruktorKnot(); }
if (matType == 'W') { return createWarlowKnot(); }
if (matType == 'W2') { return createWarlow2Knot(); }
if (matType == 'Sa') { return createSardinaKnot(); }
if (matType == 'Saa') { return createSardinaAltKnot(); }
if (matType == 'S2') { return createSardina2Knot(); }
return createYetterPlusKnot();
function createWarlowKnot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - ( 180 - c.angle / 4 ), c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(-c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + ( 180 - c.angle / 4 ), c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createWarlow2Knot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, -c.startcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + 180 + 3 * c.angle / 4, -c.startcp, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle, -c.midcp, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + 180 - 3 * c.angle / 4, -c.midcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, -c.startcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createRadianceKnot() {
var c = getControls(6);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, x * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, x * c.angle - 7 * c.angle / 4, -c.startcp, -c.midcp, -c.tilt));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.middleCircle, x * c.angle - 0 * c.angle / 6, -c.midcp / 2, -c.midcp / 2, -40));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, x * c.angle + 0 * c.angle, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.middleCircle, x * c.angle + 0 * c.angle / 6, -c.midcp / 2, -c.midcp / 2, 40));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, x * c.angle + 7 * c.angle / 4, -c.midcp, -c.startcp, c.tilt));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, (c.knots - 1) * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createStruktorKnot() {
var c = getControls(8);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - 45, c.startcp / 3, 50));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(200, -x * c.angle - 90, 100, 100));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - 135, 50, c.startcp / 2));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + 135, c.startcp / 2, 50));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(200, -x * c.angle + 90, 100, 100));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + 45, 50, c.startcp / 3));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createKringleKnot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - c.angle / 5, c.angle, c.midcp / 2));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle, -c.midcp, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 5, c.midcp / 2, c.angle));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createYetterKnot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - c.angle / 5, c.angle, c.midcp / 2));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 5, c.midcp / 2, c.angle));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createYetterPlusKnot() {
var c = getControls(8);
c.tilt = 14;
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.middleCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(390, -x * c.angle - 3 * c.angle / 16, -c.angle * 2, -c.angle * 2, -c.tilt));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle * 1.0, -x * c.angle - c.angle / 4, c.angle * 2, c.angle * 2));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(390, -x * c.angle - 5 * c.angle / 16, -c.angle * 2, -c.midcp * 0.7, c.tilt));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(390, -x * c.angle + 5 * c.angle / 16, -c.midcp * 0.7, -c.angle * 2, -c.tilt));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle * 1.0, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 4, c.angle * 2, c.angle * 2));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(390, -x * c.angle + 3 * c.angle / 16, -c.angle * 2, -c.angle * 2, c.tilt));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.middleCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createSardinaKnot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - c.angle / 5, c.angle, c.midcp / 2));
if ( x % 2 ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle * 2, -x * c.angle, -c.midcp / 2, -c.midcp / 2));
} else {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 5, c.midcp / 2, c.angle));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createSardinaAltKnot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - c.angle / 5, c.angle, c.midcp / 2));
if ( x % 2 ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(-(c.smallCircle + c.largeCircle) / 2, -x * c.angle, -c.midcp, -c.midcp));
} else {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 5, c.midcp / 2, c.angle));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createSardina2Knot() {
var c = getControls(4);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 3, -c.startcp / 3, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, -c.midcp, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(300, -x * c.angle - c.angle / 3, -c.midcp, -c.startcp / 3));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createPeesoKnot() {
var c = getControls(2);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, c.midcp, c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, c.startcp, c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createPitonKnot() {
var c = getControls(2);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, 180 + 4 * x * c.angle - c.angle * 2, -c.startcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, 180 + (4 - c.knots) * x * c.angle, -c.midcp, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, 180 + 4 * (c.knots - 1) * c.angle + c.angle * 2, -c.startcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createRattanKnot() {
var c = getControls(2);
var nodepoints = [];
for ( var x = 0; x < c.knots; x++ ) {
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -x * c.angle + c.angle / 2, -c.startcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.largeCircle, -x * c.angle + 180, -c.midcp, -c.midcp));
nodepoints.push(createPoint(c.smallCircle, -(c.knots - 1) * c.angle - c.angle / 2, -c.startcp, -c.startcp));
nodepoints[0].mode = "start";
nodepoints[nodepoints.length - 1].mode = "end";
return nodepoints;
function createPoint(size, angle, cp1, cp2, tilt = 0) {
angle += 90;
let x = size * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
let y = -size * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
let cpx1 = x + cp1 * Math.cos((angle + 90 + tilt) * Math.PI / 180);
let cpy1 = y - cp1 * Math.sin((angle + 90 + tilt) * Math.PI / 180);
let cpx2 = x + cp2 * Math.cos((angle - 90 + tilt) * Math.PI / 180);
let cpy2 = y - cp2 * Math.sin((angle - 90 + tilt) * Math.PI / 180);
return { p : { x, y }, cp1 : {x: cpx1, y: cpy1 }, cp2 : {x:cpx2, y:cpy2}};
function createPointString(d) {
if ( d.mode === 'start' ) {
return `M${d.p.x},${d.p.y} C${d.cp2.x},${d.cp2.y}`;
} else if ( d.mode === 'end' ) {
return `${d.cp1.x},${d.cp1.y} ${d.p.x},${d.p.y}`;
} else if ( d.mode === 'close' ) {
return `${d.cp1.x},${d.cp1.y} ${d.p.x},${d.p.y} Z`;
} else {
return `${d.cp1.x},${d.cp1.y} ${d.p.x},${d.p.y} ${d.cp2.x},${d.cp2.y}`;
function loadPreset_old(g, newData) {
var currentData = [];
for ( var i = 0; i <; i++ ) {
currentData[i] = {[i], ...newData[i] } ;
function loadPreset(mat, variant) {
matType = mat;
var g ='#sliders').selectAll('g');
var type = control_flags['Dev'] ? 'dev' : 'mat';
var currentData = [];
for ( var i = 0; i <; i++ ) {
currentData[i] = {[i],
currentData.every(d => d.y = d3.scaleLinear().range([sliderCtrl.height - 10,10]).clamp(true).domain([d.min, d.max])(d.value));'g');
//underOver = control_flags['UnderOver'];
//control_flags['UnderOver'] = 0;
//control_flags['UnderOver'] = underOver;
function definePresets() {
return {
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 50, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 1, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 62 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 28 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 23 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 100 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 47 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 23 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 16 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 122 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 37 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 21 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 14 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 21, max: 21 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 138 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 53 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 21 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 12 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 136 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 27 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 17 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 11 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 29, max: 29 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 158 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 19 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 9 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 33, max: 33 } // Segments to show
9: [
{ value: 9 }, // Knots
{ value: 177 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 42 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 17 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 9 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 37, max: 37 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 50, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 1, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 181 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 26 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 27 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 13 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 137 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 32 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 24 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 15 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 129 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 46 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 28 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 17 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 21, max: 21 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 112 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 64 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 26 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 79 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 44 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 24 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 19 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 29, max: 29 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 50, max: 396 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 1, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
//{ min: -90, max: 90 }, // Tilt
{ min: 2, max: 55 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 396 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 116 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 30 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 13 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 43, max: 43 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 396 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 150 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 28 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 12 }, // Middle Control Points
//{ value: 12 }, // Tilt
{ value: 49, max: 49 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 3 }, // Knots
{ min: 50, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 1, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 75 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 12 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 24 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 15 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 135 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 33 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 7, max: 7 } // Segments to show
'3a': [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 173 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 36 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 60 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 7, max: 7 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 188 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 99 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 55 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 9, max: 9 } // Segments to show
'4a': [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 245 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 95 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 35 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 69 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 9, max: 9 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 169 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 43 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 45 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 65 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 11, max: 11 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 169 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 43 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 24 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 65 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
'6a': [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 185 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 77 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 40 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 68 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 251 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 52 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 26 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 67 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 15, max: 15 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 173 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 36 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 60 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 7, max: 7 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 100 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 36 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 55 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 11, max: 11 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 149 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 115 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 23 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 16 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 15, max: 15 } // Segments to show
9: [
{ value: 9 }, // Knots
{ value: 188 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 157 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 26 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 18 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 19, max: 19 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 100 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 14 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 10 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 7, max: 7 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 214 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 94 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 36 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 55 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 9, max: 9 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 100 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 36 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 55 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 11, max: 11 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 173 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 79 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 20 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 26 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 155 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 52 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 40 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 15, max: 15 } // Segments to show
'7a': [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 100 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 52 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 40 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 15, max: 15 } // Segments to show
'7b': [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 211 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 155 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 52 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 40 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 15, max: 15 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 192 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 96 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 7 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 46 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
9: [
{ value: 9 }, // Knots
{ value: 208 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 87 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 8 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 45 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 19, max: 19 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 175 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 23 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 26 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 26 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 21, max: 21 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 75 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 26 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 222 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 75 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 8 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 27 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 29, max: 29 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 261 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 76 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 7 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 31 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 33, max: 33 } // Segments to show
9: [
{ value: 9 }, // Knots
{ value: 261 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 87 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 7 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 31 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 37, max: 37 } // Segments to show
x10: [
{ value: 10 }, // Knots
{ value: 261 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 99 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 7 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 31 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 41, max: 41 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 25 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 227 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 29 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 20 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 42 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 235 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 52 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 20 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 30 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 33, max: 33 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 240 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 40 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 20 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 30 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 41, max: 41 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 215 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 38 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 17 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 23 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 49, max: 49 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 222 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 5 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 27 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 57, max: 57 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 222 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 5 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 27 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 65, max: 65 } // Segments to show
9: [
{ value: 9 }, // Knots
{ value: 222 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 5 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 27 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 73, max: 73 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 4, max: 12 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 158 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 32 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 15 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 27 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 191 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 45 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 25 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 21, max: 21 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 40 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 205 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 34 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 8 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 23 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 29, max: 29 } // Segments to show
'7a': [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 205 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 57 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 9 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 18 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 29, max: 29 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 43 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 6 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 18 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 33, max: 33 } // Segments to show
x10: [
{ value: 10 }, // Knots
{ value: 235 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 53 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 5 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 19 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 41, max: 41 } // Segments to show
x12: [
{ value: 12 }, // Knots
{ value: 244 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 71 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 4 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 49, max: 49 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 4, max: 12 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 158 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 32 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 15 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 27 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: '5' }, // Knots
{ value: '191' }, // Large Circle
{ value: '45' }, // Small Circle
{ value: '10' }, // Start Control Points
{ value: '25' }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: '21', max: '21' } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 40 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: '7' }, // Knots
{ value: '205' }, // Large Circle
{ value: '34' }, // Small Circle
{ value: '8' }, // Start Control Points
{ value: '23' }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: '29', max: '29' } // Segments to show
'7a': [
{ value: '7' }, // Knots
{ value: '205' }, // Large Circle
{ value: '57' }, // Small Circle
{ value: '9' }, // Start Control Points
{ value: '18' }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: '29', max: '29' } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 43 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 6 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 18 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 33, max: 33 } // Segments to show
x10: [
{ value: 10 }, // Knots
{ value: 235 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 53 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 5 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 19 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 41, max: 41 } // Segments to show
x12: [
{ value: 12 }, // Knots
{ value: 244 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 71 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 4 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 49, max: 49 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 50, max: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 90 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 17 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 32 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 17 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 85 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 35 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 33 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 19 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 91 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 39 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 32 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 21, max: 21 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 99 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 67 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 22 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 51 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
mat: [
{ min: 3, max: 9 }, // Knots
{ min: 100, max: 300 }, // Large Circle
{ min: 10, max: 200 }, // Small Circle
{ min: 0, max: 70 }, // Start Control Points
{ min: 0, max: 80 }, // Middle Control Points
{ min: 2, max: 17 } // Segments to show
3: [
{ value: 3 }, // Knots
{ value: 140 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 20 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 15 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 25 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 13, max: 13 } // Segments to show
4: [
{ value: 4 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 50 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 26 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 17, max: 17 } // Segments to show
5: [
{ value: 5 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 15 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 21, max: 21 } // Segments to show
6: [
{ value: 6 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 60 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 15 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 20 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 25, max: 25 } // Segments to show
7: [
{ value: 7 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 84 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 15 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 29, max: 29 } // Segments to show
8: [
{ value: 8 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 84 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 10 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 15 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 33, max: 33 } // Segments to show
9: [
{ value: 9 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 120 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 8 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 13 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 37, max: 37 } // Segments to show
x10: [
{ value: 10 }, // Knots
{ value: 200 }, // Large Circle
{ value: 120 }, // Small Circle
{ value: 8 }, // Start Control Points
{ value: 13 }, // Middle Control Points
{ value: 41, max: 41 } // Segments to show
Object.keys(presets).forEach( d => presets[d]['dev'] = getSliderDevDefs());
loadPreset('Y', 4);
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