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Last active March 16, 2021 22:08
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public static class ConsoleUpdateExtensions
internal static readonly Dictionary<IConsole, Dictionary<string, Func>> LineUpdates
= new Dictionary<IConsole, Dictionary<string, Func>>();
public static Dictionary<string, Func> GetUpdates(this IConsole console) => LineUpdates.ContainsKey(console) ? LineUpdates[console] : null;
public static void AddLineUpdate(this IConsole console, string key, Func value)
if (!LineUpdates.ContainsKey(console))
LineUpdates.Add(console, new Dictionary<string, Func>());
LineUpdates[console].Add(key, value);
LineUpdates[console].Add(key, value);
// add updates from a enumerable source
public static void AddLineUpdates(this IConsole console, IEnumerable source, Func getTitle, Func getValue)
// remove any previous updates
if (LineUpdates.ContainsKey(console))
// add update handler for this console.
LineUpdates.Add(console, new Dictionary<string, Func>());
// iterate source and add updates.
foreach (var data in source)
console.AddLineUpdate(getTitle(data), () => getValue(data));
// Execute stored updates
public static void ExecuteLineUpdates(this IConsole console)
if (LineUpdates.ContainsKey(console))
// to ensure that if this is called after initial write, I clear the window and rewrite the data.
foreach (var key in LineUpdates[console].Keys)
console.WriteLine($"{key} : {LineUpdates[console][key]()}");
public static class MessageHandlers
public static IConsole LogScreen { get; set; }
internal static void OnMessageReceived(object sender, GameMessageEventArgs gameMessage)
// PropertyChangedEvent Handler
internal static void OnPropertyChanged_TryMatchingUpdate(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyChangedEventArgs)
if (sender is Player player)
foreach (IConsole console in ConsoleUpdateExtensions.LineUpdates.Keys)
if (ConsoleUpdateExtensions.LineUpdates[console].ContainsKey(propertyChangedEventArgs.PropertyName))
foreach (var x in ConsoleUpdateExtensions.LineUpdates[console])
console.WriteLine($"{x.Key} : {x.Value()}");
// divide playerWindow into display areas needed for game
var playerConsoles = PlayerWindow.SplitRows
new Split(8, "Basics"),
new Split(12, "Status"),
new Split(24, "Inventory"),
new Split(0, "Log")
BasicsWindow = playerConsoles[0];
StatusWindow = playerConsoles[1];
EquipWindow = playerConsoles[2];
LogWindow = playerConsoles[3];
// add messages handler output..
MessageHandlers.LogScreen = LogWindow;
var currentPlayer = GameSession.CurrentPlayer;
// setup updates.
BasicsWindow.AddLineUpdate("Name", () => $"{currentPlayer.Name}");
BasicsWindow.AddLineUpdate("CurrentHitPoints", () => $"{currentPlayer.CurrentHitPoints}");
BasicsWindow.AddLineUpdate("Level", () => $"{currentPlayer.Level}");
BasicsWindow.AddLineUpdate("ExperiencePoints", () => $"{currentPlayer.ExperiencePoints}");
(IConsole statWindow, IConsole miscWindow) = StatusWindow.SplitLeftRight();
// add enumerable to update
statWindow.AddLineUpdates(currentPlayer.Attributes, (x) => x.DisplayName, (y) => y.ModifiedValue.ToString());
miscWindow.AddLineUpdate("MaximumHitPoints", () => $"{currentPlayer.MaximumHitPoints}");
miscWindow.AddLineUpdate("Gold", () => $"{currentPlayer.Gold}");
miscWindow.AddLineUpdate("CurrentWeapon", () => $"{currentPlayer?.CurrentWeapon?.Name}");
miscWindow.AddLineUpdate("CurrentConsumable", () => $"{currentPlayer?.CurrentConsumable?.Name}");
// Execute initial Update.
// subsequent updates are handled by propertychanged from player and hopefully soon monster.
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