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Created January 1, 2016 23:16
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Lesson 21.1 - Adding a price to game items
namespace Engine
public class HealingPotion : Item
public int AmountToHeal { get; set; }
public HealingPotion(int id, string name, string namePlural, int amountToHeal, int price)
: base(id, name, namePlural, price)
AmountToHeal = amountToHeal;
namespace Engine
public class Item
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string NamePlural { get; set; }
public int Price { get; set; }
public Item(int id, string name, string namePlural, int price)
ID = id;
Name = name;
NamePlural = namePlural;
Price = price;
namespace Engine
public class Weapon : Item
public int MinimumDamage { get; set; }
public int MaximumDamage { get; set; }
public Weapon(int id, string name, string namePlural, int minimumDamage, int maximumDamage, int price)
: base(id, name, namePlural, price)
MinimumDamage = minimumDamage;
MaximumDamage = maximumDamage;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Engine
public static class World
public static readonly List<Item> Items = new List<Item>();
public static readonly List<Monster> Monsters = new List<Monster>();
public static readonly List<Quest> Quests = new List<Quest>();
public static readonly List<Location> Locations = new List<Location>();
public const int UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE = -1;
public const int ITEM_ID_RUSTY_SWORD = 1;
public const int ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL = 2;
public const int ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR = 3;
public const int ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG = 4;
public const int ITEM_ID_SNAKESKIN = 5;
public const int ITEM_ID_CLUB = 6;
public const int ITEM_ID_HEALING_POTION = 7;
public const int ITEM_ID_SPIDER_FANG = 8;
public const int ITEM_ID_SPIDER_SILK = 9;
public const int ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS = 10;
public const int MONSTER_ID_RAT = 1;
public const int MONSTER_ID_SNAKE = 2;
public const int MONSTER_ID_GIANT_SPIDER = 3;
public const int QUEST_ID_CLEAR_FARMERS_FIELD = 2;
public const int LOCATION_ID_HOME = 1;
public const int LOCATION_ID_TOWN_SQUARE = 2;
public const int LOCATION_ID_GUARD_POST = 3;
public const int LOCATION_ID_ALCHEMIST_HUT = 4;
public const int LOCATION_ID_FARMHOUSE = 6;
public const int LOCATION_ID_FARM_FIELD = 7;
public const int LOCATION_ID_BRIDGE = 8;
public const int LOCATION_ID_SPIDER_FIELD = 9;
static World()
private static void PopulateItems()
Items.Add(new Weapon(ITEM_ID_RUSTY_SWORD, "Rusty sword", "Rusty swords", 0, 5, 5));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL, "Rat tail", "Rat tails", 1));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR, "Piece of fur", "Pieces of fur", 1));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG, "Snake fang", "Snake fangs", 1));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SNAKESKIN, "Snakeskin", "Snakeskins", 2));
Items.Add(new Weapon(ITEM_ID_CLUB, "Club", "Clubs", 3, 10, 8));
Items.Add(new HealingPotion(ITEM_ID_HEALING_POTION, "Healing potion", "Healing potions", 5, 3));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_FANG, "Spider fang", "Spider fangs", 1));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_SILK, "Spider silk", "Spider silks", 1));
Items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS, "Adventurer pass", "Adventurer passes", UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE));
private static void PopulateMonsters()
Monster rat = new Monster(MONSTER_ID_RAT, "Rat", 5, 3, 10, 3, 3);
rat.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL), 75, false));
rat.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR), 75, true));
Monster snake = new Monster(MONSTER_ID_SNAKE, "Snake", 5, 3, 10, 3, 3);
snake.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG), 75, false));
snake.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SNAKESKIN), 75, true));
Monster giantSpider = new Monster(MONSTER_ID_GIANT_SPIDER, "Giant spider", 20, 5, 40, 10, 10);
giantSpider.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_FANG), 75, true));
giantSpider.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_SILK), 25, false));
private static void PopulateQuests()
Quest clearAlchemistGarden =
new Quest(
"Clear the alchemist's garden",
"Kill rats in the alchemist's garden and bring back 3 rat tails. You will receive a healing potion and 10 gold pieces.", 20, 10);
clearAlchemistGarden.QuestCompletionItems.Add(new QuestCompletionItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL), 3));
clearAlchemistGarden.RewardItem = ItemByID(ITEM_ID_HEALING_POTION);
Quest clearFarmersField =
new Quest(
"Clear the farmer's field",
"Kill snakes in the farmer's field and bring back 3 snake fangs. You will receive an adventurer's pass and 20 gold pieces.", 20, 20);
clearFarmersField.QuestCompletionItems.Add(new QuestCompletionItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG), 3));
clearFarmersField.RewardItem = ItemByID(ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS);
private static void PopulateLocations()
// Create each location
Location home = new Location(LOCATION_ID_HOME, "Home", "Your house. You really need to clean up the place.");
Location townSquare = new Location(LOCATION_ID_TOWN_SQUARE, "Town square", "You see a fountain.");
Location alchemistHut = new Location(LOCATION_ID_ALCHEMIST_HUT, "Alchemist's hut", "There are many strange plants on the shelves.");
alchemistHut.QuestAvailableHere = QuestByID(QUEST_ID_CLEAR_ALCHEMIST_GARDEN);
Location alchemistsGarden = new Location(LOCATION_ID_ALCHEMISTS_GARDEN, "Alchemist's garden", "Many plants are growing here.");
alchemistsGarden.MonsterLivingHere = MonsterByID(MONSTER_ID_RAT);
Location farmhouse = new Location(LOCATION_ID_FARMHOUSE, "Farmhouse", "There is a small farmhouse, with a farmer in front.");
farmhouse.QuestAvailableHere = QuestByID(QUEST_ID_CLEAR_FARMERS_FIELD);
Location farmersField = new Location(LOCATION_ID_FARM_FIELD, "Farmer's field", "You see rows of vegetables growing here.");
farmersField.MonsterLivingHere = MonsterByID(MONSTER_ID_SNAKE);
Location guardPost = new Location(LOCATION_ID_GUARD_POST, "Guard post", "There is a large, tough-looking guard here.", ItemByID(ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS));
Location bridge = new Location(LOCATION_ID_BRIDGE, "Bridge", "A stone bridge crosses a wide river.");
Location spiderField = new Location(LOCATION_ID_SPIDER_FIELD, "Forest", "You see spider webs covering covering the trees in this forest.");
spiderField.MonsterLivingHere = MonsterByID(MONSTER_ID_GIANT_SPIDER);
// Link the locations together
home.LocationToNorth = townSquare;
townSquare.LocationToNorth = alchemistHut;
townSquare.LocationToSouth = home;
townSquare.LocationToEast = guardPost;
townSquare.LocationToWest = farmhouse;
farmhouse.LocationToEast = townSquare;
farmhouse.LocationToWest = farmersField;
farmersField.LocationToEast = farmhouse;
alchemistHut.LocationToSouth = townSquare;
alchemistHut.LocationToNorth = alchemistsGarden;
alchemistsGarden.LocationToSouth = alchemistHut;
guardPost.LocationToEast = bridge;
guardPost.LocationToWest = townSquare;
bridge.LocationToWest = guardPost;
bridge.LocationToEast = spiderField;
spiderField.LocationToWest = bridge;
// Add the locations to the static list
public static Item ItemByID(int id)
foreach(Item item in Items)
if(item.ID == id)
return item;
return null;
public static Monster MonsterByID(int id)
foreach(Monster monster in Monsters)
if(monster.ID == id)
return monster;
return null;
public static Quest QuestByID(int id)
foreach(Quest quest in Quests)
if(quest.ID == id)
return quest;
return null;
public static Location LocationByID(int id)
foreach(Location location in Locations)
if(location.ID == id)
return location;
return null;
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