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Last active February 21, 2016 15:33
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Save ScottLilly/4a0c6ed8e55b89bbd789 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lesson 19.5 - Changing dropdown default values
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
namespace Engine
public class Player : LivingCreature
public int Gold { get; set; }
public int ExperiencePoints { get; set; }
public int Level
get { return ((ExperiencePoints / 100) + 1); }
public Location CurrentLocation { get; set; }
public Weapon CurrentWeapon { get; set; }
public List<InventoryItem> Inventory { get; set; }
public List<PlayerQuest> Quests { get; set; }
private Player(int currentHitPoints, int maximumHitPoints, int gold, int experiencePoints) : base(currentHitPoints, maximumHitPoints)
Gold = gold;
ExperiencePoints = experiencePoints;
Inventory = new List<InventoryItem>();
Quests = new List<PlayerQuest>();
public static Player CreateDefaultPlayer()
Player player = new Player(10, 10, 20, 0);
player.Inventory.Add(new InventoryItem(World.ItemByID(World.ITEM_ID_RUSTY_SWORD), 1));
player.CurrentLocation = World.LocationByID(World.LOCATION_ID_HOME);
return player;
public static Player CreatePlayerFromXmlString(string xmlPlayerData)
XmlDocument playerData = new XmlDocument();
int currentHitPoints = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentHitPoints").InnerText);
int maximumHitPoints = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/MaximumHitPoints").InnerText);
int gold = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/Gold").InnerText);
int experiencePoints = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/ExperiencePoints").InnerText);
Player player = new Player(currentHitPoints, maximumHitPoints, gold, experiencePoints);
int currentLocationID = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentLocation").InnerText);
player.CurrentLocation = World.LocationByID(currentLocationID);
if(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentWeapon") != null)
int currentWeaponID = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentWeapon").InnerText);
player.CurrentWeapon = (Weapon)World.ItemByID(currentWeaponID);
foreach(XmlNode node in playerData.SelectNodes("/Player/InventoryItems/InventoryItem"))
int id = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["ID"].Value);
int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["Quantity"].Value);
for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
foreach(XmlNode node in playerData.SelectNodes("/Player/PlayerQuests/PlayerQuest"))
int id = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["ID"].Value);
bool isCompleted = Convert.ToBoolean(node.Attributes["IsCompleted"].Value);
PlayerQuest playerQuest = new PlayerQuest(World.QuestByID(id));
playerQuest.IsCompleted = isCompleted;
return player;
// If there was an error with the XML data, return a default player object
return Player.CreateDefaultPlayer();
public bool HasRequiredItemToEnterThisLocation(Location location)
if(location.ItemRequiredToEnter == null)
// There is no required item for this location, so return "true"
return true;
// See if the player has the required item in their inventory
return Inventory.Exists(ii => ii.Details.ID == location.ItemRequiredToEnter.ID);
public bool HasThisQuest(Quest quest)
return Quests.Exists(pq => pq.Details.ID == quest.ID);
public bool CompletedThisQuest(Quest quest)
foreach(PlayerQuest playerQuest in Quests)
if(playerQuest.Details.ID == quest.ID)
return playerQuest.IsCompleted;
return false;
public bool HasAllQuestCompletionItems(Quest quest)
// See if the player has all the items needed to complete the quest here
foreach(QuestCompletionItem qci in quest.QuestCompletionItems)
// Check each item in the player's inventory, to see if they have it, and enough of it
if(!Inventory.Exists(ii => ii.Details.ID == qci.Details.ID && ii.Quantity >= qci.Quantity))
return false;
// If we got here, then the player must have all the required items, and enough of them, to complete the quest.
return true;
public void RemoveQuestCompletionItems(Quest quest)
foreach(QuestCompletionItem qci in quest.QuestCompletionItems)
InventoryItem item = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == qci.Details.ID);
if(item != null)
// Subtract the quantity from the player's inventory that was needed to complete the quest
item.Quantity -= qci.Quantity;
public void AddItemToInventory(Item itemToAdd)
InventoryItem item = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == itemToAdd.ID);
if(item == null)
// They didn't have the item, so add it to their inventory, with a quantity of 1
Inventory.Add(new InventoryItem(itemToAdd, 1));
// They have the item in their inventory, so increase the quantity by one
public void MarkQuestCompleted(Quest quest)
// Find the quest in the player's quest list
PlayerQuest playerQuest = Quests.SingleOrDefault(pq => pq.Details.ID == quest.ID);
if(playerQuest != null)
playerQuest.IsCompleted = true;
public string ToXmlString()
XmlDocument playerData = new XmlDocument();
// Create the top-level XML node
XmlNode player = playerData.CreateElement("Player");
// Create the "Stats" child node to hold the other player statistics nodes
XmlNode stats = playerData.CreateElement("Stats");
// Create the child nodes for the "Stats" node
XmlNode currentHitPoints = playerData.CreateElement("CurrentHitPoints");
XmlNode maximumHitPoints = playerData.CreateElement("MaximumHitPoints");
XmlNode gold = playerData.CreateElement("Gold");
XmlNode experiencePoints = playerData.CreateElement("ExperiencePoints");
XmlNode currentLocation = playerData.CreateElement("CurrentLocation");
if(CurrentWeapon != null)
XmlNode currentWeapon = playerData.CreateElement("CurrentWeapon");
// Create the "InventoryItems" child node to hold each InventoryItem node
XmlNode inventoryItems = playerData.CreateElement("InventoryItems");
// Create an "InventoryItem" node for each item in the player's inventory
foreach(InventoryItem item in this.Inventory)
XmlNode inventoryItem = playerData.CreateElement("InventoryItem");
XmlAttribute idAttribute = playerData.CreateAttribute("ID");
idAttribute.Value = item.Details.ID.ToString();
XmlAttribute quantityAttribute = playerData.CreateAttribute("Quantity");
quantityAttribute.Value = item.Quantity.ToString();
// Create the "PlayerQuests" child node to hold each PlayerQuest node
XmlNode playerQuests = playerData.CreateElement("PlayerQuests");
// Create a "PlayerQuest" node for each quest the player has acquired
foreach(PlayerQuest quest in this.Quests)
XmlNode playerQuest = playerData.CreateElement("PlayerQuest");
XmlAttribute idAttribute = playerData.CreateAttribute("ID");
idAttribute.Value = quest.Details.ID.ToString();
XmlAttribute isCompletedAttribute = playerData.CreateAttribute("IsCompleted");
isCompletedAttribute.Value = quest.IsCompleted.ToString();
return playerData.InnerXml; // The XML document, as a string, so we can save the data to disk
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using Engine;
namespace SuperAdventure
public partial class SuperAdventure : Form
private const string PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME = "PlayerData.xml";
private Player _player;
private Monster _currentMonster;
public SuperAdventure()
_player = Player.CreatePlayerFromXmlString(File.ReadAllText(PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME));
_player = Player.CreateDefaultPlayer();
private void btnNorth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnEast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnSouth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnWest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void MoveTo(Location newLocation)
//Does the location have any required items
rtbMessages.Text += "You must have a " + newLocation.ItemRequiredToEnter.Name + " to enter this location." + Environment.NewLine;
// Update the player's current location
_player.CurrentLocation = newLocation;
// Show/hide available movement buttons
btnNorth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToNorth != null);
btnEast.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToEast != null);
btnSouth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToSouth != null);
btnWest.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToWest != null);
// Display current location name and description
rtbLocation.Text = newLocation.Name + Environment.NewLine;
rtbLocation.Text += newLocation.Description + Environment.NewLine;
// Completely heal the player
_player.CurrentHitPoints = _player.MaximumHitPoints;
// Update Hit Points in UI
lblHitPoints.Text = _player.CurrentHitPoints.ToString();
// Does the location have a quest?
if(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere != null)
// See if the player already has the quest, and if they've completed it
bool playerAlreadyHasQuest = _player.HasThisQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);
bool playerAlreadyCompletedQuest = _player.CompletedThisQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);
// See if the player already has the quest
// If the player has not completed the quest yet
// See if the player has all the items needed to complete the quest
bool playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest = _player.HasAllQuestCompletionItems(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);
// The player has all items required to complete the quest
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += "You complete the '" + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + "' quest." + Environment.NewLine;
// Remove quest items from inventory
// Give quest rewards
rtbMessages.Text += "You receive: " + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardExperiencePoints.ToString() + " experience points" + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold.ToString() + " gold" + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardItem.Name + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
_player.ExperiencePoints += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardExperiencePoints;
_player.Gold += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold;
// Add the reward item to the player's inventory
// Mark the quest as completed
// The player does not already have the quest
// Display the messages
rtbMessages.Text += "You receive the " + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + " quest." + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Description + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += "To complete it, return with:" + Environment.NewLine;
foreach(QuestCompletionItem qci in newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.QuestCompletionItems)
if(qci.Quantity == 1)
rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.Name + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.NamePlural + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
// Add the quest to the player's quest list
_player.Quests.Add(new PlayerQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere));
// Does the location have a monster?
if(newLocation.MonsterLivingHere != null)
rtbMessages.Text += "You see a " + newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.Name + Environment.NewLine;
// Make a new monster, using the values from the standard monster in the World.Monster list
Monster standardMonster = World.MonsterByID(newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.ID);
_currentMonster = new Monster(standardMonster.ID, standardMonster.Name, standardMonster.MaximumDamage,
standardMonster.RewardExperiencePoints, standardMonster.RewardGold, standardMonster.CurrentHitPoints, standardMonster.MaximumHitPoints);
foreach(LootItem lootItem in standardMonster.LootTable)
cboWeapons.Visible = true;
cboPotions.Visible = true;
btnUseWeapon.Visible = true;
btnUsePotion.Visible = true;
_currentMonster = null;
cboWeapons.Visible = false;
cboPotions.Visible = false;
btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
btnUsePotion.Visible = false;
// Refresh player's stats
// Refresh player's inventory list
// Refresh player's quest list
// Refresh player's weapons combobox
// Refresh player's potions combobox
private void UpdatePlayerStats()
// Refresh player information and inventory controls
lblHitPoints.Text = _player.CurrentHitPoints.ToString();
lblGold.Text = _player.Gold.ToString();
lblExperience.Text = _player.ExperiencePoints.ToString();
lblLevel.Text = _player.Level.ToString();
private void UpdateInventoryListInUI()
dgvInventory.RowHeadersVisible = false;
dgvInventory.ColumnCount = 2;
dgvInventory.Columns[0].Name = "Name";
dgvInventory.Columns[0].Width = 197;
dgvInventory.Columns[1].Name = "Quantity";
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
if(inventoryItem.Quantity > 0)
dgvInventory.Rows.Add(new[] { inventoryItem.Details.Name, inventoryItem.Quantity.ToString() });
private void UpdateQuestListInUI()
dgvQuests.RowHeadersVisible = false;
dgvQuests.ColumnCount = 2;
dgvQuests.Columns[0].Name = "Name";
dgvQuests.Columns[0].Width = 197;
dgvQuests.Columns[1].Name = "Done?";
foreach(PlayerQuest playerQuest in _player.Quests)
dgvQuests.Rows.Add(new[] { playerQuest.Details.Name, playerQuest.IsCompleted.ToString() });
private void UpdateWeaponListInUI()
List<Weapon> weapons = new List<Weapon>();
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
if(inventoryItem.Details is Weapon)
if(inventoryItem.Quantity > 0)
if(weapons.Count == 0)
// The player doesn't have any weapons, so hide the weapon combobox and "Use" button
cboWeapons.Visible = false;
btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
cboWeapons.SelectedIndexChanged -= cboWeapons_SelectedIndexChanged;
cboWeapons.DataSource = weapons;
cboWeapons.SelectedIndexChanged += cboWeapons_SelectedIndexChanged;
cboWeapons.DisplayMember = "Name";
cboWeapons.ValueMember = "ID";
if(_player.CurrentWeapon != null)
cboWeapons.SelectedItem = _player.CurrentWeapon;
cboWeapons.SelectedIndex = 0;
private void UpdatePotionListInUI()
List<HealingPotion> healingPotions = new List<HealingPotion>();
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
if(inventoryItem.Details is HealingPotion)
if(inventoryItem.Quantity > 0)
if(healingPotions.Count == 0)
// The player doesn't have any potions, so hide the potion combobox and "Use" button
cboPotions.Visible = false;
btnUsePotion.Visible = false;
cboPotions.DataSource = healingPotions;
cboPotions.DisplayMember = "Name";
cboPotions.ValueMember = "ID";
cboPotions.SelectedIndex = 0;
private void btnUseWeapon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the currently selected weapon from the cboWeapons ComboBox
Weapon currentWeapon = (Weapon)cboWeapons.SelectedItem;
// Determine the amount of damage to do to the monster
int damageToMonster = RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(currentWeapon.MinimumDamage, currentWeapon.MaximumDamage);
// Apply the damage to the monster's CurrentHitPoints
_currentMonster.CurrentHitPoints -= damageToMonster;
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += "You hit the " + _currentMonster.Name + " for " + damageToMonster.ToString() + " points." + Environment.NewLine;
// Check if the monster is dead
if(_currentMonster.CurrentHitPoints <= 0)
// Monster is dead
rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += "You defeated the " + _currentMonster.Name + Environment.NewLine;
// Give player experience points for killing the monster
_player.ExperiencePoints += _currentMonster.RewardExperiencePoints;
rtbMessages.Text += "You receive " + _currentMonster.RewardExperiencePoints.ToString() + " experience points" + Environment.NewLine;
// Give player gold for killing the monster
_player.Gold += _currentMonster.RewardGold;
rtbMessages.Text += "You receive " + _currentMonster.RewardGold.ToString() + " gold" + Environment.NewLine;
// Get random loot items from the monster
List<InventoryItem> lootedItems = new List<InventoryItem>();
// Add items to the lootedItems list, comparing a random number to the drop percentage
foreach(LootItem lootItem in _currentMonster.LootTable)
if(RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(1, 100) <= lootItem.DropPercentage)
lootedItems.Add(new InventoryItem(lootItem.Details, 1));
// If no items were randomly selected, then add the default loot item(s).
if(lootedItems.Count == 0)
foreach(LootItem lootItem in _currentMonster.LootTable)
lootedItems.Add(new InventoryItem(lootItem.Details, 1));
// Add the looted items to the player's inventory
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in lootedItems)
if(inventoryItem.Quantity == 1)
rtbMessages.Text += "You loot " + inventoryItem.Quantity.ToString() + " " + inventoryItem.Details.Name +Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += "You loot " + inventoryItem.Quantity.ToString() + " " + inventoryItem.Details.NamePlural + Environment.NewLine;
// Add a blank line to the messages box, just for appearance.
rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
// Move player to current location (to heal player and create a new monster to fight)
// Monster is still alive
// Determine the amount of damage the monster does to the player
int damageToPlayer = RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(0, _currentMonster.MaximumDamage);
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += "The " + _currentMonster.Name + " did " + damageToPlayer.ToString() + " points of damage." + Environment.NewLine;
// Subtract damage from player
_player.CurrentHitPoints -= damageToPlayer;
// Refresh player data in UI
lblHitPoints.Text = _player.CurrentHitPoints.ToString();
if(_player.CurrentHitPoints <= 0)
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += "The " + _currentMonster.Name + " killed you." + Environment.NewLine;
// Move player to "Home"
private void btnUsePotion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the currently selected potion from the combobox
HealingPotion potion = (HealingPotion)cboPotions.SelectedItem;
// Add healing amount to the player's current hit points
_player.CurrentHitPoints = (_player.CurrentHitPoints + potion.AmountToHeal);
// CurrentHitPoints cannot exceed player's MaximumHitPoints
if(_player.CurrentHitPoints > _player.MaximumHitPoints)
_player.CurrentHitPoints = _player.MaximumHitPoints;
// Remove the potion from the player's inventory
foreach(InventoryItem ii in _player.Inventory)
if(ii.Details.ID == potion.ID)
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += "You drink a " + potion.Name + Environment.NewLine;
// Monster gets their turn to attack
// Determine the amount of damage the monster does to the player
int damageToPlayer = RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(0, _currentMonster.MaximumDamage);
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += "The " + _currentMonster.Name + " did " + damageToPlayer.ToString() + " points of damage." + Environment.NewLine;
// Subtract damage from player
_player.CurrentHitPoints -= damageToPlayer;
if(_player.CurrentHitPoints <= 0)
// Display message
rtbMessages.Text += "The " + _currentMonster.Name + " killed you." + Environment.NewLine;
// Move player to "Home"
// Refresh player data in UI
lblHitPoints.Text = _player.CurrentHitPoints.ToString();
private void ScrollToBottomOfMessages()
rtbMessages.SelectionStart = rtbMessages.Text.Length;
private void SuperAdventure_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
File.WriteAllText(PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME, _player.ToXmlString());
private void cboWeapons_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_player.CurrentWeapon = (Weapon)cboWeapons.SelectedItem;
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