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Created March 16, 2016 00:55
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Lesson 24.1 - Make the SuperAdventure source code easier to understand and modify
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Engine
public class InventoryItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Item _details;
private int _quantity;
public Item Details
get { return _details; }
_details = value;
public int Quantity
get { return _quantity; }
_quantity = value;
public int ItemID
get { return Details.ID; }
public string Description
get { return Quantity > 1 ? Details.NamePlural : Details.Name; }
public int Price
get { return Details.Price; }
public InventoryItem(Item details, int quantity)
Details = details;
Quantity = quantity;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Engine
public class LivingCreature : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _currentHitPoints;
public int CurrentHitPoints
get { return _currentHitPoints; }
_currentHitPoints = value;
public int MaximumHitPoints { get; set; }
public bool IsDead { get { return CurrentHitPoints <= 0; } }
public LivingCreature(int currentHitPoints, int maximumHitPoints)
CurrentHitPoints = currentHitPoints;
MaximumHitPoints = maximumHitPoints;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
namespace Engine
public class Location
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public Item ItemRequiredToEnter { get; set; }
public Quest QuestAvailableHere { get; set; }
public Monster MonsterLivingHere { get; set; }
public Vendor VendorWorkingHere { get; set; }
public Location LocationToNorth { get; set; }
public Location LocationToEast { get; set; }
public Location LocationToSouth { get; set; }
public Location LocationToWest { get; set; }
public bool HasAQuest { get { return QuestAvailableHere != null; } }
public bool DoesNotHaveAnItemRequiredToEnter { get { return ItemRequiredToEnter == null; } }
public Location(int id, string name, string description,
Item itemRequiredToEnter = null, Quest questAvailableHere = null, Monster monsterLivingHere = null)
ID = id;
Name = name;
Description = description;
ItemRequiredToEnter = itemRequiredToEnter;
QuestAvailableHere = questAvailableHere;
MonsterLivingHere = monsterLivingHere;
public Monster NewInstanceOfMonsterLivingHere()
return MonsterLivingHere == null ? null : MonsterLivingHere.NewInstanceOfMonster();
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Engine
public class Monster : LivingCreature
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int MaximumDamage { get; set; }
public int RewardExperiencePoints { get; set; }
public int RewardGold { get; set; }
// All possible items (with percentages) that this type of monster could have
public List<LootItem> LootTable { get; set; }
// The items this instance of the monster has in their inventory
internal List<InventoryItem> LootItems { get; }
public Monster(int id, string name, int maximumDamage, int rewardExperiencePoints, int rewardGold, int currentHitPoints, int maximumHitPoints)
: base(currentHitPoints, maximumHitPoints)
ID = id;
Name = name;
MaximumDamage = maximumDamage;
RewardExperiencePoints = rewardExperiencePoints;
RewardGold = rewardGold;
LootTable = new List<LootItem>();
LootItems = new List<InventoryItem>();
internal Monster NewInstanceOfMonster()
Monster newMonster =
new Monster(ID, Name, MaximumDamage, RewardExperiencePoints, RewardGold, CurrentHitPoints, MaximumHitPoints);
// Add items to the lootedItems list, comparing a random number to the drop percentage
foreach(LootItem lootItem in LootTable.Where(lootItem => RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(1, 100) <= lootItem.DropPercentage))
newMonster.LootItems.Add(new InventoryItem(lootItem.Details, 1));
// If no items were randomly selected, add the default loot item(s).
if(newMonster.LootItems.Count == 0)
foreach(LootItem lootItem in LootTable.Where(x => x.IsDefaultItem))
newMonster.LootItems.Add(new InventoryItem(lootItem.Details, 1));
return newMonster;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
namespace Engine
public class Player : LivingCreature
private int _gold;
private int _experiencePoints;
private Location _currentLocation;
public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> OnMessage;
public int Gold
get { return _gold; }
_gold = value;
public int ExperiencePoints
get { return _experiencePoints; }
private set
_experiencePoints = value;
public int Level
get { return ((ExperiencePoints / 100) + 1); }
public Location CurrentLocation
get { return _currentLocation; }
_currentLocation = value;
public Weapon CurrentWeapon { get; set; }
public BindingList<InventoryItem> Inventory { get; set; }
public List<Weapon> Weapons
get { return Inventory.Where(x => x.Details is Weapon).Select(x => x.Details as Weapon).ToList(); }
public List<HealingPotion> Potions
get { return Inventory.Where(x => x.Details is HealingPotion).Select(x => x.Details as HealingPotion).ToList(); }
public BindingList<PlayerQuest> Quests { get; set; }
private Monster CurrentMonster { get; set; }
private Player(int currentHitPoints, int maximumHitPoints, int gold, int experiencePoints) : base(currentHitPoints, maximumHitPoints)
Gold = gold;
ExperiencePoints = experiencePoints;
Inventory = new BindingList<InventoryItem>();
Quests = new BindingList<PlayerQuest>();
public static Player CreateDefaultPlayer()
Player player = new Player(10, 10, 20, 0);
player.Inventory.Add(new InventoryItem(World.ItemByID(World.ITEM_ID_RUSTY_SWORD), 1));
player.CurrentLocation = World.LocationByID(World.LOCATION_ID_HOME);
return player;
public static Player CreatePlayerFromXmlString(string xmlPlayerData)
XmlDocument playerData = new XmlDocument();
int currentHitPoints = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentHitPoints").InnerText);
int maximumHitPoints = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/MaximumHitPoints").InnerText);
int gold = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/Gold").InnerText);
int experiencePoints = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/ExperiencePoints").InnerText);
Player player = new Player(currentHitPoints, maximumHitPoints, gold, experiencePoints);
int currentLocationID = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentLocation").InnerText);
player.CurrentLocation = World.LocationByID(currentLocationID);
if(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentWeapon") != null)
int currentWeaponID = Convert.ToInt32(playerData.SelectSingleNode("/Player/Stats/CurrentWeapon").InnerText);
player.CurrentWeapon = (Weapon)World.ItemByID(currentWeaponID);
foreach(XmlNode node in playerData.SelectNodes("/Player/InventoryItems/InventoryItem"))
int id = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["ID"].Value);
int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["Quantity"].Value);
for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
foreach(XmlNode node in playerData.SelectNodes("/Player/PlayerQuests/PlayerQuest"))
int id = Convert.ToInt32(node.Attributes["ID"].Value);
bool isCompleted = Convert.ToBoolean(node.Attributes["IsCompleted"].Value);
PlayerQuest playerQuest = new PlayerQuest(World.QuestByID(id));
playerQuest.IsCompleted = isCompleted;
return player;
// If there was an error with the XML data, return a default player object
return CreateDefaultPlayer();
public static Player CreatePlayerFromDatabase(int currentHitPoints, int maximumHitPoints, int gold, int experiencePoints, int currentLocationID)
Player player = new Player(currentHitPoints, maximumHitPoints, gold, experiencePoints);
return player;
public void MoveTo(Location location)
RaiseMessage("You must have a " + location.ItemRequiredToEnter.Name + " to enter this location.");
// The player can enter this location
CurrentLocation = location;
if(PlayerHasNotCompleted(location.QuestAvailableHere) &&
public void MoveNorth()
if(CurrentLocation.LocationToNorth != null)
public void MoveEast()
if(CurrentLocation.LocationToEast != null)
public void MoveSouth()
if(CurrentLocation.LocationToSouth != null)
public void MoveWest()
if(CurrentLocation.LocationToWest != null)
public void UseWeapon(Weapon weapon)
int damage = RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(weapon.MinimumDamage, weapon.MaximumDamage);
if(damage == 0)
RaiseMessage("You missed the " + CurrentMonster.Name);
CurrentMonster.CurrentHitPoints -= damage;
RaiseMessage("You hit the " + CurrentMonster.Name + " for " + damage + " points.");
// "Move" to the current location, to refresh the current monster
private void LootTheCurrentMonster()
RaiseMessage("You defeated the " + CurrentMonster.Name);
RaiseMessage("You receive " + CurrentMonster.RewardExperiencePoints + " experience points");
RaiseMessage("You receive " + CurrentMonster.RewardGold + " gold");
Gold += CurrentMonster.RewardGold;
// Give monster's loot items to the player
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in CurrentMonster.LootItems)
RaiseMessage(string.Format("You loot {0} {1}", inventoryItem.Quantity, inventoryItem.Description));
public void UsePotion(HealingPotion potion)
RaiseMessage("You drink a " + potion.Name);
// The player used their turn to drink the potion, so let the monster attack now
public void AddItemToInventory(Item itemToAdd, int quantity = 1)
InventoryItem existingItemInInventory = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == itemToAdd.ID);
if(existingItemInInventory == null)
Inventory.Add(new InventoryItem(itemToAdd, quantity));
existingItemInInventory.Quantity += quantity;
public void RemoveItemFromInventory(Item itemToRemove, int quantity = 1)
InventoryItem item = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == itemToRemove.ID && ii.Quantity >= quantity);
if(item != null)
item.Quantity -= quantity;
if(item.Quantity == 0)
public string ToXmlString()
XmlDocument playerData = new XmlDocument();
// Create the top-level XML node
XmlNode player = playerData.CreateElement("Player");
// Create the "Stats" child node to hold the other player statistics nodes
XmlNode stats = playerData.CreateElement("Stats");
// Create the child nodes for the "Stats" node
CreateNewChildXmlNode(playerData, stats, "CurrentHitPoints", CurrentHitPoints);
CreateNewChildXmlNode(playerData, stats, "MaximumHitPoints", MaximumHitPoints);
CreateNewChildXmlNode(playerData, stats, "Gold", Gold);
CreateNewChildXmlNode(playerData, stats, "ExperiencePoints", ExperiencePoints);
CreateNewChildXmlNode(playerData, stats, "CurrentLocation", CurrentLocation.ID);
if(CurrentWeapon != null)
CreateNewChildXmlNode(playerData, stats, "CurrentWeapon", CurrentWeapon.ID);
// Create the "InventoryItems" child node to hold each InventoryItem node
XmlNode inventoryItems = playerData.CreateElement("InventoryItems");
// Create an "InventoryItem" node for each item in the player's inventory
foreach(InventoryItem item in Inventory)
XmlNode inventoryItem = playerData.CreateElement("InventoryItem");
AddXmlAttributeToNode(playerData, inventoryItem, "ID", item.Details.ID);
AddXmlAttributeToNode(playerData, inventoryItem, "Quantity", item.Quantity);
// Create the "PlayerQuests" child node to hold each PlayerQuest node
XmlNode playerQuests = playerData.CreateElement("PlayerQuests");
// Create a "PlayerQuest" node for each quest the player has acquired
foreach(PlayerQuest quest in Quests)
XmlNode playerQuest = playerData.CreateElement("PlayerQuest");
AddXmlAttributeToNode(playerData, playerQuest, "ID", quest.Details.ID);
AddXmlAttributeToNode(playerData, playerQuest, "IsCompleted", quest.IsCompleted);
return playerData.InnerXml; // The XML document, as a string, so we can save the data to disk
private bool HasRequiredItemToEnterThisLocation(Location location)
return true;
// See if the player has the required item in their inventory
return Inventory.Any(ii => ii.Details.ID == location.ItemRequiredToEnter.ID);
private void SetTheCurrentMonsterForTheCurrentLocation(Location location)
// Populate the current monster with this location's monster (or null, if there is no monster here)
CurrentMonster = location.NewInstanceOfMonsterLivingHere();
if(CurrentMonster != null)
RaiseMessage("You see a " + location.MonsterLivingHere.Name);
private bool PlayerDoesNotHaveTheRequiredItemToEnter(Location location)
return !HasRequiredItemToEnterThisLocation(location);
private bool PlayerDoesNotHaveThisQuest(Quest quest)
return Quests.All(pq => pq.Details.ID != quest.ID);
private bool PlayerHasNotCompleted(Quest quest)
return Quests.Any(pq => pq.Details.ID == quest.ID && !pq.IsCompleted);
private void GiveQuestToPlayer(Quest quest)
RaiseMessage("You receive the " + quest.Name + " quest.");
RaiseMessage("To complete it, return with:");
foreach(QuestCompletionItem qci in quest.QuestCompletionItems)
RaiseMessage(string.Format("{0} {1}", qci.Quantity,
qci.Quantity == 1 ? qci.Details.Name : qci.Details.NamePlural));
Quests.Add(new PlayerQuest(quest));
private bool PlayerHasAllQuestCompletionItemsFor(Quest quest)
// See if the player has all the items needed to complete the quest here
foreach(QuestCompletionItem qci in quest.QuestCompletionItems)
// Check each item in the player's inventory, to see if they have it, and enough of it
if(!Inventory.Any(ii => ii.Details.ID == qci.Details.ID && ii.Quantity >= qci.Quantity))
return false;
// If we got here, then the player must have all the required items, and enough of them, to complete the quest.
return true;
private void RemoveQuestCompletionItems(Quest quest)
foreach(QuestCompletionItem qci in quest.QuestCompletionItems)
InventoryItem item = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == qci.Details.ID);
if(item != null)
RemoveItemFromInventory(item.Details, qci.Quantity);
private void AddExperiencePoints(int experiencePointsToAdd)
ExperiencePoints += experiencePointsToAdd;
MaximumHitPoints = (Level * 10);
private void GivePlayerQuestRewards(Quest quest)
RaiseMessage("You complete the '" + quest.Name + "' quest.");
RaiseMessage("You receive: ");
RaiseMessage(quest.RewardExperiencePoints + " experience points");
RaiseMessage(quest.RewardGold + " gold");
RaiseMessage(quest.RewardItem.Name, true);
Gold += quest.RewardGold;
private void MarkPlayerQuestCompleted(Quest quest)
PlayerQuest playerQuest = Quests.SingleOrDefault(pq => pq.Details.ID == quest.ID);
if(playerQuest != null)
playerQuest.IsCompleted = true;
private void LetTheMonsterAttack()
int damageToPlayer = RandomNumberGenerator.NumberBetween(0, CurrentMonster.MaximumDamage);
RaiseMessage("The " + CurrentMonster.Name + " did " + damageToPlayer + " points of damage.");
CurrentHitPoints -= damageToPlayer;
RaiseMessage("The " + CurrentMonster.Name + " killed you.");
private void HealPlayer(int hitPointsToHeal)
CurrentHitPoints = Math.Min(CurrentHitPoints + hitPointsToHeal, MaximumHitPoints);
private void CompletelyHeal()
CurrentHitPoints = MaximumHitPoints;
private void MoveHome()
private void CreateNewChildXmlNode(XmlDocument document, XmlNode parentNode, string elementName, object value)
XmlNode node = document.CreateElement(elementName);
private void AddXmlAttributeToNode(XmlDocument document, XmlNode node, string attributeName, object value)
XmlAttribute attribute = document.CreateAttribute(attributeName);
attribute.Value = value.ToString();
private void RaiseInventoryChangedEvent(Item item)
if(item is Weapon)
if(item is HealingPotion)
private void RaiseMessage(string message, bool addExtraNewLine = false)
if(OnMessage != null)
OnMessage(this, new MessageEventArgs(message, addExtraNewLine));
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Engine
public class PlayerQuest : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Quest _details;
private bool _isCompleted;
public Quest Details
get { return _details; }
_details = value;
public bool IsCompleted
get { return _isCompleted; }
_isCompleted = value;
public string Name
get { return Details.Name; }
public PlayerQuest(Quest details)
Details = details;
IsCompleted = false;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Engine;
namespace SuperAdventureConsole
public class Program
private const string PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME = "PlayerData.xml";
private static Player _player;
private static void Main(string[] args)
// Load the player
Console.WriteLine("Type 'Help' to see a list of commands");
// Connect player events to functions that will display in the UI
_player.PropertyChanged += Player_OnPropertyChanged;
_player.OnMessage += Player_OnMessage;
// Infinite loop, until the user types "exit"
// Display a prompt, so the user knows to type something
// Wait for the user to type something, and press the <Enter> key
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
// If they typed a blank line, loop back and wait for input again
if(userInput == null)
// Convert to lower-case, to make comparisons easier
string cleanedInput = userInput.ToLower();
// Save the current game data, and break out of the "while(true)" loop
if(cleanedInput == "exit")
// If the user typed something, try to determine what to do
private static void Player_OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if(e.PropertyName == "CurrentLocation")
if(_player.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere != null)
Console.WriteLine("You see a vendor here: {0}", _player.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere.Name);
private static void Player_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
private static void ParseInput(string input)
if(input.Contains("help") || input == "?")
else if(input == "stats")
else if(input == "look")
else if(input.Contains("north"))
if(_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToNorth == null)
Console.WriteLine("You cannot move North");
else if(input.Contains("east"))
if(_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToEast == null)
Console.WriteLine("You cannot move East");
else if(input.Contains("south"))
if(_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToSouth == null)
Console.WriteLine("You cannot move South");
else if(input.Contains("west"))
if(_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToWest == null)
Console.WriteLine("You cannot move West");
else if(input == "inventory")
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", inventoryItem.Description, inventoryItem.Quantity);
else if(input == "quests")
if(_player.Quests.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have any quests");
foreach(PlayerQuest playerQuest in _player.Quests)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", playerQuest.Name,
playerQuest.IsCompleted ? "Completed" : "Incomplete");
else if(input.Contains("attack"))
else if(input.StartsWith("equip "))
else if(input.StartsWith("drink "))
else if(input == "trade")
else if(input.StartsWith("buy "))
else if(input.StartsWith("sell "))
Console.WriteLine("I do not understand");
Console.WriteLine("Type 'Help' to see a list of available commands");
// Write a blank line, to keep the UI a little cleaner
private static void DisplayHelpText()
Console.WriteLine("Available commands");
Console.WriteLine("Stats - Display player information");
Console.WriteLine("Look - Get the description of your location");
Console.WriteLine("Inventory - Display your inventory");
Console.WriteLine("Quests - Display your quests");
Console.WriteLine("Attack - Fight the monster");
Console.WriteLine("Equip <weapon name> - Set your current weapon");
Console.WriteLine("Drink <potion name> - Drink a potion");
Console.WriteLine("Trade - display your inventory and vendor's inventory");
Console.WriteLine("Buy <item name> - Buy an item from a vendor");
Console.WriteLine("Sell <item name> - Sell an item to a vendor");
Console.WriteLine("North - Move North");
Console.WriteLine("South - Move South");
Console.WriteLine("East - Move East");
Console.WriteLine("West - Move West");
Console.WriteLine("Exit - Save the game and exit");
private static void DisplayPlayerStats()
Console.WriteLine("Current hit points: {0}", _player.CurrentHitPoints);
Console.WriteLine("Maximum hit points: {0}", _player.MaximumHitPoints);
Console.WriteLine("Experience Points: {0}", _player.ExperiencePoints);
Console.WriteLine("Level: {0}", _player.Level);
Console.WriteLine("Gold: {0}", _player.Gold);
private static void AttackMonster()
if(_player.CurrentLocation.MonsterLivingHere == null)
Console.WriteLine("There is nothing here to attack");
if(_player.CurrentWeapon == null)
// Select the first weapon in the player's inventory
// (or 'null', if they do not have any weapons)
_player.CurrentWeapon = _player.Weapons.FirstOrDefault();
if(_player.CurrentWeapon == null)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have any weapons");
private static void EquipWeapon(string input)
string inputWeaponName = input.Substring(6).Trim();
Console.WriteLine("You must enter the name of the weapon to equip");
Weapon weaponToEquip =
x => x.Name.ToLower() == inputWeaponName || x.NamePlural.ToLower() == inputWeaponName);
if(weaponToEquip == null)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have the weapon: {0}", inputWeaponName);
_player.CurrentWeapon = weaponToEquip;
Console.WriteLine("You equip your {0}", _player.CurrentWeapon.Name);
private static void DrinkPotion(string input)
string inputPotionName = input.Substring(6).Trim();
Console.WriteLine("You must enter the name of the potion to drink");
HealingPotion potionToDrink =
x => x.Name.ToLower() == inputPotionName || x.NamePlural.ToLower() == inputPotionName);
if(potionToDrink == null)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have the potion: {0}", inputPotionName);
private static void ViewTradeInventory()
Console.WriteLine("PLAYER INVENTORY");
if(_player.Inventory.Count(x => x.Price != World.UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE) == 0)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have any inventory");
InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory.Where(x => x.Price != World.UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE))
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Price: {2}", inventoryItem.Quantity, inventoryItem.Description,
Console.WriteLine("VENDOR INVENTORY");
if(_player.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere.Inventory.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("The vendor does not have any inventory");
foreach(InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere.Inventory)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Price: {2}", inventoryItem.Quantity, inventoryItem.Description,
private static void BuyItem(string input)
string itemName = input.Substring(4).Trim();
Console.WriteLine("You must enter the name of the item to buy");
// Get the InventoryItem from the trader's inventory
InventoryItem itemToBuy =
x => x.Details.Name.ToLower() == itemName);
// Check if the vendor has the item
if(itemToBuy == null)
Console.WriteLine("The vendor does not have any {0}", itemName);
// Check if the player has enough gold to buy the item
if(_player.Gold < itemToBuy.Price)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have enough gold to buy a {0}", itemToBuy.Description);
// Success! Buy the item
_player.Gold -= itemToBuy.Price;
Console.WriteLine("You bought one {0} for {1} gold", itemToBuy.Details.Name, itemToBuy.Price);
private static void SellItem(string input)
string itemName = input.Substring(5).Trim();
Console.WriteLine("You must enter the name of the item to sell");
// Get the InventoryItem from the player's inventory
InventoryItem itemToSell =
_player.Inventory.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Details.Name.ToLower() == itemName &&
x.Quantity > 0 &&
// Check if the player has the item entered
if(itemToSell == null)
Console.WriteLine("The player cannot sell any {0}", itemName);
// Sell the item
_player.Gold += itemToSell.Price;
Console.WriteLine("You receive {0} gold for your {1}", itemToSell.Price, itemToSell.Details.Name);
private static bool LocationDoesNotHaveVendor()
bool locationDoesNotHaveVendor = _player.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere == null;
Console.WriteLine("There is no vendor at this location");
return locationDoesNotHaveVendor;
private static void DisplayCurrentLocation()
Console.WriteLine("You are at: {0}", _player.CurrentLocation.Name);
if(_player.CurrentLocation.Description != "")
private static void LoadGameData()
_player = PlayerDataMapper.CreateFromDatabase();
if(_player == null)
_player = Player.CreatePlayerFromXmlString(File.ReadAllText(PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME));
_player = Player.CreateDefaultPlayer();
private static void SaveGameData()
File.WriteAllText(PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME, _player.ToXmlString());
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Engine
public class Quest
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public int RewardExperiencePoints { get; set; }
public int RewardGold { get; set; }
public List<QuestCompletionItem> QuestCompletionItems { get; set; }
public Item RewardItem { get; set; }
public Quest(int id, string name, string description, int rewardExperiencePoints, int rewardGold)
ID = id;
Name = name;
Description = description;
RewardExperiencePoints = rewardExperiencePoints;
RewardGold = rewardGold;
QuestCompletionItems = new List<QuestCompletionItem>();
namespace Engine
public class QuestCompletionItem
public Item Details { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public QuestCompletionItem(Item details, int quantity)
Details = details;
Quantity = quantity;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using Engine;
namespace SuperAdventure
public partial class SuperAdventure : Form
private const string PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME = "PlayerData.xml";
private Player _player;
public SuperAdventure()
_player = PlayerDataMapper.CreateFromDatabase();
if(_player == null)
_player = Player.CreatePlayerFromXmlString(File.ReadAllText(PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME));
_player = Player.CreateDefaultPlayer();
lblHitPoints.DataBindings.Add("Text", _player, "CurrentHitPoints");
lblGold.DataBindings.Add("Text", _player, "Gold");
lblExperience.DataBindings.Add("Text", _player, "ExperiencePoints");
lblLevel.DataBindings.Add("Text", _player, "Level");
dgvInventory.RowHeadersVisible = false;
dgvInventory.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dgvInventory.DataSource = _player.Inventory;
dgvInventory.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Name",
Width = 197,
DataPropertyName = "Description"
dgvInventory.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Quantity",
DataPropertyName = "Quantity"
dgvQuests.RowHeadersVisible = false;
dgvQuests.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dgvQuests.DataSource = _player.Quests;
dgvQuests.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Name",
Width = 197,
DataPropertyName = "Name"
dgvQuests.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Done?",
DataPropertyName = "IsCompleted"
cboWeapons.DataSource = _player.Weapons;
cboWeapons.DisplayMember = "Name";
cboWeapons.ValueMember = "Id";
if(_player.CurrentWeapon != null)
cboWeapons.SelectedItem = _player.CurrentWeapon;
cboWeapons.SelectedIndexChanged += cboWeapons_SelectedIndexChanged;
cboPotions.DataSource = _player.Potions;
cboPotions.DisplayMember = "Name";
cboPotions.ValueMember = "Id";
_player.PropertyChanged += PlayerOnPropertyChanged;
_player.OnMessage += DisplayMessage;
private void DisplayMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs)
rtbMessages.Text += messageEventArgs.Message + Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
rtbMessages.SelectionStart = rtbMessages.Text.Length;
private void PlayerOnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyChangedEventArgs)
if(propertyChangedEventArgs.PropertyName == "Weapons")
cboWeapons.DataSource = _player.Weapons;
cboWeapons.Visible = false;
btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
if(propertyChangedEventArgs.PropertyName == "Potions")
cboPotions.DataSource = _player.Potions;
cboPotions.Visible = false;
btnUsePotion.Visible = false;
if(propertyChangedEventArgs.PropertyName == "CurrentLocation")
// Show/hide available movement buttons
btnNorth.Visible = (_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToNorth != null);
btnEast.Visible = (_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToEast != null);
btnSouth.Visible = (_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToSouth != null);
btnWest.Visible = (_player.CurrentLocation.LocationToWest != null);
btnTrade.Visible = (_player.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere != null);
// Display current location name and description
rtbLocation.Text = _player.CurrentLocation.Name + Environment.NewLine;
rtbLocation.Text += _player.CurrentLocation.Description + Environment.NewLine;
if(_player.CurrentLocation.MonsterLivingHere == null)
cboWeapons.Visible = false;
cboPotions.Visible = false;
btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
btnUsePotion.Visible = false;
cboWeapons.Visible = _player.Weapons.Any();
cboPotions.Visible = _player.Potions.Any();
btnUseWeapon.Visible = _player.Weapons.Any();
btnUsePotion.Visible = _player.Potions.Any();
private void btnNorth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnEast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnSouth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnWest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnUseWeapon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the currently selected weapon from the cboWeapons ComboBox
Weapon currentWeapon = (Weapon)cboWeapons.SelectedItem;
private void btnUsePotion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the currently selected potion from the combobox
HealingPotion potion = (HealingPotion)cboPotions.SelectedItem;
private void SuperAdventure_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
File.WriteAllText(PLAYER_DATA_FILE_NAME, _player.ToXmlString());
private void cboWeapons_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_player.CurrentWeapon = (Weapon)cboWeapons.SelectedItem;
private void btnTrade_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TradingScreen tradingScreen = new TradingScreen(_player);
tradingScreen.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Engine;
namespace SuperAdventure
public partial class TradingScreen : Form
private Player _currentPlayer;
// Commented out this property, because I chose to pass the player as a parameter in the constructor.
//public Player CurrentPlayer { get; set; }
public TradingScreen(Player player)
_currentPlayer = player;
// Style, to display numeric column values
DataGridViewCellStyle rightAlignedCellStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle();
rightAlignedCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
// Populate the datagrid for the player's inventory
dgvMyItems.RowHeadersVisible = false;
dgvMyItems.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
// This hidden column holds the item ID, so we know which item to sell
dgvMyItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DataPropertyName = "ItemID",
Visible = false
dgvMyItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Name",
Width = 100,
DataPropertyName = "Description"
dgvMyItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Qty",
Width = 30,
DefaultCellStyle = rightAlignedCellStyle,
DataPropertyName = "Quantity"
dgvMyItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Price",
Width = 35,
DefaultCellStyle = rightAlignedCellStyle,
DataPropertyName = "Price"
dgvMyItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewButtonColumn
Text = "Sell 1",
UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true,
Width = 50,
DataPropertyName = "ItemID"
// Bind the player's inventory to the datagridview
dgvMyItems.DataSource = _currentPlayer.Inventory;
// When the user clicks on a row, call this function
dgvMyItems.CellClick += dgvMyItems_CellClick;
// Populate the datagrid for the vendor's inventory
dgvVendorItems.RowHeadersVisible = false;
dgvVendorItems.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
// This hidden column holds the item ID, so we know which item to sell
dgvVendorItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DataPropertyName = "ItemID",
Visible = false
dgvVendorItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Name",
Width = 100,
DataPropertyName = "Description"
dgvVendorItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = "Price",
Width = 35,
DefaultCellStyle = rightAlignedCellStyle,
DataPropertyName = "Price"
dgvVendorItems.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewButtonColumn
Text = "Buy 1",
UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true,
Width = 50,
DataPropertyName = "ItemID"
// Bind the vendor's inventory to the datagridview
dgvVendorItems.DataSource = _currentPlayer.CurrentLocation.VendorWorkingHere.Inventory;
// When the user clicks on a row, call this function
dgvVendorItems.CellClick += dgvVendorItems_CellClick;
private void dgvMyItems_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
// The first column of a datagridview has a ColumnIndex = 0
// This is known as a "zero-based" array/collection/list.
// You start counting with 0.
// The 5th column (ColumnIndex = 4) is the column with the button.
// So, if the player clicked the button column, we will sell an item from that row.
if(e.ColumnIndex == 4)
// This gets the ID value of the item, from the hidden 1st column
// Remember, ColumnIndex = 0, for the first column
var itemID = dgvMyItems.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value;
// Get the Item object for the selected item row
Item itemBeingSold = World.ItemByID(Convert.ToInt32(itemID));
if(itemBeingSold.Price == World.UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE)
MessageBox.Show("You cannot sell the " + itemBeingSold.Name);
// Remove one of these items from the player's inventory
// Give the player the gold for the item being sold.
_currentPlayer.Gold += itemBeingSold.Price;
private void dgvVendorItems_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
// The 4th column (ColumnIndex = 3) has the "Buy 1" button.
if(e.ColumnIndex == 3)
// This gets the ID value of the item, from the hidden 1st column
var itemID = dgvVendorItems.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value;
// Get the Item object for the selected item row
Item itemBeingBought = World.ItemByID(Convert.ToInt32(itemID));
// Check if the player has enough gold to buy the item
if(_currentPlayer.Gold >= itemBeingBought.Price)
// Add one of the items to the player's inventory
// Remove the gold to pay for the item
_currentPlayer.Gold -= itemBeingBought.Price;
MessageBox.Show("You do not have enough gold to buy the " + itemBeingBought.Name);
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
namespace Engine
public class Vendor : INotifyPropertyChanged
public string Name { get; set; }
public BindingList<InventoryItem> Inventory { get; set; }
public Vendor(string name)
Name = name;
Inventory = new BindingList<InventoryItem>();
public void AddItemToInventory(Item itemToAdd, int quantity = 1)
InventoryItem item = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == itemToAdd.ID);
if(item == null)
// They didn't have the item, so add it to their inventory
Inventory.Add(new InventoryItem(itemToAdd, quantity));
// They have the item in their inventory, so increase the quantity
item.Quantity += quantity;
public void RemoveItemFromInventory(Item itemToRemove, int quantity = 1)
InventoryItem item = Inventory.SingleOrDefault(ii => ii.Details.ID == itemToRemove.ID);
if(item == null)
// The item is not in the player's inventory, so ignore it.
// We might want to raise an error for this situation
// They have the item in their inventory, so decrease the quantity
item.Quantity -= quantity;
// Don't allow negative quantities.
// We might want to raise an error for this situation
if(item.Quantity < 0)
item.Quantity = 0;
// If the quantity is zero, remove the item from the list
if(item.Quantity == 0)
// Notify the UI that the inventory has changed
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
if(PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Engine
public static class World
private static readonly List<Item> _items = new List<Item>();
private static readonly List<Monster> _monsters = new List<Monster>();
private static readonly List<Quest> _quests = new List<Quest>();
private static readonly List<Location> _locations = new List<Location>();
public const int UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE = -1;
public const int ITEM_ID_RUSTY_SWORD = 1;
public const int ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL = 2;
public const int ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR = 3;
public const int ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG = 4;
public const int ITEM_ID_SNAKESKIN = 5;
public const int ITEM_ID_CLUB = 6;
public const int ITEM_ID_HEALING_POTION = 7;
public const int ITEM_ID_SPIDER_FANG = 8;
public const int ITEM_ID_SPIDER_SILK = 9;
public const int ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS = 10;
public const int MONSTER_ID_RAT = 1;
public const int MONSTER_ID_SNAKE = 2;
public const int MONSTER_ID_GIANT_SPIDER = 3;
public const int QUEST_ID_CLEAR_FARMERS_FIELD = 2;
public const int LOCATION_ID_HOME = 1;
public const int LOCATION_ID_TOWN_SQUARE = 2;
public const int LOCATION_ID_GUARD_POST = 3;
public const int LOCATION_ID_ALCHEMIST_HUT = 4;
public const int LOCATION_ID_FARMHOUSE = 6;
public const int LOCATION_ID_FARM_FIELD = 7;
public const int LOCATION_ID_BRIDGE = 8;
public const int LOCATION_ID_SPIDER_FIELD = 9;
static World()
private static void PopulateItems()
_items.Add(new Weapon(ITEM_ID_RUSTY_SWORD, "Rusty sword", "Rusty swords", 0, 5, 5));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL, "Rat tail", "Rat tails", 1));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR, "Piece of fur", "Pieces of fur", 1));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG, "Snake fang", "Snake fangs", 1));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SNAKESKIN, "Snakeskin", "Snakeskins", 2));
_items.Add(new Weapon(ITEM_ID_CLUB, "Club", "Clubs", 3, 10, 8));
_items.Add(new HealingPotion(ITEM_ID_HEALING_POTION, "Healing potion", "Healing potions", 5, 3));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_FANG, "Spider fang", "Spider fangs", 1));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_SILK, "Spider silk", "Spider silks", 1));
_items.Add(new Item(ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS, "Adventurer pass", "Adventurer passes", UNSELLABLE_ITEM_PRICE));
private static void PopulateMonsters()
Monster rat = new Monster(MONSTER_ID_RAT, "Rat", 5, 3, 10, 3, 3);
rat.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL), 75, false));
rat.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR), 75, true));
Monster snake = new Monster(MONSTER_ID_SNAKE, "Snake", 5, 3, 10, 3, 3);
snake.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG), 75, false));
snake.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SNAKESKIN), 75, true));
Monster giantSpider = new Monster(MONSTER_ID_GIANT_SPIDER, "Giant spider", 20, 5, 40, 10, 10);
giantSpider.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_FANG), 75, true));
giantSpider.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SPIDER_SILK), 25, false));
private static void PopulateQuests()
Quest clearAlchemistGarden =
new Quest(
"Clear the alchemist's garden",
"Kill rats in the alchemist's garden and bring back 3 rat tails. You will receive a healing potion and 10 gold pieces.", 20, 10);
clearAlchemistGarden.QuestCompletionItems.Add(new QuestCompletionItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL), 3));
clearAlchemistGarden.RewardItem = ItemByID(ITEM_ID_HEALING_POTION);
Quest clearFarmersField =
new Quest(
"Clear the farmer's field",
"Kill snakes in the farmer's field and bring back 3 snake fangs. You will receive an adventurer's pass and 20 gold pieces.", 20, 20);
clearFarmersField.QuestCompletionItems.Add(new QuestCompletionItem(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_SNAKE_FANG), 3));
clearFarmersField.RewardItem = ItemByID(ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS);
private static void PopulateLocations()
// Create each location
Location home = new Location(LOCATION_ID_HOME, "Home", "Your house. You really need to clean up the place.");
Location townSquare = new Location(LOCATION_ID_TOWN_SQUARE, "Town square", "You see a fountain.");
Vendor bobTheRatCatcher = new Vendor("Bob the Rat-Catcher");
bobTheRatCatcher.AddItemToInventory(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_PIECE_OF_FUR), 5);
bobTheRatCatcher.AddItemToInventory(ItemByID(ITEM_ID_RAT_TAIL), 3);
townSquare.VendorWorkingHere = bobTheRatCatcher;
Location alchemistHut = new Location(LOCATION_ID_ALCHEMIST_HUT, "Alchemist's hut", "There are many strange plants on the shelves.");
alchemistHut.QuestAvailableHere = QuestByID(QUEST_ID_CLEAR_ALCHEMIST_GARDEN);
Location alchemistsGarden = new Location(LOCATION_ID_ALCHEMISTS_GARDEN, "Alchemist's garden", "Many plants are growing here.");
alchemistsGarden.MonsterLivingHere = MonsterByID(MONSTER_ID_RAT);
Location farmhouse = new Location(LOCATION_ID_FARMHOUSE, "Farmhouse", "There is a small farmhouse, with a farmer in front.");
farmhouse.QuestAvailableHere = QuestByID(QUEST_ID_CLEAR_FARMERS_FIELD);
Location farmersField = new Location(LOCATION_ID_FARM_FIELD, "Farmer's field", "You see rows of vegetables growing here.");
farmersField.MonsterLivingHere = MonsterByID(MONSTER_ID_SNAKE);
Location guardPost = new Location(LOCATION_ID_GUARD_POST, "Guard post", "There is a large, tough-looking guard here.", ItemByID(ITEM_ID_ADVENTURER_PASS));
Location bridge = new Location(LOCATION_ID_BRIDGE, "Bridge", "A stone bridge crosses a wide river.");
Location spiderField = new Location(LOCATION_ID_SPIDER_FIELD, "Forest", "You see spider webs covering covering the trees in this forest.");
spiderField.MonsterLivingHere = MonsterByID(MONSTER_ID_GIANT_SPIDER);
// Link the locations together
home.LocationToNorth = townSquare;
townSquare.LocationToNorth = alchemistHut;
townSquare.LocationToSouth = home;
townSquare.LocationToEast = guardPost;
townSquare.LocationToWest = farmhouse;
farmhouse.LocationToEast = townSquare;
farmhouse.LocationToWest = farmersField;
farmersField.LocationToEast = farmhouse;
alchemistHut.LocationToSouth = townSquare;
alchemistHut.LocationToNorth = alchemistsGarden;
alchemistsGarden.LocationToSouth = alchemistHut;
guardPost.LocationToEast = bridge;
guardPost.LocationToWest = townSquare;
bridge.LocationToWest = guardPost;
bridge.LocationToEast = spiderField;
spiderField.LocationToWest = bridge;
// Add the locations to the static list
public static Item ItemByID(int id)
return _items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == id);
public static Monster MonsterByID(int id)
return _monsters.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == id);
public static Quest QuestByID(int id)
return _quests.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == id);
public static Location LocationByID(int id)
return _locations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == id);
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