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  • Save ScottPJones/9cfda9c15a81ab5d5715408b0a067e49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ScottPJones/9cfda9c15a81ab5d5715408b0a067e49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing output of ParameterizedFunctions
julia> include("/Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/ParameterizedFunctions/test/runtests.jl")
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /Users/scott/.julia/lib/v0.6/DataStructures.ji for module DataStructures.
INFO: Precompiling module DiffEqBase.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "abstract $def" at /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/Media/src/system.jl:42.
Use "abstract type $def end" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias $Symbol(string(T,"T")){T<:$T} Type{T}" at /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/Media/src/system.jl:43.
Use "$Symbol(string(T,"T")){T<:$T} = Type{T}" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..+(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.+), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..+(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.+), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..+(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.+), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..*(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.*), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..*(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.*), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..*(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.*), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base../(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base./), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base../(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base./), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function Base..\(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(Base.\), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "inner constructor LinSpace(...) around /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/Ranges/src/linspace.jl:18".
Use "LinSpace{T}(...) where T" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .+(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(+), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .+(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(+), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .-(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(-), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .*(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(*), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function .*(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(*), ...)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "function ./(...)".
Use "function Base.broadcast(::typeof(/), ...)" instead.
WARNING: Base.FloatRange is deprecated, use Base.Use_StepRangeLen_Instead{T} where T<:AbstractFloat instead.
likely near /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/Ranges/src/linspace.jl:141
WARNING: Base.FloatRange is deprecated, use Base.Use_StepRangeLen_Instead{T} where T<:AbstractFloat instead.
likely near /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/Ranges/src/linspace.jl:143
WARNING: Base.FloatRange is deprecated, use Base.Use_StepRangeLen_Instead{T} where T<:AbstractFloat instead.
likely near /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/Ranges/src/linspace.jl:145
WARNING: using DiffEqBase.@def in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
INFO: Precompiling module SpecialFunctions.
Build some examples
Test Values
Test t-gradient
Test Explicit Parameter Functions
Test Jacobians
Test Inv Rosenbrock-W
Parameter Jacobians
Test Hessians
Test using new parameters
define i8 @julia_has_jac_62940(i8** dereferenceable(240)) #0 !dbg !5 {
ret i8 1
Test booleans
define i8 @julia_has_paramjac_62951(i8** dereferenceable(240)) #0 !dbg !5 {
ret i8 1
Test non-differentiable
WARNING: Symbolic calculations could not initiate. Likely there's a function which is not differentiable by SymEngine.
Test FEM
Make sure all of the problems in the problem library build
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Module DiffEqProblemLibrary not found in current path.
Run `Pkg.add("DiffEqProblemLibrary")` to install the DiffEqProblemLibrary package.
[1] _require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:416
[2] require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:386
[3] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:552
[4] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14
while loading /Users/scott/.julia/v0.6/ParameterizedFunctions/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 155
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