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Created January 14, 2016 12:41
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  • Save ScottPJones/fcd12f675edb3d79b5ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ScottPJones/fcd12f675edb3d79b5ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Conversion code using tables built with iconv.jl, for 8-bit character sets -> UTF-8 & UTF-16, compared with using iconv.jl and ICU.jl
using iconv
abstract ByteToUnicode
abstract UnicodeToByte
function get_table(enc)
inp = Vector{UInt8}(1)
badbytes = Set{UInt8}()
out = Vector{UInt32}(256)
cntinv = 0
for i = 0x0:0xff
inp[1] = i
local chr::UInt32
chr = decode(inp, enc)[1]
(0x0d800 <= chr < 0x0e000 || chr > 0x10ffff) && error("Bad Unicode char")
# Save bytes that couldn't be converted as single surrogates
chr = 0x0dc00 | UInt8(i)
cntinv += 1
push!(badbytes, UInt8(i))
out[Int(i)+1] = chr
firstdiff = 0
for i = 1:256
UInt8(i-1) != out[i] && (firstdiff = i ; break)
firstdiff == 0 && error("ANSI Latin-1 detected")
lastdiff = 256
for i = 256:-1:firstdiff+1
UInt8(i-1) != out[i] && (lastdiff = i ; break)
hiwords = Set{UInt16}()
for i = firstdiff:lastdiff
UInt8(i-1) != out[i] && out[i]>>8 != 0x0dc && push!(hiwords, out[i]>>8)
flg = maximum(hiwords) > 0x00ff
# See if 16-bits is sufficient for table
(flg, UInt8(firstdiff-1), UInt8(lastdiff-1),
sort!(collect(hiwords)), sort!(collect(badbytes)),
flg ? out[firstdiff:lastdiff]
: copy!(Vector{UInt16}(lastdiff-firstdiff+1), 1, out, firstdiff, lastdiff-firstdiff+1))
immutable Encoding{ByteToUnicode}
function Encoding(enc::ASCIIString)
t = get_table(enc)
new(length(t[5]), t[2], t[3], t[6])
charerror(io, ch) = error("Invalid byte: 0x$(hex(ch & 0x0ff))")
function mydecode(::Type{UTF16String}, a::Vector{UInt8}, enc::Encoding)
len = length(a)
out = Vector{UInt16}(len+1)
@inbounds begin
for i = 1:len
ch::UInt16 = a[i]
if enc.begtable <= ch <= enc.endtable
ch = enc.table[ch - enc.begtable + 1]
(ch >> 8 == 0x0dc) && charerror(io, ch)
out[i] = ch
out[len+1] = 0
function mydecode(::Type{UTF8String}, a::Vector{UInt8}, enc::Encoding)
len = length(a)
# Allocate for worst case
out = Vector{UInt8}(3*len)
pos = 0
@inbounds begin
for i = 1:len
ch::UInt16 = a[i]
if enc.begtable <= ch <= enc.endtable
ch = enc.table[ch - enc.begtable + 1]
(ch >> 8 == 0x0dc) && charerror(io, ch)
if ch < 0x0080
out[pos += 1] = ch%UInt8
elseif ch < 0x0800
out[pos += 1] = ((ch >> 6) | 0xc0)%UInt8
out[pos += 1] = ((ch & 0x3f) | 0x80)%UInt8
out[pos += 1] = ((ch >> 12) | 0xe0)%UInt8
out[pos += 1] = (((ch >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80)%UInt8
out[pos += 1] = ((ch & 0x3f) | 0x80)%UInt8
out[pos += 1] = ch%UInt8
_ _ _(_)_ | A fresh approach to technical computing
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julia> include("/j/testconv.jl")
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /Users/scott/.julia/lib/v0.5/Compat.ji for module Compat.
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.69 μs [2.59 μs, 2.80 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.10% [1.43%, 2.78%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.745
Time spent benchmarking: 10.26 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.95 μs [2.82 μs, 3.07 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.27% [1.52%, 3.01%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.715
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 206.09 ns [203.49 ns, 208.69 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.98% [1.42%, 2.54%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.955
Time spent benchmarking: 10.24 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 81.46 ns [80.45 ns, 82.47 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.81% [1.30%, 2.32%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11601
Number of evaluations: 126646601
R² of OLS model: 0.953
Time spent benchmarking: 10.43 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 89.92 ns [88.64 ns, 91.20 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.72% [1.21%, 2.23%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11501
Number of evaluations: 115133501
R² of OLS model: 0.939
Time spent benchmarking: 10.14 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 6.62 μs [6.37 μs, 6.88 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.09% [0.54%, 1.64%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7001
Number of evaluations: 1580801
R² of OLS model: 0.776
Time spent benchmarking: 10.38 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.62 μs [7.37 μs, 7.87 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.00% [0.47%, 1.52%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.828
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 254.52 ns [250.88 ns, 258.16 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.32% [1.70%, 2.93%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.944
Time spent benchmarking: 10.50 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 117.05 ns [114.68 ns, 119.41 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.47% [1.81%, 3.13%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.887
Time spent benchmarking: 10.26 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 120.05 ns [117.22 ns, 122.87 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.40% [1.72%, 3.07%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.853
Time spent benchmarking: 10.60 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 9.06 μs [8.81 μs, 9.30 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.80% [0.33%, 1.27%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6701
Number of evaluations: 1187901
R² of OLS model: 0.880
Time spent benchmarking: 10.91 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 12.39 μs [12.06 μs, 12.72 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.67% [0.22%, 1.12%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.888
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 342.46 ns [332.66 ns, 352.25 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.35% [2.50%, 4.20%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.813
Time spent benchmarking: 10.48 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 151.39 ns [147.61 ns, 155.17 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.86% [2.11%, 3.61%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.841
Time spent benchmarking: 10.03 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 155.61 ns [151.22 ns, 160.00 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.54% [1.81%, 3.26%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.806
Time spent benchmarking: 10.27 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 16.51 μs [16.13 μs, 16.89 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.46% [0.09%, 0.84%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6001
Number of evaluations: 610001
R² of OLS model: 0.920
Time spent benchmarking: 10.17 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 23.30 μs [22.78 μs, 23.82 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.47% [0.08%, 0.86%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5701
Number of evaluations: 458401
R² of OLS model: 0.927
Time spent benchmarking: 10.79 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 395.96 ns [386.70 ns, 405.23 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.22% [3.30%, 5.15%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10001
Number of evaluations: 27564001
R² of OLS model: 0.868
Time spent benchmarking: 10.89 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 260.02 ns [252.78 ns, 267.26 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.54% [2.67%, 4.40%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.817
Time spent benchmarking: 10.68 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 216.92 ns [210.97 ns, 222.87 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.70% [1.94%, 3.45%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.819
Time spent benchmarking: 10.78 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 58.22 μs [57.06 μs, 59.37 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.21% [0.00%, 0.52%]
Memory allocated: 2.66 kb
Number of allocations: 43 allocations
Number of samples: 4501
Number of evaluations: 146001
R² of OLS model: 0.953
Time spent benchmarking: 8.62 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 85.27 μs [83.43 μs, 87.10 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.22% [0.00%, 0.56%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4001
Number of evaluations: 90501
R² of OLS model: 0.951
Time spent benchmarking: 7.85 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 888.19 ns [861.42 ns, 914.95 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.98% [4.81%, 7.16%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9101
Number of evaluations: 11691001
R² of OLS model: 0.813
Time spent benchmarking: 10.72 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 722.96 ns [698.44 ns, 747.49 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.79% [2.82%, 4.75%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9301
Number of evaluations: 14145701
R² of OLS model: 0.771
Time spent benchmarking: 10.41 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 585.77 ns [566.64 ns, 604.89 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.14% [2.27%, 4.00%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9501
Number of evaluations: 17115901
R² of OLS model: 0.780
Time spent benchmarking: 10.18 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 233.52 μs [231.44 μs, 235.59 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.58 kb
Number of allocations: 104 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 387.51 μs [315.24 μs, 459.78 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.74 μs [2.66 μs, 2.81 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 7.07% [5.77%, 8.38%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.873
Time spent benchmarking: 10.37 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.88 μs [2.80 μs, 2.96 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.58% [2.62%, 4.54%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.859
Time spent benchmarking: 10.84 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.11 μs [2.05 μs, 2.18 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.40% [2.45%, 4.36%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8201
Number of evaluations: 4959001
R² of OLS model: 0.827
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-6, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.18 ms [1.10 ms, 1.26 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 42.80 kb
Number of allocations: 430 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.12 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.73 ms [1.56 ms, 1.90 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.18 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 12.48 μs [12.10 μs, 12.86 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.54% [7.86%, 11.22%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.860
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 15.77 μs [15.39 μs, 16.15 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.50% [2.47%, 4.53%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 6101
Number of evaluations: 670901
R² of OLS model: 0.910
Time spent benchmarking: 10.72 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 11.67 μs [11.37 μs, 11.97 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.14% [2.17%, 4.11%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 6401
Number of evaluations: 892701
R² of OLS model: 0.894
Time spent benchmarking: 10.52 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.98 μs [2.84 μs, 3.12 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.20% [1.46%, 2.94%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.674
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.03 μs [2.88 μs, 3.17 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.40% [1.61%, 3.18%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.665
Time spent benchmarking: 10.34 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 256.62 ns [248.56 ns, 264.67 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.74% [1.96%, 3.53%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.778
Time spent benchmarking: 10.52 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 100.92 ns [98.02 ns, 103.81 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.41% [1.71%, 3.11%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11401
Number of evaluations: 104667101
R² of OLS model: 0.793
Time spent benchmarking: 10.73 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 107.60 ns [104.50 ns, 110.71 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.22% [1.55%, 2.90%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11301
Number of evaluations: 95152201
R² of OLS model: 0.793
Time spent benchmarking: 10.34 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 6.23 μs [6.00 μs, 6.45 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.19% [0.62%, 1.76%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7101
Number of evaluations: 1738801
R² of OLS model: 0.800
Time spent benchmarking: 10.95 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.67 μs [7.40 μs, 7.95 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.06% [0.50%, 1.63%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.803
Time spent benchmarking: 10.15 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 281.19 ns [274.66 ns, 287.72 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.81% [2.06%, 3.55%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.866
Time spent benchmarking: 10.49 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 131.12 ns [127.84 ns, 134.39 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.55% [1.85%, 3.26%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.839
Time spent benchmarking: 10.48 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 131.05 ns [127.50 ns, 134.60 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.39% [1.70%, 3.09%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.816
Time spent benchmarking: 10.44 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 9.34 μs [9.04 μs, 9.65 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.82% [0.32%, 1.31%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6601
Number of evaluations: 1080001
R² of OLS model: 0.835
Time spent benchmarking: 10.23 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 12.55 μs [12.17 μs, 12.93 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.71% [0.23%, 1.19%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.861
Time spent benchmarking: 10.32 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 355.27 ns [343.71 ns, 366.84 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.58% [2.67%, 4.48%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.771
Time spent benchmarking: 10.97 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 169.02 ns [163.51 ns, 174.53 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.99% [2.18%, 3.80%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.758
Time spent benchmarking: 10.15 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 179.37 ns [173.70 ns, 185.05 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.50% [1.76%, 3.25%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.769
Time spent benchmarking: 10.30 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 17.64 μs [17.11 μs, 18.18 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.50% [0.10%, 0.90%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6001
Number of evaluations: 610001
R² of OLS model: 0.866
Time spent benchmarking: 10.92 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 28.34 μs [27.45 μs, 29.22 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.45% [0.04%, 0.86%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5501
Number of evaluations: 378901
R² of OLS model: 0.870
Time spent benchmarking: 10.32 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 499.83 ns [481.41 ns, 518.24 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.99% [3.00%, 4.98%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9701
Number of evaluations: 20709801
R² of OLS model: 0.732
Time spent benchmarking: 10.20 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 303.17 ns [291.89 ns, 314.46 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.41% [2.51%, 4.31%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.718
Time spent benchmarking: 10.08 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 256.86 ns [247.80 ns, 265.93 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.57% [1.79%, 3.35%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.735
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 70.61 μs [68.59 μs, 72.64 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.22% [0.00%, 0.55%]
Memory allocated: 2.66 kb
Number of allocations: 43 allocations
Number of samples: 4501
Number of evaluations: 146001
R² of OLS model: 0.907
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 96.14 μs [93.52 μs, 98.77 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.26% [0.00%, 0.62%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.920
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.10 μs [1.06 μs, 1.14 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.78% [4.54%, 7.01%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8901
Number of evaluations: 9662201
R² of OLS model: 0.723
Time spent benchmarking: 10.66 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 870.63 ns [832.83 ns, 908.43 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.57% [2.58%, 4.56%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9101
Number of evaluations: 11691001
R² of OLS model: 0.677
Time spent benchmarking: 10.17 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 708.96 ns [681.71 ns, 736.21 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.12% [2.22%, 4.02%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9401
Number of evaluations: 15560101
R² of OLS model: 0.722
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 249.29 μs [236.44 μs, 262.14 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.58 kb
Number of allocations: 104 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 401.16 μs [298.74 μs, 503.58 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.63 μs [3.49 μs, 3.77 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.72% [5.31%, 8.13%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.764
Time spent benchmarking: 10.04 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.15 μs [3.03 μs, 3.27 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.86% [2.79%, 4.93%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.766
Time spent benchmarking: 10.63 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.41 μs [2.32 μs, 2.50 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.43% [2.43%, 4.43%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8101
Number of evaluations: 4508301
R² of OLS model: 0.755
Time spent benchmarking: 10.86 s
Encoding: ISO-8859-8, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.36 ms [954.32 μs, 1.77 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.83% [0.00%, 5.80%]
Memory allocated: 43.36 kb
Number of allocations: 448 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.14 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.92 ms [1.69 ms, 2.15 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.20 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 16.01 μs [15.32 μs, 16.71 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.40% [7.60%, 11.20%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6101
Number of evaluations: 670901
R² of OLS model: 0.759
Time spent benchmarking: 10.73 s
my converter -> UTF-8
julia================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 19.40 μs [18.72 μs, 20.08 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.58% [2.45%, 4.71%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5901
Number of evaluations: 554601
R² of OLS model: 0.831
Time spent benchmarking: 10.69 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.93 μs [13.45 μs, 14.40 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.08% [2.05%, 4.12%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.834
Time spent benchmarking: 10.35 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.28 μs [3.10 μs, 3.46 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.41% [1.60%, 3.22%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.611
Time spent benchmarking: 11.00 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.58 μs [3.38 μs, 3.77 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.39% [1.57%, 3.21%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.601
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 311.32 ns [298.52 ns, 324.11 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.60% [1.79%, 3.41%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.676
Time spent benchmarking: 10.35 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 122.88 ns [118.07 ns, 127.68 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.29% [1.57%, 3.02%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.678
Time spent benchmarking: 10.64 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 123.45 ns [118.88 ns, 128.01 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.26% [1.54%, 2.97%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.702
Time spent benchmarking: 10.68 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.66 μs [7.33 μs, 7.99 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.11% [0.53%, 1.69%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6901
Number of evaluations: 1437201
R² of OLS model: 0.739
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 8.70 μs [8.32 μs, 9.09 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.05% [0.47%, 1.64%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6701
Number of evaluations: 1187901
R² of OLS model: 0.732
Time spent benchmarking: 10.33 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 325.35 ns [316.00 ns, 334.71 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.86% [2.07%, 3.65%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.810
Time spent benchmarking: 10.82 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 158.34 ns [153.17 ns, 163.52 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.43% [1.70%, 3.16%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.756
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 149.72 ns [144.66 ns, 154.78 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.44% [1.70%, 3.18%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11001
Number of evaluations: 71490001
R² of OLS model: 0.741
Time spent benchmarking: 10.69 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.30 μs [12.80 μs, 13.80 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.68% [0.21%, 1.16%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.803
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 14.39 μs [13.84 μs, 14.93 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.69% [0.20%, 1.18%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.802
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 416.75 ns [399.80 ns, 433.70 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.35% [2.43%, 4.27%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9901
Number of evaluations: 25058401
R² of OLS model: 0.687
Time spent benchmarking: 10.36 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 230.99 ns [221.76 ns, 240.22 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.51% [1.73%, 3.29%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10501
Number of evaluations: 44390701
R² of OLS model: 0.682
Time spent benchmarking: 10.27 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 197.51 ns [190.26 ns, 204.76 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.40% [1.65%, 3.14%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10701
Number of evaluations: 53712201
R² of OLS model: 0.714
Time spent benchmarking: 10.69 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 23.50 μs [22.76 μs, 24.23 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.46% [0.05%, 0.87%]
Memory allocated: 2.28 kb
Number of allocations: 31 allocations
Number of samples: 5701
Number of evaluations: 458401
R² of OLS model: 0.866
Time spent benchmarking: 10.65 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 26.34 μs [25.52 μs, 27.17 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.49% [0.06%, 0.91%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.868
Time spent benchmarking: 10.94 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 469.41 ns [452.10 ns, 486.72 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.32% [3.30%, 5.33%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.730
Time spent benchmarking: 10.74 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 358.90 ns [344.88 ns, 372.92 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.20% [2.31%, 4.08%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.700
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 284.42 ns [273.33 ns, 295.51 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.44% [1.66%, 3.21%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.697
Time spent benchmarking: 10.41 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 85.90 μs [83.42 μs, 88.37 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.21% [0.00%, 0.54%]
Memory allocated: 2.84 kb
Number of allocations: 49 allocations
Number of samples: 4301
Number of evaluations: 120601
R² of OLS model: 0.910
Time spent benchmarking: 10.27 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 97.08 μs [94.27 μs, 99.89 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.29% [0.00%, 0.68%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.911
Time spent benchmarking: 10.51 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.16 μs [1.11 μs, 1.21 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.71% [4.44%, 6.98%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8801
Number of evaluations: 8784001
R² of OLS model: 0.652
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.06 μs [1.01 μs, 1.11 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.10% [2.16%, 4.05%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8901
Number of evaluations: 9662201
R² of OLS model: 0.653
Time spent benchmarking: 10.30 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 803.90 ns [768.89 ns, 838.90 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.77% [1.89%, 3.64%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9201
Number of evaluations: 12859901
R² of OLS model: 0.674
Time spent benchmarking: 10.37 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 342.84 μs [274.44 μs, 411.24 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 9.52 kb
Number of allocations: 134 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 397.15 μs [297.17 μs, 497.13 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.59 μs [3.43 μs, 3.75 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 7.07% [5.60%, 8.55%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.712
Time spent benchmarking: 10.09 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.73 μs [3.57 μs, 3.89 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.39% [2.35%, 4.42%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.725
Time spent benchmarking: 10.48 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.78 μs [2.67 μs, 2.89 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.00% [2.03%, 3.96%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.732
Time spent benchmarking: 10.33 s
Encoding: KOI8-R, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.60 ms [1.46 ms, 1.73 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 78.97 kb
Number of allocations: 563 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.17 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.96 ms [1.59 ms, 2.34 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.74% [0.00%, 5.19%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.20 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 16.54 μs [15.65 μs, 17.43 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.44% [7.56%, 11.32%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6001
Number of evaluations: 610001
R² of OLS model: 0.674
Time spent benchmarking: 10.14 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 41.54 μs [40.12 μs, 42.95 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.97% [1.05%, 2.88%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5101
Number of evaluations: 258801
R² of OLS model: 0.859
Time spent benchmarking: 10.57 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.57 μs [24.69 μs, 26.46 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.96% [1.08%, 2.84%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.842
Time spent benchmarking: 10.57 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.58 μs [3.37 μs, 3.79 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.31% [1.50%, 3.12%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.583
Time spent benchmarking: 10.95 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.60 μs [3.37 μs, 3.83 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.30% [1.47%, 3.13%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.540
Time spent benchmarking: 10.03 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 314.19 ns [300.58 ns, 327.80 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.65% [1.83%, 3.47%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.653
Time spent benchmarking: 10.52 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 123.26 ns [118.40 ns, 128.13 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.30% [1.58%, 3.03%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.674
Time spent benchmarking: 10.72 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 123.99 ns [119.19 ns, 128.78 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.30% [1.57%, 3.03%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.683
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.56 μs [7.20 μs, 7.92 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.15% [0.55%, 1.75%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6901
Number of evaluations: 1437201
R² of OLS model: 0.697
Time spent benchmarking: 10.81 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 8.79 μs [8.37 μs, 9.21 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.09% [0.49%, 1.70%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6701
Number of evaluations: 1187901
R² of OLS model: 0.702
Time spent benchmarking: 10.39 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 338.71 ns [326.79 ns, 350.64 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.89% [2.07%, 3.72%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.742
Time spent benchmarking: 10.24 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 163.59 ns [157.66 ns, 169.52 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.56% [1.80%, 3.32%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.715
Time spent benchmarking: 10.60 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 157.68 ns [151.56 ns, 163.79 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.35% [1.61%, 3.10%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.687
Time spent benchmarking: 10.31 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 10.72 μs [10.25 μs, 11.20 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.85% [0.31%, 1.38%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6501
Number of evaluations: 981901
R² of OLS model: 0.739
Time spent benchmarking: 10.45 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 14.83 μs [14.21 μs, 15.45 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.73% [0.22%, 1.23%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.768
Time spent benchmarking: 10.82 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 440.44 ns [419.31 ns, 461.56 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.27% [2.33%, 4.21%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.615
Time spent benchmarking: 10.04 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 211.92 ns [202.67 ns, 221.17 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.83% [1.99%, 3.67%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.641
Time spent benchmarking: 10.35 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 195.60 ns [187.52 ns, 203.68 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.53% [1.74%, 3.31%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10701
Number of evaluations: 53712201
R² of OLS model: 0.663
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 19.26 μs [18.59 μs, 19.93 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.50% [0.08%, 0.93%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 5901
Number of evaluations: 554601
R² of OLS model: 0.835
Time spent benchmarking: 10.58 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 26.71 μs [25.76 μs, 27.67 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.55% [0.08%, 1.02%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.835
Time spent benchmarking: 11.02 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 501.42 ns [478.73 ns, 524.12 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.25% [3.20%, 5.30%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9701
Number of evaluations: 20709801
R² of OLS model: 0.644
Time spent benchmarking: 10.59 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 358.72 ns [342.78 ns, 374.66 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.37% [2.44%, 4.30%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.644
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 286.48 ns [273.56 ns, 299.41 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.59% [1.77%, 3.41%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.632
Time spent benchmarking: 10.50 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 72.26 μs [70.21 μs, 74.31 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.23% [0.00%, 0.57%]
Memory allocated: 2.66 kb
Number of allocations: 43 allocations
Number of samples: 4501
Number of evaluations: 146001
R² of OLS model: 0.908
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 97.37 μs [94.20 μs, 100.53 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.31% [0.00%, 0.72%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.890
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.25 μs [1.19 μs, 1.32 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.55% [4.25%, 6.84%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8701
Number of evaluations: 7985601
R² of OLS model: 0.588
Time spent benchmarking: 10.02 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.04 μs [987.29 ns, 1.10 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.26% [2.27%, 4.25%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8901
Number of evaluations: 9662201
R² of OLS model: 0.590
Time spent benchmarking: 10.08 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 817.47 ns [777.31 ns, 857.63 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.90% [1.99%, 3.81%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9201
Number of evaluations: 12859901
R² of OLS model: 0.619
Time spent benchmarking: 10.54 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 282.06 μs [265.48 μs, 298.63 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.95 kb
Number of allocations: 116 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 365.11 μs [340.69 μs, 389.54 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.96 μs [3.75 μs, 4.17 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.96% [5.44%, 8.47%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7501
Number of evaluations: 2545401
R² of OLS model: 0.631
Time spent benchmarking: 10.08 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.68 μs [3.50 μs, 3.86 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.60% [2.51%, 4.69%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.660
Time spent benchmarking: 10.31 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.83 μs [2.70 μs, 2.97 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.15% [2.14%, 4.15%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.675
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
Encoding: CP1250, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.48 ms [1.34 ms, 1.62 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 45.05 kb
Number of allocations: 502 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.15 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.89 ms [1.38 ms, 2.40 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.81% [0.00%, 5.67%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.19 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 17.97 μs [16.94 μs, 19.00 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.91% [7.95%, 11.88%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6001
Number of evaluations: 610001
R² of OLS model: 0.645
Time spent benchmarking: 10.92 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 32.25 μs [30.84 μs, 33.66 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.48% [1.44%, 3.53%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5301
Number of evaluations: 313201
R² of OLS model: 0.780
Time spent benchmarking: 10.03 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.87 μs [24.83 μs, 26.90 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.10% [1.17%, 3.03%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.801
Time spent benchmarking: 10.66 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.48 μs [3.26 μs, 3.71 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.45% [1.59%, 3.30%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.530
Time spent benchmarking: 10.63 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.71 μs [3.46 μs, 3.96 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.40% [1.54%, 3.26%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.511
Time spent benchmarking: 10.32 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 329.77 ns [312.59 ns, 346.96 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.59% [1.75%, 3.43%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.568
Time spent benchmarking: 10.02 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 126.34 ns [120.15 ns, 132.54 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.28% [1.53%, 3.04%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.574
Time spent benchmarking: 10.02 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 128.50 ns [122.40 ns, 134.59 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.28% [1.53%, 3.03%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.590
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.80 μs [7.38 μs, 8.22 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.15% [0.53%, 1.77%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.646
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 9.06 μs [8.60 μs, 9.53 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.13% [0.51%, 1.75%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6701
Number of evaluations: 1187901
R² of OLS model: 0.671
Time spent benchmarking: 10.71 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 366.63 ns [352.68 ns, 380.57 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.02% [2.16%, 3.88%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.711
Time spent benchmarking: 10.94 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 173.42 ns [166.15 ns, 180.69 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.50% [1.72%, 3.27%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.655
Time spent benchmarking: 10.19 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 162.34 ns [155.24 ns, 169.44 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.47% [1.70%, 3.25%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.633
Time spent benchmarking: 10.60 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 11.83 μs [11.29 μs, 12.37 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.79% [0.26%, 1.31%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6401
Number of evaluations: 892701
R² of OLS model: 0.731
Time spent benchmarking: 10.52 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 14.31 μs [13.67 μs, 14.95 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.77% [0.23%, 1.30%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.742
Time spent benchmarking: 10.59 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 459.56 ns [435.39 ns, 483.72 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.37% [2.41%, 4.34%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.571
Time spent benchmarking: 10.49 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 232.20 ns [220.62 ns, 243.78 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.68% [1.85%, 3.51%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10501
Number of evaluations: 44390701
R² of OLS model: 0.580
Time spent benchmarking: 10.31 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 207.50 ns [197.52 ns, 217.49 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.46% [1.66%, 3.25%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.595
Time spent benchmarking: 10.19 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 19.96 μs [19.25 μs, 20.67 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.52% [0.08%, 0.96%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 5901
Number of evaluations: 554601
R² of OLS model: 0.828
Time spent benchmarking: 11.00 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 26.65 μs [25.57 μs, 27.72 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.53% [0.05%, 1.00%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5501
Number of evaluations: 378901
R² of OLS model: 0.801
Time spent benchmarking: 10.06 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 535.81 ns [509.25 ns, 562.38 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.10% [3.04%, 5.15%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9601
Number of evaluations: 18827301
R² of OLS model: 0.604
Time spent benchmarking: 10.14 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 370.31 ns [351.34 ns, 389.29 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.26% [2.32%, 4.19%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10001
Number of evaluations: 27564001
R² of OLS model: 0.578
Time spent benchmarking: 10.23 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 296.79 ns [282.71 ns, 310.87 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.62% [1.80%, 3.45%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.608
Time spent benchmarking: 10.91 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 74.71 μs [72.34 μs, 77.08 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.25% [0.00%, 0.60%]
Memory allocated: 2.66 kb
Number of allocations: 43 allocations
Number of samples: 4501
Number of evaluations: 146001
R² of OLS model: 0.888
Time spent benchmarking: 10.80 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 96.24 μs [93.09 μs, 99.38 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.31% [0.00%, 0.72%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.889
Time spent benchmarking: 10.50 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.34 μs [1.26 μs, 1.42 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.72% [4.39%, 7.05%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8701
Number of evaluations: 7985601
R² of OLS model: 0.551
Time spent benchmarking: 10.73 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.08 μs [1.02 μs, 1.15 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.35% [2.34%, 4.37%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8901
Number of evaluations: 9662201
R² of OLS model: 0.545
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 843.70 ns [798.27 ns, 889.12 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.99% [2.05%, 3.92%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9201
Number of evaluations: 12859901
R² of OLS model: 0.575
Time spent benchmarking: 10.91 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 278.74 μs [267.32 μs, 290.15 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.95 kb
Number of allocations: 116 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 377.40 μs [328.49 μs, 426.32 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 4.14 μs [3.90 μs, 4.37 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 7.31% [5.72%, 8.89%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7501
Number of evaluations: 2545401
R² of OLS model: 0.599
Time spent benchmarking: 10.54 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.78 μs [3.58 μs, 3.99 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.72% [2.60%, 4.84%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.621
Time spent benchmarking: 10.57 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.91 μs [2.76 μs, 3.06 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.24% [2.21%, 4.28%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.632
Time spent benchmarking: 10.82 s
Encoding: CP1251, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.40 ms [1.29 ms, 1.50 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 45.23 kb
Number of allocations: 508 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.14 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.85 ms [1.67 ms, 2.02 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.19 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 19.32 μs [18.00 μs, 20.64 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.82% [7.78%, 11.86%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 5901
Number of evaluations: 554601
R² of OLS model: 0.566
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 32.73 μs [31.10 μs, 34.36 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.64% [1.54%, 3.74%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5301
Number of evaluations: 313201
R² of OLS model: 0.732
Time spent benchmarking: 10.21 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.34 μs [24.16 μs, 26.51 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.22% [1.24%, 3.20%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.750
Time spent benchmarking: 10.57 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.66 μs [3.41 μs, 3.91 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.34% [1.48%, 3.20%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.498
Time spent benchmarking: 10.24 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.74 μs [3.48 μs, 4.01 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.48% [1.59%, 3.37%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.485
Time spent benchmarking: 10.45 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 336.94 ns [318.88 ns, 355.01 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.62% [1.77%, 3.47%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.554
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 127.19 ns [120.78 ns, 133.60 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.31% [1.55%, 3.07%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.561
Time spent benchmarking: 10.13 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 130.90 ns [124.45 ns, 137.36 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.30% [1.54%, 3.05%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.571
Time spent benchmarking: 10.32 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 8.03 μs [7.59 μs, 8.47 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.16% [0.53%, 1.80%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.639
Time spent benchmarking: 10.43 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 9.08 μs [8.59 μs, 9.58 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.17% [0.52%, 1.81%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6701
Number of evaluations: 1187901
R² of OLS model: 0.644
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 369.88 ns [353.33 ns, 386.43 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.93% [2.06%, 3.81%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10001
Number of evaluations: 27564001
R² of OLS model: 0.643
Time spent benchmarking: 10.16 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 169.85 ns [161.89 ns, 177.81 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.60% [1.79%, 3.40%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.603
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 166.70 ns [158.99 ns, 174.41 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.52% [1.73%, 3.30%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10901
Number of evaluations: 64991201
R² of OLS model: 0.607
Time spent benchmarking: 10.86 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.18 μs [12.56 μs, 13.80 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.77% [0.24%, 1.31%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.721
Time spent benchmarking: 10.64 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 14.36 μs [13.70 μs, 15.02 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.77% [0.23%, 1.31%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.732
Time spent benchmarking: 10.58 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 463.42 ns [438.12 ns, 488.72 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.40% [2.43%, 4.38%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.552
Time spent benchmarking: 10.62 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 236.35 ns [223.81 ns, 248.89 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.78% [1.92%, 3.64%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10501
Number of evaluations: 44390701
R² of OLS model: 0.549
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 205.98 ns [195.16 ns, 216.79 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.51% [1.70%, 3.33%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.552
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 23.16 μs [22.25 μs, 24.08 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.53% [0.06%, 0.99%]
Memory allocated: 2.28 kb
Number of allocations: 31 allocations
Number of samples: 5701
Number of evaluations: 458401
R² of OLS model: 0.802
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 26.59 μs [25.45 μs, 27.73 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.55% [0.06%, 1.03%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5501
Number of evaluations: 378901
R² of OLS model: 0.781
Time spent benchmarking: 10.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 544.33 ns [515.20 ns, 573.45 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.24% [3.15%, 5.33%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9601
Number of evaluations: 18827301
R² of OLS model: 0.567
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 336.62 ns [318.62 ns, 354.63 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.60% [2.61%, 4.59%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.555
Time spent benchmarking: 10.20 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 347.89 ns [330.45 ns, 365.33 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.25% [1.47%, 3.04%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.587
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 75.89 μs [73.33 μs, 78.46 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.25% [0.00%, 0.62%]
Memory allocated: 2.84 kb
Number of allocations: 49 allocations
Number of samples: 4401
Number of evaluations: 132701
R² of OLS model: 0.878
Time spent benchmarking: 10.01 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 95.66 μs [92.17 μs, 99.16 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.33% [0.00%, 0.78%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.865
Time spent benchmarking: 10.40 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.39 μs [1.30 μs, 1.48 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.45% [4.12%, 6.78%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8601
Number of evaluations: 7259801
R² of OLS model: 0.496
Time spent benchmarking: 10.11 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 943.95 ns [881.33 ns, 1.01 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.84% [2.74%, 4.94%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9001
Number of evaluations: 10628301
R² of OLS model: 0.476
Time spent benchmarking: 10.06 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.16 μs [1.10 μs, 1.23 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.14% [1.32%, 2.95%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8801
Number of evaluations: 8784001
R² of OLS model: 0.577
Time spent benchmarking: 10.52 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 278.66 μs [265.46 μs, 291.87 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.95 kb
Number of allocations: 116 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 371.24 μs [339.30 μs, 403.17 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 4.53 μs [4.23 μs, 4.82 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.98% [5.40%, 8.57%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7401
Number of evaluations: 2314101
R² of OLS model: 0.537
Time spent benchmarking: 10.45 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.14 μs [2.94 μs, 3.34 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.71% [3.44%, 5.99%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.534
Time spent benchmarking: 10.72 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 4.61 μs [4.37 μs, 4.85 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.18% [1.29%, 3.06%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7401
Number of evaluations: 2314101
R² of OLS model: 0.643
Time spent benchmarking: 10.69 s
Encoding: CP1252, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.48 ms [1.27 ms, 1.70 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 45.05 kb
Number of allocations: 502 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.15 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.91 ms [1.36 ms, 2.47 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.83% [0.00%, 5.83%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.20 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 20.85 μs [19.24 μs, 22.47 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.41% [7.36%, 11.46%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 5801
Number of evaluations: 504201
R² of OLS model: 0.508
Time spent benchmarking: 10.50 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 30.81 μs [29.09 μs, 32.52 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.99% [1.81%, 4.16%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5401
Number of evaluations: 344501
R² of OLS model: 0.682
Time spent benchmarking: 10.58 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 30.45 μs [28.93 μs, 31.98 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.95% [1.00%, 2.90%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5401
Number of evaluations: 344501
R² of OLS model: 0.727
Time spent benchmarking: 10.51 s
Encoding: CP850, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.90 μs [349.69 ns, 5.45 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.76% [1.10%, 2.42%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.006
Time spent benchmarking: 10.67 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.14 μs [3.01 μs, 3.27 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.13% [1.42%, 2.83%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.724
Time spent benchmarking: 10.63 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 225.24 ns [222.36 ns, 228.11 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.81% [1.29%, 2.33%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.954
Time spent benchmarking: 10.99 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 91.03 ns [89.80 ns, 92.26 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.62% [1.13%, 2.11%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11501
Number of evaluations: 115133501
R² of OLS model: 0.945
Time spent benchmarking: 10.44 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 90.86 ns [89.64 ns, 92.07 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.63% [1.14%, 2.13%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11501
Number of evaluations: 115133501
R² of OLS model: 0.946
Time spent benchmarking: 10.46 s
Encoding: CP850, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.20 μs [6.95 μs, 7.45 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.94% [0.45%, 1.43%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6901
Number of evaluations: 1437201
R² of OLS model: 0.809
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 8.51 μs [8.23 μs, 8.79 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.94% [0.44%, 1.45%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.833
Time spent benchmarking: 11.01 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 276.10 ns [272.03 ns, 280.16 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.91% [1.37%, 2.46%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.942
Time spent benchmarking: 10.07 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 123.06 ns [121.42 ns, 124.69 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.81% [1.30%, 2.33%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.948
Time spent benchmarking: 10.68 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 118.05 ns [116.35 ns, 119.75 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.73% [1.22%, 2.25%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.939
Time spent benchmarking: 10.18 s
Encoding: CP850, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 11.42 μs [11.03 μs, 11.81 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.70% [0.23%, 1.16%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6401
Number of evaluations: 892701
R² of OLS model: 0.829
Time spent benchmarking: 10.17 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.94 μs [13.47 μs, 14.40 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.66% [0.20%, 1.13%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.840
Time spent benchmarking: 10.26 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 379.48 ns [367.10 ns, 391.86 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.25% [2.39%, 4.11%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10001
Number of evaluations: 27564001
R² of OLS model: 0.772
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 190.68 ns [185.91 ns, 195.45 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.44% [1.74%, 3.15%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10701
Number of evaluations: 53712201
R² of OLS model: 0.843
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 179.75 ns [174.81 ns, 184.70 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.30% [1.60%, 2.99%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.815
Time spent benchmarking: 10.64 s
Encoding: CP850, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 21.39 μs [20.79 μs, 21.99 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.45% [0.06%, 0.84%]
Memory allocated: 2.28 kb
Number of allocations: 31 allocations
Number of samples: 5801
Number of evaluations: 504201
R² of OLS model: 0.887
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.87 μs [25.16 μs, 26.58 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.48% [0.06%, 0.89%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.896
Time spent benchmarking: 10.77 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 444.36 ns [431.42 ns, 457.30 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.79% [2.87%, 4.71%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.812
Time spent benchmarking: 10.16 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 325.17 ns [315.24 ns, 335.11 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.06% [2.24%, 3.89%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.791
Time spent benchmarking: 10.88 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 253.26 ns [245.67 ns, 260.85 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.34% [1.62%, 3.06%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.794
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
Encoding: CP850, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 77.43 μs [75.57 μs, 79.30 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.23% [0.00%, 0.55%]
Memory allocated: 2.84 kb
Number of allocations: 49 allocations
Number of samples: 4401
Number of evaluations: 132701
R² of OLS model: 0.934
Time spent benchmarking: 10.25 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 94.76 μs [92.39 μs, 97.12 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.26% [0.00%, 0.62%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.932
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.00 μs [970.06 ns, 1.04 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.67% [4.51%, 6.84%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9001
Number of evaluations: 10628301
R² of OLS model: 0.788
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 926.94 ns [895.68 ns, 958.20 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.18% [2.29%, 4.07%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9101
Number of evaluations: 11691001
R² of OLS model: 0.777
Time spent benchmarking: 10.88 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 733.59 ns [709.38 ns, 757.79 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.67% [1.85%, 3.48%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9301
Number of evaluations: 14145701
R² of OLS model: 0.781
Time spent benchmarking: 10.36 s
Encoding: CP850, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 334.91 μs [256.44 μs, 413.38 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 9.14 kb
Number of allocations: 122 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 390.76 μs [289.27 μs, 492.26 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.02 μs [2.94 μs, 3.10 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.54% [5.27%, 7.81%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.866
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.29 μs [3.19 μs, 3.39 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.16% [2.22%, 4.09%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.837
Time spent benchmarking: 10.12 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.58 μs [2.51 μs, 2.66 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.82% [1.95%, 3.70%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8001
Number of evaluations: 4098601
R² of OLS model: 0.835
Time spent benchmarking: 10.57 s
Encoding: CP850, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.58 ms [1.27 ms, 1.89 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.72% [0.00%, 5.05%]
Memory allocated: 77.84 kb
Number of allocations: 527 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.16 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.91 ms [1.67 ms, 2.15 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.20 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.28 μs [12.88 μs, 13.68 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.09% [7.47%, 10.70%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.864
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 31.87 μs [31.16 μs, 32.58 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.86% [1.08%, 2.65%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5401
Number of evaluations: 344501
R² of OLS model: 0.931
Time spent benchmarking: 10.96 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 24.08 μs [23.55 μs, 24.61 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.65% [0.91%, 2.38%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5701
Number of evaluations: 458401
R² of OLS model: 0.929
Time spent benchmarking: 10.94 s
Encoding: CP866, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.57 μs [3.39 μs, 3.76 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.19% [1.42%, 2.97%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.642
Time spent benchmarking: 10.85 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.57 μs [3.38 μs, 3.77 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.34% [1.53%, 3.14%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.609
Time spent benchmarking: 10.92 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 258.94 ns [250.33 ns, 267.54 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.78% [1.99%, 3.57%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.758
Time spent benchmarking: 10.79 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 103.64 ns [100.48 ns, 106.80 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.26% [1.57%, 2.95%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11301
Number of evaluations: 95152201
R² of OLS model: 0.774
Time spent benchmarking: 10.06 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 104.68 ns [101.42 ns, 107.93 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.27% [1.58%, 2.96%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11301
Number of evaluations: 95152201
R² of OLS model: 0.767
Time spent benchmarking: 10.08 s
Encoding: CP866, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.59 μs [7.29 μs, 7.90 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.04% [0.47%, 1.60%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.766
Time spent benchmarking: 10.02 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.93 μs [7.60 μs, 8.26 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.11% [0.52%, 1.69%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.756
Time spent benchmarking: 10.51 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 277.29 ns [270.93 ns, 283.65 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.79% [2.04%, 3.53%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.869
Time spent benchmarking: 10.35 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 126.58 ns [124.35 ns, 128.81 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.14% [1.53%, 2.74%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.913
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 116.63 ns [114.38 ns, 118.88 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.17% [1.55%, 2.79%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.896
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
Encoding: CP866, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 12.03 μs [11.64 μs, 12.42 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.71% [0.24%, 1.19%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6401
Number of evaluations: 892701
R² of OLS model: 0.843
Time spent benchmarking: 10.86 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 12.75 μs [12.32 μs, 13.17 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.74% [0.25%, 1.23%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.834
Time spent benchmarking: 10.47 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 359.81 ns [346.74 ns, 372.88 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.45% [2.54%, 4.36%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10001
Number of evaluations: 27564001
R² of OLS model: 0.732
Time spent benchmarking: 10.07 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 200.04 ns [194.04 ns, 206.04 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.62% [1.87%, 3.37%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10701
Number of evaluations: 53712201
R² of OLS model: 0.789
Time spent benchmarking: 10.88 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 168.83 ns [163.74 ns, 173.91 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.42% [1.69%, 3.14%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.786
Time spent benchmarking: 10.15 s
Encoding: CP866, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 21.02 μs [20.45 μs, 21.59 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.47% [0.06%, 0.87%]
Memory allocated: 2.28 kb
Number of allocations: 31 allocations
Number of samples: 5801
Number of evaluations: 504201
R² of OLS model: 0.895
Time spent benchmarking: 10.74 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 23.37 μs [22.73 μs, 24.02 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.53% [0.09%, 0.97%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5701
Number of evaluations: 458401
R² of OLS model: 0.892
Time spent benchmarking: 10.86 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 440.92 ns [424.67 ns, 457.16 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.23% [3.23%, 5.23%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.730
Time spent benchmarking: 10.30 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 321.15 ns [310.38 ns, 331.92 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.25% [2.39%, 4.12%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.758
Time spent benchmarking: 10.89 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 246.77 ns [238.36 ns, 255.18 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.50% [1.74%, 3.26%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.749
Time spent benchmarking: 10.13 s
Encoding: CP866, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 73.36 μs [71.88 μs, 74.84 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.23% [0.00%, 0.57%]
Memory allocated: 2.84 kb
Number of allocations: 49 allocations
Number of samples: 4501
Number of evaluations: 146001
R² of OLS model: 0.951
Time spent benchmarking: 10.89 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 85.12 μs [83.28 μs, 86.96 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.30% [0.00%, 0.69%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4301
Number of evaluations: 120601
R² of OLS model: 0.947
Time spent benchmarking: 10.42 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 985.17 ns [947.77 ns, 1.02 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.11% [4.87%, 7.35%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9001
Number of evaluations: 10628301
R² of OLS model: 0.735
Time spent benchmarking: 10.81 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 885.80 ns [852.86 ns, 918.73 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.32% [2.39%, 4.24%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9101
Number of evaluations: 11691001
R² of OLS model: 0.741
Time spent benchmarking: 10.55 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 690.19 ns [666.42 ns, 713.97 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.93% [2.08%, 3.79%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9401
Number of evaluations: 15560101
R² of OLS model: 0.763
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
Encoding: CP866, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 300.91 μs [298.10 μs, 303.71 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 9.33 kb
Number of allocations: 128 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 349.46 μs [346.93 μs, 352.00 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.30 μs [3.19 μs, 3.42 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.95% [5.56%, 8.34%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.795
Time spent benchmarking: 10.06 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.44 μs [3.32 μs, 3.56 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.41% [2.41%, 4.40%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.786
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.63 μs [2.54 μs, 2.73 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.05% [2.11%, 3.98%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8001
Number of evaluations: 4098601
R² of OLS model: 0.785
Time spent benchmarking: 10.77 s
Encoding: CP866, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.62 ms [1.47 ms, 1.77 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 78.59 kb
Number of allocations: 551 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.17 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.94 ms [1.51 ms, 2.38 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.76% [0.00%, 5.35%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.20 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 14.74 μs [14.18 μs, 15.31 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 9.70% [7.93%, 11.47%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.796
Time spent benchmarking: 10.97 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 37.65 μs [36.55 μs, 38.75 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.92% [1.05%, 2.79%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5201
Number of evaluations: 284701
R² of OLS model: 0.891
Time spent benchmarking: 10.65 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 24.45 μs [23.73 μs, 25.18 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.84% [1.01%, 2.67%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.879
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.39 μs [3.19 μs, 3.60 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.37% [1.53%, 3.20%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.556
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.74 μs [3.51 μs, 3.97 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.32% [1.48%, 3.15%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.555
Time spent benchmarking: 10.35 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 307.17 ns [294.53 ns, 319.80 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.62% [1.81%, 3.44%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.676
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 118.22 ns [113.80 ns, 122.63 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.28% [1.56%, 3.00%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.697
Time spent benchmarking: 10.24 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 118.58 ns [114.15 ns, 123.02 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.27% [1.55%, 2.99%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.697
Time spent benchmarking: 10.28 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.85 μs [7.46 μs, 8.24 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.12% [0.51%, 1.73%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.679
Time spent benchmarking: 10.21 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 9.52 μs [9.03 μs, 10.00 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.04% [0.44%, 1.64%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6601
Number of evaluations: 1080001
R² of OLS model: 0.677
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 329.70 ns [319.85 ns, 339.55 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.93% [2.13%, 3.74%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.798
Time spent benchmarking: 10.97 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 151.77 ns [148.03 ns, 155.51 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.37% [1.68%, 3.05%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11001
Number of evaluations: 71490001
R² of OLS model: 0.844
Time spent benchmarking: 10.65 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 142.42 ns [138.68 ns, 146.16 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.15% [1.49%, 2.81%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11001
Number of evaluations: 71490001
R² of OLS model: 0.826
Time spent benchmarking: 10.09 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 11.87 μs [11.34 μs, 12.41 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.80% [0.27%, 1.33%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6401
Number of evaluations: 892701
R² of OLS model: 0.735
Time spent benchmarking: 10.49 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 15.08 μs [14.48 μs, 15.68 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.74% [0.22%, 1.25%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.787
Time spent benchmarking: 10.94 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 396.93 ns [379.21 ns, 414.65 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.41% [2.47%, 4.34%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9901
Number of evaluations: 25058401
R² of OLS model: 0.646
Time spent benchmarking: 10.18 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 194.98 ns [187.30 ns, 202.66 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.94% [2.11%, 3.77%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10701
Number of evaluations: 53712201
R² of OLS model: 0.684
Time spent benchmarking: 10.69 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 179.89 ns [173.49 ns, 186.30 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.59% [1.82%, 3.36%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10801
Number of evaluations: 59083201
R² of OLS model: 0.724
Time spent benchmarking: 10.81 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 20.46 μs [19.74 μs, 21.19 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.48% [0.05%, 0.91%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 5801
Number of evaluations: 504201
R² of OLS model: 0.830
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.12 μs [24.23 μs, 26.01 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.55% [0.08%, 1.01%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.835
Time spent benchmarking: 10.78 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 457.75 ns [439.07 ns, 476.43 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.46% [3.41%, 5.51%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.688
Time spent benchmarking: 10.74 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 331.04 ns [316.71 ns, 345.36 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.31% [2.39%, 4.22%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.655
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 261.59 ns [251.36 ns, 271.83 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.63% [1.83%, 3.42%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10401
Number of evaluations: 40355401
R² of OLS model: 0.693
Time spent benchmarking: 10.71 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 67.09 μs [65.52 μs, 68.66 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.25% [0.00%, 0.60%]
Memory allocated: 2.66 kb
Number of allocations: 43 allocations
Number of samples: 4601
Number of evaluations: 160601
R² of OLS model: 0.934
Time spent benchmarking: 10.87 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 107.00 μs [103.95 μs, 110.05 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.25% [0.00%, 0.61%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4201
Number of evaluations: 109601
R² of OLS model: 0.913
Time spent benchmarking: 10.79 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.11 μs [1.06 μs, 1.16 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 6.13% [4.83%, 7.43%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8901
Number of evaluations: 9662201
R² of OLS model: 0.664
Time spent benchmarking: 10.95 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 934.11 ns [888.82 ns, 979.39 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.39% [2.41%, 4.38%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9001
Number of evaluations: 10628301
R² of OLS model: 0.630
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 731.60 ns [699.98 ns, 763.23 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.98% [2.08%, 3.88%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9301
Number of evaluations: 14145701
R² of OLS model: 0.674
Time spent benchmarking: 10.49 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 267.36 μs [256.85 μs, 277.86 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.77 kb
Number of allocations: 110 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 372.76 μs [341.84 μs, 403.67 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.35 μs [3.21 μs, 3.48 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 7.47% [5.99%, 8.95%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.740
Time spent benchmarking: 10.43 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.12 μs [2.99 μs, 3.25 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.96% [2.87%, 5.05%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7801
Number of evaluations: 3387501
R² of OLS model: 0.726
Time spent benchmarking: 10.79 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.48 μs [2.38 μs, 2.58 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.31% [2.30%, 4.32%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8001
Number of evaluations: 4098601
R² of OLS model: 0.722
Time spent benchmarking: 10.27 s
Encoding: CP1255, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.41 ms [1.03 ms, 1.80 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.81% [0.00%, 5.69%]
Memory allocated: 44.48 kb
Number of allocations: 484 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.15 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.74 ms [1.60 ms, 1.88 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.18 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 15.51 μs [14.76 μs, 16.27 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 10.15% [8.23%, 12.06%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6101
Number of evaluations: 670901
R² of OLS model: 0.715
Time spent benchmarking: 10.49 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 26.89 μs [25.85 μs, 27.93 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.77% [1.72%, 3.82%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5501
Number of evaluations: 378901
R² of OLS model: 0.814
Time spent benchmarking: 10.29 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 19.82 μs [19.09 μs, 20.55 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.39% [1.42%, 3.35%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5801
Number of evaluations: 504201
R² of OLS model: 0.821
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.32 μs [3.11 μs, 3.53 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.44% [1.58%, 3.29%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.548
Time spent benchmarking: 10.23 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.47 μs [3.25 μs, 3.68 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.57% [1.69%, 3.45%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7701
Number of evaluations: 3079701
R² of OLS model: 0.541
Time spent benchmarking: 10.77 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 293.73 ns [281.42 ns, 306.04 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.84% [2.00%, 3.69%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.666
Time spent benchmarking: 10.90 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 112.74 ns [108.39 ns, 117.08 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.50% [1.75%, 3.25%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11301
Number of evaluations: 95152201
R² of OLS model: 0.682
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 114.35 ns [109.76 ns, 118.93 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.33% [1.59%, 3.06%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.666
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 6.84 μs [6.49 μs, 7.20 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.24% [0.60%, 1.88%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6901
Number of evaluations: 1437201
R² of OLS model: 0.657
Time spent benchmarking: 10.08 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 8.19 μs [7.79 μs, 8.58 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.21% [0.57%, 1.84%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.694
Time spent benchmarking: 10.83 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 323.31 ns [312.25 ns, 334.37 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.13% [2.28%, 3.98%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.751
Time spent benchmarking: 10.91 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 138.83 ns [134.57 ns, 143.09 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.59% [1.85%, 3.34%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11001
Number of evaluations: 71490001
R² of OLS model: 0.777
Time spent benchmarking: 10.04 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 128.59 ns [124.70 ns, 132.48 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.50% [1.77%, 3.22%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11101
Number of evaluations: 78638701
R² of OLS model: 0.780
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 10.72 μs [10.26 μs, 11.19 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.87% [0.32%, 1.42%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6501
Number of evaluations: 981901
R² of OLS model: 0.747
Time spent benchmarking: 10.73 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.36 μs [12.81 μs, 13.90 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.82% [0.28%, 1.36%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.776
Time spent benchmarking: 10.98 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 404.66 ns [385.74 ns, 423.58 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.53% [2.56%, 4.49%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9901
Number of evaluations: 25058401
R² of OLS model: 0.625
Time spent benchmarking: 10.28 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 211.51 ns [202.29 ns, 220.73 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.82% [1.98%, 3.65%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.641
Time spent benchmarking: 10.46 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 186.71 ns [178.79 ns, 194.62 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.55% [1.76%, 3.34%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10701
Number of evaluations: 53712201
R² of OLS model: 0.652
Time spent benchmarking: 10.20 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 18.01 μs [17.36 μs, 18.66 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.54% [0.09%, 1.00%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 5901
Number of evaluations: 554601
R² of OLS model: 0.824
Time spent benchmarking: 10.09 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 24.52 μs [23.62 μs, 25.41 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.57% [0.09%, 1.05%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.828
Time spent benchmarking: 10.35 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 513.88 ns [486.33 ns, 541.42 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.14% [3.07%, 5.21%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9601
Number of evaluations: 18827301
R² of OLS model: 0.566
Time spent benchmarking: 10.08 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 347.44 ns [330.68 ns, 364.20 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.46% [2.50%, 4.41%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10101
Number of evaluations: 30320201
R² of OLS model: 0.605
Time spent benchmarking: 10.70 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 270.75 ns [258.04 ns, 283.46 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.58% [1.76%, 3.40%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.613
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 67.97 μs [66.23 μs, 69.72 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.25% [0.00%, 0.60%]
Memory allocated: 2.66 kb
Number of allocations: 43 allocations
Number of samples: 4601
Number of evaluations: 160601
R² of OLS model: 0.922
Time spent benchmarking: 10.99 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 88.08 μs [85.65 μs, 90.52 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.33% [0.00%, 0.76%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4301
Number of evaluations: 120601
R² of OLS model: 0.916
Time spent benchmarking: 10.80 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.19 μs [1.13 μs, 1.26 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.94% [4.62%, 7.26%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8801
Number of evaluations: 8784001
R² of OLS model: 0.598
Time spent benchmarking: 10.72 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 967.91 ns [918.59 ns, 1.02 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.45% [2.45%, 4.45%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9001
Number of evaluations: 10628301
R² of OLS model: 0.606
Time spent benchmarking: 10.46 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 752.85 ns [717.54 ns, 788.16 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.08% [2.16%, 4.01%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9301
Number of evaluations: 14145701
R² of OLS model: 0.638
Time spent benchmarking: 10.83 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 273.89 μs [266.07 μs, 281.71 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 8.95 kb
Number of allocations: 116 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 367.32 μs [320.16 μs, 414.48 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.76 μs [3.58 μs, 3.95 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 7.51% [5.96%, 9.06%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.664
Time spent benchmarking: 10.64 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.54 μs [3.36 μs, 3.72 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.74% [2.61%, 4.86%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.642
Time spent benchmarking: 10.03 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.70 μs [2.57 μs, 2.83 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.23% [2.21%, 4.26%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.654
Time spent benchmarking: 10.19 s
Encoding: CP1256, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.42 ms [1.31 ms, 1.54 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 45.42 kb
Number of allocations: 514 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.15 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.83 ms [1.35 ms, 2.30 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.81% [0.00%, 5.66%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.19 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 17.46 μs [16.43 μs, 18.50 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 10.16% [8.15%, 12.17%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 6001
Number of evaluations: 610001
R² of OLS model: 0.631
Time spent benchmarking: 10.82 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 31.32 μs [29.97 μs, 32.67 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.75% [1.66%, 3.84%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5401
Number of evaluations: 344501
R² of OLS model: 0.782
Time spent benchmarking: 10.91 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 24.65 μs [23.64 μs, 25.66 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.15% [1.20%, 3.11%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.792
Time spent benchmarking: 10.41 s
Encoding: CP862, len=1
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 4.05 μs [3.77 μs, 4.34 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.18% [1.34%, 3.02%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 7501
Number of evaluations: 2545401
R² of OLS model: 0.491
Time spent benchmarking: 10.16 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.64 μs [3.37 μs, 3.90 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.48% [1.59%, 3.37%]
Memory allocated: 2.19 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 7601
Number of evaluations: 2799801
R² of OLS model: 0.463
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 311.60 ns [295.85 ns, 327.36 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.78% [1.92%, 3.64%]
Memory allocated: 256.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10201
Number of evaluations: 33352001
R² of OLS model: 0.580
Time spent benchmarking: 10.56 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 116.88 ns [111.29 ns, 122.48 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.46% [1.69%, 3.24%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.584
Time spent benchmarking: 10.32 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 119.75 ns [114.17 ns, 125.34 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.44% [1.68%, 3.21%]
Memory allocated: 96.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11201
Number of evaluations: 86502301
R² of OLS model: 0.596
Time spent benchmarking: 10.54 s
Encoding: CP862, len=16
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 7.58 μs [7.14 μs, 8.03 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.19% [0.54%, 1.84%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6801
Number of evaluations: 1306601
R² of OLS model: 0.602
Time spent benchmarking: 10.17 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 8.77 μs [8.27 μs, 9.27 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 1.20% [0.54%, 1.86%]
Memory allocated: 2.25 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6701
Number of evaluations: 1187901
R² of OLS model: 0.623
Time spent benchmarking: 10.39 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 345.06 ns [328.40 ns, 361.72 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.95% [2.07%, 3.83%]
Memory allocated: 336.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 10001
Number of evaluations: 27564001
R² of OLS model: 0.607
Time spent benchmarking: 10.03 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 151.68 ns [146.36 ns, 157.00 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.74% [1.96%, 3.53%]
Memory allocated: 144.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11001
Number of evaluations: 71490001
R² of OLS model: 0.727
Time spent benchmarking: 10.93 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 139.56 ns [134.31 ns, 144.82 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.52% [1.76%, 3.28%]
Memory allocated: 128.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 11001
Number of evaluations: 71490001
R² of OLS model: 0.698
Time spent benchmarking: 10.11 s
Encoding: CP862, len=32
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 12.42 μs [11.82 μs, 13.01 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.81% [0.25%, 1.36%]
Memory allocated: 2.09 kb
Number of allocations: 25 allocations
Number of samples: 6301
Number of evaluations: 811601
R² of OLS model: 0.712
Time spent benchmarking: 10.23 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 13.44 μs [12.81 μs, 14.07 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.78% [0.23%, 1.32%]
Memory allocated: 2.31 kb
Number of allocations: 28 allocations
Number of samples: 6201
Number of evaluations: 737901
R² of OLS model: 0.723
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 435.66 ns [411.19 ns, 460.13 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.44% [2.46%, 4.43%]
Memory allocated: 432.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9801
Number of evaluations: 22780601
R² of OLS model: 0.538
Time spent benchmarking: 10.09 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 237.27 ns [225.09 ns, 249.45 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.73% [1.89%, 3.58%]
Memory allocated: 192.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10501
Number of evaluations: 44390701
R² of OLS model: 0.565
Time spent benchmarking: 10.72 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 204.63 ns [194.33 ns, 214.92 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.49% [1.68%, 3.29%]
Memory allocated: 160.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10601
Number of evaluations: 48829501
R² of OLS model: 0.573
Time spent benchmarking: 10.16 s
Encoding: CP862, len=64
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 22.10 μs [21.23 μs, 22.98 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.52% [0.06%, 0.99%]
Memory allocated: 2.28 kb
Number of allocations: 31 allocations
Number of samples: 5701
Number of evaluations: 458401
R² of OLS model: 0.801
Time spent benchmarking: 10.22 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.00 μs [24.01 μs, 25.99 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.57% [0.08%, 1.07%]
Memory allocated: 2.69 kb
Number of allocations: 34 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.804
Time spent benchmarking: 10.53 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 576.43 ns [540.84 ns, 612.03 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 4.04% [2.95%, 5.13%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 9501
Number of evaluations: 17115901
R² of OLS model: 0.498
Time spent benchmarking: 10.10 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 395.47 ns [373.68 ns, 417.25 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.04% [2.12%, 3.96%]
Memory allocated: 352.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9901
Number of evaluations: 25058401
R² of OLS model: 0.545
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 294.56 ns [279.91 ns, 309.22 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.65% [1.81%, 3.48%]
Memory allocated: 224.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 10301
Number of evaluations: 36687001
R² of OLS model: 0.585
Time spent benchmarking: 10.96 s
Encoding: CP862, len=256
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 80.24 μs [77.95 μs, 82.54 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.25% [0.00%, 0.62%]
Memory allocated: 2.84 kb
Number of allocations: 49 allocations
Number of samples: 4401
Number of evaluations: 132701
R² of OLS model: 0.909
Time spent benchmarking: 10.75 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 88.38 μs [85.56 μs, 91.21 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.35% [0.00%, 0.80%]
Memory allocated: 4.17 kb
Number of allocations: 58 allocations
Number of samples: 4301
Number of evaluations: 120601
R² of OLS model: 0.891
Time spent benchmarking: 10.84 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.31 μs [1.23 μs, 1.39 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 5.83% [4.48%, 7.18%]
Memory allocated: 1.77 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 8701
Number of evaluations: 7985601
R² of OLS model: 0.512
Time spent benchmarking: 10.77 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.09 μs [1.03 μs, 1.15 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.33% [2.32%, 4.34%]
Memory allocated: 912.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 8901
Number of evaluations: 9662201
R² of OLS model: 0.552
Time spent benchmarking: 10.71 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 806.88 ns [762.59 ns, 851.17 ns]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.00% [2.06%, 3.94%]
Memory allocated: 640.00 bytes
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 9201
Number of evaluations: 12859901
R² of OLS model: 0.565
Time spent benchmarking: 10.54 s
Encoding: CP862, len=1024
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 310.31 μs [307.32 μs, 313.30 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 9.33 kb
Number of allocations: 128 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.03 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 388.17 μs [304.87 μs, 471.47 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 14.00 kb
Number of allocations: 149 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.04 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 4.22 μs [3.97 μs, 4.47 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 7.32% [5.73%, 8.90%]
Memory allocated: 6.27 kb
Number of allocations: 4 allocations
Number of samples: 7501
Number of evaluations: 2545401
R² of OLS model: 0.578
Time spent benchmarking: 10.78 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 3.91 μs [3.67 μs, 4.14 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.55% [2.43%, 4.66%]
Memory allocated: 3.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7501
Number of evaluations: 2545401
R² of OLS model: 0.565
Time spent benchmarking: 10.05 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 2.89 μs [2.73 μs, 3.05 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 3.35% [2.28%, 4.41%]
Memory allocated: 2.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 7901
Number of evaluations: 3726101
R² of OLS model: 0.601
Time spent benchmarking: 10.85 s
Encoding: CP862, len=5120
iconv.jl -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.61 ms [1.45 ms, 1.76 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.00% [0.00%, 0.00%]
Memory allocated: 78.97 kb
Number of allocations: 563 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.17 s
iconv.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 1.86 ms [1.33 ms, 2.38 ms]
Proportion of time in GC: 0.82% [0.00%, 5.75%]
Memory allocated: 101.52 kb
Number of allocations: 644 allocations
Number of samples: 100
Number of evaluations: 100
Time spent benchmarking: 0.19 s
ICU.jl -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 18.97 μs [17.64 μs, 20.31 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 10.01% [7.94%, 12.09%]
Memory allocated: 30.25 kb
Number of allocations: 5 allocations
Number of samples: 5901
Number of evaluations: 554601
R² of OLS model: 0.551
Time spent benchmarking: 10.65 s
my converter -> UTF-8
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 40.63 μs [38.56 μs, 42.71 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.32% [1.26%, 3.37%]
Memory allocated: 15.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5101
Number of evaluations: 258801
R² of OLS model: 0.730
Time spent benchmarking: 10.59 s
my converter -> UTF-16
================ Benchmark Results ========================
Time per evaluation: 25.95 μs [24.68 μs, 27.22 μs]
Proportion of time in GC: 2.27% [1.27%, 3.27%]
Memory allocated: 10.11 kb
Number of allocations: 2 allocations
Number of samples: 5601
Number of evaluations: 416801
R² of OLS model: 0.729
Time spent benchmarking: 10.83 s
# times faster for UTF-8 output
julia> 1860/40.63
# times faster for UTF-16 output
julia> 1897/25.95
using Benchmarks
using ICU
# Benchmark different conversion code
# Start with ASCII strings of various lengths
function decode16(a::Vector{UInt8}, enc)
b = IOBuffer(a)
v = reinterpret(UInt16,readbytes(StringDecoder(b, enc, "UTF-16LE")))
push!(v, 0)
function randchar{T<:Encoding}(enc::T)
byt = rand(UInt8)
if enc.begtable <= byt <= enc.endtable
ch = enc.table[byt - enc.begtable + 1]
if (ch >> 8) == 0x0dc
byt = 0x3f # '?'
for enc in ("ISO-8859-6","ISO-8859-8","KOI8-R",
# Get a table for the encoding
local tab::Encoding{ByteToUnicode}
tab = Encoding{ByteToUnicode}(enc)
catch exc
str = [randchar(tab) for i=1:5120]
for i in (1, 16, 32, 64, 256, 1024, 5120)
s = str[1:i]
println("\fEncoding: $enc, len=$i")
println("iconv.jl -> UTF-8")
println(@benchmark(decode(s, enc)))
println("iconv.jl -> UTF-16")
println(@benchmark(decode16(s, enc)))
catch exc
println("ICU.jl -> UTF-16")
icu = ucnv_open(enc)
println(@benchmark(ucnv_toUChars(icu, s)))
catch exc
println("my converter -> UTF-8")
println(@benchmark(mydecode(UTF8String, s, tab)))
catch exc
println("my converter -> UTF-16")
println(@benchmark(mydecode(UTF16String, s, tab)))
catch exc
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