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Last active April 29, 2019 02:53
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import xarray
import numpy
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
in_path = '/g/data/w35/saw562/'
out_path = '/g/data/w35/saw562/'
min_lat = -35.5
max_lat = 0.5
min_lon = 18.5
max_lon = 130.5
# Chunks are found from the file using `ncdump -hs`:
# RHO:_ChunkSizes = 1, 30, 192, 160 ;
ds = xarray.open_dataset(in_path, chunks={'time': 1, 'z_t': 30, 'nlat': 192, 'nlon': 160})
# Lat and Lon are 2d - create a mask of the area we're interested in, then get the array indexes from that mask
lat_mask = numpy.logical_and(min_lat < ds.TLAT, ds.TLAT < max_lat)
lon_mask = numpy.logical_and(min_lon < ds.TLONG, ds.TLONG < max_lon)
lat_indices, lon_indices = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(lat_mask, lon_mask))
# Use the min and max of the mask indices to select the region of interest
ds = ds.isel(nlat = slice(lat_indices.min(), lat_indices.max()),
nlon = slice(lon_indices.min(), lon_indices.max()))
# Save the variables of interest, using compression
with ProgressBar():
encoding={'RHO': {
'zlib': True, 'shuffle': True, 'complevel': 4,
'chunksizes': (1, 30, ds.RHO.shape[2], ds.RHO.shape[3])
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