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Last active May 7, 2021 06:47
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Search ESGF for model runs that contain multiple variables

$ python --source_id TaiESM1 --experiment_id ssp126 --variable tas mrro pr evspsbl --frequency mon
mip_era activity_id institution_id source_id experiment_id member_id table_id grid_label version
CMIP6   ScenarioMIP AS-RCEC        TaiESM1   ssp126        r1i1p1f1  Amon     gn         20201124     evspsbl
                                                                                         20201124          pr
                                                                                         20201124         tas
                                                                     Lmon     gn         20201124        mrro

The output is trimmed by default, to get the full list use a pipe, e.g.

$ python --experiment_id ssp245 ssp585 ssp460 ssp126 \
    --variable tas mrro pr evspsbl --frequency mon | less

Or save the results to CSV with --output

$ python --experiment_id ssp245 ssp585 ssp460 ssp126 \
    --variable tas mrro pr evspsbl --frequency mon --output results.csv
import requests
import typing as T
import pandas
import argparse
import logging
import sys
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def esgf_api(limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0, facets: T.List[str] = None, fields: T.List[str] = None, replica=False, **kwargs):
Perform a single ESGF API query
params = {**kwargs, **{
'format': 'application/solr+json',
'limit': limit,
'offset': offset,
'replica': replica,
if facets is not None:
params['facets'] = ','.join(facets)
if fields is not None:
params['fields'] = ','.join(fields)
r = requests.get('', params)
log.debug('GET %s',r.url)
return r.json()
def esgf_api_results_iter(**kwargs):
Return a stream of results from a ESGF API query, automatically handling pagination
limit = 1000
offset = 0
while True:
log.debug("Results %d - %d", offset, offset+limit)
r = esgf_api(limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs)
for d in r['response']['docs']:
yield {k: v[0] if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in d.items() if k != 'score'}
offset += limit
if offset > r['response']['numFound']:
def cmip6_match_all_variables(variable_id: T.List[str], fields: T.List[str] = [], **facets):
Return results where there are matches for all the given variables in a run
facets: See :func:`esgf_api` for details on specifying facets
Pandas dataframe
# Group by frequency, in case someone needs variables from multiple realms, but output using the normal esgf id columns
group_columns = ['mip_era','activity_id','institution_id','source_id','experiment_id','member_id','frequency','grid_label','version']
index_columns = ['mip_era','activity_id','institution_id','source_id','experiment_id','member_id','table_id','grid_label','version']
# List of columns to return from ESGF
fields = set(group_columns + index_columns + fields + ['variable_id', 'instance_id'] + list(facets.keys()))
# Iterator of results
r = esgf_api_results_iter(fields=list(fields), variable_id=variable_id, **facets)
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(r)
# Filter returns True if a group passes the test
target_values = set(variable_id)
def filter_match_all(df):
actual_values = set(df['variable_id'].unique())
if target_values != actual_values:
log.debug('Mismatch %s: %s [%s]', 'variable_id', actual_values, df['instance_id'].values[0])
return False
return True
# Apply the filter and reformat to a multiindex
df_filtered = df.groupby(group_columns).filter(filter_match_all).sort_values(index_columns + ['variable_id']).set_index(index_columns)
return df_filtered
def cmip6_facet_argparse(parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group('search facets', description="ESGF Search Facets, as in the web search. Note substrings will match, e.g. '--var' instead of '--variable_id'")
group.add_argument('--activity_id', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--source_id', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--institution_id', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--experiment_id', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--member_id', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--grid_label', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--table_id', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--frequency', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--realm', nargs='+')
group.add_argument('--variable_id', nargs='+', required=True)
return parser
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Search ESGF for CMIP6 results that have all the given variables. Output on the terminal is abridged, to see the full list pipe the output to less")
parser = cmip6_facet_argparse(parser)
parser.add_argument('--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='save output to this file in CSV format')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='print debug info')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
output = args.pop('output')
debug = args.pop('debug')
if debug:
# Call the matcher
df = cmip6_match_all_variables(**args)
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
pandas.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
# Print just the variable_ids, the full output is in the CSV
if output is not None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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