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Last active January 15, 2018 16:50
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Some programs that implement algorithms wich approximate the pi value.
// Coded by ScratchyCode
This program approximates the value of Pi with a rapid decimal expansion thanks to a summation,
that converges to the pi value very quickly, called Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe, discovered in 1995.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
long double BBPpigreco(long long int i);
int main(){
long long int i;
double sum=0;
printf("\nEnter the number N of iterations (N > 0) to approximate Pi with the BBP summation: ");
}while(i <= 0);
sum = BBPpigreco(i);
printf("\nThe calculated Pi value is:\n%.48lf\n",sum);
return 0;
long double BBPpigreco(long long int i){
long double k, sum=0;
for(k=0; k<i; k++){
sum = sum + ((4/(8*k+1))-(2/(8*k+4))-(1/(8*k+5))-(1/(8*k+6)))*(1/(pow(16,k)));
return sum;
*** Buffon's needle simulations ***
Needle len: 5
Lines distance: 8
Launches: 50
Mean valure: 3.232631
Minimum valure: 1.953125
Maximum valure: 8.928571
Launches: 100
Mean valure: 3.196333
Minimum valure: 2.155172
Maximum valure: 6.250000
Launches: 1000
Mean valure: 3.149384
Minimum valure: 2.821670
Maximum valure: 3.521127
Launches: 10000
Mean valure: 3.141393
Minimum valure: 3.027367
Maximum valure: 3.260303
Launches: 100000
Mean valure: 3.141506
Minimum valure: 3.102353
Maximum valure: 3.187718
Launches: 1000000
Mean valure: 3.141689
Minimum valure: 3.126086
Maximum valure: 3.152426
Launches: 10000000
Mean valure: 3.141605
Minimum valure: 3.137224
Maximum valure: 3.145644
Launches: 100000000
Mean valure: 3.141583
Minimum valure: 3.140220
Maximum valure: 3.142722
// Coded by ScratchyCode
// Approximate pi value with Buffon's needle
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX_THETA (M_PI/2)
#define SIMULATIONS 1000
double input1();
int input2();
double realRand(double min, double max);
double minimum(double array[], int dim);
double maximum(double array[], int dim);
void statistics(double array[], int len, double *mean, double *min, double *max);
int main(){
double L, d, theta, x, pi;
int N, S, i, j;
printf("Enter the length 'L' of Buffon's needle (0cm < L): ");
L = input1();
printf("Enter the distance 'd' between the parallel lines (0cm < d): ");
d = input1();
if(L > d){
printf("\nThe needle length must be less than the distance between lines.\nTry again: \n");
}while(L > d);
printf("Enter the number of launches to be simulated: ");
N = input2();
double *array = calloc(SIMULATIONS,sizeof(double));
for(i=0; i<SIMULATIONS; i++){
S = 0;
for(j=0; j<N; j++){
theta = realRand(0,MAX_THETA);
x = realRand(0,d/2);
if(x < ((L/2) * sin(theta))){
pi = (2*L*N) / (S*d);
array[i] = pi;
FILE *write = fopen("pi.dat","w");
if(write == NULL){
for(i=0; i<SIMULATIONS; i++){
double mean, min, max;
printf("\nMean value:\t%lf",mean);
printf("\nMinimum value:\t%lf",min);
printf("\nMaximum value:\t%lf\n",max);
return 0;
double input1(){
double value;
if(value <= 0){
printf("\nThe value must be greater than 0!\nTry again: ");
}while(value <= 0);
return value;
int input2(){
int value;
if(value <= 0){
printf("\nThe number of launches must be greater than 0!\nTry again: ");
}while(value <= 0);
return value;
double realRand(double min, double max){
if(min >= max){
printf("\nErrore: maximum value less than or equal to the minimum value entered!\n");
double range = max - min;
double denom = RAND_MAX / range;
return min + lrand48() / denom;
double average(double array[], int len){
int i;
double sum=0;
for(i=0; i<len; i++){
sum += array[i];
sum /= len;
return sum;
double maximum(double array[], int dim){
int i;
double max=-1E20;
for(i=0; i<dim; i++){
if(max < array[i]){
max = array[i];
return max;
double minimum(double array[], int dim){
int i;
double min=1E20;
for(i=0; i<dim; i++){
if(min > array[i]){
min = array[i];
return min;
void statistics(double array[], int len, double *mean, double *min, double *max){
*mean = average(array,len);
*min = minimum(array,len);
*max = maximum(array,len);
return ;
// Coded by ScratchyCode
// The program approximates the decimal digits of pi through a infinite products that uses primes numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
long long int control(register long long int num);
int main(){
long long int i=2, j=0, num=3, lim;
double prod=1, pi;
printf("Enter the number of primes to use: ");
if(lim <= 0){
printf("\nThe number of primes must be greater than zero.\n");
}while(lim <= 0);
long long int *primes = malloc(lim * sizeof(long long int));
if(primes == NULL){
perror("\nError: ");
primes[0] = 1;
primes[1] = 2;
// look for required primes number
while(j != lim){
if(num%2 != 0){ // exclusion of parity
primes[i] = num;
i++; // array index
j++; // number of primes found
num++; // number to test
// show the primes found
printf("\nNumeri primes usati:\n");
for(i=0; i<j; i++){
printf("%lld ",primes[i]);
for(i=1; i<j; i++){
prod = prod * (1 - (1/(pow((double)primes[i],(double)2))));
// calculation of pi
pi = sqrt(6/prod);
printf("\nApproximated pi value with %lld primes numbers:\n%0.30lf\n",j,pi);
primes = NULL;
return 0;
long long int control(long long int num){
long long int i;
long long int tmp;
tmp = (int)sqrt(num);
for(i=2; i<=tmp; i++)
if(i%2 != 0 && num%i == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
// Coded by ScratchyCode
// Simple program that, given an input number, iterates the Wallis formula to approximate pi.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(){
int choice=0;
double n, i, num, denom;
double result=1;
printf("\nEnter a positive natural number to approximate pi: ");
}while(n <= 0);
num = 0;
denom = 0;
result = 1;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
num = (4*pow(i,2));
denom = ((4*pow(i,2))-1);
result = result*(num/denom);
result = result * 2;
printf("The approximate pi value is: %0.30lf\n",result);
return 0;
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